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UNIT ONE 1 day,12 years ago, Joe Royds took a pony called Jupiter along to a 2 center for mentally handicapped children and, with his wife, Felicity, started to give the children rides. He thought that severely handicapped children 3 riding horses.Today, more than 130 special schools 4 country have “put their children up”, 5 Joe, a retired businessman, terms it. Seventeen more schools 6 adopt horse-riding therapy 7 next summer. Joe has even introduced horse therapy to South Africa, 8 delivered a paper on the subject to the psychology faculty of Witwatersrand University a few months ago. The 9 that the National Society for Mentally Handicapped Childrens Riding Fund, of 10 he is manager, is now having discussions with Plessey, the radio communications company, about the 11 measuring and identifying the mechanism of horse therapy.Joe believes that there may be an inexplicable rapport between horses and severely mentally handicaped children that 12 the child, a well-attested increase 13 confidence and sociability, and in the horses a remarkable docility.The most significant improvement in the child was in 14 .“ There are 27 cases 15 , of children speaking 16 from the saddle.”He thinks there may be several ways in which horse therapy works. One is 17 up on a horse, the child senses a completely unprecedented psychological advantage. The children also appear 18 fear and horses 19 a fearless rider. 20 bred the horse, the more effective the commnication.1. A. A B. One C. It was a D. It was one2. A. new opening B. newly opening C. new opened D. newly opened3. A.might derive some benefit of B. can derive some benefit C. might derive some benefit from D.can derive some benefit from4. A.all over the B. all through the C. by the whole D.for the whole5. A. like B. as C. that D.which6. A. are likely to B. will likely C. are probable to D.will probable7. A. at B. in C. on D.by8. A. where he B. where he has C. in which he D.in which he has9. A. later development is B. latest development is C. later development its D. latest development its10. A.that B.which C.the which D.what11. A.better way in B.better way of C. best way in D.best way of12. A.produce,in B. produces,in C. produce,to D.produces,to13. A.to the B.to his C. in the D.in his14. A.speech B. talk C. the speech D.the talk15. A.that I know of B. whom I know of C.of that I know D.of whom I know16. A. its first words ever B. its first words never C.their first words ever D.their first words never17. A. being B.to be C. that being D.that to be18. A. showing any B. showing no C. to show any D.to show no19. A.reply immediately to B. reply immediately at C. respond immediately to D.respond immediately at20. A. For better B.The better C.How much better D.So much betterBDCAB ADABB DBDAA CCDCBUNIT 4Pantomime, the traditional Christmas entertainment for children in Britain, has never, 1 I know, become popular abroad, 2 the comic techniques employed in it 3 a clown of Italian origin, Joseph Grimaldi, 4 the early nineteenth century made him the best-loved man in the British theatre. Unfortunately, pantomime is almost 5 anyone who has never seen it as the game of cricket. I once spent half an hour talking about cricket to a foreigner. At last, he could not help 6 me. I had just said that the ball sometimes traveled 7 hour and 8 this time he was sure I was making fun of him. He thought I had been talking about croquet.Pantomime, then, is the theatrical representation of a fairy story, like Cinderella, but 9 in a number of stage conventions that have developed over the years. These conventions, 10 they seem quite normal to children who are used to them, are 11 more complicated than you might except. 12 , the hero ( such as the Prince in Cinderella ) is played by a girl. 13 , in case you 14 wondering how 15 ! But cinderellas sisters are played by men, and so on.What is most surprising is that pantomime not only survives in 1980s but that it is 16 . The main reason for this is that 17 to participate. They must 18 the hero if the villain is coming and some of them go 19 to meet the comedian.“How old are you?” asks the comedian.“Im twelve.”“Thats funny. When I was 20 I was thirteen.” Children love it.1 as far as 2 although 3 owe a great deal to 4 whose performances in 5 as difficult to explain to 6 interrupting 7 at 100 km an 8 by 9 its attraction lies 10 while 11 rather 12 To begin with 13 So is the heroine 14 are 15 far sex changes can go 16 as polpular as ever 17 children are given the chance to 18 warn 19 on to the stage 20 your ageACDCB BCCBD CDCBA ADCDBUNIT 5The appeal of the world of work is first its freedom. The child is compelled to go to school; he is 1 of authority. Even what he wears to school may be decided for him. As he grows up, he sees 2 free of school and to be able to choose his job and change it if he doesnt like it, to have money in his pocket and freedom to come and go as he wishes in the world. The boys and girls, a year or two older than he is, 3 he has long observed, revisit school utterly transformed and apparently mature. Suddenly masters and mistresses seem 4 as his parents and the authority of school a ridiculous thing. At the moment the adult world may appear 5 the school world that the hunger to enter it 6 by exercises in school books, or talk of the occupations. This may not be the 7 but it is a necessary part of growing up, for every man and woman must come sooner or later 8 saying “Really, Ive had 9 ; I must do a proper job.” Some 10 , maturing rapidly because of outside influences, come to this decision 11 . Yet in a way this is not a bad frame of mind to be in 12 leaving school. At work, the young man makes one of the first great acceptances of lifehe accepts the discipline of the material or the process he is working with. “The job must be done” in accord with some inexorable process he cannot alter. He 13 of it and in doing so 14 life. The work process constituies a reality in some sense superior to that of school, and this is why he so often longs to 15 it. Nothing done in school imposes its will in 16 the same way; if its wet games can be cancelled; if the maths master is ill one can 17 . But even the boy delivering papers, 18 the driver taking out his bus, discovers that one cannot 19 because there is snow on the ground, or the foreman is irritable, or he himself 20 that morning.1 under the thumb 2 what it is to be 3 whom 4 as out of date 5 so much more real than 6 cannot be appeased 7 wisest of attitudes 8 to the point of 9 enough of being taught 10 young people 11 sooner than they ought 12 on 13 sees the point 14 comes to terms with 15 get to grips with 16 quite 17 get on with something else 18 like 19 put it off 20 is in a bad moodUnit 11 On the second day of air traffic controllerss work to rule at Heathrow airport the situation was plainly going from 1 . 2 the airport yeaterday afternoon, I found 3 of holiday-makers queuing at check-in points, 4 about their flights. The breakdown in talks between the union and the management 5 an immediate go-slow on Friday night, 6 since escalated into the threat of total strike next weekend. A British Airports Authority spokesman, 7 the news, said, “We thought this would happen. The reason 8 that the Government refuses to authorize the 20 percent salary increase we agreed 9 month. We were aware that the rise was not in line with Government pay policy, but we wanted to avoid 10 .” The go-slow, which coincides 11 holiday weekend of the year, has already caused many flights 12 . Holiday-makers faced a long wait before eventually 13 their destinations. June Kenny, of Manchester, was a typical case, “We were going to fly to London 14 way to Ibiza, but when we got to the airport in Manchester, they 15 a train. 16 airport buses in London so we took a taxi. It 17 . Weve been waiting here all day but we 18 know when our plane will take off.” The General Secretary of the Union regretted 19 the public inconvenience and blamed the Government for taking no action. But he added that he was sure the public would sympathize 20 his members attitude.1 bad to worse 2 On arriving at 3 thousands 4 seeking some information 5 led to 6 which has 7 commenting on 8 for it is 9 with the union last 10 people being inconvenienced 11 with the busiest 12 to be canceled 13 reaching 14 on our 15 told us to catch 16 There were no 17 cost us fifteen pounds 18 still dont 19 having caused 20 withUnit 13 Sharing even 1 big thing as a marquee with 50 monkeys was an exhausting experience, for these 2 animals can create an awful lot of trouble when they give their minds to it. Of all the monkeys we had, there are tree 3 . These were Footle, the moustached monkey, Weekes, the red-headed mangabey, and, 4 , Cholmondeley, the chimpanzee. Footle, when he arrived in the camp, was the 5 seen, for with exception of his long tail, he 6 fitted very comfortably into a teacup, and then left a certain amount of room to spare. His fur was a peculiar shade of green, and his chest was 7 shirt front; his head, like 8 most baby monkeys, looked 9 big for his body. But the most astonishing thing about him was the broad curved band of white fur across his upper lip, which made him 10 he had a big moustache. I had never seen 11 so ridiculous as this tiny monkey wearing this enormous Santa-Clause-like decoration on his face. 12 days Footle lived in a basket by my bed and 13 fed with milk from a feeding bottle. The bottle was about 14 and he 15 on it with cries of joy when it arrived, stuff the end into his mouth, and wrap his arms and legs round it firmly, 16 I could not take it away before he had finished. He would 17 hold the bottle for him, presumably in case I 18 any of the contents, and so he would roll about on the bed with it in his arms, looking just 19 with an airship. Sometimes he would be on top, sometimes the bottle, but 20 he was on top or underneath, Footle would still suck away at the milk.1 such a 2 lively 3 that I remember best 4 last but not least 5 smallest monkey I had ever 6 would have 7 like a nice white 8 that of 9 much too 10 look as though 11 anything quite 12 For the first few 13 had to be 14 twice his size 15 used to fling himself 16 so that 17 not even let me 18 stole 19 as if he were wrestling 20 whether


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