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Unit 11、 The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London.2、 Nancy woke to the sound of birds outside her window.3、 The stigma of being a bankrupt is likely to haunt him for the rest of his life.4、 Weve never had much trouble with vandals(故意破坏公共财物者) around here.5、 Unpainted wooden furniture weathers to a gray color.6、 There have been demonstrations in the streets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.7、 The term “cardboard city” was coined to describe communities of homeless people living in cardboard boxes.8、 The trouble is that these restrictions have remained while other things have changed.9、 The company just managed to weather the recession.10、Renaissance art is not really his province he specializes in the modern period.11、Lets toss a coin to see who goes first.12、The winner will receive a prize with a value of $1,000.13、A headless rider haunt the country lanes.14、The post office has promised to resume first-class mail delivery to the area on Friday.15、Thank you for going to so much trouble to find what I was looking for.16、On the other side of the coin, therell be tax incentives for small businesses.17、The day dawned bright and clear, with the promise of warm, sunny weather.18、The young have a completely different set of values and expectations.19、The protest began with a small group, but then others took up the refrain.20、He valued the house for me at $80,000.Unit 21、 entertain(vt.娱乐、招待、怀抱、容纳 vi.款待)Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer.Chidrens TV programs nowadays are much more entertaining than they used to be.2、 attach(vi. 附加;附属;伴随vt. 使依附;贴上;系上;使依恋)Regular babysitters can become deeply attached to the children they take care of. When I was doing an English course in Brighton, I formed a strong attachment to the other students in my class.3、 historyThe film doesnt try to be historically accurate, but it is based loosely on real events and people.In his book, Churchill describes that historic first meeting with Roosevelt.4、innovate(vi. 创新;改革;革新vt. 改变;创立;创始;引人) When it was first introduced, the electric car was described as one of the 10 most innovative products of the year. Innovations in information technology have compeltely transformed the way students work.5、 flaw (n. 瑕疵,裂纹;缺点;一阵狂风vt. 使无效;使破裂,使有缺陷vi. 生裂缝, 变的有缺陷)网络释义flaw:刮伤 | 缺陷 | 缺点 Each party rejected the others approach, saying it was flawed. I had thought that he was a native Chinese because he spoke in flawless Chinese.6、controversy(n. 争论;论战;辩论) There has been a huge controversy over where to put the citys new sports stadium and who should build it. He wrote a very controversial book, but I think he has regetted it since.7、 revise (vt. 修正;复习;校订vi. 修订;校订;复习功课n. 修订;校订)He gave his work to his friend to revise, because he found it hard to see his own mistakes.The book went through several revisions before the publisher was finally satisfied with it.8、 commentate (vt. 评论;解说;注释vi. 评论时事;实况报道)The commentary on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.After retiring, he became a radio commentator on cricket and rugby, and also wrote about both sports for Sunday newspapers.9、 restrict (vt. 限制;约束;限定)However, the company has a highly restrictive policy which makes such development difficult.Increasingly, campaigners are demanding that countries impose restrictions on advertising aimed at children.10、heroHe was famed for heroic deeds during the war.Americas present need is not heroics but calm diplomacy.Unit 3 (BDACA BCABC)1、After the first visit, I came home laden with flats and pots and cardboard boxes. A.filled B.loaded C.charged D.left2、The boy appeared fretful and disappointed that he couldnt join the others on their excursions. A.annoyed B.restless C.relentless D.anxious3、The project disintegrated owing to lack of financial backing. A.broke up B.turned up C.used up D.torn up4、This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about the future of the club. A.cast B.express C.reduce D.avoid5、The tools that the ancient Egyptians used to build their temples were extremely rudimentary. A.simple B.imperative C.obscure D.periodic6、In most cases, it is difficult to detect that someone is eavesdropping. A.peeping B.overhearing C.cheating D.whispering7、 Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.A.turning B.coming C.skimming D.seeing8、Kids these days are very materialistic. They only seem to be interested in expensive toys and computer games. A.concerned with money B.interested in materials B.enthusiastic about substance D.keen on information9、We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market. A. threw away B.put down C.took back D.packed up10、The only sounds were the distant, melancholy cries of the sheep. A.dissatisfied B.painful C.unhappy D.sharpUnit 41、 The children get fidgety if they have nothing to do.(不安、烦躁的)2、 The shipyard has been dealt another crushing blow with the failure to win this contract.(毁灭性打击)3、 His pithy advice to young painters was, “Above all, keep your colors fresh.”(精炼的)4、 It is important to note that foraging for information does not equate with aimless “surfing”.(搜索)5、 The murder victims families have appealed to the Supreme Court to get a definitive answer.(最终的)6、 His addiction to drugs propelled him toward a life of crime.(驱使、推动)7、 On their triumphant return home, the captain, Brian Robson, was applauded for sticking to his guns. (夸奖)8、 The ubiquity of advertising is not being driven by corporations searching for new ways to sell products but by media searching for new ways to make money.(普遍存在的、到处存在的)9、 Here are your travel documents, all dully signed.(迟钝的、沉闷的)10、 By the same token, reduced military budgets would force the government to curtail its foreign involvement. (缩减)Unit 5 (ACDBC BCDAC BDDAB)1、 Many children will cling to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute for their mother at night.A.hold tightly to B.wrap up C.keep to themselves D.throw away2、The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body. A.important B.sophisticated C.fragile D.sensitive3、Travelers came from distant lands to visit the shrine. A.foreign B.fertile C.dry D.remote4、The train departs Waterloo at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. A.reaches B.leaves C.pulls into D.heads for5、There is often no clear distinction between an allergy(过敏) and food intolerance. A.treatment B.connection C.difference D.similarity6、Its almost inevitable that the client will form a very close bond with the therapist. A.bondage B.tie C.sense of security D.friendship7、There are two main problems which afflict people with hearing impairments(损伤) A.conflict B.cure C.torture D.infect8、Many persons in the vicinity were awakened by the blast, and some were thrown from their beds.A.nightmare B.mountain C.gathering D.neighborhood9、The decision to leave her children now haunts her. A.troubles B.chases C.surprises D.awaits10、By this time the Captain had grown used to living in a blue haze.A.ocean B.fog C.mist D.void11、We looked out over a desolate landscape of bare trees and stony fields.A.rural B.bleak C.rocky D.hilly12、History books do not tell us much about the domestic lives of our ancestors.A.human B.intelligent C.inner D.family13、The baby monkey clasped its mothers fur tightly.A.pampered B.touched C.tore D.clutched14、When you are dealing with so many patients, mistakes are bound to happen.A.likely B.rare C.anxious D.expected15、They force the reader to slow down, to dwell on what is happening.A.describe B.think about C.argue about D.decide onUnit 6 (CACAD CBDAC BA)1、 Slavery was abolished in the United States in the 19th century.A.appreciated B.replaced C.ended D.interrupted2、Ill never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn word. A.serious B.true C.revengeful D.responsive3、Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? A.follow B.notice C.celebrate D.commemorate4、Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth. A.search B.request C.exploration D.protection5、Management has given a pledge that there will be no job losses this year. A.warning B.prediction C.retrospective D.promise6、These monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage of South America. A.tradition B.event C.inheritance D.motivation7、Signing this form commits you to buying the goods. A.condense B.obligates C.reverts D.monopolizes8、The social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens. A.arrangement B.interaction C.resignation D.union9、The hot sunny days were tempered by a light breeze. A.softened B.irritated C.intensified D.lessened10、The room was converted form a kitchen to a lavatory.A.induced B.derived C.changed D.submerged11、He was found guilty of subversion and imprisoned.A.treachery B.sabotage C.scheme D.commitment12、We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport.A.get rid of B.put away C.take over D.keep offUnit 7 (DDCBA BACCC) 1、 The demonstration sparked a train of events that led to Cordovas resignation.A.set B.list C.series D.stock2、The farmers use an intricate system of drainage canals. A.advanved B.complicated C.sophisticated D.perplexed3、The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample. A. idea B.suggestion C.guess D.primise4、The central 12-foot column is surmounted by a bronze angel with outspread wings. A.overcome B.exceeded C.upheld D.topped5、Her family in Minnesota was disgraced and they were urged to move away. A.irritated B.humiliated C.frustrated D.offended6、The word “sale” has been debased by shops who hold sales at all times of the year. A.degraded B.decreased C.devalued D.deluded7、It is lamentable that Cassidy will not get to coach his team next season. A.disgusting B.discouraging C.disappointing D.distressing8、The company had the right to terminate his employment at any time. A.end B.fulfill C.complete D.finalize9、The College Cafeteria, immediately adjacent to the Student Center, is operated daily on weekdays, offering a selection of meals. A.close B.next C.prior D.relative10、We always endeavor to provide our customers with the highest standards of service. A.tend B.strive C.resolve D.pursueUnit 8 (BDABA DDAAC)1、 The howl of a coyote echoed across the valley.A.spread B.sounded repeatedly C.rang D.reflected2、 He has contempt for those beyond his immediate family circle.A attempt B.disobedience C.hatred D.scorn3、Im still no closer to deciphering the code. A.decoding B.finding out C.checking D.understanding4、My own conviction on this score dates from the day I saw a wolf die. A.persuasion B.belief C.experience D.opinion5、The police couldnt control the turbulent demonstrations, so troops came to give them a hand. A.disorderly B.crowded C.prevalent D.impatient6、Stock market prices tumbled after rumors of a rise in interest rates. A.stumbled B.mumbled C.rambled D.fell7、In those days we had never heard of passing up a chance to kill a wolf. A.diminishing B.exceeding C.eliminating D.missing8、I now suspect that, just as a deer herd lives in mortal fear of its wolves, so does a mountain live in mortal fear of its deer. A.deadly B.moral C.constant D.everlasting9、Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease(冠心病). A.viewed B.believed C.spotted D.received10、An understanding of accounting techniques is a major requisite for the work of the analysts. A.component B.feature C.necessity D.benefitUnit 9 (ABDAB BCACD)1、 The study underscores the importance of early diagnosis.A. emphasizes B.explores C.depicts D.reveals2、Why do they get so upset over such a trivial matter? A.tiny B.unimportant C.boring D.ridiculous3、The talks just made propress on some peripheral issues. A.critical B.preliminary C.central D.insignificant4、There was no credible evidence against him. A.reliable B.negative C.distinct D.available5、The design of the building had inherent weaknesses. A.internal B.innate C.fatal D.invisible6、We are being told that the accident poses a great threat to the environment. A.reminds B.causes C.arouses D.suggests7、We hope to duplicate the success of last years campaign. A.celebrate B.reappear C.reproduce D.achieve8、The Board has refused to grant your request. A.consent to B.fund C.confirm D.consider9、The project is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. A.issued B.granted C.sponsored D.initiated10.The committee conducted a survey that encompassed a large range of participants. A.recruited B.attracted C.required D.involvedUnit 101、 When you go to the fair, beware of the quacks (江湖医生) selling spurious medicinal herbs. (谨防)2、 He found that the food served at the school canteen was nothing but unpalatable.(难吃的)3、 Neurological models of language attempt to delineate what these steps are and how they interrelate. (描绘、描写)4、 Ingrained habits from ones own language are difficult to overcome when learning a new language. (根深蒂固的)5.By advertising widely, a manufacturer can amplify the demand for a produce.(扩大)6、Some would argue that New York has supplanted Paris as the center of new culture.(代替)7、We know someone has been stealing, but its difficult to pin down who it is. (确定)8、I was given a discretionary fund to use for emergencies. (自由的)9、There I was, stranded in Rome with no passport and no money. (搁浅)10、The hurricanes that swept through the Gulf Coast region inflicted significant damage on the techological and power infrastructure. (顺利通过)


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