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2015年专四真题2015英语专四听力原文英语专四听写Male and Female Roles in Marriage男性和女性在婚姻中的角色In the traditional marriage, the man worked to earn money for the family.在传统婚姻中,男性负责工作养家。The woman stayed at home to care for the children nand her husband.女性则留在家里照顾孩子和丈夫。In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind.近些年,许多夫妻继续这种传统的夫妻关系。Some people are happy with it, but others think differently.一些人对这种关系感到满意,但是也有人有不同的看法。There are two major differences in male and female roles now.现在男性和女性的角色有两大主要差异。One is that both men and women have many more choices.其一,男性和女性都有更多的选择。They may choose to marry or stay single.他们可以选择结婚,也可以选择保持单身。They may choose to work or to stay at home.另外,他们可以选择工作,也可以选择留在家里。2015英语专四听力对话原文(1)M: Hello Jennifer.男:你好,詹尼弗W: Hello Callum.女:你好,卡勒姆M: Do you like to travel?男:喜欢旅行吗?W: Oh yes,I love going to new and interestingplaces.女:喜欢,我喜欢去新奇的地方。M: What do you think of the idea of a one-way tripto Mars?男:单程奔赴火星,如何?W: You do mean the planet Mars?女:你是说真的火星?M: Well, this is what is being planned at the moment by a company in the Netherlands. They areplanning to send people to Mars and the people who go would never be able to come back toEarth.男:是的,荷兰一家公司正在启动火星旅行计划。带乘客前往火星,但是是单程票。W: Sounds like quite a trip!女:这可真是一次奇幻旅行!M: What is interesting about it is that this would be a one-way trip.男:最奇幻的是它有去无回。W: Why is this a one-way trip?女:为什么非要单程?M: Its about technology. Although we do have the knowledge and technology to get people toMars,we cant get them back.男:因为技术原因。我们有足够的技术登陆火星,但回来的技术还达不到。W: Thats a big commitment, isnt it? But I imagine some people will jump at the opportunity.But what kind of person are they going to recruit for this trip of a lifetime?女:这绝对是一项艰巨任务,不是吗?我猜有的人会抓住这次机遇。对于这次单程旅行,他们会招募什么条件的申请者?M: They want smart people,which means clever, intelligent people. These people need to behealthy both physically and mentally. They also need people with very specific skills.男:聪明的人,他们会招募有头脑的人。身心健康的人。以及拥有特殊技能的人。W: I would think so.女:我想也是。M: And there is something more important.男:还有比这更重要的。W: Whats that?女:什么?M: Character. You need to have the right personality.男:性格。他们的性格要符合招募条件。W: What other characteristics are they looking for?女:什么性格的人?M: They want people who can still work well when things are bad. People who are calm in acrisis. So from what youve heard, does it sound like the job for you?男:身处逆境,但依然出色发挥。以及临危不乱的人。你觉得你适合这项工作吗?W: Absolutely not. I dont mind travelling but I think its a bit far for me. And what about you?女:不可能是我。我不介意旅行,但这对我来说太过了。你呢?M: No, its not for me, I have to say. Im not made of the right stuff. I dont think Im the kindof person who can handle a crisis with calm!男:当然不是我了。我不够格。我想我不是那种临危不乱的人!W: I was wondering how they were going to pay for all of this. After all, its not a governmentprogramme, is it?女:这次旅行怎么收费?毕竟这不是政府计划,不是吗?M: A very good question. They plan to finance this by involving the whole world as an audience.男:好问题。他们计划通过全球观众筹资。W: So where is the money coming from?女:资金从哪来?M: Television. It sounds like a big reality TV show to me. The Olympics raised a lot of moneyfrom people watching on television and this will be the same. There will be a big audience totune in and watch the mission but also the relationship between the people on the mission andperhaps even the birth of the first Mars baby.男:通过电视节目。听起来像电视真人秀。奥运会的筹办就是通过观众筹资,这个也是一样。到时将会有大量电视观众,通过电视观看训练过程,还能选出“登火”队员,甚至还能看到首位“火星孩”降生。W: Would you watch it?女:你会看吗?M: Definitely, yeah, it would be fascinating viewing. How about you?男:当然啦,那一定很精彩。你看吗?W:You know what, Im not usually a fan of reality TV, I would probably get bored very easilythough.女:我不是很喜欢真人秀,我一准会觉得无聊。2015英语专四听力对话原文(2)M: Hello Linda.男:你好,琳达。W: Hello Rob.女:你好,罗伯。M: Happy New Year to you, Linda. The festiveseason is over so, did all that holiday shoppingbreak the bank?男:新年快乐,美好的节日假期就要结束了,那么,假期疯狂的购物是不是快让银行破产了?W: You mean, did I spend too much money? Well,yes I did.女:你是想问我,假期是不是花了一大笔钱吧?嗯,是花了很多。M: Well,do you know about showrooming?男:你知不知道什么是“展厅销售”吗?W: Yes, customers visit shops to see and test products before buying them online.女:知道,就是顾客们到实体店体验产品,然后在网上购买。M: Yeah, you see technology is changing the way we shop and it could spell disaster or bevery bad for the high street.男:对,先进的科学技术正在逐渐改变我们的购物方式,这对商业街上的实体店来说可能是一场大的灾难。W: The high street, you mean those everyday shops that we normally see in our town centres?Things like shoe shops, news agents, supermarkets,女:商业街,你是指市中心的那些店铺吗?比如说鞋子专卖店,报刊亭,超市M: Yes, the high street is competing with the internet. I buy things like CDs, electrical goodsand food online.男:是的,商业街正在跟互联网竞争。比如唱片,电子产品和食物之类的东西,我会选择在网上购买。W: Ah, but have you ever showroomed before, Rob?女:啊,你尝试过“实体店看货、网上购买”这种购物方式吗?M: Yes,I showroomed and then bought a camera at a knock-down price online. I know Im notalone in doing this though. Research found 24% of people 4 showroomed while Christmasshopping last year.男:是的,我在实体店看好一款相机,然后低价从网上购买的。这样做的人肯定不止我一个。研究发现,去年圣诞节购物时,24%的人选择这种购物方式。W: And a market research company also found one third of consumers around the world saidthey used this type of shopping.女:市场调研公司还发现全球三分之一的消费者都会选择这种方式购物。M: Now, although people do it to try and save money, there are other reasons for this, too.男:人们之所以会选择这样的购物方式,除省钱外,还有其他的理由。W: What are they?女:什么理由?M: Three reasons for people to showroom: They are short on time, short on money, and theywant reassurance.男:理由有三个:没有充裕的时间,没有足够的资金,还有就是想要寻求安慰。W: Yes, reassurance so they want to know what the product really looks like and they wantto be confident they are buying the right thing.女:是的,安慰其实他们就是想看看真正的实物如何,然后从买到的“物超所值”的商品中提升自信。M: I think thats true, I like to inspect what I am buying. If you go to a shop and look at thereal thing, you get a much better idea of what its like but I also want a bargain.男:说的没错,我就是喜欢检查下自己买的东西。去实体商店的话,你对商品的了解会更加全面但我还是想跟商家讨价还价。W: We could say we use the internet to shop around.女:互联网购物可以让我们逐店选购,货比三家。M: Thats a good phrase, meaning to look around for the best deal. Using a smartphone is anincreasingly popular way to do this.男:说的好,也就是说我们可以选到最适合的商品。现在越来越多的人喜欢拿着智能手机网购商品。W: Smartphones are also useful for getting product reviews these are the kind of opinions orcomments about the product.女:还可以用智能手机浏览商品的评论这些评论是消费者对于商品的意见或看法。M: Yes, and you can also use smartphones to scan the barcodes on the product and compareprices that way.男:没错,智能手机还可以扫描商品的二维码,还可以对比价格。W: So it seems browsing thats looking at things to buy but not actually purchasingsomething in store is set to increase. Does this mean the death of the high street?女:现在到实体店只浏览不消费的现象越来越严重。这是不是意味着实体店将要关门大吉?M: I think it will have to adapt or make changes. It could try to compete on price more or offermore incentives when you are in the shop.男:我觉得实体店的商家应该适应市场变化或者寻求一些改变。可以在价格上再优惠一些或者搞一些活动刺激店里的顾客的购买欲。W: Incentivesthese are things to encourage you to buy the product there and then. Perhapsa discount voucher or a free gift?女:所谓刺激消费是指说服顾客当场买下商品的一系列措施。可能是张折扣券或者一份免费的小礼物?M: Oh, yes.男:哦,是的。 2015英语专业四级真题答案PART I DICTATIONMale and Female Roles in MarriageIn the traditional marriage, the man worked to earn money for the family. / The woman stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. / In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. / Some people are happy with it. But others think differently. /There are two major differences in male and female roles now. / One is that both men and women have many more choices. / They may choose to marry or stay single. / They may choose to work or to stay at home. / A second difference is that, within marriage many decisions are shared. / If a couple has children, the man may take care of them /some of the time, all of the time or not at all. / The woman may want to stay at home / or she may want to go to work. / Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage.听写指导:由题目可以判定,文章围绕男性和女性在婚姻中的角色展开,第一段介绍了传统婚姻中两性的角色,而第二段对当今社会中两性在婚姻中的角色进行了具体的论述。因此,第一段用到了过去时,而第二段则完全使用现在时。需要考生根据语义判定时态。PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A CONVERSATIONSConversation one1. Why is the trip to Mars a one-way trip? 答案:BA. The return trip is too expensive.B. There is no technology to get people back.C. People dont want to return.D. The return trip is too risky.2. According to the man, what is more important for those recruits? 答案:DA. Intelligence.B. Health.C. Skills.D. Calmness.3. What is the last part of the conversation about?答案: AA. The kind of people suitable for the trip.B. Interests and hobbies of the speakers.C. Recruitment of people for the trip.D. Preparation for the trip to Mars.Conversation Two4. What is showrooming?答案: DA. Going to the high street.B. Visiting everyday shops.C. Buying things like electrical goods.D. Visiting shops and buying online.5. According to the conversation, the man had bought all the following things online EXCEPT 答案:A .A. shoesB. CDsC. cameraD. food6. According to the conversation, the percentage of people who showroomed while Christmas shopping was 答案:D . .A. 3%B. 33%C. 42%D. 24%7. One reason for people to showroom is that they 答案:C . .A. want to know more about pricingB. can return the product laterC. want to see the real thing firstD. can bargain for a lower shop priceConversation Three8. What is the conversation mainly about? BA. How to avoid clashes of exams.B. How to schedule exams.C. How to use the faculty lounge.D. How to choose the courses.9. What does the student have to do first in order to take the exams? 答案:AA. To choose a date on the draft schedule.B. To find the information on the bulletin board.C. To draw up the final schedule.D. To arrange an invigilator.10. According to the conversation, the Dean will答案: D .A. sign the sheet in the faculty loungeB. take care of the bulletin boardC. consult the studentsD. finalize the exam scheduleSECTION B PASSAGESPassage One11. Which of the following cities has the oldest Chinatown in North America? 答案:BA. New York.B. San Francisco.C. Boston.D. San Diego.12. The Chinatown in San Francisco attracts tourists a year.答案:CA. 20 ,000B. 100 ,000C. 7 millionD. 17 million13. Where can tourists see the fish markets?答案: AA. In Stockton Street.B. In Grant Avenue.C. In Portsmouth Square.D. In Bush Street.Passage Two14. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?答案: CA. Obesity can damage ones health.B. Obesity is a growing problem all over the world.C. Obesity is directly related to ones habit.D. Obesity has affected both boys and girls.15. The purpose of the three-year study is to 答案:B .A. find out why some children find it difficult to go to sleepB. learn more about the link between sleep and weightC. identify the ways parents reduce their kids weightD. see if there is difference in sleep patterns over the period16. According to the study, the daily healthy sleep time for the 3rd to 6th graders should be around _B_ hours.A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 1117. According to the passage, obesity is most likely related to _A_ .A. sleep timeB. genderC. raceD. parentsPassage Three18. According to a number of students, _C_ is the main factor for early-age smoking.A. genderB. personalityC. environmentD. money19. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?答案: CA. Very few continue smoking throughout their teenage years.B. Most early-age smokers soon stop experimenting.C. Some early-age smokers never go beyond experimenting.D. Children quickly become regular smokers by carrying cigarettes.20. All the following are features of smokers EXCEPT _D_ .A. strong peer influenceB. low sense of achievementC. high sense of rebellionD. close family relationshipSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTNews Item 121. Why were some children offered only fruit and milk for lunch?答案: BA. The school stopped providing school lunch.B. Their parents failed to pay for school lunch.C. Some parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.D. These children chose to have something different.22. How did parents react to the schools way of handling the situation?答案: AA. They were upset.B. They were furious.C. They were surprised.D. They were sad.News Item 223. According to the news, what is the main advantage of the digital key? 答案:BA. Guests can pay without going to the front desk.B. Guests can go direct to their rooms.C. Guests can check out any time.D. Guests can make room reservations.24. The hotel company intends to have the system in _A_ of its hotels in the next three months.A. 2B. 3C. 100D. 150News Item 325. According to the court ruling, Shrien Dewani _D_ .A. will return to the U.K. for medical treatmentB. will remain in South Africa for medical treatmentC. will stand trial in South Africa once proved fitD. will be extradited even if he is unfit to stand trial26. What was Dewani accused of? 答案:AA. Having his wife killed.B. Killing his wife in the U.K.C. Being involved in a taxi accident.D. Hiring a crew of hit men.News Item 427. The U.N. new vote would allow all the following EXCEPT _B_ .A. the use of force by European Union troopsB. the suspension of an existing arms embargoC. the extension of U.N. peacekeeping missionD. the ban on travel and freeze of assetsNews Item 528. What is the news mainly about?答案: AA. Causes of early death in Russia.B. Behavior of alcoholics.C. Causes of alcohol poisoning.D. Number of death over 10 years.News Item 629. The total investment in film-making in Britain in 2012 was _A_ .A. 945 millionB. 1.07 billionC. 500,000D. 87,00030. Hollywood studios prefer to make films in Britain because _D_ .A. The UK is a good film locationB. The cast usually comes from BritainC. Hollywood emphasizes qualityD. Production cost can be reduced


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