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大学学院与建筑设备.txt10有了执著,生命旅程上的寂寞可以铺成一片蓝天;有了执著,孤单可以演绎成一排鸿雁;有了执著,欢乐可以绽放成满圆的鲜花。1. dormitory 宿舍 8.school of liberal arts and 13. library 图书馆 2. parking lot 停车场 sciences 文理学院 14. recreation center 3. school of fine arts 艺术学院 9. dining hall 餐厅 活动中心 4. student health center 10. school of business 15. fraternity house 保健中心 administration 管理学院 (美)男生联谊会会堂 5. student union 学生会 11. administration building 6. school of engineering 工学院 行政大楼 7. stadium 体育场 12. sorority house (美)女生联谊会会堂 相关用语: 1. student ID (card) 学号(学生证) 2. undergraduate (student) 大学生 3. graduate student 研究生 4. graduate (n.) 毕业 5. graduate (v.) 毕业 6. graduating class 毕业班 7. graduation 毕业;毕业典礼 8. dean of student affairs 学务长 9. register (v.) 注册 10. registrar (n.) 注册主任 11. registrars office 注册办公室 12. registration 注册 13. transcript 成绩单 14. major (n.) 主修 15. major (v.) 主修 16. double major 双主修 17. minor 辅修 18. credit/unit 学分 19. bachelors degree (BA) 学士学位 20. masters degree (MA) 硕士学位 21. doctorate (PhD) 博士学位 22. graduate with honors 以优异成绩毕业 23. thesis (硕士)论文 24. dissertation (博士)论文 25. department 系 26. assistant professor 助理教授 27. associate professor 副教授 28. full professor 正教授 29. adjunct/visiting professor 客座 / 访问教授 30. teaching assistant (TA) 助教 31. advisor (n.) 导师 32. advise (v.) 指导,提供意见 33. on campus (adj.) 校內 34. off campus (adj.) 校外 35. alumni center 校友中心 36. auditorium 礼堂 37. upperclassman 师兄(姐) 38. underclassman 师弟(妹) 39. commuter student 非住校学生 流行口语 Spoken English 1. I have an appointment with my advisor this afternoon. 我和我导师今天下午有约。 2. I live on campus, but most of my friends live off campus. 我住校,不过我大部分的同学都住在学校外面。 3. Apply for copies of your transcript in the registrars office. 去注册办公室申请你的成绩单。 4.Have you registered for classes yet? 你注册了吗? 5. Im in the middle of writing my masters thesis. 我的硕士论文正写到一半。 6.Our school has a beautiful campus. 我们学校的校园很美。 7.I dont feel well. I am going to go to the student health center. 我不舒服。我要去保健室。 8.The dormitories are loud, but theyre a convenient place to live. 宿舍很吵,不过住在那里很方便。 9.I like to hang out in the student union with my friends. 我和朋友常去学生会。 10.My calculus TA is a PhD student. 我的微积分助教是博士班的学生。 11.I am a student in the English department. 我是英语系的学生。 12.My major is English, but I also have a minor in psychology. 我主修英语,还辅修心理学。 13.The school of fine arts is on the other side of campus. 艺术学院在校园的另一头。 14.You need your student ID to get into the student recreation center. 你要有学生证才能进入学生活动中心。 成语Idioms school of hard knocks 社会大学;生活中的挫折与历练 hard knocks 是指不幸;麻烦;挫折,因此 school of hard knocks 是指一个人在社会上生存时,亲身得到的历练,尤指其遭遇到的一切困难与挫折。 Tom never went to college; he learned everything he knows from the school of hard knocks. 汤姆从未进过大学,他从社会大学里遭遇的困厄中学到一切。 Dialogue 1 Mike is a university freshman. He is talking to Patty, an upperclassman. 迈克是大一新生。他和他师姐帕蒂在说话。 Patty: Today is your first day on campus. Are you nervous? 帕蒂: 今天是你在学校的第一天。你紧张吗? Mike: Yes, I am, especially since I dont know where many places are. 迈克: 是的。特别是因为我不太清楚很多地方在哪里。 Patty: Where do you need to go? Ill give you directions. 帕蒂: 你要去哪里?我可以告诉你怎么走。 Mike: Oh, and Im also not sure if I want to major in psychology or chemistry. 迈克: 还有我也不确定要主修心理还是化学。 Patty: No problem. Ill help you find your advisor. 帕蒂: 没关系。我会帮你找到你的导师。 Mike: What happens if I get sick? Is there a hospital nearby? 迈克: 如果我生病了该怎么办?这附近有医院吗? Patty: Actually, our school has a great student health center. 帕蒂: 其实,我们学校有很好的保健室。 Mike: What if I want to take more than fifteen credits? 迈克: 如果我想选的课学分超过15怎么办? Patty: You have to get special permission from your department. 帕蒂: 那你要先去系里申请许可。 Mike: Thanks a lot, Patty, for answering all of my questions! 迈克: 太谢谢了,帕蒂!谢谢你回答我所有问题! Patty: No problem, but if you have any more questions, come see me at the student union. I work there part-time answering students questions! 帕蒂: 不客气,如果你还有问题,可以来学生会找我。我在那里兼职,回答学生的问题。 Dialogue 2 Sarah, another new student, is asking Paul for directions to the administration building. 另一个新生萨拉,正在问保罗如何去行政大楼。 Paul: Hey, you look a little lost. Can I help you with something? 保罗 嗨,你看起来好像迷路了。需要帮忙吗? Sarah: Yeah! Im a new student and Im not sure how to get to the administration building. 萨拉: 是的!我是新生,我不太清楚怎么去行政大楼。 Paul: Well, I have to get to class. Otherwise Id take you myself. But I can give you directions. 保罗: 我得去上课。不然我会亲自带你去。不过我可以告诉你怎么走。 Sarah: That would be great. 萨拉 那太好了。 Paul: The student recreation center is in front of us. Walk straight along this road, past the football stadium and the dining hall. 保罗: 学生活动中心就在我们正前方。沿着这条路直走,你会经过足球场及餐厅。 Sarah: OK. Where do I go from there? 萨拉 好。那之后我要怎么走? Paul: Turn right on the road you see there. The administration building will be the second one on your right. 保罗: 从你看到的那条路右转。行政大楼就在你右边第二栋。 Sarah: Do you know what time it closes? 萨拉 你知道他们几点关门吗? Paul: I think it closes at 4:30, so youd better hurry! 保罗: 我想他们在四点半关门,所以你最好快点去! Sarah: Thank you so much! 萨拉 真是太谢谢你了! UNIT1 Word Tips loan : 借款,贷款 (something which is lent, especially money) Scotland : 苏格兰 (one of the four parts of the United Kingdom forming the northernmost part of it) enroll : (使)注册,登记 (register or place ones name on a roll) ID : 身份证明 (identification; identity) facilities : 设施,设备 (things that can be used for a particular purpose) dorm : 口(大学的)学生宿舍(楼) (a room or building in a college or university where students live) commute : 通勤 (travel regularly a long distance between your home and your place of work) cafeteria : 自助餐厅 (a restaurant, where customers are served at a counter and carry their meals on trays to tables) eat out : 上馆子 (eat in a restaurant) tend : 易于 ; 往往会 (be likely to do or happen often or usually) casual : 随便的 (made or done without much care or thought) buddy : 好朋友 ; 老兄 (friend, used informally, especially in American English) checkout : (图书等的)出借 (registering books, etc. as having been borrowed) hectic : 忙碌的 (very busy or full of excitement) agency : 代理处 (a business that makes money by acting for another person, company, etc.) tuition : 学费 (money paid by students for instruction, especially at a college or university) sort of : 有点 ; 有几分 (to some extent) upperclassman : 美高年级学生 (a junior or senior in high school or college) off : 不工作,不上学 (away or free from regular work) sleep in : 睡懒觉 (sleep later than usual in the morning) proficient : 熟练的,精通的 (thoroughly skilled; well practiced) consistent : 前后一致的 (having a regular pattern) attainable : 能够实现的 (able to be reached or gained) caught up in : 卷入中去 (included in, often against ones wishes) craze : 时尚 (a very popular fashion for a very short time) setting : 背景 (a background) critical : 至关重要 (extremely important) client : 顾客,主顾 (a customer or patron) dumb : 口愚蠢的 (stupid or foolish) Language and Culture Tips registration office The registration office is very important in a university. Students can sign up for classes, or make changes to their programs in a registration office. Many universities now provide on-line registration. first name a personal name given to someone at birth or baptism and used before a family name last name also family name or surname. Its the name a person shares with other members of the family. full name The full name is a persons legal name, including the first, middle, and last names. The middle name is sometimes optional. When people know each other well, they usually call each other by their first names. parking pass a card or permit with which someone can park in a parking lot enrolling In the U.S.A. , high school graduates who want to enroll at a university must first submit to that university a score report of the ACT (American College Test) or the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), a high school diploma, and a record of their previous education. They are also usually required to fill out an application form for the university, including a long essay section. In China , however, high school graduates take the National College Entrance Exams, which include subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, Chinese, English, and politics in order to be enrolled in a university. theres so many people In there-be sentences, a singular (单数) verb form can be used even when the following noun or noun phrase is plural (复数) . This use is usually seen in spoken English. Whatcha been doin? an informal form of What have you been doing?. It is used mainly between friends or familiar acquaintances. you can call me Dave Dave is a nickname for David. A nickname is used informally instead of someones first name. It is usually a short form of the actual name, e.g. Ed for Edward, Tom for Thomas. Sometimes it is based on a personal characteristic like red for a person with red hair. Same here same here is used informally to mean that you agree with what has been said or that you have done the same thing as they have. party animal someone who likes to go to parties


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