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2020年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷D卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)- How much does it cost to build the school library?- Four yuan.A . millionB . millionsC . millions ofD . million of2. (2分)This year, we had a holiday in May. A . four-dayB . four-daysC . four daysD . four days3. (2分)Hes quite a(n)_ person because hes never played a joke on others.A . activeB . seriousC . smartD . helpful4. (2分)Shall we go to the supermarket to buy some bread, Mum?No, there is _ in the fridge.A . plentyB . a plentyC . plenty ofD . a plenty of5. (2分)The man is so ugly that nobody him.A . likesB . likeC . dislikeD . dislikes6. (2分)How many stamps have you collected so far? Close to 200.A . OverB . PerhapsC . Nearly7. (2分)Lets go on a picnic this weekend, OK? That sounds _. A . greatB . wellC . hardlyD . terribly8. (2分) Hi, Bruce. My eraser is missing. May I use yours? _, here you are. I am not using it now.A . Of course notB . No wayC . Go ahead9. (2分)As we all know, playing chess is usually one-to-one game. A . /; anB . /; aC . the; anD . the; a10. (2分)Walk _ the house, turn left and youll see the big bridge _ the river. A . pass; aboveB . past; overC . pass; onD . past; on11. (2分)Is your mother a teacher?_. She teaches English.A . Yes, she canB . No, she cantC . Yes, she isD . No, she isnt12. (2分)-Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ my car?-Sure. Park it right here. Ill help you.A . how to stopB . where to parkC . where to stopD . when to park13. (2分) Perhaps we will have no water to drink in the future. _A . Thats great.B . Its my pleasure.C . I dont think so.D . Thats all right.14. (2分)- Hello, Betty! What are you doing now?- I _ on the Great Wall of China. Ill send them to you later.A . will take picturesB . am taking picturesC . was taking picturesD . take pictures15. (2分)There is going to _ an English party tomorrow evening. A . haveB . holdC . beD . take二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共14分)16. (4分)阅读理解Dear Betty,Im your eraser Jill. This afternoon you lost me in your classroom. Simon found me and gave me to your English teacher Ms. Green. Now Ms. Greens three keys and I are in Ms. Greens bag. The bag is yellow. Its on Ms. Greens desk. Please call Ms. Green at 718-0167 and ask her for me. You can come to the library, too. Ms. Green is in the library now.Jill(1)Simon found a(n) _ in the classroom. A . penB . bookC . rulerD . eraser(2)Which one is true(正确的)? A . Ms. Green is an English teacher.B . Ms. Green lost her keys.C . Ms. Greens bag is on the bed.D . Bettys phone number is 718-0167.17. (10分)阅读理解How was your weekend?DavidIt was not bad. I went out with my friends. We went to a cinema and saw an interesting movie. Then we went to a new restaurant and ate a big dinner. The food was good. We talked about our favorite sports happily.JillMy weekend was not very exciting. It was rainy and cold, so I didnt go out. On Sunday morning, I just stayed at home and watched TV. And in the afternoon, I did my homework and read some books.MarkIt was great. My friend and I went dancing. I had a lot of fun. I made some new friends. They were very friendly.AnnaI thought my weekend was terrible. It was my good friend Leos birthday last Saturday. I forgot it, so I didnt buy him a present. He called me and invited (邀请) me to his home. When I got there, I found there was a birthday party. All of his friends gave him presents except me. Leo said it was OK, but I really felt bad.(1)David talked with his friends about _. A . the movieB . the restaurantC . their favorite foodD . their favorite sports(2)Why did Jill stay at home last weekend? A . Because the weather was bad.B . Because she liked watching TV.C . Because she liked reading at home.D . Because she needed to do her homework.(3)Mark thought his weekend was _. A . boringB . excitingC . greatD . interesting(4)What does the underlined word except mean in Chinese? A . 还有B . 除了C . 分开D . 比较(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Leo had a birthday party last Saturday.B . Anna thought she had a happy weekend.C . Mark met some classmates last weekend.D . David didnt like the food in the restaurant.三、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)阅读理解。Billy doesnt go to school today. He wants to read a storybook. His brother bought(买)one for him yesterday. (1) Billy likes this book.Billy goes to his bookcase. The book is not there. Billy looks under the bed. but it isnt there. (2) No, it isnt. He looks inside his schoolbag,but he still(仍然)cant find the book. Billy isnt happy. (3) Billy goes to the living room(客厅). His mum is reading a book on the sofa. (4) asks Billy.Which one?says his mum.The one about a dog. says Billy.Its in your brothers bedroom. says his mum. I found it on the table after breakfast. I thought it was his book. (5) Great! Thanks, Mum, says Billy.根据材料内容, 从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处, 使材料完整、通顺。A. Is it under the chair?B. Does he lose the book?C. It is about a nice dog.D. So I put it in his bookcase.E. Mum, did you see my storybook?_四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A:Hi, Susan, the air is badly polluted now. I hardly ever see blue skies.B:_A:Well, there are more cars on the road these days.B:Yes, thats right. Would you like to help save the environment?A:Id love to._Can you give some ideas for us?B:I think we should take the bus or the subway instead of driving.A:Youre an environment protector. What else?B:Riding a bike is a good way._A:I think so._B:I guess theres too much rubbish and waste in the streets.A:You mean, waste pollution?B:Yeah, I think we can do simple things like bringing a bag to go shopping.A:Oh, I did that a year ago. And I never use wooden chopsticks when I buy take-away food.B:Youre a protector, too._Lets take action together.A. What other problems can you see?B. Im interested in planting trees.C. But I dont have any ideas.D. How long has it been like that?E. Whats more, its good for our health and it doesnt cost anything.F. What do you think has caused this problem?G. This is turning ugly places into beautiful ones五、 单词拼写。 (共6题;共10分)20. (5分)根据汉语意思完成句子(1)The room is very b _You neednt turn on the light(2)The children stood in a c _and began to play games(3)If you stand in s _,then you can hear the ice pop(4)I hardly b _my ears when I heard the news of the earthquake in Sichuan(5)I think friendship is a hidden t _21. (1分)Lets _(make) a banana milk shake. 22. (1分)Jo, _ (no believe) what Darren says. He is naughty all the time. 23. (1分)Paul _(watch) TV every night. 24. (1分)Listen! She _(sing) ABC song. 25. (1分)He learns English by _ (listen) to the tape. 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)假如你叫李华,你和你美国朋友Betty经常通过邮件谈论各自的学习,她想了解你是如何练习英语口语的以便她学习汉语时借鉴。请你根据她的问题回复邮件。提示词语:pronunciation, speak, classmate, retell第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共14分)16-1、16-2、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、三、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 单词拼写。 (共6题;共10分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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