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Grammar 介词和介词短语 介词是高考中的一个重要考点 在连续六年的广东高考中都有专门考查介词的 占语法填空的五分之一 主要考点有 thevillagerswhohadgatheredaroundmewerearguingastowhoshouldhavethehonourofreceivingme aguestintheirhouse 2007NMET 思路分析 句意是 把我作为客人接待 表示 当作 作为 用介词as as Iwantedtorewardtheoldwoman thetroubleIhadcausedher 2007NMET 思路分析 句意是 我想酬谢我给她造成了麻烦的那个年迈的妇女 表示 因 而酬谢 报答某人 是rewardsb forsth 即用for引出原因 故填for 类似的还有thankyousb forsth praisesb forsth punishsb forsth for Hewasverytired doingthisforawholeday 2008NMET广东 思路分析 累了必定是在干了一整天活之后 故填after 另外 表示 因 而累 betiredfrom也是固定短语 故也可填from Betiredof对 厌倦Iamtiredoflivingabroad 我对生活在国外感到厌倦了 after from ChineseproverbsarerichandtheyarestillwidelyusedinChinesepeople sdailylife theseproverbsthereareofteninterestingstories 2008NMET广东 思路分析 因theseproverbs是名词 且不是作主语 宾语 表语等 前面很可能是填介词 句意是 在中国的这些成语故事的背后常常有有趣的故事 表示 在 背后 用介词behind Behind In Janestoppedwhereasmallcrowdofmenhadgathered Shefoundsomegoodqualitypipes sale 2009 因表示 出售 的onsale是固定搭配 on WhenJanegothome withhersmallbutwell chosenpresentinherbag herparentswerealready tablehavingsupper Hermotherwasexcited Yourfatherhasatlastdecidedtostopsmoking Jane inform 2009NMET广东 at wasinformed Histeachertookadeepdrink smiled warm andthankedhisstudentverymuchforthesweetwater Theyoungmanwenthome ahappyheart 2010广东 Weunderstandthislessonbest wereceivegiftsoflovefromchildren Whetheritisacheappipeonadiamondnecklace theproperresponseisappreciation Welovetheideawithinthegiftratherthanthething warmly with when Ididn twanttobelaughedatfortalkingtohimbutIdidn tlikeleavinghim 23 hisowneither 2011广东 thenewboylookedattheteacher 23 afewseconds 2012广东 on for 1 什么情况下可能是填介词 我们首先必须知道两点 1 介词必须要接宾语 其宾语可以是名词 代词 动名词 或者what从句 2 名词 代词或动名词在句中通常作主语 动词的宾语 介词的宾语 因此 我们在解答语法填空时 若空格后是名词 代词或动名词时 且他们不是在句中作主语 也不是在动词后作宾语时 这个格空就很可能是填介词 解题技巧 2 应该填哪个介词 在判断可能填介词之后 要根据具体的语境来确定填哪个介词 特别是根据空格所在句子的意思来选择一个恰当的介词 第一类 和时间有关的介词 1 inaton1 theday2 theevening3 daybreak4 midnight5 sixo clock6 dusk7 acoldday8 asummerevening9 Sunday10 December12th2009早 晚都要用inat黎明 午 夜 点与分on在特定的某一天或某天的上午 下午 晚上等 in in at at at at on on on on 注 1 weekends2 Christmas Easter3 May4 aweek5 thefall6 Hewillcomeback tendays7 arriving westartedtowork 8 Hejumpedwithjoy hearingthenews 在周末和泛指圣诞节 复活节 感恩节等前用at说到星期 月份 季节 世纪等较长的时间时 要用in在将来时中 in加一段时间表示多久以后on doing 一 就 on 该动词的名词形式 at at in in in in on On 2 before after ago later1 supper2 19703 comingtocollege4 Aweek 5 aminute 6 Tendays before after表时间点 ago later表时间段注 1 HehadstudiedFrenchforfouryears hecamehere 2 Hefellillthreedays before可接完成时 ago过去时有限 before after before after before after ago later ago later ago later before ago 3 totill untilTheyworkedfromfive tenLet sstartnowandwork dark HeusuallypaysmeonFridaybutlastweekhedidn tpayme thefol lowingMonday We llstayhere itstopsraining from totill untilnot until to till until till until till until 4 from since forSheissinging morningtonight Hehasbeenhere MondayHeleftschoolin1983 Ihaven tseenhim then Ihaven tseenTom twoyears Hetravelledinthedesert sixmonths from和to不可分 since只用完成时 从句常是一般过去时for常接一段时间 from since since for for 5 by 时间 在这一时刻或者是在这一时刻之前 且常常可以和完成时连用火车6点10分发车 所以你最好在6点之前到达火车站 Thetrainstartsat6 10 soyouhadbetterbeatthestationby6 00 到7月底我将已把那些书全读完了 BytheendofJulyI llhavereadallthosebooks 6 duringinwithin1 Ilearnedalot theholiday mystaythere 2 Shewasborn 1997 3 MrBlackvisitedourschool 2009 not20084 Theyworkedhard Theyfinishedthework 2daysatlast During和in两者在一般情况下可以相互替换 但是强调动作的延续性时候常用during 而强调动作发生在段时间中的某一点时候常用in 同时 当表示对比的时候 常用in within强调的是不超过 在 之内 During in in within 7 over 时间强调 过完 有时表示 一边 一边 他的孙儿孙女们将在这过完周末 Hisgrandchildrenwillstayovertheweekends 他们一边喝咖啡一边聊天 Theychattedoveracupofcoffee 8 throughout强调 从头至尾 至始至终 整个会议过程中他一句话都没有说 Hekeptsilentthroughoutthemeeting 9 towards 时间表示 接近 快到 快到半夜了他们才离开 Theylefttowardsmidnight 注 1 Ourteacherisverypatienttowardsus 2 Thelittleboyrantowardshismother towards还可表示对待 某人 和 朝 方向相当于to 2 in 时间段在 之后 内 多用于将来时after 时间段在 之后 多用于过去时1 MrBrownhasgonetoCanada Hewillbeback twoweeks A forB afterC in2 Ourmanagercameback anhour A inB afterC at3 Theyhavebeenhere anhour A forB afterC in 第二类表示方位的介词 inat1 Helives agreatcitywhilehisparentslive avillage 2 Thereisashop thecornerofthestreet 3 Hehidthebook thecornerofthedesk 4 Hewasswimming thelake 5 Theywerewalking thelake 小地方at 大地方in at表附近 in表里注意 atsea in in in at at at inintoIpouredthebeer thecup Heputhishands hispockets Someonemusthavebroken into常常表示进入 而in一般无此用3 intoonTaiwanlies theeastofChinaTaiwanis thesoutheastofFujian ChinafacesthePacific theeast in内to外 on表接壤 into into in in to on onaboveover belowunderThereisalake thevillage furtherdownthevalley There sabridge theriver There sabag thedesk above below斜上 下方 over under垂直上 下方 on是一般要接触Theyarechildrenabovesixyearsold Inthecompany DickranksaboveTomHeconsideredhimselfabovedoingsuchthings above还可表年龄 职位和不屑Thecarisunderrepair under还可以表示正在 之中underdiscussion construction below over on beneath太阳此刻落到地平线下了 Thesunisnowbeneaththehorizonbeneath可以代替underHeisbeneathhisbrotherintellectually Heconsideredthatjobbeneathhimbeneath也可表抽象和比喻 低于 不适合 6 through across over by1 Hewent theforestbyhimself 2 Hewalked mewithoutspeaking 3 Youmustbecarefulwhenyouwalk theroad 4 Hejumped thewallacross 从物体表面 跨越 越过through 从物体中间 穿透 穿越over 从物体上面 跃过by在 旁边 through by across over across 从物体表面 跨越 越过through 从物体中间 穿透 穿越over 从物体上面 跃过 7 toatHeshouted mewithanger Heshouted mesothatIcouldhearhim at侧重是攻击 to一般是善意cometo attalkto atpresent aknife to at at to 8 between among1 Thegirlsits JaneandMary 2 Theteacherisstanding thestudents between是两 among是大于等于三注 1 Shetakessomemedicine threemeals 三者以上事物 把这些事物分别看待 强调两两之间的时候仍用between2 Iam thetopstudents among还可表示包括在其中 beincludedin between among 9 beyond在 的那一边山那边是一片浓密的森林 Beyondthemountainsisathickforest 注 1 Itsbenefitsgobeyondthis 2 Don tstaytherebeyondthevisitinghours 3 Theroadcontinuesbeyondthevillageupintothehill beyond还可以表示超出 范围beyondtheordinary theageof20 one sreach one sdescription one sgrasp against表示靠着 依着他的办公桌靠墙放着 Hisdeskliesagainstthewall 注 1 Weboughtsomewarmclothesagainstthecomingwinter2 Thelittleredhouselookssobeautifulagainstthegreenwoods 3 Shehassaidnothingagainstyou 4 Itisagainsttheschoolrulestospeakinclass against还可以表示预防 以 为背景 不利于 违反等意思 along沿着 顺着沿着长平路一直往前走 穿过两个十字路口后你就会发现沃尔玛超市在你的左手边 WalkalongChangpingRoadandgoacrosstwocrossings AndthenyouwillfindtheWal MartMarketisonyourleft 注 1 Comealongwithus 2 Getalongwellwithothers along还可以表示 和 一起 12 off 从 上 移开 落下 离开see take set fall off在 离岸边不远的 海面 与 相距islandsoffthecoastTheshipsankofftheharbor 注 1 Myhometownismorethan1 000off 2 ThedayforCEEisabout200daysoff 空间或时间上的相距3 Iwillbeofftomorrow 离开或休假4 Theelectricityisoff 断电5 Heofferedtotake10 offtheprice 低于 折价 第三类和原因有关的介词1 for表示原因经常用在一些固定搭配中 thank forgive reward admire for2 with后面接词或短语他们欣喜若狂 Theywerewildwithjoy tremblewithfear laughter coldbetiredwith handsareroughwithwork3 at常放在表示情绪变化的此后beshockedat puzzledat amusedat delightedat angryatsth in用材料 语言 声音 现金等with用具体的工具 身体器官等 有形的 by用方式 方法 手段 无形的 交通通讯工具1 Mymotheroftengotowork bike 2 Ifyouareabletogettheticketstomorrow pleasetellme phone 3 Theteacheriswritingonthepaper redinkandtheblackboard apieceofchalk 4 Canyousayit English 5 Pleasepay cash 6 MyAmericanfriendislearningtoeat chopsticks 7 Onesmells hisnose 第四类表示方式 手段的介词 by by in with in in with with 注 by 交通工具的名词 in on 冠词 交通工具bybike onabikebybus onabusbycar inacar但是onfoot例外 第五类表示除外的介词1 but表示排除 多与nobody none noone nothing anything everyone all who等连用 当but前有do的任何形式 后接动词原形 2 besides表示包含 除 之外还有 3 except表示排除 除 之外 指的是同一类中除去其他个体 4 exceptfor表示除去整体中的部分 指的是同一物中除去例外的一部分 只是 只不过 5 apartfrom except besides 1 Thereisnoonehere me 2 LastnightIdidnothing watchTV 3 Wegothereeveryday Sunday 4 Thecompositionisquitegood thespelling 5 basketball IlikeplayingPingpang 6 Youhavenochoice towait 7 LiLongisagoodstudent hislaziness but but except exceptfor Besides but exceptfor 第六类表示所属关系的介词to of for1 Haveyougotthekey thelock 2 Doyouknowtheanswer thequestion 3 Hebrokeoneleg thetable 4 Areyouusedtothecustoms thecountry 5 Thereisnotenoughfood supper 6 Ihavetwotickets thefilm tokey answer reply invitation Monument note exit entrances bridge road way solution visitof表 所有 关系 即 介词of前的事物是后面事物不可分割的部分 for表 适合 关系 即 介词for前的事物只适合后面这一特定事物 to to of of for for 第七类表示关于的on和about1 Theteachertoldusastory LeiFeng 2 We regoingtolistentoalecture Africanhistorythisafternoon on与about一般情况下 二者可以互相替换 about常用于简单的或浅显的论述等 是一般用语 多用于讲故事 谈话 思考等on多用于系统论述或专题讲演 论著等 具有学术性 about on 第八类表示增加或减少1 Comparedwithlastyear thepricehasrisen 30 2 Thepopulationhasincreasedfrom1 2milion 1 8million by表示在原有的基础上增加或减少了 to表示总数增加或减少到 by to 第九类表示价格 比率 标准 速度的介词at表示价值 价格 比率或速度 表单价 for表示交换 指总价钱by表示度量单位或标准 后接表计量单位的名词一般是单数 前面需加定冠词the 数词或复数名词前不加 1 Weareflying aspeedof400kms hr 2 Iboughtthesebooks 5dollarseach 3 Iboughtthesebooks 30dollars 4 Heispaid theweek at at for by 第十类as likeHehasbeenplayingtennisasaprofessionalfortwoyears Heplaystennislikeaprofessional Thewineimproveswithage DoasIdo as 介词 作为 如同 连词 随着 按照 with 介词 随着 like 介词 像 跟 一样 unlike 比如 动词 喜欢 dislike1 随着时间的流逝 她原谅了他 Astimewentby sheforgavehim Withtimegoingby sheforgavehim 2 astudent youshouldstudyhard 3 manystudents hestudieshard As Like 1 Theoldmancannotwalk astick 2 Wegotthere anytrouble 3 Itwasn tverypoliteofyoutoserveyourself asking 4 Wewere electricityforthreehoursbutit sonagainnow without without without without 1 without 宾语 形容词Allthethingsinhishousewerestolenwithoutthedooropen 他屋里的所有东西都被偷了 而门没有打开 2 without 宾语 副词I dbelostwithoutyouhere 没有你在这儿 我会一筹莫展 3 without 宾语 介词短语Idon tlikesweetcoffee Ilikeitbetterwithoutsugarinit 我不喜欢加糖的咖啡 里边不加糖我更喜欢 4 without 宾语 动名词Heleftwithoutsayinggoodbye 没说再见 他就走了 5 without 宾语 不定式Itwasboringtosittherewithoutanythingtodo 无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了 6 without 宾语 过去分词Withoutanyproblemsolved theyleft 没有解决任何问题 他们就走了 第十一类用于复合结构的without 1 With n pron adj Hewenttobedwiththedooropen 2 With n pron adv Shelefttheclassroomwithallthelightson 3 With n pron prep PhraseMothercamehomewithabasketinherhand 4 With n pron doingJacklayonthegrasswithhiseyeslookingatthesky 5 With n pron todoWithherhusbandtohelpher shewillworkitout 6 With n pron p p Themurdererwasbroughtinwithhishandstiedbehindhisback 例1 fire allexitsmustbekeptclear A InplaceofB InsteadofC IncaseofD Inspiteof例2 Ihaveofferedtopaintthehouse aweek saccommodationInexchangeforB withregardtoC bymeansofD inplaceof例3 youradvice IwouldhavebeencaughtinthetrafficandIwouldn thavebeenthereontime InspiteofB ButforC BecauseofD Asfor A C B 介词短语的辨析考查 介词与名词 动词 形容词等的搭配例1 Howdifferentmyhometownis whatitwastenyearsago fromB atC withD by例2 scientistsareconvinced thepositiveeffectoflaughter physicalandmentalhealth A of atB by inC of onD on at A C 介词 关系代词 在定语从句中的运用例 Theauthor BeijingUniversity allofusarefamiliarwillpayavisittoourcompany from whomB in towhomC from withwhomD in who C 解题指导 对于介词与其他词的搭配 除了掌握一些常见的搭配外 要善于从句中找出搭配形式 特别是分割开了的搭配形式 要注意还原短语 选出需用的介词 分词形式的介词considering 就 而论 given 如果有 考虑到 including 包括 concerning 关于 例1 hisoldage heishealthyenough A ConsideredB ToconsiderC ConsideringD consider例2 hissupport Ithinkwewillwintheelection A IfB GivenC GivingD Have C B inadditionto besides除 以外 还有incaseof万一发生 incommonwith与 有共同之处 与 相同infaceof面对 intimeof在 时候indangerof处于 的危险中indefenceof为了保护 牢记下列常见的复合介词 inneed wantof需要 inshortof缺 infavourof有利于 inexchangefor以交换 inmemoryof为了纪念 inhonourof为了尊敬 inpraiseof为了赞美 inchargeof负责 inthechargeof由 负责 inpossessionof拥有 inthepossessionof由 拥有insearchof为了寻找 intouchwith和 保持联系inpreparationfor为 作准备inplaceof代替 而不是inhopesfor inthehopeof希望 inthecourseof在 的过程中inthehabitof在 的习惯中 infrontof在 的前面inthefrontof在 的前部intheformof以 的形式inthenameof以 名义inrelationto与 相关 inreplyto作为对 的回答inanswerto作为对 的回应inregardto关于 至于 inreturnfor作为对 的回报 inspiteof尽管 insupportof支持 intermsof就 而言inharmonywith与 和谐inlinewith与 一致 符合inpaymentfor 为了偿还 accordingto 依据 根据 owingto 因为 becauseof 因为 onaccountof 因为 bymeansof 凭借 thanksto 多亏了 asfor to 至于 dueto 由于 apartfrom 除 以外exceptfor 除了 整体的某个不足的部分 regardlessof 不管 contraryto 与 相反onbehalfof 代表 butfor 要不是 outofdate过期的outofplace不合适的 不相称的outoforder出故障的 与动词搭配 devote to 为 作贡献dancetomusic伴着音乐跳舞adapt to 适应 adjust to 调节 以适应attach to 把 粘贴到 上owe to 把 归功于 注意下列带介词的词组 2 on的搭配难点词组 depend relyon依赖于 behardonsb 对某人苛刻beonaresearchteam研究队中的一员takeon雇佣 呈现 注意下列带介词的词组 3 over可以表示 在某事 活动进行的过程中 如 overacupofcoffee在喝咖啡的时候 overlunch在吃中餐的时候 注意下列带介词的词组 4 考生要熟悉多个 形容词 介词 的词组以及 bedone 介词 done已经形容词化 表示状态 如 beconsciousof意识到beawareof意识到 明白beworthyof值得 配得上beabsentfrom缺席bepresentat出席 注意下列带介词的词组 bebusywithsth 忙于 bebusyindoingsth 忙于做 beanxiousabout为 担心beashamedof因 而惭愧besuspiciousof怀疑 bedifferentfrom与 不同besimilarto与 相似 注意下列带介词的词组 befamiliarwithsth 熟悉某物befondof喜爱bestrictwithsb 对某人严格bestrictinsth 在某方面严格bepopularwith受到 的欢迎betiredof厌倦 belostin迷失在 专心于 berelatedto与 有关 注意下列带介词的词组 以下为一些介词的特殊用法 介词in1 在阳光 灯光 树荫下 雨中 穿衣服inthelight therain uniform disguise irons2 表示状态和心情inpower ruins rags tears holes flowerages love debt anger goodhealth hope sorrow confusion 介词on1 收音 农场 值日 队伍 委员 董事onontheradio thewireless TV thephone afarm duty theteam2 依靠依赖depend live rely base feed on3 在进行之中 onthemarch fire strike sale show display business atrip leave 特殊 onpurpose time schedule sb 某人支付 介词at1 在山脚下 门口 目前 以 的速度 速率 日出 日落 温度 价格等等用atatthefoot bottom gateof thedoor present aspeedof arateof tendegrees agoodprice agreatcost thecostof 2 开始和结束atthebeginningof endof first inthebeginning intheend 3 at也可以表示一中状态atwar work home 介词by表示偶然bychance byaccident介词for1 表示找或获得ask write look search pay for2 前往leave head make sail be for介词to表示 令人 toone ssurprise delight above over on below under beneathBecareful Thereisasnake yourhead Thesunis themountainintheeast Thereisaglass thetable MrBrownwas hiswifeinsocialstanding 2 over across past throughTheGreatWallwindsitswayfromwesttoeast deserts mountains valleys tillatlastitreachesthesea Thecrowdofpeoplewalked theCityWall over above on under below across over through past 3 in on atHeis thestationnow Hisglassesareright hisnose Iam classroomnow 4 in on toJapanlies theeastofChina Englandlies thesoutheastofBritain GreatchangeshavetakenplaceinGuangzhou whichlies ZhujiangRiver at on in to in on by in on sea air land water plane ship traingotoschool mybike myfather scar foot horseback2 over through with by inHewaswriting apencil Wesee oureyes hand ink theradio thetelescope by on in with with by in over through by on at for withIamangry herwords Hewentred excitement Sheisoftenafraidtospeakinpublic shame 2 becauseof dueto thankstoMistakes carelessnessmayhaveseriousconsequences yourhelp Ihavegreatprogress Iamlate theheavyrain at about with for dueto Thanksto becauseof 作定语或表语 作状语 位于句首或句尾 多用于句首 besides except exceptfor but apartfromWeneedfifteenmorepeople ourteamtodothejob adeskortwo theclassroomwasempty Sheseldomtalkedofanything painting hiswife hisdaughteralsowentswimming Weallattendedthemeeting XiaoLi Thereisnoonehere MaryandTom Who afoolwoulddosuchathing besides Exceptfor but Besides except but but besidesalso another more other else tooexcept句末exceptfor句首或句末but句末every any all everybody anything anywhere nobody no none who what where 注意 有些时间名词前不接介词 如 nextday lastSunday thatmorning theseyearsone each any every some all修饰时 一般不用介词 如someday oneday 1 Let slearntousetheproblemwearefacing astepping stonetofuturesuccess 2 Fredenteredwithoutknockingand veryoutofbreath sank achair 3 Whydoyousuggestwebuyanewmachine Becausetheoldonehasbeen repair as into beyond 4 Youhavenoideahowshefinishedtherelayrace herfootwoundedsomuch 5 Whendidyoulasthear Jay Hephonedmethismorning andweagreed atimeandplacetomeet 6 IlikeMr Miner sspeech itwasclearand thepoint Nowadaysalotofadultsgotoeveningschools furthereducation 8 Ifyoureallyhavetoleaveduringthemeeting you dbetterleave thebackdoor with from on to for by 9 Ibegantofeel homeinthenewschoolwhenIsawsomefamiliarfaces 10 Thetwosportsmencongratulatedeachother winningthematchbyshakinghands 11 Agreatmanshowshisgreatness thewayhetreatslittlemen 12 Bynineo clock alltheOlympictorchbearershadreachedthetopofMountQomolangma whichappearedaracerainbowsoon at on by above Elizabethhasalreadyachievedsuccess herwildestdreams 14 Betweenthetwogenerations itisoftennottheirage theireducationthatcausesmisunderstanding 15 Somepeoplechoosejobsforotherreasons moneythesedays 16 thesilenceofthepauses wecouldheareachother sbreathingandcouldalmosthearourownheartbeats 17 Thisisajuniorschool Youshouldgotoaseniorschool girlsofyourage beyond but besides In for

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