
上传人:tian****1990 文档编号:7785276 上传时间:2020-03-24 格式:PPT 页数:51 大小:1.75MB
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Recycle1 Unit1 Howdoyougotos p 某地 Igotos p by 交通工具 Unit2 Whereisthes p Itis 方位短语 方位介词 s p Unit3 Whatareyougoingtodo I mgoingto Unit2 我步行去学校 Igotoschoolonfoot Howdoyougotoschool 他骑自行车去公园 Hegoestothezoobybike Howdoeshegotothezoo Howdoyougotoschool Igotoschoolbybike 2 Howdoeshegotowork Hegoestoworkbycar 3 HowdoesSarahgotothepark Sarahgoestotheparkonfoot 4 HowdotheygotoBeijing TheygotoBeijingbyplane 问一问 go goes goes go 1 Igotothezoobybus 对画线部分提问 Howdoyougotothezoo 2 Heusuallygoestoworkbycar Howdoesheusuallygotowork 3 Shecangotothehospitalbysubway Howcanshegotothehospital 1 UsuallyIgotothebookstorebybus 2 Hegoestoschoolonfoot 4 ShegoestoShanghaibysubway Howdoyouusuallygotothebookstore Howdoeshegotoschool HowdoesshegotoShanghai 改错并纠正 1 Howdoyougoschool 2 Igotohomebybike 3 Iusuallygotoschoolbyfoot 4 IgototheUSAbybus 5 Doyougoonbike go goto goto go by on bus plane on by 1 HowdoyougotoBeijing IgotoBeijingbyplane 2 HowdoesshegotoCanada ShegoestoCanadabyship we yourparents herconsin histeacher by bus bike plane ship train subway car 公共汽车自行车飞机船火车地铁小汽车 用这些人称和交通方式回答 红 黄 绿 ASlowdownandstop 减速并停下Stopandwait 停下并等待Let sgo 走吧 A B C trafficlights填空 Therearealwayslights yellowand means Stopandwait yellowmeans andmeans Go three red green Red Slowdownandstop green 同样的例子 以Does开头的问句的回答方式是怎样的呢 Yes does No doesn t Doesyourmothergotoworkbycar Yes shedoes 这里的人称是she he还是it 有问句的人称决定 Doeshehaveabook Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Unit3 巧学妙计 一般将来时 将要发生事谓语不一般 begoingto加动原说完活动后 再把时间状语填你来说 我来填 单元知识记心间 主语 begoingto 动词原形 时间状语 记一记 本单元重点句型 Whereareyougoing I mgoingto 地点 Whatareyougoingtodo I mgoingto 动原 Whenareyougoing I mgoing onTuesday at9o clock Whatareyougoingtodo 时间状语 I mgoingtodomyhomework 时间状语 今天你打算做什么 我打算去拜访我的祖父母 Whatareyougoingtodotoday Iamgoingtovisitmygrandparents Iamgoingtovisitmygrandparentstoday 2 明天 麦克将有一节英语课 1 今晚 我打算去看电影 3 今天下午 我们打算去买书 Iamgoingtoseeafilmtonight MikeisgoingtohaveanEnglishlessontomorrow Wearegoingtobuybooksthisafternoon watchTV 一般将来时就事情提问的特殊疑问句用What 今天晚上你打算干什么 我打算写作业 今天下午你的姑姑打算干什么 我的姑姑打算做月饼 Whatareyougoingtodotonight Iamgoingtodomyhomework Whatisyourauntgoingtodothisafternoon Myauntisgoingtomakemooncakes is is 一般将来时就时间提问的特殊疑问句用When Whenareyougoing Thisafternoon Iamgoingthisafternoon 注意 两种不回答都可以 可以直接回答也可以省略 你什么时候去 今天下午 一般将来时就地点提问的特殊疑问句用Where 你将要去哪里 我要去书店 Whereareyougoing Iamgoingtothebookstore 明天 你的母亲将要去哪里 Whereisyourmothergoingtomorrow is 1 Whereareyougoingthisafternoon 2 Whenareyougoing I mgoingtothecinema Nextweek Iamgoingnextweek choose where what when 哪里 什么 何时 areyougoingtodo I mgoingtovisitmygrandparents areyougoing I mgoingonSaturdaymorning areyougoing I mgoingtomygrandparents home When What Where Let she get thereonfoot Let they sit here Let we 去电影院 Letus Let s让我们Letsb 宾格 dosth让某人做某事 her get them sit us gotothecinema 情景交际 选出正确的选项 1 当你建议和朋友一起去动物园的时候 你应该说 A Let sgotothezoo B Howdoyougotothezoo C Whereisthezoo 2 当你问别人乘怎样的交通工具去北京时 你应该说 A Let sgotoBeijingbycar B HowdoyougotoBeijing C DoyougotoBeijingbycar A B Exercises Imustpayattentiontothetrafficlights A 注意B 交通灯C 遵守2 HowcanIgettothepark A 得到B 到达C 经过3 Stopandwaitatayellowlight A 停下来B 等待C 停下等待4 TaketheNo 57busoverthere A 乘坐B 经过C 那边5 Comeandhavealook A 过来玩玩 B 过来看看 C 过来听听 1 IgotoHainanfromBeijing plane A onB byC at2 totheparkandplaywithus A ComeB ComingC Comes3 canyougettothelibrary Bybike A WhereB HowC When4 Let readthisforyou A IB meC my5 How WuYifan sfathergotowork A doB doesC did 1 theUSA peopleonbikesmustwearahelmet A OnB InC At2 Don tgoatthe light A redB greenC yellow3 Imust attentiontothetrafficlights A payB payingC pays 4 HowcanIgettothehospital theNo 60bus A BuyB TakeC On5 Come havealook A withB andC or 1 go the light red at Don t 2 stop We and must wait 3 I How can to get hospital the 4 must I attention pay to lights traffic the Don tgoattheredlight Wemuststopandwait HowcanIgettothehospital Imustpayattentiontothetrafficlights ZoothetheI mtoweekendgoingon 2 goingarethisWhereyouevening 3 grandparentsthisgoingI mweektomyvisit 4 youeveningArecinemagoingthetothis I mgoingtothezooontheweekend Whereareyougoingthisevening I mgoingtovisitmygrandparentsthisweek Areyougoingtothecinemathisevening 英汉翻译1 Thebusiscoming 公共汽车来了 2 Somanypicturesofbikes 这么多自行车的照片 3 Don tgoattheredlight 不要闯红灯 1 那是个很好的锻炼 That sgoodexercise 2 让我们去自然公园吧 Let sgotothenaturepark 1 你想知道朋友怎么上学 你会问 A Howdoyoucometoschool B HowcanIcometoschool C Howdoyougohome 2 红灯亮了的时候 你会提醒你的同伴 A Don tgoataredlight B Stopandslowdownataredlight C AandB 3 你通常走路上学 你会说 A Iusuallywalktoschool B Iusuallycometoschoolbybike C Iusuallycometoschoolbybus 4 如果你坐雪橇出去时 你应该做到 A Imustdriveslowly B Don tletthedogsruntoofast C AandB 1 你告诉别人坐15路公共汽车去公园时 应该说 A YoucangobytheNo 15bus B Youcangobybus C Youcangobysubway 2 当你询问别人怎样去Australia时 应该说 A DoyougotoAustraliabyplane B HowdoyougotoAustralia C WhereisAustralia 3 Thefifthfloor theroom5A A Whichfloor B Wherefloor C Whatfloor A B A 1 areyougoing I mgoingtothecinema A WhatB WhereC When 2 I mgoingtovisitmygrandparents A onSaturdaysB thisweekendC lastweekend 3 Whynot onTuesday A togoB goC going 4 Iamgoingtobuyacomicbook space A andB withC about 5 Sarah goingtobuyabookthisafternoon A isB amC are 选择恰当的答案 1 HeandPeter goingtoseeafilmtomorrow AisBareCam2 Theyaregoingto footballafterschool AplayBplaysCplaying3 areyougoingtodo AWhatBWhereCWhen4 areyougoing IamgoingtothecinemaAWhenBWhereCWhat 一 选出不同类的单词 将代号填在上面 每题1分 共5分 1 Iamgoingto mygrandparentsnextweek A visitB visitsC visiting 2 Whatareyougoing onSundaymorning Iamgoingtoruninthepark A toB todoC doing 3 I mgoingtobuyan A comicbookB EnglishbookC storybook 4 Haveagoodtime A Thankyou B Good C Yes 5 HowisAmygoingtomorrow A BeijingB ByplaneC Ontheweekend 单选题 1 areyougoingtodothisafternoon A WhereB WhatC How 2 Whatareyougoingtodo theweekend A onB atC in 3 areyougoingthisafternoon I mgoingtothebookstore A What B WhereC When 4 areyougoingtobuy I mgoingtobuyastory book A WhatB WhenC Where 5 areyougoing I mgoingat3o clock A What BWhenC Where 读对话 完成句子 A areyougoingthisafternoon B Iamgoingtothebookstore A B I mgoingtobuyadictionary A areyougoing B I mgoingat4o clock A areyougoingthere B I mgoingtherebybike A areyougoingwith B Iamgoingtherewithmysister Where Whatareyougoingtodo When How Who 读问句 选择正确的答语 1 Whatareyougoingtodothisevening 2 Whenisyoursistergoingtothepark 3 Whoareyougoingwith 4 Whereisyourfriendgoing 5 Isshegoingtohaveanartlesson A I mgoingtocookabigdinner B SheisgoingtherenextSunday C He sgoingtothepark D Yes sheis E I mgoingwithmyparents A B E C D 1 Sheisgoingtodoherhomeworktonight 变一般疑问句并做肯定 否定回答 2 I mgoingat3 00 对划线部分提问 3 Mysisterisgoingtotakeatrip 对划线部分提问 Isshegoingtodoherhomeworktonight Yes sheis No sheisn t Whenareyougoing Whatisyoursistergoingtodo 1 I mgoingtobuyamagazine plants A aboutB atC in 2 I mgoing 3o clock A onB inC at 3 Pleasecometomy birthdayparty A twelveB twelvethC twelfth 4 Thetrafficlightsare ineverycountry A thesameB sameC different 5 Howaboutbytaxi It sfast tooexpensive A butB andC only 6 Ifyouwanttobuyapuppy youcangoto A shoestoreB fruitstandC petshop 给句子排序 A TaketheNo 17bus B Walkeastforthreeminutes C Findthewhitebuiildingontheleft D Startfromthebusstopinfrontofourschool E Getoffatthepostoffice 1 4 5 3 2 根据汉语意思填空 1 我经常骑自行车去上学 I gotoschoolby 2 你打算去买报纸吗 是的 Areyougoing Yes Iam 3 我爸爸和妈妈明天将要去看望我的爷爷奶奶 Myfatherandmother goingto mygrandparents 4 今天下午你要去哪 我要去书店 areyougoing Iam thebookstore 5 我要去买两本词典 Iamgoing buytwo often bike to buy newspaper are visit tomorrow Where this afternoon going to to dictionaries 按要求改写句子 1 Wecangototheparkonfoot 改成否定句 2 Iamgoingtodrawsomepictures 变一般疑问句 3 DriversdriveontherightinChina 变一般疑问句 4 Shegoestotheshopbybike 对划线部分提问 5 Lilygoestoschoolonfoot 对划线部分提问 Wecannotgototheparkonfoot Areyougoingtodrawanypictures DodriversdriveontherightinChina Howdoesshegototheshop HowdoesLilygotoschool


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