
上传人:tia****nde 文档编号:7768483 上传时间:2020-03-24 格式:PPT 页数:54 大小:6.72MB
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Doyouhaveasoccerball Unit5 SectionA1a 1c XiaoYunfeifromXiangzhouNo 4MiddleSchool 1 Masterthesekeywords tennis basketball baseballbat volleyball soccerball ping pongbat 2 Masterthetargetlanguages Doyouhave Yes Ido No Idon t 学习目标 一定要掌握哦 soccerball basketball ping pongball ping pongbat baseballbaseballbat baseball tennisball volleyball 1aMatchthewordswiththepictures 1 tennisbata 2 ping pongbat 3 soccerball 4 volleyball 5 basketball 6 baseballbat f c e d b Let shaveachant soccerball soccerball Ihave 有 asoccerball basketball basketball Ihaveabasketball soccerball basketball volleyball tennisball baseballbat 记忆大比拼 Challengeyoureyes What smissing volleyball baseball baseballbat basketball soccerball tennisball ping pongballping pongbat basketball Doyouhaveabasketball Yes Ido Ihaveabasketball Doyouhaveatennisball Yes Ido Ihaveatennisball tennisball volleyball Doyouhaveavolleyball No Idon t Idon thaveavolleyball ping pongbat Doyouhaveaping pongbat No Idon t Idon thaveaping pongbat A Doyouhavea an B Yes Ido Doyouhavea an A No Idon t Doyouhaveasoccerball Yes Ido Yes Ido Doyouhaveabasketball No Idon t No Idon t Doyouhaveaping pongball Yes Ido Yes Ido Doyouhaveabaseball No Idon t No Idon t Doyouhaveatennisball Yes Ido Yes Ido Doyouhaveavolleyball No Idon t No Idon t 1bListenandcirclethewordsyouhear Youranswer ping pongbatping pongball SectionA 1bBoy1 Doyouhaveaping pongbat Boy2 Yes Ido Boy1 Doyouhaveaping pongball Boy2 No Idon t Makedialoguesinpairs Usethethingsinthepictureoryourownthings 自己的东西 tomakedialogues ruler pen dictionary A What sthisinEnglish B It saping pongbat A Doyouhaveaping pongball B Yes Ido A Doyouhaveavolleyball B No Idon t 1 Newwords tennis basketball baseballbat volleyball soccerball ping pongbat 2 thetargetlanguages Doyouhave Yes Ido No Idon t 我学会了 1 A DoyouhavebasketballB A Yes IdoB IdoC Yes IhaveD Yes Ian 2 A Ihavea B Great Let splayit A bookB soccerballC jacketD ruler 3 Ihavefour A ping pongbatB ping pongballsC ping pongballD Computer 4 Ihave soccerball A aB anC the5 A you have aping pongball B Yes Ido Fillintheblanks 填空 1 I aping pongbat 我有一个乒乓球拍 2 you aping pongbat 你有一个乒乓球拍吗 是的 我有 3 you avolleyball 你有排球吗 不 我没有 have have Do Yes Ido Do have No Idon t Homework 拓展创新Talkaboutthethingsyourclassmateshave Pleasemakeasurvey usethesentence Doyouhavea Homework 当你到达商店想买一些东西 请用本节课学的单词和句型与售货员交谈 Doyouhaveatennis Yes Ido tennis Listentotheconversations Numberthepictures 1 4 Listenagain matchthepictures 1 Doesshehavearuler Yes shedoes Doesshehaveapencilcase No shedoesn t Doeshehaveabasketball Yes hedoes Doeshehaveasoccerball No hedoesn t Doesshe hehavea an Yes she hedoes No she hedoesn t 发现和探索1 Doyou theyhave 你 他们有 Yes I theydo 是的 我 他们有 No I theydon t Ihave 不 我 他们没有 我有 2 Doeshe shehave 他 她有 Yes he shedoes 是的 他 她有 No he shedoesn t She Hehas 不 他 她没有 她 他有 have用法问 某人是否有 时 在句首用助动词do提问 当主语是第三人称单数时用does 其后都是用动词原形 Doyouhaveanewbike DoesTomhaveasoccerball 在肯定句中主语是第三人称单数时动词用单三形式 其他人称动词用原形Ihaveagreenpen Hehasaredpen 1 A Doyouhaveaping pongbat B No Idon t 3 A Doesshehaveatennisball B Yes shedoes 4 A Doeshehaveabasketball B No hedoesn t 2 A Dotheyhaveacomputer B Yes theydo exercise Fillintheblankswithdo does don t doesn t ping pongball bat Charity Homework Survey Doyouhavea an have don thave ThankYou


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