外研(新标准)版英语七年级下册Module8 Unit 1 Once upon a time同步练习(I)卷.doc

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外研(新标准)版英语七年级下册Module8 Unit 1 Once upon a time同步练习(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇运用 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分)The room is very dirtyPlease keep it t_2. (1分)Jack was so n_ about his exams that he didnt sleep well last night. 二、 英汉互译 (共2题;共13分)3. (10分)英汉互译。eat in the dining hall _arrive late for class _in the hallways _in the music room _不得不_学校规则_在课堂上_听音乐_打扫教室_戴帽子_4. (3分)她不仅会说汉语,还会说英语。She Can speak English_Chinese三、 句型考查 (共5题;共21分)5. (1分) Why are you in such a hurry? My cousin _(wait)for me outside. We are going to see a film together.6. (7分)(1)Many animals died for different _( 原因 ) .(2)We are_ ( 研究 ) how to improve English.(3)We hope live in _ ( 和平 ) .(4)His_ ( 表兄 ) is a doctor.(5)We must _(保护)the animals .(6)There are few_(自然的)reserves in China .(7)Why do they want to_( 设计 )a poster.7. (7分)(2015.湖北荆州)阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。My English teacher_a movie star.(look)我的英语老师看起来像一位电影明星。Look! The children_a story for the picture in the classroom. (make)瞧! 孩子们正在教室里根据图片编一个故事。If you know what kind of people are unfriendly, just _them. (stay)知道了哪些人不友好,就离他们远点。Liu Yang_math last term, but now he loves to play computer games. (be)上学期刘洋对数学很感兴趣,但现在他迷上了电脑游戏。I_the story, so I can tell them the truth. (happen)碰巧我读过那个故事,所以我能告诉他们事实真相。It is said that Shenzhou-11 spacecraft _into space in 2016. (send)据说,神州十一号飞船将于2016年发射升空。Dr Lee_a real example already. Hell tell us tomorrow. (come)李博士已经想到了一个真实的例子,明天告诉我们。8. (5分)写出句中所缺单词。Its_outside!Dont go out,JimMany people dont like_daysWhat a(n)_day it is!It doesnt often_in Luoyang,ChinaDont you like_days, Mom?9. (1分)It was not comfortable_它也不舒服。四、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)10. (2分)What should we do _ the sale of shark fin?A . to stopB . stopC . stoppingD . stops11. (2分)I 13 years old in 2011.A . amB . wasC . wereD . be12. (2分)(2015.湖北武汉) A nice car! Is it yours?No, it isnt. I _ it from a friend of mine two days ago.A . borrowB . have borrowed C . will borrow D . borrowed13. (2分)A: Why not take a map with you?B: I know that place well, so I wont _.A . get upB . get lostC . get dressedD . get out14. (2分)Hey, Molly! Remember this English dictionary Jason. A . to give; toB . giving; toC . to give; forD . giving; for五、 根据汉语意思完成句子 (共2题;共5分)15. (3分)There is something wrong with his _ (精神). He cant _ _ (保持)a normal mood. 16. (2分)他打乒乓球了,而不是在家看电视。He played table tennis_watching TV at home六、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 (共2题;共3分)17. (1分)迈克什么时候爬上山的?When did Mike_the hill?18. (2分)你的学校有多大?_is your school?七、 补全对话(方框中有两项是多余的) (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处旗入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。 A: Hello, this is Liu Hua speaking. Whos that?B: This is Lily. I want to visit your hometown-Xian. _?A: Sure. What do you want to know about it?B: _?A: Yes, youre right. Its usually very hot in summer.B: _?A: There are many places you can visit, such as the Wild Goose Pagoda, the City Wall, Terracotta Warriors and so on.B: That sounds great. But I have to pass many exams first. _.A: Oh. What a pity! How is your study now?B: Just so so. I am not good at math. _?A: Dont worry. Maybe you can ask your math teacher and parents for help. They will give you some advice.B: Thanks for your advice.八、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分) Everything happens for the best, my mother said whenever things werent going my way. Dont worry. One day your luck will change.Mother was right, as I discovered after I had finished my college education, I had decided to try for a job in radio. One day, I wanted to host a sports programme. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station. But I got turned down every time.In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadnt got enough experience. Get some work with a small station and work your way up, she said.I went back home. I couldnt get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didnt get the job.I felt really down. Your luck will change, Mom said to me. Dad lent me the car to help me to look for my job. I tried another radio station in Lowa. But the owner, a nice man, told me he had already had someone.As I left his office, I asked, How can someone be a sports announcer(播音员) if he cant get a job in a radio station?I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man call. What did you mean? Do you know anything about football? He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game, I succeeded.On my way home, Moms words come back to me, One day your luck will change, Son. And when it happens, itll feel doubly good because of all the hard work youve had. At that moment I knew just what she meant.(1)Whats the writers ideal job?A . A sportsman.B . A shop assistant.C . A sports announcer.D . A businessman.(2)Why didnt the writer get the job in Chicago?A . Because he was too young.B . Because he didnt get college education.C . Because hes got a good-looking person.D . Because he hadnt got enough experience.(3)The sentence But I got turned down every time. means .A . But I was refused every timeB . But I was successful every timeC . But I lost my way every timeD . But the door of every station was always closed(4)What made the writer succeed in the end?A . His mothers words.B . A kind ladys help.C . His fathers car.D . His own hard work.(5)Whats the best title of this passage?A . Mothers Words.B . Everything Happens for the Best.C . No One Is Always Lucky.D . To Find a Job in Radio Is Difficult.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 词汇运用 (共2题;共2分)1-1、2-1、二、 英汉互译 (共2题;共13分)3-1、4-1、三、 句型考查 (共5题;共21分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、四、 单项选择 (共5题;共10分)10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、五、 根据汉语意思完成句子 (共2题;共5分)15-1、16-1、六、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 (共2题;共3分)17-1、18-1、七、 补全对话(方框中有两项是多余的) (共1题;共5分)19-1、八、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、


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