人教版九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷.doc

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人教版九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分) The little boy entered the house, unhappy. His mother was 1cakes in the kitchen. She smiled as she 2but stopped when she saw his face. “Tyler,3happened? Is everything okay?”“Nothing is okay, mom.” said the boy, “Today, in our science lesson, Mrs. Green was talking about the 4 .She said that the whole world is getting dirtier and that many animals and plants are dying. She wants us to think of something we can do to help. I thought all the way, but there is5I can do to make a difference.”“Let me tell you 6.” the mother said after thinking for a while. “One morning a man was walking down a beach, there he saw thousands of dying starfish covering the beach, they were pushed up by the 7, and it was too far up for them to make their way back by8. The man shook his head as he walked along, What a pity! So many starfish will die on the beach. The man felt very sorry 9those starfish. He went on walking and just at that time he was 10to find a boy in front who was throwing the starfish back into the sea as 11as he could, how silly you are! My 12, the man said, There are so many starfish, can you throw all of them back? The boy didnt stop but kept throwing, 13I cant help them all .I can make a difference to this one, and this one, and this one, and this one.”“Thinking for a moment, the man 14to help return the starfish to their home. He smiled and said to himself, Sometimes the biggest lesson in life comes from the15person.(1)A . drinking B . making C . selling D . washing (2)A . turned around B . turned down C . turned on D . turned off (3)A . what B . when C . where D . why (4)A . air B . land C . water D . environment (5)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing (6)A . a lie B . a joke C . a story D . a truth (7)A . wind B . rain C . waves D . sands (8)A . himself B . itself C . ourselves D . themselves (9)A . of B . for C . from D . forward (10)A . afraid B . surprised C . sad D . angry (11)A . slow B . fast C . soon D . high (12)A . father B . mother C . son D . daughter (13)A . Or B . So C . Because D . Though (14)A . began B . continued C . forgot D . waited (15)A . shortest B . tallest C . smallest D . biggest 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。ATerrafugia Company has said that its flying car, named Transition, has successfully finished a 37- second test flight.On March 5th, 2009, at Plattsburgh International Airport in New York. The companys chief pilot, Phil Meteer, piloted the flying car.Transition is a two-seat airplane that can take off and land at airports as well as drive on roads.The company said that the flying car can travel at speeds up to 115 mph in the air, drive at highway speeds on the ground, and fold up (折叠)to fit in a garage (车库) 81 inches wide and 80 inches high.Hospitals could use it to transport patients so as to avoid road traffic. It may start running on wheels, and when it gets to traffic lights it can fly overhead the lights and keep its way forward. So its good news to avoid traffic problems and the traffic accidents.But some people say this is a going airplane rather than a flying car, at least on the appearance. Anyway, we are happy for scientific-technical progress, what a fantastical world in the near future!(1) made this kind of new machine.A . Phil MeteerB . Terrafugia CompanyC . Plattsburgh International AirportD . both A and B(2)people can sit in Transition.A . 3B . 5C . 4D . 2(3)Transition can travel at speeds up to mph in the air.A . 115B . 120C . 4 50D . 480(4)Which of the following sentences about Transition is NOT true?A . It can be folded up.B . It can both run on the ground and fly in the sky.C . It is used in hospital now.D . It looks like a plane.3. (10分)阅读理解。Dear Alice,I just received your letter. And I was very surprised to know that you decided to drop out of school and wanted to be a model(模特).Being a model for a living is not easy. In fact, a famous person like me has a lot of problems that you couldnt see. I cant eat what I like, even though Im very hungry. Keeping thin makes me look more beautiful on the stage because no one would like to see a heavy model.Besides, I have to wear a heavy coat in the hot sun, in a swimming suit in the cold air. And practicing walking nicely every day is tiring for me.You might say I made much money from modeling. Bus my dear niece (侄女), you have to know that money is, nothing, knowledge is everything. School is important and everyone should go to school for a certain period of time. The longer they stay at school, the better they will be. Very often, I hope I can give up my job and continue my studies at school. But it is very difficult for me to go back to school again. I am too old to go back to school now.You are a pretty young girl with a bright future. You only have one year to finish your studies in high school. A year is really short. Please do consider my words carefully before you decide. Of course, there is only one thing I care about, and that is your happiness.Love,Emma(1)What was Emma surprised about? A . Alice wanted to keep thin.B . Alice decided not to do modeling.C . Alice ate too much and became a heavy girl.D . Alice decided not to finish her studies at school.(2)Emma cant go back to school again, because _ A . she is tired of being a studentB . she wants to make more money from modelingC . she is so old that she has missed the best time in schoolD . she has done a good job and makes a lot of money as a model(3)How long does Alice still have to study in high school? A . One year.B . Two years.C . Three years.D . The longer, the better.(4)Emma only cares about_ A . Alices beautyB . Alices happinessC . Alices ageD . Alices swimming suit(5)From the letter we know that _ A . Emma is a famous modelB . Emma likes being a model for a livingC . Alice will go on her studies in high schoolD . Emma can eat what she likes when she is very hungry4. (10分)阅读理解In Britain, people usually begin their talks with weather. For example, they will say “Its a fine day, isnt it?” “Do you think it will rain?”Many people believe that they are able to tell what the weather will be like. But they never agree with each other. One man may say, “How cloudy (阴的) it is now! Its going to rain.” Another man will say, “No, its going to be fine later.”People always hope the weather they want. For example, when a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to rain. When a man wants to travel, he is sure the weather will be fine quickly.Now almost everyone listens to the weather report. It doesnt always tell us the weather we want, it only tells us what the weather will be like. But sometimes it makes mistakes(错误).根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)People in begin their talks with the weather. A . ChinaB . AmericaC . EnglandD . Japan(2)Most people dont agree with about the weather. A . yourselvesB . themselvesC . himselfD . each other(3) listen(s) to the weather report. A . All the peopleB . EveryoneC . Each of the peopleD . Most people(4)The weather report is right. A . alwaysB . not alwaysC . neverD . seldom(5)The passage mainly tells us something about . A . sportsB . musicC . weatherD . Culture5. (8分)阅读理解 The world is getting smaller, at least when it comes to language. More and more people speak the three most common languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese. As a result, local languages are being forgotten. In many parts of the world, grandparents speak a language that their grandchildren do not understand. Because these local languages arent taught to children or spoken at home, they are slowly disappearing(消失)。A language is said to be in trouble when less than 30 percent of local children speak it. It is considered a dying language. If children no longer learn to use a language, it will have fewer and fewer speakers over time and after a long time the language will be gone.Why should we keep languages alive? Languages show how a culture understands or explains the world. You need to look at different kinds of languages, because no one language gets it all, said researcher Dr. Linda Cumberland who is working to save Assiniboine, a Native American language.According to Dr. Cumberland, a dying language needs a dictionary and people to understand and record its grammar. More importantly, you need to listen to those who still speak the language. This can be very difficult, especially if there are very few speakers of the language left. For example, when researchers were working to save the language Ayapaneco in Mexico, it was hard for them to record anything. Why? The last two people on Earth who could speak the language declined to speak to each other.(1)Why are local languages being spoken less and less? A . Because people who know the languages speak to each other less and less.B . Because people prefer to learn and speak more common languages.C . Because children dont talk much to their grandparents.D . Because people use computers to communicate now.(2)When is a language considered to be in trouble? A . When it is only spoken by local people.B . When no dictionaries record its grammar.C . When about 50 percent of local people speak it.D . When fewer than 30 percent of local children speak it.(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Dr. Linda Cumberland? A . She does some research on local languages.B . She prefers to speak more common languages.C . She once worked to save the language Ayapaneco in Mexico.D . She doesnt think a dictionary is necessary for a dying language.(4)What does the underlined word declined mean in the last paragraph? A . Expected.B . Decided.C . Refused.D . Forgot.三、 补全单词 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)根据中文,写出相关单词。(一空一词) Linda Brown is an English_(女孩). She is _(五)years old. Her family are in_(中国). Its a happy family. Her father and mother are_(老师). They teach in No. 2 Middle School. They like reading books. They are _(总是)in the library. Linda has a_(整洁的;干净的)room. It is very nice. A bed, a desk and a_(椅子)are in it. There are some_(钢笔)on the desk. They are_(红色的). Where are her keys? She cant_(找到)them. Can you help her?四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)7. (1分)Some students_in the playground. (am/is/are) 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分)Elephants are smart and _ animals.(society) 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)配对阅读:左栏是5个人想参观的博物馆,右栏是7个不同博物馆的简介,请为每人选择最适合其参观的博物馆。( B )_Jerry is a super fan of cars. His father bought him lots of model cars. But he wants to know more about them._Communication technology makes the world smaller and smaller. Its so amazing that Jenny would like to learn something about the history of it._Bob plans to go for a holiday to a western country to improve his knowledge about the history of some ancient countries._Daisy learns Chinese hard and wants to go to China to learn about the country and its history._Ken likes science very much. He wants to know something about the Energy Machine and the history of it.A. Shanghai Science and Technology Museum has 13 main exhibitions and 4 science theaters. Lights of Exploration is one of them and it shows human scientific achievement in the 20th century.B. Shanghai Auto Museum is the first museum with a wide range of exhibits including hundreds of cars from China and other countries. Its a place where children can learn how the car works.C. Hong Kong Science Museum covers a wide range of science and food science. The biggest exhibit is the Energy Machine. Victors can learn about science there.D. Nanjing Museum is one of the largest museums in China. Its just like a Chinese history book. You can find what Chinese people used and how they lived in the past.E. British Museum is a museum in London which tells human history and culture. You may find the history of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and even China. Its free for every visitor.F. The communication Museum is a part of Macao Post, which brings knowledge of communications to visitors. You can enjoy the history of Macao Post, collections of stamps and communication instruments.G. Chemical Industry Museum of China shows the development of Chinas chemical industry. Its an interesting place for children to learn more about chemistry by watching all kinds of experiments.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)China Youth正在就城市的人口增长以及它所产生的一系列问题做调查。你所在的城市有哪些问题?你有什么好的建议和想法?请写一篇70词左右的短文。 提示:可以就交通,污染,居住空间,教育医疗,资源和社会秩序等提出至少3个问题;提出至少2条建议;开头和结尾已给出,不记入词数。I live in a city in the south of China. There are more and more people coming to find jobs these years. This causes a lot of problems in my city.With the help of these jobs, I believe my city will be more and more beautiful in the future.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 补全单词 (共1题;共10分)6-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)7-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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