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四级作文高级表达开头句型:1. The picture depicts that 2. 寓意:Obviously/Clearly,the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture is that3. 举例::There is no doubt that everyone might confront problems in their daily life.I am no exception. : Lets take as an example to illustrate this. : A good case in point is : be cited as an example : can serve as an illustration4. 解决问题:When it comes to how to tackle my sticky issues,ways lie in three aspects. 5. ,we should be blessed with joint efforts with the whole society.6. The lesson I draw from the incident 结尾句型:1. Confront difficulties with courage and confidence and you will find that difficulties are not as intimidating(使人害怕的) as they appear to be.2. which will lay a solid foundation for our future success.3. We may be capable of transforming them into precious life treasure.4. boost ones well-being (提升幸福感) 5. embrace a bright future连接词:1. First off/First and foremostIn the second placeIn the last resortTo put it briefly2. 解释原因: is a major source of rank first are responsible for is another major contributor to 3. moreover (此外)4. hence (因此)5. wholeheartedly stand for/consent to (同意)6. namely (也就是说)7. whereas (然而,但是)8. ,as a consequence of which,高级短语句型:1. Constant effort yields sure achivements,and if you pursue(追求) your goals with great courage of never giving up,you will succeed in whatever endeavor(努力) you take on.2. Life is just like farming,and what you can reap depends a lot on the seeds you sow and your dedication.3. Its advisable for anyone to make precautionary(预先) preparations for 4. set a definite(明确的) goal 5. without reserve6. give priority to7. follow ones heart (从心所愿)8. shrink from (打消的念头)9. stand by (袖手旁观)10. Together with the loss of morality,the whole society is becoming iron-minded and indifferent.11. pave the way for12. (溺爱)make a fuss of sb.excessive fondness 13. (放手)let go of children for their independence14. broaden ones horizons 15. enjoy their old age16. be entitled to (享有的权益)17. in due season (在恰当的时候)18. adopt preferential policies (采用优惠政策)19. in similar fashion (同样的)20. encounter pressure (面对压力)21. cover up the fact (掩盖事实)22. exert too much pressure on23. interfere with (干涉)24. 勤奋:through steadfast(坚定的) diligence double my efforts and be diligent25. 根据:in accordance/line with26. 偷看:peek at27. 全神贯注于:be engrossed in28. 不情愿,勉强:be reluctant to do sth.29. for the sake of/that30. 尽力:go to great length to do sth. endeavor to do sth.31. Theres no one but longs to do (没有人不愿意)32. be subjected to33. 遵守:comply with adhere to34. 来源于:derive from be originated from35. trifle things/issues (小事)36. It dawns on me that (我明白)37. fret over/about (担心)38. be liable to do sth. (往往,趋向)39. reap huge fruits (获得很多好处)40. put oneself in others shoes (为他人着想)41. be/feel obliged to do sth. (只好,不得不)42. give rise to (屈服)43. It just goes without saying that (不言而喻)44. provide for (为做准备)45. answer for (对负责)46. idle away ones precious time (浪费光阴)47. There is no escaping the fact that (不争的事实是)48. It stands to reason that (显然,理所当然)49. There is no substitute for (doing) sth. (无可替代的)50. Its conceivable that (可想而知)51. never grow without the exposure to sticky issues.52. be on the horizon (即将来临/出现的)53. resist the temptation54. to some extent55. is the real elegance(高雅) of life.56. to the utmost (最大程度上) do our utmost to do sth. (竭尽全力)57. exert a profound(深远的) influence on 58. strive for/to do (努力得到)59. 选择:opt for/against/to do60. relate to (与相处)61. socialize to (与沟通)62. 理论与实际相结合:integrate methodology with practice63. cling to hope64. fulfill ones dream65. 相似:A bears some resemblances to B.66. Its imperative that (当务之急) 67. start out small to do (从小事做起)68. leave something to be desired (还有不足之处)69. pose a great threat to (对产生威胁)70. bring home to sb. sth. (使深刻地认识到)高级词汇表达:1. 立法:legislate vi.2. 不可或缺的:indispensable adj.3. 不可避免的,必须的:inevitable adj.4. 不明智的:irrational adj.5. 普遍的:universal adj.6. 对手:rival n.7. 展现:demonstrate vt.8. 总是:invariably =always adv.9. 尊重:esteem vt.10. 改变:convert =change vt.11. 使用:utilize =use vt.12. 明显的:manifest adj.13. 有名的:distinguished adj.14. 可能的:feasible adj.15. 美好的:rosy adj.16. 非常,极其:exceedingly adv.17. 增强,加强:enhance vt.18. 劝告,建议:counsel vt./n.19. 肯定地:definitely adv.20. incredible: 不可信的 不可思议的


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