牛津译林英语七年级上Unit6 Food and lifestyle单元测试C卷.doc

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牛津译林英语七年级上Unit6 Food and lifestyle单元测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)He likes sports, but he only watches them _ TV. A . atB . onC . inD . of2. (2分)The water is not enough. Add some more sugar, please.A . crispyB . sweetC . saltyD . sour3. (2分) do you like? The red one.A . HowB . Whose oneC . Which one4. (2分)Lily, could you please pass me the_? I want to cut the apple.Sure, here you are.A . penB . pencilC . bookD . knife5. (2分)_ the weather _ Hangzhou?Sunny but cold.A . Wheres; ofB . Whats; inC . Hows; inD . Hows; of6. (2分)No one taught English. He learned it .He is so clever.A . his; by himselfB . his; by himselfC . him; himselfD . him; by himself7. (2分)- Lets go to the community if it _ tomorrow.- But nobody knows if it _ tomorrow.A . wont rain; rainsB . doesnt rain; rainsC . doesnt rain; will rainD . wont rain; will rain8. (2分)If two people did something_, they didnt do it together.A . carefullyB . suddenlyC . separately9. (2分)Where are your pencils? _ A . Its in the schoolbag.B . Yes, they are.C . No. they arent.D . They are in the classroom.10. (2分)Would you please give me_ how to learn English well? A . some adviceB . an adviceC . some advicesD . some pieces of advices11. (2分) How much _ the trousers? _ 88 yuan.A . is; ItB . are; TheyC . is; ItsD . are; Theyre12. (2分)(2016安徽)Look at the stone bridge! Do you know it was built?In the1860s. Its quite old.A . whenB . howC . whereD . why13. (2分) Whats your opinion of Las Vegas? Oh, its very beautiful, Theres a lot more to see in this city, so Ive decided to _ here for another two days.A . leaveB . moveC . arriveD . remain14. (2分)You can call me _0512-5123467or email me_ lily126.com. A . on; atB . at; onC . by; onD . on; on15. (2分)My mother planted lots of _ in the garden.They are yellow, white, red and pink. A . grassB . rosesC . trees二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) Do you remember who gets angry because you forget to tidy up your room before going out? Do you remember who feels 1with your dress from head to feet? This person is2your boss nor your friend. Its funny that you have to 3to her even though you sometimes dont like to hear anything she has said. Its our mother, a great 4in the world to us.I always5my mother if we have a “long time no see”. But this kind of missing is always quieted down by 6because I come back home for comfort and 7but mum always puts more pressure on me. Of course, I know she8about me too much and just has a lot of words to tell me. But the 9turns to be pressure. On the other hand, I hurt her and make her feel lonely even though I am 10her. Then what can we do? This problem is really hard to deal with. I think not 11I have this problem. Here are my ideas. When we find there are some unhappy things going to12, shall we just stop for 30 13? Give me a chance to rest in your arms and we sing a childish song together just like when I was 14? I need your love indeed but without telling me to do as you wish me to. And then lets go out for a walk hand in hand. Tell me whats in your 15gently and slowly. I will feel better if you dont just pour them out.(1)A . dissatisfied B . uncertain C . untrue D . dishonest (2)A . never B . either C . neither D . none (3)A . belong B . listen C . change D . follow (4)A . advisor B . teacher C . instructor D . woman (5)A . write B . miss C . love D . cheer (6)A . arguments B . works C . helps D . talks (7)A . money B . support C . relaxation D . advice (8)A . thinks B . worries C . plans D . manages (9)A . description B . condition C . care D . mind (10)A . against B . beyond C . among D . beside (11)A . only B . myself C . alone D . except (12)A . break B . happen C . discover D . appear (13)A . hours B . days C . seconds D . weeks (14)A . stronger B . younger C . cooler D . cleverer (15)A . heart B . pocket C . diary D . life 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17. (8分) Dictionaries say that “spring fever” is a lazy or restless feeling . People usually have the feeling on the first warm day of spring. Everyone has probably felt it at one time or another . people have talked about it for years.Recently, scientists have taken a good look at spring fever. What they found is quite surprising.In many places we live in , the winter months often seem dark and dreary. When spring comes late March , the world becomes colorful . The number of daylight hours grows with each passing day. According to many scientists, all the sunlight sets off chemicals in the brain (大脑). The chemicals make our feeling change and bring on spring fever.(1)How do people who have spring fever feel ?A . activeB . awakeC . energeticD . restless (2)Scientists think that _ cause(s) spring fever .A . colorsB . sunlightC . darkD . illness(3)According to the passage ,the underlined word “dreary ”means“_” in Chinese.A . 沉闷的B . 暖和的C . 晴朗的D . 明亮的(4)The best title for the passage is _ .A . How to Get Over Spring FeverB . Spring FeverC . Darkness in winterD . Spring and winter18. (10分)根据短文理解, 判断正误。I am Lin Tao. Im a boy. This is my father. His name is Lin Ping. This is my mother. Her name is Zhang Fang. She is a teacher. And this is my sister. She is eight. She is in Class Three, Grade Two. We love each other(互相).(1)Lin Tao is a boy. (2)His fathers name is Lin Tao. (3)His mother is a teacher. (4)His sister is 8. (5)His sister is in Class 2, Grade 2. 19. (10分)阅读理解 Boys and girls like to have nice bedrooms. Usually, parents like to paint (刷) their kids bedrooms with their favorite colors. Different colors can make kids feel different. Alans parents paint Alans bedroom blue, because blue is helpful for kids to go to bed. Helens parents paint Helens bedroom pink. Helen feels happy in her pink bedroom, because pink is Helens favorite color. Most(大多数的)girls like pink, but most boys dont. Pauls bedroom is green, because his parents think this color can cheer up(使振奋)Paul when he gets up early. Green can also make him feel good. Sallys parents help her paint red. Red is a happy color. A lot of kids like it. Some parents think yellow is a nice color, but a lot of little kids may cry when theyre in a yellow bedroom for a long time.(1)Why do Alans parents paint his bedroom blue? A . Because Alan can get up early.B . Because Alans favorite color is blue.C . Because the color can help Alan to go to bed.D . Because the color can make Alan feel good.(2)Which color do most girls like? A . Blue.B . Green.C . Pink.D . Yellow.(3) bedroom is green. A . SallysB . HelensC . AlansD . Pauls(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A . A lot of kids like yellow.B . Kids love nice bedrooms.C . Red is a happy color.D . Most of boys dont like pink.(5)The writer mainly(主要地)wants to tell us_. A . parents like to paint their kids bedrooms.B . different colors make kids feel different.C . colors make kids feel happy.D . girls and boys like different colors.四、 填空。 (共2题;共2分)20. (1分)I have a new pen_(伙伴).He is from England. 21. (1分)Its said that the young man went abroad for further education alone in his _. (四十) 五、 用动词的适当形式。 (共15题;共40分)22. (1分)_ (luck), he didnt pass all the exams.23. (1分)A dog _(lie) under the tree. Dont wake him up!24. (2分)Here _(be) a plan of our school. Here _(be) some photos of my family.25. (1分)I _ (fly) to Hainan tomorrow.26. (1分)Its modest of Simon never _ (show) off his good results to others.27. (7分)Next Friday, Duan Linxi_(leave) Baoshan for SishuiI forgot_(tell) himSo he knew nothing about itI try _ (get) good grades in this English examMy good friend always makes me _(laugh)He finished _ (read) before 10:00 yesterdayIt takes me half an hour _(exercise) every dayEating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs_(be) also good for this28. (1分)His father refused _(believe) him.29. (1分)Some students should give up _ (play) computer games.30. (1分)My bike is _(break). Can you help me mend it?31. (1分)They are buying some hamburgers _ (take) home.32. (1分)He wants _ swimming this weekend (go).33. (10分)(2016杭州)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。讲答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Speaker 1: I went straight into work after leaving school at the age of eighteen. I got a job in a big business. But I think it was a mistake as there werent any chances for me. I think graduates(毕业生)_(usual) get more interesting jobs, so I decided to go to university to have a better future. Studying for a degree was one of the best _(experience) of my life. I loved my subject, and now Im looking for a new job-better paid and more interesting than my last one.Speaker 2: I _(leave) school at sixteen and started working in a market. Now Ive just opened my first shop. Some of my friends _went on to university cant find work. They had _good time at college for a few years, but I really dont know _they still stayed in college. Working for _(you) is the best education.Speaker 3: I got quite a shock when I got my first job after graduation from university. My boss had been in the same class _me at school! She went straight into work at eighteen and now shes making more money than me! Actually, she _(want) to go to university now. And I think thats probably a much _(good) way to do it. I think youll get more from university if you spend some time working first.34. (1分)Its an honor_ (to share/ share) my opinion with all of you.35. (1分)He doesnt know how _(raise) his spirits after staying up for one night.36. (10分)用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Peter_ (not want) to go to a movie.(2)Here_(come)the bus.(3)The Blacks _(like) comedies.(4)He needs _(buy) a guitar.(5)In summer, people like to go _(swim).(6)Come and see for _(you).(7)Please tell him_ (not do) the work.(8)She wants _ (read) a book.(9)Can he _ (ride) a bike?.(10)We all like _ (play) computer games.六、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共1题;共16分)37. (16分)句型考查(1)We_often shake hands and smile_we_visitors,and sometimes we_当遇到来访者时,我们中国人常常握手微笑,有时我们还点头。(2)Thats_people do different things_那是因为不同国家的人们做法不同。(3)_what do people in the US usually do_they meet?那么美国人见面时通常做什么呢?(4)In the US,some people_,and some kiss or hug_在美国,一些人握手,一些人相互亲吻或者拥抱。七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分)(2015四川达州)书面表达。个人的成长离不开他人的支持。请结合下面的提示词,以“People Who Help Me”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。分别谈谈老师、家人及朋友曾在哪些方面给予你关心和帮助,你将怎样回报他们。要求:1.条理清楚,书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。2.短文中不能出现真实的人名、地名。文章开头已给出,不计入单词总数。3.提示词语: care for,knowledge, encourage, support, difficulty, in the future, study harder(提示词不必全部用上)。People Who Help meDuring these years, I have got lots of help from my parents, teachers and friends.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 选择题。 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 填空。 (共2题;共2分)20-1、21-1、五、 用动词的适当形式。 (共15题;共40分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、六、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共1题;共16分)37-1、37-2、37-3、37-4、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)38-1、

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