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鲁教版2020届九年级英语初中毕业升学文化模拟考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。When you look up into the sky on a1 night, you will see the moon and the 2.Since ancient times, men3 wanted to know more about the moon, the stars and other 4 in the sky. They invented telescopes to get a closer look at them and5 that there are many suns. moons and planets in the sky. They became interested in the 6 .7 October 4th, 1957, the Space Age began when the first man-made satellite was sent into space 8the earth. Today, scientists are able to9 on the moon. Man will 10 more places one day.(1)A . clean B . clear C . cleaned D . cold (2)A . stars B . planets C . sun D . earth (3)A . are B . were C . has D . have (4)A . planets B . bodies C . suns D . moons (5)A . invented B . watched C . uncovered D . found (6)A . sky B . planets C . moon D . sun (7)A . In B . At C . On D . (8)A . to run B . to run around C . run D . run around (9)A . put B . get C . take D . land (10)A . reach B . arrive C . get D . come 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2. (10分)阅读理解My name is Bill. Im from England. I am a worker. I work in a clothes shop. My wife , Ann, is a teacher. She teaches English in a junior high school. We have two kids: a son and a daughter. They are students. Jim is our son. Now he is in his favorite T-shirt and blue pants. Sally is our daughter. She likes blue very much. Now she is in her blue dress. My fathers name is Robby. My mothers name is Diana. They are old and they dont work now. I have a brother. His name is Robert. He is a worker, too. My wifes father is Sam. Her mothers name is Rose. Her sister is Lily. She is a teacher, too.(1)Bill is a(an) _. A . a teacherB . a workerC . a cookD . a doctor(2)How many kids does Bill have? A . 1B . 3C . 2D . 4(3)What color does Sally like? A . blueB . yellowC . purpleD . brown(4)Robert is Sallys _. A . cousinB . fatherC . uncleD . brother(5)划线单词的“wife”中文意思是“_”? A . 小孩B . 母亲C . 侄女D . 妻子3. (8分)Dear Mona,Can you bring these things to me? My math books, my jacket and my dictionaries. My math book is on the bed. The jacket and the dictionaries are on the sofa.Thanks,EricDear Frank,Your uncles tapes are on the dresser. Please take them(它们)to school. He needs them.Thanks,MomDear sister,I need my jacket and CDs. The jacket is on the bed. The CDs are on the table.Thanks,MikeDear Mike,Here is your jacket. Your CDs are not on the table. I cant(不能)bring them to you.Thanks,Linda(1)Where are Erics dictionaries?A . On the bed.B . On the sofa.C . On the dresser.D . On the table.(2)needs tapes.A . EricB . Franks uncleC . MonaD . Franks mother(3)Are Mikes CDs on the table?A . Yes, it is.B . Yes, they are.C . No, they arentD . No, it isnt.(4)Mike is Lindas.A . fatherB . uncleC . grandfatherD . brother4. (10分)阅读理解To save time, many Americans buy foods which can be quickly made ready for the table. On holidays, families enjoy delicious meals. For example, on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November, family members get together for a turkey dinner with pumpkin pie(南瓜派).People can easily find fast food chains(连锁店),such as McDonalds and KFC, in most of the big cities in the world.These years, many people have taken more and more care of their health while eating. They come to know eating too much meat will make them overweight. Many of them are also worried about food addictives(添加剂). Some of them may be harmful to the body.(1)Many Americans buy _ to save time. A . ready-made foodB . food to cook at homeC . inexpensive foodD . foreign food(2)Thanksgiving Day is on _. A . November 4thB . every the 4th Tuesday in NovemberC . the fourth Thursday in NovemberD . every November the 4th(3)Pizza is a kind of _ food. A . take-awayB . home-cookingC . fastD . Chinese(4)What does the underlined word overweight mean? It means_ A . thinnerB . fatterC . worseD . better(5)People are worried about_. Which is NOT true? A . overweightB . their healthC . food addictivesD . fast food5. (8分) London has a new magazine. But it is not printed(印刷) on paper. Everyone who has a television can receive it because it is on TV.In order to read this magazine you have to have a decoder (解码器). Each page of it is numbered, so you only have to dial the number to choose which subject you want to read about. There are all kinds of information -everything is included from cooking to the latest sports news.If you want to read the news, the first thing you have to do is to turn to the back page, which has an easy-to-remember page number, 100 for example. Then you start choosing what you want to read. The news is on page 101 to 109, so you put in the numbers and the news appears written across your screen. Perhaps you want to go out in the afternoon, so you press 181, and a brightly colored weather map appears on the screen. But the weather is terrible, so you decide to go shopping and dial 162 for a list of the weeks best bargains. But should you drive or take the train? To answer that question you only have to press 189 for the traffic report. It is very simple to use. But probably the best thing about the service is that it is being updated all the time. Journalists type new material directly onto the screen and the whole pages of the magazine can be replaced in minutes.London already has three services. One, sent out by TV, is called ORACLE while the other two, on BBC, are called CEEFAX because they let you see facts. Although CEEFAX and ORACLE have been operating for some time, they have not been well publicized(宣传). BBC engineers do not think that their idea will ever replace books and newspapers because they can be taken with you everywhere. But many people would agree that is a breakthrough(突破) as great as the invention of printing, which could not just change our reading habits but our whole way of life.(1)We can know from the passage that in London .A . the magazine is available at any local homeB . most of the postmen will lose their jobs some dayC . everyone can read this magazine if they have a televisionD . the readers can get various kinds of information staying at home(2)In the sentence “Each page of it is numbered,” the word “it” refers to the .A . magazineB . programC . decoderD . subject(3)According to the passage, the “decoder” is used to help people .A . work out the total(合计) of certain numbersB . read the information sent by TV signalsC . go shopping and have other entertainmentD . receive some special TV program for entertainment(4)The passage is mainly about .A . a new magazine printed in LondonB . an up-to-date way of getting informationC . a popular TV program about magazinesD . an advanced technology helping people communicate三、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母,写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空 (共10题;共49分)6. (10分)根据首字母,汉语和英文解释写出单词。W_is my basket? It is over there.Simon has eight books and Sandy has seven books. They have f_ books.Jim sits on my left and I sit on his r_.Mr. Wang, this is my _. (mothers sister)That b_T-shirt is not Dads. Its his friends. (the colour of a blackboard)There is _(仅仅) one rubber on the desk.There arent_ (一些) houses in the picture.Look at_(我). I am your new teacher.Are there any _(孩子们) in the park? Yes,there are.Its Lucys _(女衬衫). Its new.7. (2分)We have our N_ D_ on October 1. 8. (1分)He c_ John to a fight as soon as he saw him. 9. (1分)Before winter comes, some animals always s_food for the long winter. 10. (3分)根据句意,用括号内所给提示完成句子。(1)I have a mind to _ pn you for stealing a cookie.(2)I dont want to stay in the _ ntadi room any more .(3)_ phps it will be helpful for us to learn something about it.11. (10分)根据句意和中文提示写出单词的正确形式。Jim _(居住) with his uncle in Canada.He has a_(危险) but exciting job. He likes his job.Pandas are kind of shy, so please be_(安静).The supermarket is on the_(五) Avenue.Autumn is coming, the_(叶子) turn yellow.Look! Hes_(游泳) at the pool.On a _(多云的) afternoon in summer, I like to go to the beach.Hows the movie? _(相当) good.Sandra likes_(看) books.Therere many animals in the_(动物园).12. (1分)The workers _(坚持) that they should be given a free lunch and the boss had to give in.13. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空一词。 Hello! My name is Susan. Please _ (看) at my room. It is not big. but it is very _ (整洁的). I clean it every day,There is a desk with a tape _ (播放机) and a clock on it. _ (哪里) is the chair? Oh, it is in front of(在.前面) the desk. Some _ (钥匙) are on the chair. A bed is near the window. The _ (颜色) of the curtain(窗帘) is yellow. I like yellow very much. Some storybooks _ (是) on the bed. I want to put them in my _ (书橱). It is very big and you can see many _ (书) in it, Whats that in English? Oh, it is a clock. It helps _ (我) get up every morning.14. (10分)根据句意和首字母完成单词。 Last Sunday I went on a school trip with my classmates. We v_the science museum and it was r_interesting. We g_there by bus. We saw some farms and villages along the way. We saw farmers p_apples on the farm.At the museum, I learned a lot a_robots. I didnt know they could p_chess with us. It was so cool! Then the guide taught us to make a model robot. I took a lot of great p_, too. After that, I went to the c_to see an interesting cartoon (动画片), at last I went to the shop and bought some lovely g_for my parents. They werent expensive. All in all, it was an e_day.15. (1分)Mr. Brown is very healthy because he _ (锻炼) every morning. 四、 补全短文 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容补全答题卡上对应表格中所缺失的信息,每空不超过三个词。Almost all of us have unpleasant habits. We all want to get rid of(摆脱) them, but we dont know proper ways. Heres some advice.Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some behavior. Look at the reasons very often.Its clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easily, for example, you can go out for a walk.Decide what youll do to reward(奖励) yourself if you really get rid of your bad habits.If you get too heavy, keep junk food out of your house.Bad habits develop over years, so you cant get rid of them very soon. So you should be patient.Dont be afraid to ask others for support. You can talk to your friends, family or other people. When you talk to them, they might be able to provide some advice that you cant get from yourself.How to Get Rid of Bad HabitsMake a listWrite down _why you want to get rid of your bad habits.Join in some activitiesYoud better do something else when you want to stop your bad habits.Give yourself a rewardDecide how to reward yourself if you _in getting rid of your bad habits.Keep off your bad habitsStay away from _if you want to be thinner.Be patientIts _to get rid of a bad habit in a short time._When you talk to others, they may give you suggestions.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)根据句子语境,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出所给动词的适当形式,不止一词。(1)Simon and I _(not play) football this afternoon, so they arent free at that time.(2)一Where is your homework, Tommy?一Sorry, Mr. Green. I _(leave) it in my desk last night.(3)When I send her an e-mail, she _(reply) at once.(4)Alice didnt want to let the rabbit _(get) away.(5)He _(lie)on the sofa now.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)每个人在成长的过程中都要面对烦恼,也要学着去解决问题。假设你叫刘明,是美国中学生爱丽丝的朋友。你收到了她的电子邮件,请仔细阅读。然后请给她回复邮件,回答她的问题,提出你的建议,并就此事谈谈你的看法。根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词的回信。文中不得出现你的校名和姓名等个人信息。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Hi! Liu Ming, Im so sad. Angela is a close friend of mine. This morning she wanted to borrow some money from me. If I lend her the money, Im afraid she wont pay me back. I dont know what to do. Do you have the same problem? I need your help. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,AliceDear Alice,Thank you for your letter. I am glad to hear from you.Yours,Liu Ming第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 根据下列句子及所给的首字母,写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空 (共10题;共49分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、四、 补全短文 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共5分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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