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译林牛津版八校2020届九年级下学期英语期中测试(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)“If you stop dropping litter, Ill kiss pig.” the head teacher promised the students at a school meeting.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)Zhejiang Province is _ China. A . in the east ofB . on the east ofC . to the east ofD . in the east3. (2分)The doctors said that there was wrong with Janes legs. She could do to help her.A . something; somethingB . something; nothingC . nothing; anythingD . everything; something4. (2分)At the Spring Festival, you can see many lights _ in the trees on _ side of the square.A . hanging; bothB . hung; otherC . hanging; everyD . hung; every5. (2分)_ people are sending and receiving e-mails on the Internet every day A . MillionB . MillionsC . Million ofD . Millions of6. (2分)Do you need a new dictionary, Susan?No, Mum. My uncle _ me one yesterday.A . buyB . buysC . boughtD . is buying7. (2分)If I _ next week, I _ the film with you. Actually, I cant wait for that. A . have free; will seeB . will be free; will seeC . have free time; seeD . am free; will see8. (2分)In China when the traffic light is red, you _ cross the road. A . mustntB . mustC . needD . neednt9. (2分)_exciting it is to swim in the sea while it is hot!A . HowB . WhatC . How anD . What an10. (2分) How does your mother like the apartment? She the price, but she says the community is dirty and noisy.A . is popular withB . is strict withC . is satisfied with11. (2分) Are you in the _ class? Yes, we are. We are all in Class One.A . oldB . lastC . sameD . big12. (2分)We all know that smoking is harmful _ our health. So we must give up smokingA . toB . forC . withD . of13. (2分)What animal do you like best?A . RabbitsB . TrainsC . BananasD . Movies14. (2分) Could you tell me _ ? By searching the Internet.A . how you got the informationB . why you got the informationC . when did you get the informationD . where did you get the information15. (2分)I hope everything goes well for you and take care._.A . Have a good timeB . Thank youC . No problemD . Never mind二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。It is a Saturday aftemoonSusie is watching the two1playThey are Joe and BobThey are2their bikesSusies mom comes out of the house and asks,3are you doing,dear?Mom,Im watching the boys ride their bikes,says Susie.Can you4me to ride a bike?Susies mom5it and agrees(同意)at lastSusie is only four years oldShe is 6at firstHer mom holds (抓住) the bike when she starts to ride7about half an hour,she is not afraidShe is having funSuddenly(突然),she8that her mom isnt holding the bikeShe is afraid9she soon finds that she can ride a bike all by herself (独自)She is very10 (1)A . girls B . boys C . women D . men (2)A . taking B . cleaning C . buying D . riding (3)A . What B . Where C . Who D . How (4)A . teach B . ask C . like D . want (5)A . asks for B . listens to C . thinks about D . talks with (6)A . afraid B . funny C . tidy D . healthy (7)A . Before B . With C . For D . After (8)A . tells B . sees C . forgets D . says (9)A . so B . but C . or D . and (10)A . quick B . late C . happy D . free 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (8分)Blue Water WorldA great place for the whole familyWe have.* a gym* a hot spring bath* swimming pools* a cinemaall with activities or lessons for both you and your childrenPrice: ¥80 a person¥40 for children under 14Open: 11:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. except MondayThe fun never stops at Blue Water World!Telephone: 555-5683/555-5686Website: www.bluewaterworld.com.cn(1)Mr. Smith wants to go to Blue Water World with his family, so they can go there _.A . at 5:00 pm on MondayB . at 10:00 am on TuesdayC . at 2:00 pm on SundayD . at 11:00 am on Monday(2)Who would most likely go to Blue Water World often?A . Mr. Wang; he loves taking a hot spring bath.B . Miss Gao; she is looking for a place to go fishing.C . Mr. Chen; he enjoys swimming in the early morning.D . Mrs. Jin; she needs a quiet place to talk about business.(3)Mr. Lin wants to go to Blue Water World with his eight-year-old twin sons this Saturday. How much will they have to pay?A . ¥80B . ¥240C . ¥160D . ¥40(4)If you go to Blue Water World, you can do all the following things there except _.A . watching moviesB . doing exerciseC . taking a bathD . eating Italian food18. (10分) News one: As the pace of life in big cities is getting faster, people are looking for more ways to relax. Lets take a look at one way people are reducing stress in Beijing. The game is “Room Escape”. “Room Escape” was originally a computer game. In recent years, it has been adapted to a real life game. There are more than 10 places in Beijing where people can play this game.According to the rules, the players are first taken to a house with several iron doors. They then need to find a way out of the house in one hour. Different houses have different ways of escaping, all of which require players bold(大胆的), careful thought, and teamwork.News two: The Chinese government has published a list of 24 guidelines(指南) on how to take better care of parents. They are a modern update to 24 old stories about respectful children from the Yuan Dynasty.The guidelines list 24 things to do with parents, including giving them a call every week, teaching them to use the internet, and supporting single parents remarriage. The guidelines stem from a Yuan Dynasty book, about 24 filial-hearted children who treated their parents very well. It is a value younger generations should never forget. (1)Why do people play “Room Escape”?A . They play it for funB . They want to know how clever they areC . They want to find out different ways of escapingD . To relax themselves.(2)They must escape from the house_.A . in an hourB . in two hoursC . in several hoursD . in at least an hour(3)To escape from the house, they dont need_.A . a strong bodyB . to act fearfullyC . to think carefullyD . to work together(4)What should we not do to our parents?A . Teach them to get onlineB . Often talk with themC . Ask them to marry againD . Treat them carefully(5)What does News Two tell us?A . It asks us to read books from Yuan Dynasty.B . It asks us to give our parents moneyC . It asks us to respect our parents.D . It asks us to give them a call.19. (8分)阅读理解 What can we learn from the special, very successful people in the world who make the impossible possible? Lesson 1: Ways of creative thinking are neededBill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg both dropped out of college. They prefer to teach themselves because they like to develop their own ways of thinking. They think standard ways of teaching might stop people from being creative and having new ideas. Lesson 2: The answer might not be what you expect Find your answers from facts-not start with an expectation of what you will find. Stephen Jacobsen believed what he was taught: that water on Earth came from icy comets(封星) or planets which hit into Earth. However, by studying a special rock, he discovered that it acted like a sponge(海绵). This suggested that Earths water might have come from inside, driven to the surface to form the oceans, by geological activity. I had a pretty hard time making others believe it, he said. But thinking about the fact that you may be the first person to see something for the first time doesnt happen very often. When it does, its amazing.Lesson 3: A little luck goes a long wayYears of planning went into a recent achievement in space travel. The European Space Agencys Philae, a robot landing craft, met up with Comet 67P, which was 480 million kilometres away. The trip from Earth by Philae had taken ten years! The scientists had no idea what the surface of the comet would be like. If the landing failed, it would be impossible to get information from the spacecraft. Twenty years of work would have been wasted. When Philae tried to land, it bounced(弹起) away from the comets icy surface twice. Luckily, however, Philae landed successfully and began sending information back to Earth. (1)Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg left college because_. A . they preferred to learn by themselvesB . they needed standard ways of teachingC . their teachers didnt like their new ideasD . their teachers werent able to teach them(2)In Lesson 2, the writer mainly wants to tell us that_. A . we should get answers from factsB . we can believe what we are taughtC . its hard to make others believe somethingD . an expectation can help get an answer in research(3)The example of Philae in Lesson 3 shows that_. A . Comet 67P was not far away from EarthB . it took Philae2o years to reach Comet 67PC . Philae landed on Comet 67P with a little luckD . scientists know nothing about the surface of Comet 67P(4)The best title for this passage is_. A . Ways of learningB . Lessons for successC . Ways of being specialD . Lessons for experiments四、 任务型阅读。 (共2题;共14分)20. (4分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。My hobby is playing chess one of the greatest games in the world. My mum taught me how to play when I was seven years old. _But then, on my eighth birthday, I won for the first time. I nearly always beat her now.To learn the rules doesnt take long. One day is enough. But if you want to be good, you have to practice for years. _ just a chess set and someone to play with. Chess sets can be very cheap, or quite expensive. Some people collect chess sets as a hobby, but I enjoy playing._We meet on Wednesday every week to practice. I am the best player in the club, and the captain(队长)of the school chess team. This year we won the All England Schools Championship (冠军赛).Im saving up my money to buy a chess computer. They are very expensive, but also very good for practice. _Im sure I will be a world chess champion some day.A. I have many chess sets.B. There is a chess club in our school.C. You dont need much to play chess.D. She beat me every time for the first year.E. That way, Ill always have someone to play with.21. (10分) Balzac(巴尔扎克) was a great French writer. But he was very poor before he became famous. He lived in a dirty, wet room and was often worried about food. All his friends were very poor and they could not help him.One night it was very cold. The wind blew and it was snowing heavily. Balzac went to bed early but couldnt fall asleep. He didnt get any food before he went to bed. He thought and thought, but he couldnt have a good idea. At midnight he saw a man climb in through the broken window. The man began to steal something on his bookshelf. Balzac got up quietly and said, “Dont waste time, my friend! I couldnt find any money in the daytime. How can you find some in the dark?”(1)Balzac was a _.A . workerB . writerC . doctorD . cleaner(2)Balzac lived in a dirty, wet room because _.A . he was very poorB . he wanted to live thereC . it was coldD . he was a famous man(3)Why didnt he ask his friends for some food? Because _.A . he had no friendsB . his friends didnt want to help himC . all his friends were very poorD . his friends didnt like him(4)How was the weather that night? It was _A . rainyB . cloudyC . sunnyD . snowy(5)Could the thief find any money? _A . Yes, he could.B . No, he couldnt.C . Maybe.D . I dont know.五、 词汇(每空一词)。 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)Bill, can you buy some _(橙汁) for us?六、 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共13分)23. (1分)I _ (not go) to bed until my mother came back at ten last night.24. (1分) What will British people do if you are in their way? They are too _ (polite) to push past you. They will wait till you move.25. (5分)(2015.山东烟台)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。Next Tuesday is my sisters_ (twelve) birthday.In general, Chopin is a _(piano) of great ability.Dont forget _(turn) off the gas after cooking.Of all the teachers in the school, Mrs. Smith is the_ (patient) with students.Finally the firemen saved the little girl under the damaged building_(success).26. (5分)假如你是宋林,你刚刚收到美国笔友Wendy发来的电子邮件。她在邮件中询问了你的好友的情况。请你给她回复一封邮件。 Dear Wendy,Im very _ to get a letter from you. My best friend is Sun Hao. He is 14 years old. He is _ tall as me. He has a round face and short hair. He is _outgoing than me, so he has more friends. He is smarter than me, but he is _hard-working than me. He likes playing soccer best. He also likes _. He dances better than me.Whats your best friend like? Can you tell me?Yours,Song Lin27. (1分)They have lived in Nanjing since they _(marry).七、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)单词拼写As youve just found out, opening a book doesnt require much effort. However, even that would be i_if you spent the night on the streets.After lying for hours on cold ground, with only a thin sleeping bag to protect you from rain or ice, your fingers would probably be so numb(麻木的)that you could hardly m_them. Youd most likely spend the day trying to find something to eat and somewhere to shelter from the freezing cold.You might be surprised to hear that the number of people sleeping rough(露宿)in London has doubled in the last five years and has i_by 30% across the rest of the country during the last two years.Once we bring a homeless person out of the freezing cold , we need your help to give him a w_welcome at St Mungos very much.Will you please give a Christmas gift of 25, which could p_a homeless person with a St Mungos welcome pack? It could have a towel, shampoo, soap(肥皂), so a homeless person can have a hot s_and a proper clean up. The difference you could make wont end there. You see, welcoming someone into warmth and safety is just the b_. You really could enable someone to change their life for good.For Harvey, it was losing his job that led to him becoming homeless. Since Harvey was welcomed into St Mungos, he has received t _for his health and so much more. After he took courses in useful life skills, he recently moved into his own flat.With your gift, you could help us offer a warm welcome to someone l_Harvey whos come in from the freezing streets. Im sure youll a_thats a wonderful present to give at Christmas. I hope you will send 25, or as much as you can, today.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)你的朋友Peter即将面临中考,然而他却深感压力巨大,寝食不安,情绪低落,学习效率低下,请你写一封信给他提一些有益的建议,帮助他调整心态,提高学习效率,轻松应考。要点如下: 1)学会放松(体育锻炼,听音乐) 2)健康饮食 3)充足睡眠 4)学会沟通注意:1)词数60词以上。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)2)可适当发挥,但必须包含以上要点。Dear Peter,Dont worry about your study too much. First, you shouldI hope you can stay in good spirits and study better.Yours,Li Ming第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 任务型阅读。 (共2题;共14分)20-1、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 词汇(每空一词)。 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共13分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、七、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共10分)28-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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