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人教版2019-2020学年度八年级上学期英语期末教学目标检测试卷D卷一、 听句子,选择符合题意的图画,每小题听一遍。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)How are they allowed to go to school? A . B . C . 2. (2分)How is the weather today? A . B . C . 3. (2分)Where are the two speakers talking? A . B . C . 4. (2分)听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片( ) A . B . C . 5. (2分)How will the weather be tomorrow? A . B . C . 二、 听对话,选出一个最佳答案回答问题,听两遍。 (共7题;共26分)6. (2分)What does the woman want to do in New York? A . Visit her friends.B . Do some shopping.C . Do further study.7. (2分)What do you think is Tom going to take? A . sunglassesB . a T-shirtC . an umbrella8. (2分)What day is it tomorrow? A . Its MondayB . Its TuesdayC . Its Wednesday9. (2分)What subject does Miss Li teach? A . Math.B . Science.C . English.10. (2分)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案( ) A . To England.B . To Japan.C . To India.11. (6分)请听对话,回答问题 (1)Who did the girl go shopping with? A . Her friends.B . Her classmates.C . Her parents.(2)Why didnt the girl feel happy? A . She doesnt like shopping at all.B . The things in the shop were too expensive.C . There were too many people in the shop.(3)When will the girl show the things she bought to the boy? A . Tomorrow morning.B . Tomorrow afternoon.C . Tomorrow evening.12. (10分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)In which exam did the boy get a full mark? (Maths examEnglish examChinese exam) (2)Which activity will the boy take part in during the English Week? (the English speech contestthe English songs competitionthe English play) 三、 听短文,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,听两遍。 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)听长对话,选择最佳答案 (1)What does Jack do? A . A policemanB . A doctorC . A reporter(2)How many boys were skating on the ice? A . TwoB . ThreeC . Four(3)What was Rose doing when the accident happened? A . Walking along the fiverB . Skating on the fiverC . Drawing beside the fiver(4)What does the young man look like? A . Tall and thinB . Short and heavyC . Tall and heavy(5)When did the accident happen? A . At 7:20 a.mB . At 7:30 a.mC . At 7:40 a.m四、 听填信息 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)听独白,根据所听内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项。 (1)Jiang Mei just returned from _. A . EnglandB . AustraliaC . Canada(2)Jiang Mei found people there say _. when others ask them How are you? A . I am busyB . I am goodC . I dont know(3)Jiang Mei was surprised to find the students there _. A . lazyB . sadC . hard-working(4)From the story, we know Jiang Mei once (曾经)learned to _. A . write musicB . play the violinC . play the piano(5)The story mainly told us about Jiang Meis _ in another country. A . travelB . studyC . friends五、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)15. (2分)Can you play _ piano? No, I cant. But I can play _ basketball.A . the, theB . the, aC . the, /D . a, the16. (2分)Daming, what do you think of listening?I think listening is just as _ as speaking in English learning.A . importantB . more importantC . most importantD . the most important17. (2分)Be careful, or you _ more mistakes. A . wont makeB . will makeC . makeD . making18. (2分)Scientists from different countries are trying to_ a good way to solve the energy problem.A . keep up withB . come up withC . catch up withD . meet up with19. (2分)Have a great time at the dinner party!_.A . I dont think soB . It doesnt matterC . You are welcomeD . Thank you20. (2分)Look! A woman with three children crossing the street. Lets help them.A . isB . areC . was21. (2分)Tom made_ mistakes than Simon in the English test, but he made _ mistakes than Lucy. Simon made_ mistakes of the three.A . more, fewer, fewestB . less, fewer, leastC . less, fewer, the fewestD . more, fewer, the fewest22. (2分)- Lily has two sisters, doesnt she?- Yes. Shes taller and older than her two sisters, but shes not _ one of the three.A . the tallestB . youngestC . shortestD . the cleverest23. (2分)Jack doesnt run so _ as Tom. A . fasterB . fastestC . much fasterD . fast24. (2分)Is it necessary us some photos before saving the old man? Yes, it is. We can protect ourselves if we do so.A . of; takingB . for; takingC . of; to takeD . for; to take25. (2分)_ it was very cold, _ my friend still went swimming in Jialing River this morning. A . Although; /B . Although; butC . But; although26. (2分)Its difficult to make your dream come true you can live bravely, excitingly and imaginatively.A . althoughB . onceC . ifD . unless27. (2分)Do you need more people_ you_ the bird count? A . help; to doB . to help; doC . helping; doD . to help; doing28. (2分)I dont like this pen. Please show me _ one.A . otherB . the otherC . anotherD . the another29. (2分) Your new jacket is very nice. _.A . Dont say soB . No, it isnt niceC . OKD . Thank you六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)30. (10分)完形填空 Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with 1. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must take some action. You must first go where there are people. You wont make friends if you stay at home alone. Join a club or a group, for talking with those who 2the same things as you do is easier. 3join someone in some activities.Many people are 4when talking to new people. After all (毕竟), meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And its human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about the unknown. Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves. We 5other people who are judging (评判) us finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But dont forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself 6you are, and you will feel more comfortable.Try to be self-confident even if you dont feel that way. When you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look 7at other people and smile. If you see someone youd like to8something to, dont wait for the other person to start a conversation.Just meeting someone new doesnt mean that youll make friends with that person. Friendship is9on mutual liking and give and take. It 10time and effort to develop.(1)A . age B . practice C . skill D . everything (2)A . like B . share C . have D . keep (3)A . So B . Or C . However D . But (4)A . sad B . upset C . nervous D . unhappy (5)A . suggest B . consider C . doubt D . imagine (6)A . what B . who C . that D . as (7)A . lonely B . friendly C . directly D . sadly (8)A . speak B . say C . talk D . tell (9)A . depend B . laid C . taken D . based (10)A . takes B . spends C . costs D . pays 七、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共43分)31. (8分)阅读理解 On June 1st, 2017, students from Chengdu Paotongshu Primary school visited Jinsha Site Museum in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. They got a pleasant surprise there. A special fair was on and the students were able to see a lot of interesting artifacts (工艺品), including an angry bird, a rolling lion and a tiger with its mouth open. We expected to see only cultural relics (遗物) which we could not fully understand. Instead, we came across interesting animal-shaped artifacts, said Liu Yiwen, a 9-year-old pupil from the school.About the fair Name: All Things Have a Soul: Marvelous Zoo of Animal Style Artworks Who to hold it: The Jinsha Site Museum and Guangdong Museum Date: June 1 August 27Number of artifacts on show: 150 About the artifacts: They date back from the Shang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Most of them are from Guangdong Museum.The Jinsha Site Museum is best known for a sunbird goldfoil (箔). The sunbird gold foil is 12.5 cm in diameter and 0.02 cm thick. It weighs 20 grams. The leaf is believed to be about 3,000 years old and it has four birds cut out of it. It was discovered in 2001. (1)The students visited Jinsha Site Museum _. A . to see some animalsB . on Childrens DayC . for a report on ancient cultureD . during a summer holiday(2)The artifacts on show were in the shape of _. A . animalsB . plantsC . fruitsD . vegetables(3)The fair lasted for about _ month(s). A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(4)What is the sunbird foil made of? A . Glass.B . Gold.C . Wood.D . Silver.32. (10分)阅读理解(D)Healthy eating doesnt just mean what you eat, but how you eat. Here is some advice on healthy eating.Eat with others. It can help you to see others healthy eating habits . If you usually eat with your parents, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious.Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Have a glass of water to see if you are thirstysometimes you are just thirsty, you need no food. Stop eating before you feel full.Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After you dont eat for the past ten hours, your body needs food to get you going. You will be smarter after eating breakfast.Eat healthy snacks like fruits, yogurtor cheese. We all need snacks sometimes. In fact, its a good idea to eat two healthy snacks between your three meals This doesnt mean that you can eat a bag of chips instead of a meal.Dont eat dinner late. With our busy life, we always put off eating dinner until the last minute. Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. This will give your body a chance to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 8-10 hours.(1)The writer gives us pieces of advice on healthy eating. A . fourB . fiveC . sixD . seven(2)Which snack is Not mentioned in the passage? A . FruitsB . YogurtC . ChipsD . Ice cream(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Snacks are bad for our health.B . We should keep eating until we are full.C . Dinner is the most important meal of the day.D . We should have dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed.(4)The underlined(画线)word digest means _ in Chinese. A . 消化B . 享用C . 储存D . 循环(5)The passage mainly tells us _ . A . where to eatB . how to eatC . why to eatD . when to eat33. (25分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答所提问题。 Do you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger.Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways.Dont forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you energy your body needs for the morning.Go for a walk every day after meals. Walking is a good exercise, and people need exercise for good health.Stretch for five minutes after sitting for one or two hours. Stretching (伸展) your arms and legs is good for your body.Have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to take a rest.For example, get up and walk, sit down to listen to music and so on.(1)How many cups of water should you drink every day? (2)What does breakfast give you? (3)What should you do after meals? (4)Is stretching your arms and legs good for your body? (5)How long should you have a rest when you are tired? 八、 完成句子,每空一词。 (共5题;共30分)34. (3分)我对这件事情很有把握。I_it35. (19分)根据汉语提示完成句子。(1)What _ _ _ (发生) Beijing nowadays?(2)Its important for us to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (立足现在,展望未来).(3)Computers _ _ _ _ _ (扮演者重要的角色) our daily lives.(4)I often _ _ (玩捉迷藏) when I was a child.36. (3分)这条裙子是由什么做的。What_shirt _37. (3分)在这次会议上,他们都针对这件事提出了自己的看法。 They all _their _ _ this matter during the meeting.38. (2分)一个单词能成为一个句子吗? Can a word _a _?九、 看图短文填空。 (共1题;共1分)39. (1分)In China, watching the tea preparation is as _ (enjoy) as drinking itself. 十、 读写综合。 (共2题;共10分)40. (5分)任务型阅读Question: Im 15 and Ive been having trouble sleeping at night. It usually takes me 2 to 4 hours to get to sleep._I cant focus on my lessons at school. Please help me!Answer: If you are a person who doesnt regularly get a good nights sleep, you are not alone._Here are some tips for helping you get a good nights sleep.Keep regular hoursBy keeping regular hours your body and mind know what is coming up and can start to prepare for you to sleep._If you cant go to bed at a regular time, then make sure you get up at a regular time. So after a late night you wake up tired, and it forces you to go to bed earlier._I know, you hear this about everything from heart health to losing weight, but exercise really does do you a world of good. However, dont do it too close to going to sleep. It is better to do it about an hour after dinner.Relax before going to bed _In fact, when you lie down to go to sleep, your mind is going to be thinking about the programs you have been watching. Instead, take just 20 or 30 minutes before bed to read or sit, anything that gets you to slow down and gives your mind a rest!A. Take some exercise.B. And I usually get about 4 or 5 hours sleep in a day.C. It also means you can get in regular number of hours each night.D. Many people suffer from sleep problems.E. You may think that watching TV before you go to bed is a good way to relax.41. (5分)日常生活中,我们会收到各种各样的礼物,那么你最期盼的礼物是什么呢?请以“我所期待的一份特别礼物”为题,用英语写一篇80词以上的短文。内容要求:1. 你期盼的礼物是什么?2. 这礼物为什么特别?3. 你想如何得到它?注意:短文中不允许出现与考生本人相关的真实姓名和校名等信息。第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 听句子,选择符合题意的图画,每小题听一遍。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听对话,选出一个最佳答案回答问题,听两遍。 (共7题;共26分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、11-2、11-3、12-1、12-2、三、 听短文,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,听两遍。 (共1题;共10分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 听填信息 (共1题;共10分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、五、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)30-1、七、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共43分)31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、33-5、八、 完成句子,每空一词。 (共5题;共30分)34-1、35-1、35-2、35-3、35-4、36-1、37-1、38-1、九、 看图短文填空。 (共1题;共1分)39-1、十、 读写综合。 (共2题;共10分)40-1、41-1、

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