(新版)人教新目标版(Go for it)七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元测试A卷.doc

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(新版)人教新目标版(Go for it)七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元测试A卷.doc_第1页
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(新版)人教新目标版(Go for it)七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)She in the classroom now A . areB . wereC . isD . was2. (2分)- Can you _ with me in English?- Sorry, I cant _ English.A . speak, talkB . talk, speakC . tell, speakD . talk, say3. (2分)A: Im sorry Ive taken your book by mistake.B: .A . Thats right.B . Never mind .C . Youre welcome.D . Of course not.4. (2分)_ do you usually deal _ your old clothes? A . What; withB . How; withC . What; forD . How; for5. (2分)Its _ to _ the food on your plate, so dont take more food than you need. A . polite; eatB . impolite; eatC . polite; eat upD . impolite; eat up6. (2分)Many scientists believe that robots _ able to talk like humans in 50 years. A . wereB . areC . will beD . have been7. (2分)Lets tennis. That interesting.A . play, soundsB . play, soundC . plays, soundsD . playing, sound8. (2分) Why are you walking so quickly, Edward? There _ a talent show in ten minutes.A . will haveB . will beC . is going to haveD . are going to be9. (2分)Why is the teacher mad at the boy? A . worried aboutB . excited aboutC . annoyed with10. (2分) Would you mind _ me some advice on how to make friends? _, youd better be honest to others .A . give, NoB . give, YesC . giving, NoD . giving, Yes二、 按要求完成下列句子, 每空一词。 (共2题;共8分)11. (5分)次日上午,我们出发去北京了。(set off) 12. (3分)My name is Jim Green. (就画线部分提问) _ _ _ name?三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。When I was young, I went to a boarding(寄宿)school in Edinburgh. It was far from home because I1on an island in the north of Scotland.It was a music school, and I studied the violin. At the end of the term, we all packed our bags and our 2to go home for the holidays. Most kids went by train or bus. Some were 3by their parents. But I had to go home by ferry14 hours overnight on the open sea.One summer, after packing my suitcase and violin, I said4to my friends. I took the train to the ferry terminal(渡船码头)and then got on the ferry. But when the ferry started moving, I realized a(n)5thing! I left my violin on the train!Oh no! What should I do? What would my dad say? Hed be really6! I got so scared(害怕)that I didnt sleep all night.The next morning, I7the ferry to meet my dad. After I told him everything, he laughed. I looked at him and couldnt believe it.8was he laughing?I always had a label(标签)in my violin case with my address and a telephone number. My dad told me, A cleaner found your violin on the train and took it to the police. They 9me and put it on a plane. It arrived an hour ago. 10, my violin was safe. I was so happy!(1)A . lived B . played C . worked (2)A . introductions B . instructions C . instruments (3)A . picked up B . cared for C . woken up (4)A . hello B . sorry C . goodbye (5)A . wonderful B . awful C . successful (6)A . happy B . helpful C . angry (7)A . got off B . got on C . got up (8)A . What B . Why C . When (9)A . called B . caught C . heard (10)A . Suddenly B . Luckily C . Sadly 四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)阅读短文,回答下列小题。Mobile phone (手机)has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned (禁止) students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the schools this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas presents, and more students want them.Mary Bluett, an official(官员), said mobile phone use is a distraction(分心) to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy, because they couldnt get in touch with their children.Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school; they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies.Many people say that they understand why parents would like their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.(1)Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones _.A . because they are studentsB . when they are freeC . when they are at schoolD . because they are children(2)We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from _.A . the makers and sellersB . the passers-by and strangersC . their parents and friendsD . some mobile phone users(3)What does the word “cheat” mean in the passage in Chinese?A . 聊天B . 核对C . 查询D . 作弊(4)Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt_ during school hours.A . use their mobile phonesB . leave their mobile phones at school officeC . help the teachers with their workD . get in touch with their children(5)The passage tells us that_.A . students shouldnt have mobile phones at school except for some special reasonsB . it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phone at schoolC . some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt Use their phones at schoolD . parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 按要求完成下列句子, 每空一词。 (共2题;共8分)11-1、12-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)13-1、四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共10分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、

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