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译林牛津版七十中2019-2020学年七年级上英语第二次月考试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I heard there was accident near here. Did anyone hurt in accident? A . an; anB . an; theC . the; anD . the; the2. (2分)This is _ room.A . Jenny and JimmysB . Jennys and JimmysC . Jennys and Jimmy3. (2分)Would you like me to show you how to operate the video camera?_.A . Youre so sweet.B . Yes, Id like to.C . No problem.D . Not at all.4. (2分)Jack and Paul eat for lunch.A . noodles and meatsB . noodles and meatC . breads and eggsD . bread and fishes5. (2分)His first thing in the vacation is _. A . have a good restB . to have a good restC . has a good restD . to has a good rest6. (2分)Dont play a on Jack. He is such a shy boy.A . foolB . jokeC . gameD . lie7. (2分)A large number of Hollywood movies in China every year. The number of imported (进口) Hollywood movies in 2014 34.A . are shown; isB . are shown; areC . is shown; isD . is shown; are8. (2分)_ that their daughter got an opportunity to study abroad.A . Its a exciting newsB . This is an exciting newsC . This is exiting newsD . Its exciting news9. (2分)Why dont you go out to play, Rose?Im afraid I cant. I have much homework _.A . doB . doesC . doingD . to do10. (2分)They should do exercises as _ as possible to keep _.A . more, healthyB . much, healthC . more, healthD . much, healthy11. (2分)Lucy your friend ? _ she like English? A . Is; DoesB . Does; IsC . Does; DoesD . Is; Is12. (2分)This pair of pants _ very good. I like _. A . is; themB . are; itC . are; themD . is; it13. (2分)My name _ Jack. Liu Ying and Sun Mei _ my friends. A . is; areB . is; isC . are; isD . is; am14. (2分)Try your best to do it and youll _ one day. A . successB . succeedC . successfulD . successes15. (2分) What do you think of the house, dear? _ I cant find a better one.A . Pretty good!B . Too expensive.C . Good idea!D . Too bad.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)从A、B、C、D中选出个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。My name is David. Im happy to 1in a new school. My teachers and classmates are all kind 2me. I go to school 3days a week. 4Saturdays and Sundays,I have no classes. I study many 5at school, such as(例如)Chinese, math, English, geography and some other subjects. My favorite subject is geography 6I think it is easy and l can 7about the world(世界). My physics is not good. Its 8for me to learn, but l want to learn it well. My friend Liu Tao often helps me with my 9.After school I often do some outdoor 10with him. Both of us love running. I like my new school.(1)A . write B . dance C . study D . play (2)A . for B . of C . with D . to (3)A . six B . seven C . four D . five (4)A . In B . On C . For D . At (5)A . lessons B . classes C . subjects D . cards (6)A . but B . so C . and D . because (7)A . learn B . catch C . guess D . mean (8)A . heavy B . boring C . hard D . easy (9)A . history B . art C . math D . physics (10)A . life B . couses C . movies D . activities 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共54分)17. (25分)根据短文内容,完成下列小题。A TV program has become popular in China recently. It has made people all over China become interested in writing Chinese characters(汉字).The increasing use of computers and smart phones has left most young people hardly able to write by hand. Many of them are even unable to remember the 10,000 characters used in daily life without electronic help.CCTV started the Chinese Character Dictation Competition to improve the populations handwriting skills. Contestants(参与者) on the show were school pupils, but it was found that 70% of adults in the audience(观众) were unable to remember how to write the word chan chu.Because computers allow people to type characters simply by entering pinyin, they dont need to remember how to write them. The keyboard age has had a big influence on the handwriting of Chinese characters, Guan Zhengwen, who designed and directed the show said.He added that he hoped to encourage people to keep it alive as an art form.Hao Mingjian, an editor of a magazine, putting his heart into Chinese characters, said, Learning Chinese characters goes on throughout your life. If you stop using them for a long time, it is very likely that you will forget them.(1)Are Chinese people interested in writing Chinese characters now?(2)What has left most young people hardly able to write by hand?(3)Why did CCTV start the Chinese Character Dictation Competition?(4)How do computers allow people to type characters simply?(5)What can you learn from the passage?18. (6分) Guitar Lessons for Guitar PlayersPlaying the same things over and over again when you pick up the guitar? Teaching yourself for years but you hit a wall? Whether youre a total beginner, or an old guitar player, well get you working on something that is helpful. Im a professional teacher, with over 30 students at my studio in downtown Berkeley and several music schools in San Francisco.No matter what style youre into, Im sure there are songs by your favorite bands that you could learn.Call at 510-333-9091 or e-mail at bluescho0147gmail.comDance ClassesMotion Dance Center in Martinez is now getting registration (注册) for all fall dance classes. There are classes offered in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Contemporary and Cheerleading. Classes run like the school year Sept through June. Prices are very reasonable at only $45 a month. This studio is known for their younger child program.If you want more information, call Deena at 925-229-5678.Qi Gong with AngieQi Gong is the perfect activity for anyone, at any age. It contains gentle movement and meditation (冥想), breathing and relaxation. The exercises are designed to reduce stress and anxiety and improve blood and energy circulation (循环) throughout the body, therefore improving energy levels and sleep.Thousands of Qi Gong lovers around the world have experienced the extraordinary benefits(益处)and are healthier and happier for it. Join us to experience the benefits for yourself!WHEN: Tuesdays from noon 1 p.m.WHERE: Halanda Studio 1062 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125COST: $12 per class drop-in (即到即学的) or $45 for a pre-paid set of 4 classesCONTACT: Angie at angielokahiacupuncture.com, 408-887-6000(1)The purpose of the first advertisement is to _.A . build a bridge between guitar playersB . look for teachers for several music schoolsC . attract guitar players to attend music classesD . help guitar beginners to improve their skills(2)Who will probably contact 925-229-5678?A . A sports lover.B . A Hip-Hop lover.C . A guitar lover.D . A Qi Gong lover.(3)How much can you save if you pay for eight classes at one time before you join Halanda Studio?A . $3.B . $6.C . $8.D . $12.19. (10分) Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can go online.Dont give your password (密码) to anyone else, and never leak out the following information-your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information.Check with your parents before giving out a credit (信用) card number.Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say its OK. Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents must make sure its a right place for you.Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents permission (允许). Never meet anyone you met on line alone.Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as strangers.If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.Treat other people as youd like to be treated. Never use bad language.Remembernot everything you read on the Internet is true.(1)If you want a true friend on the Internet , you can _ .A . tell the people what your name isB . meet the people on line aloneC . write an e-mail about yourselfD . get your parents permission(2)Its good for children to _ on the Internet.A . give password to othersB . get useful knowledge and informationC . give out a credit card numberD . go into a chat room as theyd like to(3)The underlined phraseleak out in the third paragraph may mean _.A . give awayB . leave outC . give outD . put away(4)If your parents dont agree, never _.A . read anything on the InternetB . relax in your free timeC . have a face-to face meeting with anyone you met onlineD . treat other people as youd like to be treated(5)This passage is mainly about “_”.A . How to use ComputersB . Surfing on the InternetC . Information on the InterneD . Internet Safety Rules20. (8分)阅读理解Once a great boxer(拳击手), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it away. So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it, “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here and he will be back in a few minutes.”He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasnt there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said, “A great runner took away your bag, and will not be back.”(1)Tom Brown went to the restaurant . A . for his bagB . to see a doctorC . for dinnerD . for his pen(2)When Tom Brown came back, he . A . found another piece of paper on the ground.B . found his bag wasnt thereC . saw the runner running towards to himD . both A and B(3)Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because he . A . thought the thief would not steal (偷) his bag when he read the wordsB . was a boxerC . wanted to catch the thiefD . wanted to get to know the runner(4)Which of the following is right? A . The runner was strong.B . The runner knew the boxer well.C . The runner saw the thief.D . The runner made a joke on Tom Brown.21. (5分)根据短文内容完成下列各题It is said that about half of the people in China smokeMany young boys and girls have the habit of smoking,though they are middle school studentsMore and more people have come to realize how serious this problem isBut they are never bored with itSome people think it is a kind of fashion,some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh(提神)themselves(A)Smoking causes many illnesses A lot of people always cough(B) smokingThe most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer(肺癌)At the same time smoking is a waste of moneyBesides,careless smokers may cause dangerous fire(C)我们都知道吸烟对我们的健康有害。In order to keep healthy,we should get rid of the bad habit of smokingPlease stop smoking at once(1)将(A)处画线部分译成汉语。_(2)在(B)处的空白处填人适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺。_(3)将(C)处画线部分译成英语。_(4)列出短文中提到的吸烟的至少两点危害。_(5)该篇短文的标题是:_四、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)22. (2分)这种玩具汽车正在这个商店中出售。This kind of toy car is _ _ in the shop.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)短文填空,从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。 but choice color direct fly high important instead it many quick slowOne day, a father and his son went to a kite flying festival. When they arrived, there were already many adults and their children playing in the park. When the son saw the sky filled with _ kites in different shapes, he was excited and wanted to get one too. His father agreed to buy one for him. So they went to a kite shop and _ a beautiful one.With the string(线)in hand, the son started _ the kite. Soon, the kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, Father, it seems that the string is stopping the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be free and fly even higher. Can we cut it?” The father didnt reply, but just cut the string off the reel(线轴). Suddenly, the kite began to go _, which made the son much happier.However, to his surprise, the kite was coming down. They waited for quite some time. _, it fell onto the grass. The son felt upset and asked, I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. Why did it fall down?”The father smiled and said, “The role of the string was not stopping the kite from flying higher, _ helping it stay in the sky, because the kite _ can t fly up. By using the string you help the kite go up in the right _. When you cut the string, it could not support the kite.In our life, we may sometimes feel like there are certain things that are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things that support us_. We can really grow up and become stronger by realizing the _ of these things.六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)24. (5分)从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。A. What should we do to protect our Earth?B. What are you reading?C. What will our life be like in the future?D. What should we do in public places?E. Because our Earth is being damaged seriously now.F. We should also learn to save water.G. What can you do to help us?A: Hi, Millie _B: Im reading a report about our life in the near future. A: _B: It says we have to move to another planet in the future.A: Why?B: _It will not be a good place for people to live after a few years.A:_B: We should plant more trees.A: I agree. What else?A: _A: Yes. We can do it by taking a shorter shower.B: Youre right,25. (5分)补全对话。其中有一个多余选项。A: Hi, Molly. Wheres your brother Larry? I thought he was joining us.B: Hi, Kathy. Im sorry. _He is working late tonight.A: Oh, Larrys working late again?B: Yeah, he is.A: I seeI really dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night. _B: Oh, I disagree with you. Teenage boys never get tired.A: Well, maybe. _B: Thats true. He needs time to do homework.A: And you know, Mollyhe should really cut his hair.B: Oh, I dont know. _A: Yes, I do. It doesnt look clean. And I think he should stop wearing that silly earring.B: HmmI disagree. I kind of like it. It looks cool!A: You know another thing that worries me? _B: Yeah, I know. I think he shouldnt work on weekendsA: Thats right. He needs to spend time with friends.A. Do you think its too long.B. Larry cant join us after all.C. I think teenagers should go out.D. Young people need to sleep.E. Larry doesnt seem to have many friends.F. But Larry shouldnt work every night.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)亲爱的同学们,七年级这学期就要结束了, 暑假即将来临。在这一年的中学生活中,你一定结交了许多好朋友。请以My best friend 为题,用英语写一篇短文,介绍一下你最好的朋友Daniel。内容要点如下:个人信息Daniel,13岁,七年级一班个性品质1)聪明、兴趣广泛;2)喜爱动物;3)善良、乐于助人(举一例)。暑假计划1)多读书来了解世界;2)帮父母做家务;3)和父母去旅游,因为要求:1)短文应包括所给所有信息,并适当发挥。2)语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,条理清楚,字迹工整。3)字数:80左右,开头已给,不计入总词数。4)文中不得出现自己的真实姓名和校名。My best friendDaniel is my best friend.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共54分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、四、 翻译 (共1题;共2分)22-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)23-1、六、 补全对话 (共2题;共10分)24-1、25-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、

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