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unit4 Where smyschoolbag Period1 学习目标 1 能正确使用下列单词 table bed bookcase sofa chair 2 能够正确使用where引导的特殊疑问句 3 能够正确使用介词in on under描述物品所在的位置 4 掌握下列句型 Where smyschoolbag It sunderthetable Wherearemybooks They reonthesofa What sthis It sa atable asofa abed abookcase achair hatcanyouseeinmyroom Task1 table bed bookcase sofa chair room desk hat radio clock tape modelplane books pen computer schoolbag dictionary pencilbox baseballs Matchthewordswiththepictures 1 table 2 bed 3 bookcase 4 sofa 5 Chair 6 schoolbag 7 books 8 keys b d a c e g f h b e h g f c d a Let slearn inonUnder 在 里面 在 上面 在 下面 Where sTom It sinthebox I mTom where s whereis Where sTom It sonthebox Where sTom It sunderthebox in on under WhereisTom 2 6 1 3 Listening P202a Wherearethethings Numberthethingsinthepicture 听力 将这些物品的序号 1 6 标在图上 4 5 1 2 3 4 Listening P202b Numberthethingsinthepicture 听力 将这些物品的序号 1 6 标在图上 1 2 3 4 6 6 5 5 TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish 翻译 1 我的钥匙在哪儿 在你的双肩背包里 Wherearemykeys Theyareinyourschoolbag 2 铅笔盒在哪儿 在沙发上 Where sthepencilcase It sonthesofa 3 他的书在哪儿 桌子下面 Wherearehisbooks They reunderthedesk Lookatthepicturesandcompletetheconversations 看图补全对话 3a A Where thekeys B They re the are on table Lookatthepicturesandcompletetheconversations 看图补全对话 3a A Where sthe itonyourdesk B No it s thechair chair Is under Lookatthepicturesandcompletetheconversations 看图补全对话 3a A Where thepencils B Idon tknow theyinthe A Yes theyare are Are bag Istheschoolbagonthesofa Istheclockonthetable Yes itis No itisn t Arethebooksonthesofa Aretheyinthebookcase No theyaren t Yes theyare Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture 1 radio 3 tapeplayer 5 tape 2 clock 4 modalplane 6 hat a a b d f c e f d e b c Tommywants fromhisroom Listenandcircle Englishbookstapeplayerclockrulernotebooktapemodalplaneradio 1c Therulerisunderthebed Thenotebookisonthebed Thetapeisonthetable Listenagain WhereareTommy sthings TheEnglishbooksareundertheradio 1d 2c完成表格 PairworkWhere rethe They re Where retherulers They reonthesofa Where rethebooks They reinthebookcase Pairwork A Where sthe B It sin on under Where rethe Theyarein on underthe Where sthe It s the bed schoolbag on Pairwork Where thebooks inthe are They re bookcase 我们要掌握 Where sthepen It sinthepencilcase Where rerulers They reunderthedesk Where thebooks inthedrawer Where sthe It s the hat under table are They re Where thekeys thepencilcase are They re under Where sthe It s the modleplane on chair Memorychallenge 记忆挑战 Memorychallenge 记忆挑战 Where sthepen It sin on underthedesk Where retherulers They rein on underthechair Istheschoolbagonthesofa Yes itis No itisn t Arethebooksinthebookcase Yes theyare No theyaren t 3aDoyouhavethesethings Wherearethey What yes underthedesk yes yes yes yes yes yes inmyschoolbag onthedesk inthebookcase inmypencilbox inthetapeplayer inthebookcase 1 Mydictionaryandmyradioareonthedesk 2 Mypensareinmypencilbox 3 Mypencilboxisinmyschoolbagand4 myschoolbagisunderthedesk 5 MybooksandmyCDsareinthebookcase 6 Mytapesareonthetapeplayer Writeaboutwherethethingsarein3a 1 Writethethingsinyourroom Furniture 家具 desk sofa chair bed bookcase Stationary 文具 pencil pen ruler eraser pencilbox Other 其他 computer clock tape tapeplayer CDs telephone picture map SelfCheck Thetapeplayerisontheteacher sdeskandtheteacher sdeskisinthefrontoftheclassroom Theclockisonthewall Ourchairsareunderthedesks Writeaboutthethingsinyourroom GuessingGame Where stheclock Isiton in under It sonthedesk table Where sthebaseball Isiton in under It sunderthechair Wherearetheplants Aretheyon in under They reonthetable Wherearethebooks Aretheyon in under They reinthebookcase Wherearethecats They reonthebike Aretheyon in under behind 单 Thisisabook Thesearebooks 单 Thatishisbrother Thosearehisbrothers 看谁做得快 复 复 单 Heishercousin Theyarehercousins 复 s z z 写出下列句子的复数形式 Thisismyfriend Thatishisparent Issheyoursister Isthisaphoto Yes itis No sheisn t Thesearemyfriends Thosearehisparents Aretheyyoursisters Arethesephotos Yes theyare No theyaren t 4 Theyisunderthedesk 5 Whereisthehisbook Itisunderthedesk Whereishisbook ABC ABC Choosethebestanswer 1 isQingdao It s Shandong A Where inB Where onC What inD What on 2 Adoorandtwowindowsare thewall A onB inC behindD near 3 Theycomehere Thursdaymorning A onB atC inD of A B A 4 Arethekeysunderthesofa A Yes itis B No itisn t C Yes theyaren t D No theyaren t 5 Isthisabook A Yes it sB ItisC Yes itisD Yes it sandapple 解析 itis可以缩写成it s 但在简略形式的肯定回答中 不能用缩写式 故不选A D C 1 MyfatherandmotherareinAmerica 就划线部分提问 your 解析 划线部分是地点 用where提问 father和mother的总称是parents 是复数 根据要求完成句子 Where re parents 2 Ben sbookisunderthefloor 就划线部分提问 isBen sbook 3 Thepicturesareonthewall 对划线部分提问 arethepictures Where Where 改错 1 Where sarethekeys 2 Wherearethebaseball 3 Itareonthetable AB Wherearethekeys Whereisthebaseball Wherearethebaseballs AB ABC C C Itisonthetable 棒球在哪里 它在沙发上 2 我的电子游戏机在哪里 它在床底下 3 你的书在哪里 它们在书架里 Whereisthebaseball It sonthesofa Whereismycomputergame It sunderthebed Whereareyourbooks Theyareinthebookcase 翻译 4 他的钥匙在哪里 它们在桌上 5 她的背包在哪里 它在椅子下面 Wherearehiskeys They reonthetable Whereisherschoolbag It sunderthechair 用疑问词提问aremybooks Theyareonthedesk doyouspellpicture P I C T U R E 3 isyourbed It swhite 4 isthatinEnglish It sacar Where How Whatcolor What 帽子闹钟钥匙书本 hat alarmclock keys books TheTheTheThe 在沙发上在书橱里在床上在盒子里 onthesofa inthebookcase onthebed inthebox 帽子在沙发上钟在书柜里钥匙在床上书本在书柜里 hat clock keys books onthesofa inthebookcase onthebed inthebookcase isisareare Warming up 把下列单数名词迅速变为复数名词tablebedchairbagtablesbedschairsbagsboyphotofamilyboxboysphotosfamiliesboxes Be 主语 介词短语 询问某物或某人在某处吗 Be动词的变化随主语的单复数而变化 当某人或某物是单数时 be动词用is 回答为Yes itis No itisn t 当某人或某物是复数时 be动词用are 回答为Yes theyare No theyaren t Grammarfocus 1 地图在哪 她在你祖父母的房间里 2 我的书在哪 它们在沙发上 3 他的铅笔盒在哪 它在他的书包里 4 你的尺子在哪 它在椅子下面 5 他们的钥匙在哪 它们在桌子上 1 Thisismygrandfather sroom 2 Thatismyparents room3 Thesearemysister sandbrother srooms 4 ChildrenlikeChildren sDay 5 TomisMike sfriend 6 Alice sparentsareinChina Look translateandlearn 这是我弟弟的房间 那是我父母的房间 这些是我弟弟 妹妹的房间 孩子们喜欢儿童节 汤姆是迈克的朋友 爱丽丝的父母在中国 thisthat sheheit isam penparent thesethose they are pensparents ThankyouGoodbye Period2 学习目标 1 能正确使用下列单词或短语 desk room hat head know come comeon think their year 2 能够熟练使用where引导的特殊疑问句 3 能够熟练使用介词in on under描述物品所在的位置 4 掌握下列句型 Where smy hisyourschoolbag It sunder onthetable Wherearemy theirbooks They reonthesofa intheirschoolbag Arethekeysonthesofa Yes theyare No theyaren t Theyareonthetable Istheschoolbagonthesofa Yes itis No itisn t Where sSally She sin on under behind nearthebox on in under behind near Challengeyourmemory 记忆挑战 Where sSally She s thebox 方位介词 oninunderbehindinfrontof 在 上面 在 里面 在 下面 在 后面 在 前面 Period3 学习目标 1 能正确使用下列单词或短语 know2 能够熟练使用where引导的特殊疑问句 3 能够熟练使用介词in on under描述物品所在的位置 4 掌握下列句型 Where s It son under in Whereare They reon under in Isthebackpackonthesofa Yes itis No itisn t Are on under in Yes theyare No theyaren t 5 了解名 S的名词所有格的含义和构成 排列下列句子组成对话 Idon tknow Isitonthedresses No itisn t 1 Where sthebag Putthesesentencesinordertomakeaconversation Idon tknow 我不知道 Isitonthedresser 它是在梳妆台上吗 No itisn t 不 不是的 1 where sthebag 书包在哪 A Whereisthebag B Idon tknow Isitonthedresser A No itisn t Makeupyourconversations 编对话 A Wherearemy s B Idon tknow Arethey A No they renot Yes theyare Makeupyourconversations 编对话 Wherearehisparents 对划线部分提问 1 Hisparentsareintheroom 2 Mybackpackisbehindmychair 3 Thephotoofmyfamilyisonthewall 4 Thekeysareonthetable 5 Thebookcaseisnexttomybed Whereismybackpack Whereisthephotoofmyfamily Wherearethekeys Whereisthebookcase Thisismyroom It sverynice 漂亮 Thecomputeris thedesk Thebaseballis thechair My areinthebookcase Near 在 旁边 the youcanseemyplant myredhat Oh it sbehind 在 后面 thedoor on under books bed Where s 这是我的房间 一本书在我的书桌上 椅子在书桌下 书包在椅子上吗 对 我的书在我的书柜里 我的照片哪儿去了 它在墙上 wall 我的房间很漂亮 Thisismyroom Abookisonmydesk Thechairisunderthedesk Isthebackpackonthechair Yes itis Mybooksareinthebookcase Whereismyphoto It sonthewall Myroomisnice 可数名词复数的加法 1 一 isthebackpack 一It sonthetable A WhatB WhereC HowD Who 2 Hispens inthepencil box A isB amC areD do 3 一Whereisthebag 一 A It sabag B Yes itisC OnthedeskD It snotmybag 4 Herbaseballis thefloor A inB onC underD behind 5 Thereisawindow thewall A onB inC atD under B C C B B 6 一Howdoyou pen 一P E N A askB speakC 1istenD spell 7 Pleasetakethebook theclassroom A toB inC onD at 8 一Jim please mybackpackhere 一OK A takeB putC bringD give 9 Ihaveabaseball It s thebookcase thedesk A from toB between toC in onD between and 10 Mymotherbuys 买 meanewcomputer It s A behindthewallB onthedeskC inthebookcaseD underthebed D A C D B 改错 Where sarethekeys Wherearethebaseball Itareonthetable Theyisunderdesk Whereisthehisbook ABC Wherearethekeys Wherearethebaseballs Theyareonthetable Theyareunderthedesk Whereishisbook ABC ABC ABC ABC Period4 学习目标 1 能正确使用下列单词或短语 radio clock tape player tapeplayer modal plane modalplayer 2 能够熟练使用介词in on under描述物品所在的位置 3 能够熟练使用下列句型 Where s It son under in Whereare They reon under in 4 理解寻求帮助的句型 Couldyoubringsomeschoolthingstoschoolforme A Where sthe B It s Workinpairs A Wherearethe B Theyare Myroom amathbook aradiotape ahat radio CDs SectionB 1c 1d Mom Hello Tom Hi Mom Couldyoubringsomethingstoschoolforme please Mom OK Tom IneedmyEnglishbooks Mom Englishbooks Where reyourEnglishbooks Tom Hmm they reonthechair Oh no they reundertheradioMom OK Tom AndIneedmyruler It sonthebed Andmynotebook Mom where syournotebook Tom Uh Idon tknow Oh it sunderthemodalplaneinthebookcase AndFrank stape Heneedsit Mom Where shistape Tom Oh it sinthetapeplayer Mom OK Meetyouatoneatyourschool Tom Thanks Mom Period5 学习目标 1 能正确使用下列单词 tidy but our everywhere always 2 读懂2b的短文 能回答文中提出的问题 并能完成2c的表格 Period6 学习目标 通过做三维课堂练习 巩固本单元知识 1 能够正确使用where引导的特殊疑问句 2 能够正确使用介词in on under描述物品所在的位置 3 掌握下列句型 Where s It son under in Whereare They reon under in Isthebackpackonthesofa Yes itis No itisn t Are on under in Yes theyare No theyaren t 掌握下列句型

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