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一些重要的不定代词的用法 1 all both either neither2 one another theother3 little alittle few afew4 some any no none noone nobody nothing each every many much 1 both 都 neither 都不 either 之一 指两人或物 all 指三个 以上 人或物可作 1 主语2 定语3 宾语等 1 他们两人都喜欢吃米饭 Both ofthem enjoyrice CF All ofthem enjoy Each ofthem enjoysrice 我们俩都不是医生 Neither ofus isadoctor CF None ofus isa Both ofus aren tdoctors 你们两个哪个去都行 Either ofyou isallowedtogo 作主语时 both后面的谓语动词用复数 neither either后面的谓语动词用单数 2 张华的父母亲在一所医院工作 但都不是医生 BothZhangHua sfatherandmotherworkinahospital butneitheroneisadoctor 两个苹果任你拿一个 Youmaytakeeitherapple 3 我非常喜欢这两件玩具 Ilikebothofthetoysverymuch 这男孩找不到他们俩就走开了 Theboycouldfindneitherofthemandleft 我买了两块蛋糕 你要哪块都可以 I veboughttwocakes youcanhaveeither Theboycouldn tfindbothofthemandleft CF butnotbothofthemaredoctors aren t CF Youmaytakeneitherapple bothapples Theboycouldn tfindeitherofthemandleft CF 1 of the of thesebooksareexpensive of his Tom s Eachofthe these his Tom s booksisexpensive All of theappleisbad All of thewaterisdirty 2 All Bothofthemareexpensive Eachofthemisbad Allofitisbad 4 all both each和名词或代词连用 3 All Bothbooksareexpensive Each Every bookisexpensive Allwaterisdirty 4 allyear allweek allday allnight allwinter AllBoth 但 allhour allcentury 5 all both each在句中的位置 1 Theyall both eachagreetotakepartinthebirthdayparty 2 Theyareall both eachingoodhealth 3 Theywillall both eachgothere Theywillall both eachbeinvitedtothebirthdayparty Weeach againsttheplan be Theroomswereall both eachcleaned are All Both EachtheyAll Both Eachthem wrong wrong 6 either可作副词用于否定句 也 相当于肯定句中的too 这不是我的 那也不是 Thisisnotmine Thatisnot either 7 neither表示 也不 的时候 常用于倒装结构 nor 我不喜欢踢足球 他也不喜欢 Idon tliketoplayfootball Neitherdoeshe 他没自行车 我也没有 Hehasn tgotabike NeitherhaveI 8 both and连接并列主语时 谓语动词一般是复数 either or neither nor连接两个并列主语时谓语动词的数应与靠近谓语动词的主语保持一致 BothLiandWangareintelligentstudents Eithertheshirtsorthesweaterisagoodbuy NeitherhenorIam mistaken Thereisaknifeandforkbesidetheplate 2 1 one常用来作代词 替代前文所出现的单数可数名词或其他代词 表示人或物 以避免重复 我没圆珠笔 我得去买一支 Ihaven tgotaballpen I llhavetobuyone a 他是个能多为别人着想的人 Heisonetothinkmoreofothers 2 theother another都可解释为 另一个 theother指两者中的另一个 another指三者以上中的另一个 Hehastwobrothers Oneisadoctor theotherisaprofessor We vereceivedtwoparcels onefrommyuncle theotherfrommyaunt Idon tlikethisone showmeanother please I vejustboughtthreethings Oneisawalkman anotherisapocketcalculator thethirdisavideogame 3 another还有 再 的意思 再喝一杯咖啡吧 Haveanothercupofcoffee please 他必须在这里再待一个 两个星期 Hewillhavetostayhereforanotherweek anothertwoweeks 4 other有 另外 的含义 其他学生在哪里 Wherearetheotherstudents 这孩子比另两个更聪明 Theboyismuchclevererthantheothertwo 5 others和theothers表示复数的泛指和特指 后面不能加名词 Intheparksomeareplayinggames Othersarewalkingneartheriver Ihavefivecolorpencils Oneisred anotherisblueandtheothersaregreen 6 therest也可作 其余的 解释 用作主语时要注意谓语动词的单复数 他的余生是在美国度过的 TherestofhislifewasspentinAmerica 他有几本书 两本是英文 其余的是中文 Hehasafewbooks TwoareinEnglish TherestareinChinese 3 1 little alittle用作代词 形容词 或副词 前者表否定 后者表肯定 用这种方法他们只花很少的钱就能旅行 Inthiswaytheycanmakethetripwithjustalittlemoney 没剩多少了 是吗 Thereislittleleft isthere 2 few afew用作代词 形容词 前者表否定 后者表肯定 AfewofusspeakEnglishwell 我们中有几个人英语讲得好 3 常用词组 冰箱里几乎没鸡蛋了 所以他去超市买了一些 Therewerefeweggs waslittlemilkinthefridge sohewenttothesupermarketandboughtsome Fewstudentsknowthis dothey 没几个学生知道这件事 对吗 A quite not afew 好 几个thefew少数的人们 onlya few very few 极 少数几个 B quite not alittle onlya little littlebylittle 不少人犯过这种错误 Notafewpeoplehavemadethatmistake 知道这首老歌的人很少 代词 Veryfewknowtheoldsong Onlyafewpeople Hehasgivenusnotalittletrouble 他给我们带来不少的麻烦 他对那结果相当满意 Hewasnotalittlesatisfiedwiththeresult Hegotthinlittlebylittle Hemadelittleofhisillness 轻视 不重视 看不起 4 1 some和any 1 A some 一些 某个 句中可作主语 宾语 定语等 常用于肯定句 作定语时 可修饰可数和不可数名词 可数名词是单数时 some表示 某个 的意思 Therearesomenewspapersonthetable Iamgoingtobuysomeorangejuice Haveyouanyquestions Yes Ihavesome Ihavereadthatinsomemagazine B 当说活者表示提议 请求或期望得到肯定回答时 在疑问句中也可用some Wouldyoulikesometea Couldyoulendmesomechairs 2 A any 一些 多用于疑问句 否定句或条件从句 Isthereanyinkinyourpen Putupyourhandsifyouhaveanyquestions Bany用于肯定句中有 任何一个 解 常用于比较级句中 Tomrunsfasterthananyotherboyinhisclass Tomrunsfasterthananyoftheotherboysin Somethingiswrongwithmybike Somebodyisaskingtoseeyou Nobodyisabsent Ifyouwantanything callme Csome any every no可以与body thing one构成合成代词 这些代词都作单数看待 表示人或物 2 no和none 1 none 没有一个 全不 都不 是名词性不定代词 可作主语和宾语 常和of短语连用 不作定语 none作主语代替不可数名词时 谓语用单数形式 代替可数名词时 谓语用单复数均可 Noneofthemoney paidtome was Noneofus everbeenabroad have has 2 none是all的全部否定 都指三者以上的人或物 Weallmademistakes Noneofuswascorrect 3 no是形容词性不定代词 只能作定语 修饰可数和不可数名词 等于nota或notany加上名词 Ididn ttakeallthephotosbymyself 这些照片并非全都是我拍的 所有的鸟都有翅膀 但并非所有的鸟都会飞 Allbirdshavewings butallbirdscannotfly Ihavenomoney Ihavenotanymoney 4 noone相当于nobody 可用来回答who whom引起的问句 Who m doyoulikebest Noone Nobody Hehasnomother Shehasnoteeth none可用来回答Howmuch howmany引起的问句 Howmanyfishdidyoucatch None Howmuchwinedidshehave None 3 each和every each强调个体 可作主语 宾语 定语 同位语 every相当于all 强调整体 只能作定语 Eachboyhasadictionary 每个孩子都有一本词典 Everyboyhasadictionary 所有的孩子都有一本词典 everyfivedays everyfifthday 每隔四天 2 each用于两个 以上 的人或物 every用于三个以上 路的两边有树 桌子四周每一边有一把椅子 Therearetreeson sideoftheroad Thereisachairon sideofthetable each either each every 3 每隔 或 每 中 要用every 每隔一天 一行 everyotherday line 每隔五天 everysixdays 每六天 每五天 4 Theyeach forwardaproposal put put Eachoftherooms them bright be is Everyboyisnotclever Allboysarenotclever 4 many和much 可用在肯定句 否定句和疑问句中 还可在肯定句中作主语或修饰主语 1 Aretherelotsofbusesandcarsinthestreet many Wedidn thavealotoftroublefindingTom much 2 这个诗人用英语写了这么多的诗 ThepoethaswrittensomanypoemsinEnglish 他买了那么多面包 Hehasboughtsomuchbread Thegirlspentsuchlotsofmoneyonclothes alotof 形容词 1 ofthemknewabouttheplanbecauseitwaskeptasecret A EachB AnyC NooneD None2 Wecouldn teatinarestaurantbecause ofushad moneyonus A all noB any noC none anyD noone any3 Thereisatreeon sideofthestreet A everyB allC eitherD both4 Thereisadeskon sideoftheroom A bothB eitherC allD every5 WhichsidecanIsitontheboat Ifyousitstill youcansiton A everysideB allsidesC bothsidesD eitherside6 Itissaidthat ofhisparentshavegonetoBeijing A allB everyC bothD either7 Somestudentsareabsent minded ofthemheardwhattheteachersaid A allB noneC everyD notall 8 Is here No BobandTimhaveaskedforleave A anybodyB somebodyC everybodyD nobody9 Theywereallverytired but ofthemwouldstoptotakearest A anyB someC noneD neither10 CanyoucomeonMondayorTuesday I mafraid dayispossible A eitherB neitherC someD any11 Ifyouwanttochangeforthisroomyou llhavetopay 5 A anotherB otherC moreD each12 Whichofthetwobooksdoyouwant Iwant Pleaseshowme A none anotherB all theotherC neither theotherD neither another13 sideofthestreetislinedwithdifferentshops ofwhichsellelectronicproducts A Both bothB Either allC Neither eitherD Either both 14 Doyouneedanythingelse Yes westillneed aircraft A moretwoB twomoreC othertwopiecesofD twoothers15 Ihadnoideawhichwasbetter soItook ofthem A anyB everyC noneD both16 Theexaminationwaseasy wasn tit Yes butIdon tthink couldpassit A somebodyB anybodyC nobodyD everybody17 Isthereanyonewhocandothejob A NoneB NooneC NotoneD Notmanyones18 Iwantedsomewater buttherewasinthebottle A noneB noC anyD nothing19 Maryhasarrived butstudentsinmyclassaren thereyet A otherB othersC theotherD theothers20 ofusisactiveinEnglishclass A EveryB EveryoneC EveryoneD Anybody21 Theyinvitedthethreeof Tom Bob and A us meB we IC us ID we we

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