七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Welcome to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Welcome to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt_第1页
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Welcometotheunit Unit4Findingyourway Whatisthetouristlookingfor ThetouristislookingfortheCapitol Objectives TolearnsomenewwordsandphrasesTolearntoreadamapTolearnhowtodescribethepositionofaplaceTotalkaboutaclasstripyouwanttogoon Wheredobirdsflywhenwintercomes Theyflytothesouth 单词回顾 学生早读时已预习过本单元单词 可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习 对单词的熟练度越高 阅读的速率也越高 followpathhavetonorthwestsoutheasttripkilometre Wordsreview vt 跟随 仿效n 小路 小径不得不 必须n adj adv 北 北方n adj adv 西 西方n adj adv 南 南方n adj adv 东 东方n 旅行 旅游n km 千米 公里 kilometer Listenandfillintheblanks Eddie Hobo Followme Areyousure No Ican t There sapath thehills Let s here between godown Don t Comewithme beafraid Eddie Ithinkwe goupagain Oh no haveto N E W S south east south east east east west south west north west south south 请你帮它找食物 SunshineZooisnorthofSunshineMiddleSchool SunnyGardeniswestofthezoo LakeParkissouthofSunnyGarden SunshineParkiseastofLakePark SunshineZoo SunnyGarden LakePark 2 1 6 SunshinePark Let sgoonatrip 7 PostOffice Zoo Cinema Park Hospital School Museum ShoppingMall Restaurant N S W E Whereis 根据你的实际情况 说说从你家如何到达下列地方 DanielandSimonaretalkingaboutthetrip Workinpairsandtalkaboutaclasstripyouwanttogoon Usetheconversationbelowasamodel Daniel Wherearewegoingforourclass Simon We regoingtoSunshineZoo Daniel Where sthezoo Isit fromourschool Simon No It s oftheschool about kilometresaway Daniel Howwillwegetthere Simon We llgetthere trip faraway north three bybus A Wherearewegoingforourtrip B We regoingto A Where sthe Isitfarawayfrom B No It snorth south east westof about kilometresaway A Howwillwegetthere B We llgetthere Talkaboutatripyouwanttogoon Howwillwegetthere follow Followme please goorcomeafter Springfollowswinter down Sitdown please Godownthestairs afraid Don tbeafraid Theboyisafraidofdogs beafraidof inortowardsaloworlowerposition fromahigherone feelingfear Languagepoints SunshineZooisnorthofSunshineMiddleSchool 阳光动物园在阳光中学的北面 这里 be 方位词 of 表示 某地 在 另一地 的 方向 如 TheU S issouthofCanada 美国在加拿大的南面 Theparkisnorthwestoftheschool 公园在学校的西北面 Reflection 1 Payattentiontothesewordsandphrasesfollow path haveto trip kilometre2 Describethepositionofaplace isnorth south west east north west north east south west south eastof Preview TopreviewthewordlistinthisUnitTopreviewReadingonPage44 Homework Learnthenewwordsandphrasesbyheart 2 Readandremembertheconversation Thankyou

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