七年级英语下册《Module 3 Unit 2 Were going to cheer the players》课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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Canyouspellthenewwords f w d 2 f n 3 t 4 t i 5 plei 6 h up 7 win 8 w n 9 mai self 10 dju ri 11 mei forward面向未来的 向前fan迷 支持者shirt球衣 男式 衬衫cheer为 喝彩player运动员 选手hope希望win赢 获胜won win的过去式 myself我自己during在 期间May5月 Newwordsandexpressions 12 leit 13 w k 14 k ntri 15 sek nd 16 k lekt 17 lit 18 f n 19 k mp 20 streili n 21 saitsi i 22 bi t 23 li late迟的 晚walk步行 走country乡下 乡村second第二collect收集litter垃圾fun娱乐 乐趣camp营地 帐篷Australian澳大利亚的sightseeing观光 游览beach海滨 海滩early早 早的 Module3Plans Unit2We regoingtocheertheplayers 一读 Howmanypeoplearethereinthepassage Whoarethey Three Martin ZhangsijiaandLucy 二读 读第一段完成下题1 翻译 lookforwardto 和 交朋友 2 I mlookingforwardtothefootballmatchtomorrow 翻译句子 lookforwardtodoingsth 期待做某事后接名词 v ing形式大显身手 Theyarelookingforward visit theGreatWall 2 Areyoulookingforward play basketball 期盼 makefriends 我正期待着明天的足球赛 tovisiting toplay 二读 读第一段完成下题根据汉语完成句子 我们将会遇见其他的球迷 并结交一些新朋友 We regoingtomeet and Other形容词 意为 其他的 在句中作定语 放在被修饰词之前 else置于所修饰的不定代词 疑问代词之后 Hewillgivemeotherbookstomorrow 明天他会给我其他几本书 Whoelsedoesn tfinishthehomework 还有谁没完成作业 Makefriendswithsb和某人交朋友我们都将穿着队服 We reall theteamshirt Wear强调穿的状态 其宾语是衣服Sheoftenwearsapairofjeans 她经常穿着牛仔裤 otherfans makesome newfriends goingtowear 二读 找出短语 五一假期 在五一早上 晚点起床 去乡村散步 去游泳 捡垃圾 忙但快乐 MayDayholiday onthemorningof1stMay busyandgoodfun collectlitter goswimming takeawalkinthecountry getuplate 二读 读第三段完成下题 1 WhatisLucy splansforthesummerholidaythisyear 2 Whyisthissummerholidaygoingtobedifferentforlucy 3 Whoislucygoingtostaywith She sgoingonasummercampinSydney Australia staywithanAustralianfamilyandspeakEnglish goingsightseeingandgoingtohaveapicniconthebeach Becauseshe sgoingonasummercampinSydney Australia She sgoingtostaywithanAustralianfamily 三读 Checkthetruesentences 1 Lucyisgoingtospendthesummerholidaythisyearathome 2 LucyisgoingonasummercampinAustralia onabroad F T Languagepoints 1 Wear强调穿的状态 其宾语是衣服Sheoftenwearsapairofjeans 她经常穿着牛仔裤 Dress表示 穿衣 强调动作 其宾语通常是人Dresssb给某人穿衣 打扮dressoneself给自己穿衣 打扮Puton表示 穿上 强调动作 其宾语是衣服Pleaseputonyourclothes 请穿上你的衣服 Languagepoints 2 enjoy的用法你还记得 1 enjoythesunandthesea喜欢阳光和海洋 2 enjoymymother sricedumplings zongzi享用我妈妈包的粽子 3 enjoydoingsth喜欢 享受做某事例 Heenjoysplayingbasketball 4 enjoyonself玩得高兴 Languagepoints 大显身手 1 Ienjoy listen tothemusic 2 Doesheenjoy play football 3 Wealwaysenjoy attheweekend 我们周末总是过得很愉快 listening playing ourselves Languagepoints 3 Ihopetheywinthematch 我希望他们赢得比赛 Hope此处作动词 意为 希望 后面可接动词不定式或宾语从句 但不能接复合宾语Hopetodosth希望做某事IhopetovisitParisthisyear Hopethat从句希望 Ihopethatyouwillwinthefirstprize 正 Ihopeyoutowinthefirstprize 误 Win及物动词 意为 战胜 后长接比赛 战斗 奖品等作宾语 Beat接表示人的名词和代词TheRocketteam theKings they thematch beat won 堂堂清 单项选择 1 AllthevisitorsfromAustraliaarelookingforwardto theForbiddenCity A visitB visitsC visitingD visitto2 IamlearningEnglishontelevisionbecauseIamgoingto someAustralianfriends A takeBdoC getD make3 It sSundaytomorrow What you A are doingB do doC are goingD are goingtodo C D D Homework WriteaLostandFoundnote Thanksforyourworking


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