七年级英语下册 Moudle 5 Unit 1 What can I do for you课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Moudle 5 Unit 1 What can I do for you课件 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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Module5Shopping WhatcanIdoforyou Matchthewordsandexpressionfromtheboxwiththepictures clothesshop market supermarket Recitethenewwords biscuit Lemon AstrawberrySomestrawberries T shirt 你都记住了吗 你太棒啦 Listenandanswerthequestions 1WhatisLinglinggoingtobuyforhermotheronMother sDay 2WhatdoesBettywanttobuy AT shirt Strawberries biscuitsandsomelemons Nowcompletethetable one 99yuan halfakilo akilo 19yuan 10yuan 重难点突破 Languagepoints WhatcanIdoforyou I dliketobuyaT shirtformymum 走进商店或市场 服务人员常这样招呼顾客 Can MayIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou 顾客表示想买某物 常这样表达 I dliketolookat Iwant I dlike I dliketobuy I dliketosee CouldIhavealookat 练习 选择填空 Yes Iwantacoat A WhatdoyouwantB HowmuchisthecoatC WhatcolouristhecoatD CanIhelpyou MayItryiton tryon意为 试穿 衣 鞋 帽等 它是由 动词 副词 构成的短语 其后接名词作宾语 将其置于副词on之后或之前均可 但如果宾语是人称代词 则只能将人称代词宾格置于on之前 如 Youcantryonthisskirtbeforeyoubuyit Youcantrythisskirtonbeforeyoubuyit 练习 完成句子 Theseshoesarenice MayI 试穿它们 trythemon Whatelsewouldyoulike Akiloofbeansandtwolemons 数词 名词 of 物质名词 结构常用来表达物质名词的数量 若要表示量的复数概念时 把 表计量的 名词改为复数形式 拓展 当 数词 名词 of 物质名词 结构作主语时 谓语动词应与 表计量的 名词的单复数一致 如 Twoglassesofwaterareonthetable 练习 选择填空 wouldyoulike milk A Whatother TwokilosofB Whatelse TwokilosofC Whatother TwokilosD Whatelse Twokilos Completethesentenceswiththecorrectformofthewordsfromthebox certainlyeverythingfreshhalfpricesize 1Thestrawberrieslookvery andthe isonlytenyuanakilo issocheap 2 Thisismy CanItryiton Theclothesare pricetoday fresh price everything size certainly half Groupwork 比一比哪个小组最棒 Workinpairs StudentA You reacustomer Buyapresentforafamilymemberorafriend UsethesentencesinEverydayEnglishandActivity3tohelpyou StudentB You reashopworker HelpStudentAbuyapresentforhis herfamilymemberorfriend I 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词 可以 Ihaveoneapple Mum OK mychild 2 Theboyalwayshassome 饼干 andmilkforbreakfast 3 Thisshirtisnice Whatisthe 价格 ofit 4 Wheredoesyourmotherwork Sheworksina 超市 5 Canwelookatyournewwatch 当然 Certainly May biscuits price supermarket Quiz II 根据汉语提示完成句子 每空一词 1 我可以试穿一下这件短裙吗 CanI thisskirt 2 李梅想在母亲节为母亲做一顿饭 LiMeiwantstocookamealon 3 盼盼每天都有太多的作业做 Panpanhas homeworktodoeveryday toomuch tryon Mother sDay 4 张力 你还想要其他什么东西 wouldyoulike ZhangLi 5 稍等 我有重要的事情告诉你们 Ihavesomethingimportanttotellyou Waitaminute Whatelse Learnbyheartthenewwordsandexpressionslearntinthisclass Homework


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