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TheViolenceofNature WordForms 1 disastern 灾难 adj 灾难性的 悲惨的 adv 灾难性地 悲惨地2 violentadj 猛烈的 激烈的 adv 猛烈地 激烈地 n 暴力3 experiencen 经历 经验 vt 经受 体验 adj 有经验的 熟练的 在 方面有经验 disastrous disastrously violently violence experience experienced beexperiencedin 4 currentn 海流 潮流 adj 现在的 现行 时事 adv 当时 时下5 strikevt 袭击 struck stricken 或 struck struck current currentaffairs currently n 罢工 举行罢工 n 罢工的人地震灾区 或 6 possibilityn 可能 性 adj 可能的 adv 可能地7 terrifyingadj 吓人的 可怕的 vt 使害怕 adj 感到害怕的8 thankfullyadv 感激地 adj 感激的 vt 感谢 n 谢意 strike goonstrike striker earthquake hitarea earthquake strickenarea possible possibly terrify terrified thankful thank thanks 9 hopefullyadv 满怀希望地 adj 满怀希望的 vt 希望 期待 adj 没有希望的10 activeadj 活跃的 adv 活跃地 n 活动 活力 adj 不活跃的11 furnituren 总称 家具 v 为 配备家具一件家具 或 hopeful hope hopeless actively activity inactive anarticleoffurniture apieceoffurniture WordStudy furnish strike的两种词性 词义及用法1 n 罢工 打 击 敲2 vt vi a 打 Hestruckmewithastick b 灾难 疾病 侵袭AnearthquakestruckWenchuanon12thMay 2008 c 划 火柴 Thesematchesaretoowettostrike d 钟 敲Hewentbackhomewhentheclockstrucktwelve e 突然想到Anideasuddenlystruckme f 打动某人的心Iwasstruckbyherbeauty g 罢工 vi Theworkersatthefactoryarestrikingformorepay be goonstrike举行罢工 cause causeandeffect 因果 的起因 导致某人做某事 给某人带来麻烦 thecauseof causesb todosth causesb trouble problems occur 发生 想起想起 sth occursth occurtosb Itoccurstosb that 纵火烧 在着火 着火 点炉子 点火 扑灭火 setfireto setsth onfire onfire catchfire makeafire startafire putoutafire ImportantPhrases 1 referto提到 查询2 pickup卷起 捡起 用车接 3 takeoff去掉4 onaverage平均5 endup结果为 以 结束 6 ofalltime有史以来7 inall总共8 coveranareaof 占据 面积9 takeplace发生 pickup的六个含义1 拾起 捡起2 无意中 学会InthatwayI llbeabletopickupsometheoreticalknowledgetoo 这样我也能学到一些理论知识 3 收听YouneedashortwaveradiotopickupBBCEnglishprograms 你需要一台短波收音机收听BBC英语广播 4 开车接某人5 恢复 改善Themarketalwayspicksupinthespring 市场情况总是在春天好转 6 加快速度 takeoff的四个含义 起飞 脱掉 休假Iamgoingtotakeaweekoffnextmonth 突然开始成功Ihearherbusinessisreallytakingoff ImportantSentenceStructures by 过去时间作时间状语 主句用过去完成时 by 现在时间作时间状语 主句用现在完成时 by 将来时间作时间状语 主句用将来完成时 用finish的正确形式填空 1 By1999 theyhadfinishedbuildingthestadiuminourcity 2 Bynow theyhavefinishedbuildingthestadiuminourcity 3 By2015 theywillhavefinishedbuildingthestadiuminourcity 假期作业处理 单选3 6 11 3 Sorrytohaveinterruptedyou Pleasegoon WherewasI You youdidn tlikeyourfather sjob hadsaidB saidC weresayingD hadbeensaying6 HaveyougotanynewsfromJaneabouttheEnglishcontest No Shesaidshe knowwhen beheld either A didn t woulditB doesn t itwillC didn t itwouldD doesn t willit10 Hearingthenews heranoutoftheroominahurry thedoor toleave openingB left openedC leaving openedD leaving open SandstormsinAsia WordForms 1 frighteningadj 吓人的 可怕的 adj 受惊的 害怕的 n 惊吓 恐惧 vt 使惊吓2 strengthn 力量 力气 v 加强 使强壮 反义词 adj 强壮的3 chemicaln 化学药品 adj 化学的 n 化学4 environmentn 环境 adj 环境的 环境保护 frightened fright frighten strengthen weaken strong chemical chemistry environmental environmentalprotection 5 concernedadj 关心的 担心的 n 关注 prep 关于6 urgentadj 紧急的 n 紧急 迫切 v 督促 督促某人做某事 7 majoradj 主要的 多数的 v 主修 n 大多数 大部分 concern concerning urgency urge urgesb todosth major majority 8 complainv 抱怨 发牢骚 n 抱怨 向某人抱怨某事 9 scaryadj 恐怖的 吓人的 n v 惊吓 adj 恐惧的恐怖电影 受到惊吓的表情 complaint complaintosb about ofsth makeacomplainttosb aboutsth scare scared ascarymovie ascaredlook 10 protectionn 保护 v 保护 adj 保护性的 n 保护者 防护物 保护 免受 protect protective protector protect from against WordStudy concerned 就 而言 和 有关 为 担心 关心 asfaras beconcerned beconcernedwith beconcernedabout for beworriedabout careabout Sheconcernsherselfaboutherson shealth Sheisconcernedaboutherson shealth 她担忧着她儿子的健康 AsfarasIamconcerned Iagreewithwhatyousaidonthispoint 就我而言 在这一点上我同意你的说法 concerning prep 关于 complain 抱怨 向某人倾诉 complainabout of complaintosb ImportantPhrases 2 becausepeoplecutdowntreesanddigupgrass Manybigtreesalongtheroadshavebeencutdownforbuildinghouses 2 Thisfactory sproductionhasbeencutdown 3 Thetailoriscuttingdownmydress 降低 减少 改小或缩短 切断 隔绝 剪 切下来 插嘴 抄近路 切碎 cutin cutacross cutup 砍倒 cutoff Inordernottobelate shecut thefield 2 Don tcut whensomeoneelseistalking 3 Thevillagewascut byheavysnowfortwomonths 4 Thedoctortoldmetocut mysmoking Inordernottobelate shecut thefield 2 Don tcut whensomeoneelseistalking 3 Thevillagewascut byheavysnowfortwomonths 4 Thedoctortoldmetocut mysmoking across in off down ImportantSentenceStructures Icouldn tagreewithyoumore 我非常同意你的意见 否定词同比较级搭配表示最高级的概念 Supertranslator Itcouldn tbeworse 太糟了 Icouldn thavefoundabetterrestaurant 那是我找到的最好的一家餐馆了 3 Youcan tfindamoresuitablepersonforthisjob 他是最适合这项工作的人了 havenochoicebuttodo 除了做 以外 别无选择 havenothingtodobutdo 除了做 外 别无选择 除做 外别无他法 只得 can t help choose butdosth 抵制 抗拒 做 某事 can tresist doing sth 禁不住做 can thelpdoingsth 不能帮助做某事 can thelptodosth 无法忍受做某事 can tstand beardoingsth Grammar 1 Thegarbageisthentakenawayand ifpossible recycled 如果可能的话 如过必要的话 如果这样的话 不这样的话 如果曾经有的话 如果有的话 ifnecessary ifso ifnot ifever ifany ifpossible Hefailedtopassthedrivingtest Ican taffordtobuyacar Heofferedtotakethechildhome Hecouldn thelplaughingwhenheheardthefunnystory Noonecanavoidmakingmistakes Hepreferstravelingonhisholidays Iwasbeginningtogetangry Hebegantorealizetheimportanceofforeignlanguage Whenwegottothefootofthemountain itstartedtosnow Herememberedcallinghismother IforgotthatIhadboughtthebook soIboughtonemorecopy Pleaseremembertoturnoffthelightwhenyouleave Hehasforgottenthatheshouldpayme Tryknockingatthebackdoorandseewhetherheisinornot Wemusttrytocomehereasearlyaspossible Althoughitstartedtorain thefarmerswentonworkinginthefield Hewelcomedthenewstudentsandthenwentontoexplaintheschoolrules Iwon tstayifitmeanslisteningtoanotherdulltalk Whatdoyoumeantodowithit 假期作业处理 单选1 2 6 9 1 AsitisgettingclosetotheSpringFestival the inthestreetbecomesmoreandmoredelightful A airB atmosphereC environmentD surrounding2 Newwayshavebeenfoundtopreventtheriver A nottobepollutedB againstpollutingC frompollutingD frombeingpolluted6 Wasit shesaidorsomethingthatshedid youwereangryatsomuch A what thatB that whichC that whatD what which9 SinceyouhavefoundithardtolearnSpanish whynottry foreignlanguage A tolearnasecondB learningasecondC learningthesecondD tolearnthesecond


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