九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 1 When was it invented Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt

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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 1 When was it invented Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 1 When was it invented Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 1 When was it invented Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4AmazingScience Topic2Whenwasitinvented SectionA A What sthisinEnglish B It sacomputerdesk A What sitmadeof B It smadeofwood A What situsedfor B It susedforholdingacomputer Lookandlearn A HowdoyousaythisinEnglish B It sapieceofpaper A What sitmadefrom B It smadefromwood A What situsedfor B It susedforwritingon bemadeof由某种物质做成 看得出原材料 物理过程 bemadefrom由某种物质制成 看不出原材料 化学过程 bemadeupof由几部分组成bemadein在某地 某时制造bemadeby由某人制造bemadeinto被制成beusedfor被用来做beusedtodo被用来做beusedas被用作usedtodosth 过去常做beusedtodoingsth 习惯于做 知识拓展 1 2 3 4 Groupwork toothbrush plastic brushteeth redwine grapes drink Followtheexamplestomakesimilarconversations ruler steel measure towel cotton cleanfaces sweater cotton keepwarm lift iron goupanddown ink carbon writein bed iron sleep A What sitmadeof B It smadeofwood A Doyouknowwhatitisusedfor B It susedforsendingsatellitesorspaceshipsintospace Wow Amodelrocket Look listenandanswer Iamnotallowedtoplaycomputergames allowv 允许1 allowsb todosth 允许某人做某事2 allowdoingsth 允许做某事3 beallowedtodosth 被允许做某事 It sbadforyourhealthifyouspendtoomuchtimeonthem headache tootired soreeyes 1 IwishIcouldgointospacesomeday someday 某一天 总有一天 将来 e g IwishIcouldhavemyownhousesomeday 2 Ietrue 变成真的 实现realize achieve etrue Whenwasitdeveloped Wherewasitdeveloped Listenandfinishthetable MP3player Around1998 Korea ImproveourEnglish 聚焦一般过去时的被动语态结构 助动词be 及物动词的过去分词1 肯定句式 主语 was were vt ed2 否定句式 主语 was were not vt ed3 一般疑问句式 Was Were 主语 vt ed4 特殊疑问句式 疑问词W H was were subject vt ed Let ssumuptogether Matchthepictureswiththeirinventions 2 1 3 3 1 2 Thenmakeconversationssimilarto2a Makeupdialogsaccordingtotheform A Whatareyoudoing B Iam A What sthis B It sa an A What situsedfor B It susedfor A Whenwasitdeveloped B Itwasdevelopedin A Wherewasitdeveloped B Itwasdevelopedin Forexample 走进艺术天地 Intotheart badge remember iron medal reward gold artwork paintedegg coin silver mug glass 铜爵 Bronzejue copper porcelain china bridge ice rootcarving root wood 1 He playcomputergamesunlesshefinishedhishomework A wasallowedtoB wasnotallowedtoC allowto 2 Weallknowthatpaper wood A ismadeofB ismadeintoC ismadefrom 3 Thiskindofmachine in2006 A isinventedB ismadeC wasinvented 4 A An isusedfortakingphotos A CameraB LiftC MP3player 5 Weshouldspendmoretime becauseit stooimportant A tolearnEnglishB learningEnglishC inEnglish B C C A B I Choosetherightanswers Youcandoit Changethefollowingsentences 1 Mymotherallowsmetousehercellphone 改为被动语态 I usemymother scellphone 2 Arocketisusedforlaunchingsatellitesandspaceships 就画线部分提问 arocket 3 Thedigitalcamerawasinventedin1975 就划线部分提问 thedigitalcamera 4 Maybeheisaninventor 改为同义句 He aninventor 5 What sthisinEnglish 改为同义句 you inEnglish amallowedto Whatis usedfor Whenwas invented maybe Howdo saythis Fillintheblankswiththerightprepositions 1 Thedeskismade wood 2 Theredwineismade grapes 3 Thisdeliciouscakewasmade mymother 4 Glassesismade glass 5 Ourgroupismadeup fourstudents 6 Thatkindofmachineismade Japan of from of of by in Homework Writeashortpassageaboutoneofyourfavouriteinventions


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