七年级英语下册《Unit 2 Neighbours Revision 1》课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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7BUnit2NeighboursRevision 邻居参观者愿意帮助的技能问题工程师检查损坏的修理学院幸运的经理 13 警察14 邮递员15 人16 年纪较长的17 将来18 艺术家19 听起来20 生病的21 通知22 信息23 更好24 组 群 neighbourvisitorhelpfulskillproblemengineercheckbrokenfixcollegeluckymanager policemanpostmanpersonelderfutureartistsoundsicknoticeinformationbettergroup doctor Doctorsworkinthe Whenpeopleare theycanmakepeople sick ill hospital feelbetter Heisa Heworksina Whenyoudon tknowwhat order toeat youcanaskhimforhelp waiter restaurant toorder policeman policemen policewoman policewomen The arekindand Theyworkinthe Someofthemworkatn Theyalwayshelppeople their policemen helpful policestation ight with problems officeworker Thisladyisan Sheworksinabig Her giveshermuchworkeveryday Sheisalways Herhomeis hercompany soshegoesto company manager busy far awayfrom workbycar postmen postoffice This isveryhappyinthe Becausehegetsa fromhisfriend Onhisletter thereisabeautiful letter postman postman stamp This isveryclever Heworksina Helivesinthesamecommunitywithme soheismy When withmyfridge Ioftenaskhim forme engineer neighbour somethingiswrong tofix restaurant artist Heisan Heisgoodat Whenheisastudentlikeus heplans anartist Hishouseisalsohis drawing tobe office artroom CanIhaveanewschoolbag mum Theoldoneis break Willyoudosome shop withmethisweekend He svery luck togetthesmallredfloweratschool 4 Willtheysharetheirdifferent skill withus 5 Canyoufindany volunteer inyourcommunitycentre 6 Annie sbikeisbroken andshe sgoingtoasksomeone fix it 7 Canyoufindsomeone help mewithmyhomework 8 Thecentrealso help oldpeople broken shopping lucky skills volunteers tofix tohelp helps 重点短语 1 inourneighbourhood 2 acommunitycenter 3 sharetheirdifferentskills 4 helpmedo withhousework 5 bereadytodosth 6 thedayaftertomorrow 7 waitforyourcall 9 planadayout 8 makeafire 10 lookattheinformationbelow 重点短语 11 hiselderbrother 12 helpsickpeople 13 makeyoufeelbetter 14 allourgroupmembers 15 worryabout 16 dosomeshopping 17 inthefuture 18 soundlike 19 worryaboutme 20 anofficeworker 1 有空2 先给他打电话3 等他们回电话4 后天5 带些水6 生火7 分享他们不同的技能8 帮助我们处理各种问题9 买些东西10 乐意做某事 befree callhimfirst waitforustocallback thedayaftertomorrow bringsomewater makeafire sharetheirdifferentskills helpuswithallkindsofproblems dosomeshopping bereadytodosth 重要句型 1 I mafraidtheywon twelcomevisitorslikeyou 2 There ssomethingwrongwithmycomputer Somethingiswrongwithmycomputer Mycomputerisbroken Mycomputerdoesn tworkwell 3 Iamgoingtoaskanengineertocheckit 4 MycousinAnnie sbicycleisbroken 5 Youareluckytoliveinaneighbourhoodlikethat 6 Whatareyougoingtodointhefuture I mgoingtobeacomputerengineer 重要句型 7 Thatsoundslikeagoodidea 8 Areyounotfeelingwellthesedays 9 Areyouworryingaboutwhattoweartothepartyorhowtodesignyourhome 10 It snineo clock Wearegoingtobelate 11 Theyarehappytogiveyousomeideas 12 Heworksforacompanyfarawayfromherhome Whocantheygethelp 1 MrGreenisnotfeelingwellthesedays 2 MissZhangworriesaboutwhattowearforaparty 3 GrandmaChen swashingmachineisnotworkingwell 4 MrsMacan tfindhercar Sheworriesalot 5 Jimdoesn tknowhowtoorderfoodintherestaurant He Shecanask forhelp Because WriteaboutSimon sneighbours Simon sneighboursarekindand Someofthemare Theyhavedifferent andoftenhelpotherswithallkindsof Theyoftenmeetatthe andhavea meetingattheweekend Thevolunteershelppeople theircomputerand somethingbroken Some studentsarereadyto thestudentswiththeirhomework Theyalsodosome fortheold Simonfeels toliveinaneighbourhood that helpful volunteers skills problems communitycentre helpinghands check fix college help shopping lucky like dosomewashing cooking cleaning shopping reading Linda Lucy Linda fortheoldmanveryoftenandotherneighbours forhimatweekends doessomewashing dosomecooking He squitelucky Manypeoplealwayscomeandhelphim hishomework Theyalsohelphim someshoppingveryoften with do do helpsb withsth helpsb dosth There ssomethingwrongwith is arebroken A theTV WhatcanIdo B Youcanasksomeone help for A TheTVis WhatcanIdo B Youcanasksomeonetohelpyou it There ssomethingwrongwith broken to checkandfix Hobois hisnewneighbours Eddieisalso visithisnewneighbour ButHobois they welcome likeEddie BecauseEddiejustwants goingtovisit goingto afraid won t visitors toeatfood A doyou Simon s Ilive aflatinCityGardenin Street A arethereinyour s Thereareabout20buildings have14 A Whatdoyou yourneighbourhood s Wehave a anda A Doyoulike s Yes good inaneighbourhood that Where live in Ninth How many buildings neighbourhood Mostofthem floors havearound supermarkets restaurants school hospital living there It s tolive like 一般将来时复习 定义 一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态 构成 begoingto 动词原形 will 动词原形 1 Lookatthecloudsinthesky It Iguess AissunnyBissnowingCisgoingtosnowDiswindy2 It windylatertoday AisBbeCwillbeDwillis3 WherewilltheygonextSunday They totheGreatWall AwillgoBgoChasgoneDwent 三 翻译下列句子 注意句子的时态 1 今天我打算八点写家庭作业 I domyhomeworkateighttoday 2 这周六我们打算去野餐 We gotohaveapicnicthisSaturday 3 我们打算下周去美国 I toAmericanextweek 4 我妈妈今天下午将要去购物 Mymother thisafternoon amgoingto will amgoing willgo willgoshopping 1 Tony hisfather walkingfromhometoschool A likes likeB likes likesC like likeD like likes2 Ifitrainsthisafternoon yourumbrella me A share withB use withC share toD use to3 Thereis intoday snewspaper A importantsomethingB anythingspecialC importantanythingD nothingexciting4 Thereisgoingto afootballmatchinourschool A haveB hasC isD be5 Hereistheknife Youcanaskyourmother theappleforyou A cutB cutsC tocutD cutting 4 whencanIgotoplaybasketballwithmyfriends daddy 2008西城模拟 Finishyourhomeworkfirst orI letyougo A don tB haven tC didn tD won t5 Mother meanicepresentonmynextbirthday 2010 石景山模拟 A givesB gaveC willgiveD hasgiven6 PeterwenttotheUnitedStatesyesterdayandhe backnextSaturday A comeB comesC willcomeD hascome 2010 通州模拟 MyGoodNeighbors Iwanttoliveinsuchaneighborhood There repeoplewithdifferentskills They realsokindand Teacherscanhelpstudents Doctorscanhelp Engineerscan whenthereis Whenwehavefreetime wecan fortheoldpeople I msurewe llbe tolivethere Givealittlelovetoothers Loveyourneighborsasyourselves Whatcanwedoforpeoplearoundustomakethewholeworldabetterplace

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