
上传人:max****ui 文档编号:7228370 上传时间:2020-03-16 格式:PPT 页数:46 大小:2.90MB
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创设情境 Summerholidayiscomingsoon Whatwouldyouliketodo Whatdidyoudoinyourlastsummerholiday 启发思考 Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Iusuallystayathome Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Iusuallygotothemovies Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Iusuallyclimbthemountains Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Iusuallydomyhomework Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Iusuallyplaycomputergames Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Iusuallygoshopping Howdoyouusuallyspendyourweekend Iusually stayathome gotothemovies climbthemountains domyhomework playcomputergames goshopping Now let slearnthenewwordsandphrases 自主探究 goforawalk milkacow rideahorse pickstrawberries feedchickens visitafirestation takesomephotos 1 goforawalk2 milkacow3 rideahorse4 pickstrawberries5 feedchickens6 visitafirestation7 takesomephotos Didyou lastweekend Didyou lastweekend Yes Idid No Ididn t Didyou lastweekend Yes Idid No Ididn t Didyou lastweekend Yes Idid No Ididn t Didyou lastweekend Yes Idid No Ididn t Didyou lastweekend Yes Idid No Ididn t Didyou lastweekend Yes Idid No Ididn t Guessinggame 你说我猜 协作交流 Iwroteanewsong Ipracticedmyguitar Ichangedmyhaircolor Iama Shehelpeddoctors Sheworkedinthedayandsometimesatnight Sheisa singer nurse Hewasverybusy Hisworkwaskindofdangerous Hecaughtthethieves Hewasa Ilikedtoworklate Iwasverybusywhenpeoplewentouttodinners Iwasa policeofficer waiter Welldone Youaresowonderful Listening Matchthephraseswiththepictures 1a 1 wentforawalk 2 milkedacow 3 rodeahorse 4 fedchickens 5 talkedwithafarmer 6 tooksomephotos e b a c f d ListenandcirclethethreethingsCaroldidonherschooltrip 1b milkedacow wentforawalk talkedwithafarmer Listenandcheckthequestionsyouhear 2a Whatdidthefarmersay Didyougrowanyapples Whatdidyousee Dotheygrowapples Didyoulearnanything Didyoueatthem Didyouaskhimanyquestions Weretheygood 2b Listenagainandcircle T or F 1 ThefarmershowedCarolaroundthefarm TF2 Carollearnedalotaboutfarming TF3 ThefarmersgrowstrawberriesfromDecembertoJune TF4 Thefarmersdon tgrowapples TF5 Carolpickedsomestrawberriesandtookthemhome TF 2c Pairwork AskandanswerquestionsaboutCarol svisittothefarm 2d Role playtheconversation 总结提高 1 Sheoften go totheparkonweekends butyesterdayshe go tothezoo 2 Lastweekshe have funonafarm 3 What they do ontheschooltrip They ride horsesand climb themountains I 填入适当的词 goes went had diddo rodeclimbed Exercises 4 How theirschooltrip It interesting she go fishing Yes shedid 5 LiMing pick anystrawberries No hedidn t was Didgo Didpick was 1 Lucydidherhomeworkathome 改否定句 Lucy herhomeworkathome 2 HisfatherworkedalldaylastMonday 改一般疑问句 hisfather alldaylastMonday didn tdo Didwork III 完成下列句子 3 Iwasverybusylastweek 改否定句和一般疑问句 I verybusylastweek youverybusylastweek 4 Therewassomeorangeinthecup 变一般疑问句 there orangeinthecup wasn t Were Was any 3a CompleteJim sletterontheleftandBill sreplyontheright DearBill How is yourschooltripyesterday Do you go tothezoo Do youtakeanyphotos Do you see anyinterestinganimals I go tothezoolastyearandit is alotoffun Jim was Did go Did Did see went was DearJim Myschooltrip is great We have somuchfun We go toGreenPark We climb themountainsthereand see alotofflowers We eat ourlunchundersometreesand play somegamesafterthat Butatabouttwoo clock it get verycloudyandwe worry itwouldrain Luckily it donot andthesun come outagain Bill was had went climbed saw ate played got worried didnot came 3b Makeupastory Eachstudentaddsasentence omework 1 ReadthesentencesinGrammarFocus 2 Practicetheconversationin2dwithyourpartner


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