七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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Unit5Amazingthings 停止做某事2 照例3 坐下4 转身5 在 路上6 自言自语7 拿起8 逃离 跑开9 前天 stopdoingsth asusual sitdown turnaround onone s theway saytooneself pickup runaway thedaybeforeyesterday 10 害怕11 再也不12 听说13 前几天14 同时15 遍及全世界16 至少17 像 一样18 请求 beafraidof not anymore hearof theotherday atthesametime allovertheworld atleast as as askfor 1 睁着眼睛睡觉2 从出身以来就一样大3 地球的1 300 000倍大4 在回家的路上5 听起来像 sleepwithone seyesopen bethesamesizefrombirth onthe one swayhome 1 300 000timeslargerthantheEarth soundlike 6 一个名叫 的人7 停止做某事停下来去做某事预防某人做某事 amancalled stopdoingsth stoptodosth stopsbfromdoingsth 1 Thecatwassow thattheytookittotheanimalcentre 2 Canyouletme sit here Certainly 3 Hewentoutwithout say aword 4 Mydaughterisagoodstudent Shelistensc inclass 5 Doyouknowtheyoungman call John 6 Airissoimportantforus Wecan tlive with it 7 It stimetogotobed Pleasestop watch TV 8 Milliewas surprise tohearthebadnews 一般过去时 构成 定义 常用时间状语 动词的过去式 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 yesterday morning lastnight week month year Mondayjustnowin1990twodaysago afewminutesago 规则动词 ed的读音 清清浊浊元后浊 t d 之后读 id 主语 其它 主语 其它 主语 其它 He be busyyesterday He benot busyyesterday be hebusyyesterday be动词的过去时 was were wasn t werenot was were was wasnot Was 主语 其它 主语 其它 主语 其它 He play tennislastweek He tennislastweek he tennislastweek 实义动词的过去时 played didnotplay Did play 动词的过去式 didnot 动词原形 Did 动词原形 1 Lucydidherhomeworkathome 改否定句 Lucy herhomeworkathome 2 Hefoundsomemeatinthefridge 变一般疑问句 he meatinthefridge 3 Shestayedthereforaweek 对划线部分提问 she there 4 Therewassomeorangeinthecup 变一般疑问句 there orangeinthecup didn tdo Did findany Howlongdid stay Was any 按要求改写句子 1 Myunclewasacooktenyearsago 改为否定句 2 Igotupearlyyesterdaymorning 改为否定句 3 HeoftensearchesforsomeinformationontheInternet 改为过去式 再改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 Myunclewasn tacooktenyearsago Ididn tgetupearlyyesterdaymorning HesearchedforsomeinformationontheInternet DidhesearchforanyinformationontheInternet No hedidn t 1 I be bornin2000 2 We take alotofphotoslastmonth 3 Tom put thebooksinthebagandlefttheclassroom 4 I see aUFOintheskylastnight 5 We be athomeyesterday 6 Thestudents have aChineselessonjustnow 7 We eat somebaoziforbreakfastthismorning 8 She buy abookthedaybeforeyesterday 9 Ourclassmates visit HuangqiaoParklastweekend 10 He inShanghaithreeyearsago butnowhe inTaixing live 用所给词的适当形式填空 was took put saw were had ate bought visited lived lives 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 Tom come toParistwomonthsago 2 Ireally like thisredblouselastterm 学期 3 He notcome toschoollatethismorning 4 She wear aredcoatyesterday 5 Myuncle be borninasmallcity 6 He live inaflatinBeijingin1987 7 She buy abooklastweek 8 I finish myhomeworktwentyminutesago came liked didn tcome wore was lived bought finished 1 Ourteacher take ustothemuseumyesterdaymorning 2 When you study inthisschool Lastyear 用所给动词的正确形式填空 1 He talk aboutthefilmwithuslastweek 2 They live inBeijingin1989 3 He stop hiscaratthegatefiveminutesago 4 Where yourmotheryesterday be 5 He noteat noodlesthismorning talked stopped was didn teat lived 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1 yoursister read thebookthreemonthsago 2 Fatheralways hear newslastsummer 3 Millie say to she TrymybestforEnglish thismorning 4 Suddenly He see me butthey notnotice meoverthere 5 They fly toBeijinglastweek read heard saidherself saw didn tnotice flew Did 1 WhatdidyoudoforyourdadonFather sDaythisyear I abeautifultieforhim A buyB boughtC buysD buying2 Whatasurprisetoseeyouhere When you back A do getB did getC have gotD will get B B 1 Canyoutellmewhathappened himjustnow A withB forC toD at 2 Areyougoinganywhere I aboutvisitingmysister butIhavechangedmymind A thinkB havethoughtC willthinkD thought 3 I mtootiredtowalkanyfurther David Believeyourself A ComeonB NoproblemC That sallD Nohurry C D A

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