七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Dont eat in class课件1 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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Unit4 Don teatinclass Unit4 SectionA11a 2d chant Rain Rain Goaway Comeagainanotherday LittleJohnnywantstoplay Rain Rain Goaway Comeagainanotherday It smother swashingday fightv n 打架 dininghall食堂 hallwayn 走廊 listento听 Newwords musicplayer uniformsn 制服 wearahat戴帽子 sorryadj 对不起 outsideadv 外出 arrivev 到达 Presentation Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime Don tfight Don tlistentomusicinclass 1aWhichrulesarethesestudentsbreaking Writethenumberoftherulenexttothestudent 2 Don truninthehallways 4 Don tlistentomusicinclass 5 Don tfight 1 Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime 4 3 2 5 3 Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall Peter Amy Mike Listening 1bListen Whatrulesarethesestudentsbreaking Writethenumbersafterthenames 2 3 4 1 Don tarrivelateforclass Youmustbeontime 2 Don truninthehallways 3 Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall 4 Don tlistentomusicinclass 5 Don tfight 比眼力 Don tfightwithyourclassmates Tellyourclassmatewhattherulesshouldbe Don tlistentomusicintheclassroom Don tarrivelateforschool Don teatintheclassroom Youmusteatinthedininghall Don truninthehallways Well wecan tarrivelateforclass Wemustbeontime 1cStudentAisanewstudent StudentBtellsStudentAabouttherulesabove Whataretherules Pairwork Don truninthehallways Whataretheotherrules 1 listentomusicintheclassroomorhallways2 listentomusicinmusicroom3 listentomusicoutside4 eatintheclassroom 2aListencheck theactivitiesAlanandCindytalkabout Listening 5 eatinthedinninghall6 eatoutside7 wearahat8 fight listentomusicintheclassroomorhallwayslistentomusicinmusicroomlistentomusicoutsideeatintheclassroomeatinthedininghalleatoutsidewearahatfight cancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan tcancan t 2bListenagain CanAlanandCindydotheseactivities Circlecanorcan tabove Well wecan tlistentomusicintheclassroomorhallways Butwecanlistentomusicinmusicroom 2cStudentAisAlan StudentBisCindy Talkabouttherulesin2a Whataretheschoolrules Alan Wecan teatintheclassroom butwecaneatinthedininghall Uh huh Pairwork No youcan t Whatelse Oh youcan tfightwithyourclassmates Thatmakestheteachersreallyunhappy Oh canwewearahatinclass Isee writeordrawonthedesksusemobilephonessitonthedesksspeakorlaughloudlyintheclassroomrunaroundintheclassroom Canorcan t OurClassRules No youcan t Canwewriteordrawonthedesks Right Wecan twriteordrawonthedesks butwecanwriteordrawonpaperorinnotebooks 1 IsJohnnewatschool 2 Aretheremanyrulesatschool 2dReadtheconversationin2dandanswerthequestions Yes heis Yes thereare Reading 3 Canhebrightmusicplayerstoschool 4 Dotheyhavetoalwaysweartheschooluniform No hecan t Yes theydo 2dRole playtheconversation Role play 1 arrive后面可以不跟到达的地点 e g Don tarrivelateforschool 不要上学迟到 1 arrivev 到达 get to Languagepoints e g TheyarrivedinBeijingatsix 他们六点钟到的北京 Weusuallyarriveatthevillageinthemorning 我们通常在早上到那个小村庄 2 arrive后面也可以跟到达的地点 但后面必须要跟介词in 大地方 或at 小地方 1 Mymotherusuallyget schoolat7 40inthemorning 2 Whendoyouusuallyarrive thebusstation 3 Jenny suncleusuallyarrives Shanghaiintheevening 选词填空 in at to to in at Practice 1 listenv 听 用来提醒某人注意 后面不跟事物 e g Listen Who ssingingintheclassroom 听 谁在教室里唱歌 2 如果后面跟要听的事物 应跟介词to再跟事物 e g Listentoourteachercarefully 认真听老师讲 2 listen的用法 3 fight打架 争吵 1 作动词用e g Jackneverfightswithhisbrother 杰克从不和他的弟弟打架 2 作名词 意为 打架 争吵 常用词组haveafight 打架 吵架 e g Didyouhaveafightwithher 你和她吵过架吗 4 wearv 意为 穿 戴 e g MyauntwearsablueskirtandawhiteT shirt 我姑姑穿着蓝色的裙子 白色的T恤 Doeshewearglasses 他戴眼镜吗 5 haveto与musthaveto着重于客观的需要 含有 不得不 的客观强制性 must着重于主观上自己认为有义务 有必要 如 Shehastocleantheroomeveryweek 她每周都得打扫房间 Imustgonow 我现在必须走 含有haveto的句子变一般疑问句或否定句时要借助助动词do don t或does doesn t 而含有must的句子变一般疑问句是直接将must提前至句首 变否定句是在must后加not 如 Hedoesn thavetodoit 他不必做那件事 Hemustn tdoit 他不许做那件事 Doeshehavetodoit 他不得不做那件事吗 Musthedohishomework 他必须做他的作业吗 在否定句中 don t doesn thaveto表示 没有必要 mustnot mustn t表示 不允许 如 Youdon thavetogothere 你不必去那儿 Youmustnot mustn tgothere 你不许去那儿 练一练 用haveto must填空1 It scoldoutside We stayathome 2 We begoodwithourparents haveto must 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各题 1 Hehastoweartheschooluniformatschool 改为一般疑问句 he weartheschooluniformatschool 2 Theyhavetodotoomuchhomeworkeveryday 改为否定句 They dotoomuchhomeworkeveryday Does haveto don thaveto 3 Wemustfinishourworknow 改为一般疑问句 we ourworknow Must finish 不要在上课时听音乐 2 我们必须准时 3 我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗 在图书馆里我们必须保持安静 不要在楼道里跑 Don tlistentomusicinclass Wemustbeontime 将下列句子译成英语 Exercises Canwebringthemusicplayertoschool Wemustkeepquietinthelibrary Don truninthehallways 提示 1 上学不要迟到2 按时上课3 穿校服4 不在教室里吃东西5 不要在教室里戴帽子6 在餐厅吃东西 Writetherulesinyourschool Homework Followtherulesatschool Thankyou Unit4 Don teatinclass Unit4 SectionA2GrammarFocus 3c Leadin Bepolitetoeachother Wearschooluniform Don tbelateforschool Don tsayruderemarksinschool Don teatsnacksinclass Don tshoutinclass 说唱下列歌谣 1 不要在楼道里跑 2 不要打架 3 有什么规则 4 我们必须按时上课 阅读GrammarFocus部分 完成下列句子 Don tfight Don truninthehallways Whataretherules Wemustbeontimeforclass GrammarFocus 5 我们可以在教室里吃东西吗 6 不能 但我们可以在餐厅里吃东西 7 我们可以在上课的时候带帽子吗 Canwewearahatinclass No wecan t butwecaneatinthedininghall Canweeatintheclassroom 8 他在学校里必须穿校服吗 9 是的 必须 不 不必 10 你们必须做什么 11 在图书馆里我们必须保持安静 Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Doeshehavetowearauniformatschool Whatdoyouhavetodo Wehavetobequietinthelibrary 祈使句是表示请求 命令 建议等的句子 句子中通常不出现主语 谓语动词一律用原形 根据句子语气的强弱 句末用感叹号或句号 祈使句 一 祈使句的肯定式1 以行为动词原形开头 简称Do型 e g Comehere 到这儿来 2 以动词be开头 简称Be型 e g Bequiet please 请安静 3 以Let开头 简称Let型 e g Let sgo 咱们走吧 注意有时可在祈使句的句首或句尾加上please 使语气显得客气 有礼貌 如果在句尾加please 应该用逗号与前句隔开 e g Gothisway please 请这边走 二 祈使句的否定式1 Do型和Be型的否定式是在句首加don t e g Don tsithere 不要坐在这儿 Don tbelate 别迟到 2 以let开头的祈使句 其否定式有两种 一种是直接在句首加don t 另一种是 let 宾语 not 动词原形 其他 e g Don tlethimgo 不要让他走 Let snotgothere 咱们别去那儿 注意 No 名词 动词 ing形式 表示禁止或规劝 常用于公共场所 e g Nophotos 禁止拍照 Nosmoking 禁止吸烟 将下列句子翻译成英语 1 请看这幅图画 2 不要在教室里跑 3 让我们帮助他 Pleaselookatthepicture Lookatthepicture please Don trunintheclassroom Let shelphim 4 在图书馆保持安静 5 上课不要迟到 Bequietinthelibrary Don tbelateforclass LibraryRulesDon ttalk 3aWritetherulesfortheschoollibrary Don tlistentomusic Don teatordrink Don ttakephotos 方法指导 1 由图示可知都是一些禁止类的祈使句 2 可知应用 Don t 动词原形 句子 Bequiet she haveto inthelibrary Q Doesshehavetobequietinthelibrary A Yes shedoes 3bUsethewordstomakequestionsabouttherules Thenwriteanswersaccordingtoyourschool Writing 2 Eat he haveto inthedinninghall Q A Listentomusic we can inthehallways Q A 4 Wearahat we can intheclassroom Q A 1 根据例句 可知要求我们造一般疑问句并根据实际情况进行回答 2 先确定句子的主语 3 再确定用情态动词还是用助动词来构成疑问语序 4 根据实际情况做出肯定或否定回答 答语的主语要与问句保持一致 方法指导 2 Eat he haveto inthedininghall Q A 3 Listentomusic we can inthehallways Q A 4 Wearahat we can intheclassroom Q A Thenanswerthequestions Yes hedoes Doeshehavetoeatinthedininghall Canwelistentomusicinthehallways No wecan t Canwewearahatintheclassroom No wecan t Atmydreamschool wedon thavetocometoschooleveryday Wecaneatinclass 3cMakeupfivecoolrulesforyourdreamschool Shareyourruleswiththeclass YourclassmatesvotefortheCoolestSchool Wedon thavetowearschooluniforms Wecanlistentomusicinclass Wecaneatintheclassroom Wedon thavetodohomework Atmydreamschool wedon thavetocometoschooleveryday Wecaneatintheclassroom Wecanlistentomusicinclass Wedon thavetodohomework Wedon thavetowearschooluniformsatschool Report Great Jim sschoolisthecoolest Discussandmakerulesforthecomputerroominyourschool ComputerRules Groupwork Wemustbequietinthecomputerroom Don truninthecomputerroom Don teatordrinkinthecomputerroom Wearslippersinthecomputerroom Report ComputerRules Wemustbequietinthecomputerroom Don teatordrinkinthecomputerroom Don truninthecomputerroom Wearslippersinthecomputerroom Cleanthecomputerroomeveryday 1 Hehastoeatbreakfastquickly 改为一般疑问句 2 Playvolleyballafterclass 改为否定句 句型转换 Doeshehavetoeatbreakfastquickly Don tplayvolleyballafterclass Exercise 3 Wecanwearsportsshoesinclass 改为一般疑问 4 Don tarrivelateforclass 改为同义句 5 Erichastodohishomeworkbeforesix 对划线部分提问 Canwewearsportsshoesinclass Wemustbeontimeforclass WhatdoesErichavetodobeforesix Homework 1 RememberthesentencesintheGrammarFocus 2 Writefiverulesinyourfamily Thankyou Unit4 Don teatinclass Unit4 SectionB11a 2c Leadin Don truninside 不要在室内乱跑 Don tpush 不要推搡 Don tlitter 不乱扔垃圾 Saveelectricity 节约用电 Savewater 节约用水 你知道这些规则的意思吗 goout practicetheguitar Mainphrases helpmommakebreakfast cleanhisroom dothedishes seefriends 1aMatchthepictures a h withtherules goout seefriends dohishomework practicetheguitar dothedishes watchTV helphismommakebreakfast cleanhisroom a h c b e g f d 1bListenandputanxforthingsDavecan tdoanda forthingshehastodo Listening x x x 1cListenagain WritewhenDavehastofollowtherulesinthechartin1b Choosefromthephrasesinthebox onschoolnightsonschooldayseverySaturdayafterdinnerbeforedinnerafterschoolintheeveningeverymorning afterschool beforedinner afterdinner everymorning onschoolnights onschooldays intheevening everySaturday 1dTalkabouttherulesinDave shouseingroups Talking Hecan tgooutonschoolnights Hecan tseehisfriendsonschooldays Hehastodohishomeworkafterschool Hemustpracticetheguitarbeforedinner Hecan twatchTVintheevening Hehastohelphismommakebreakfasteverymorning HemustcleanhisroomeverySaturday Report ReportDave srules Seewhoisthebest terribleadj 可怕的 readv 读 dirtyadj 脏的 kitchenn 厨房 makethebed整理床 relaxv 放松 休息 Newwords noisyadj 吵闹的 strictadj 严厉的 followtherules遵守纪律 rememberv 记得 learnv 学习 keepquiet保持安静 2aWhenyouareunhappyaboutsomething whodoyouliketotalkto Leadin 2bReadthepassageandanswerthequestions Fastreading HowdoesMollyfeelabouttherules It sterrible Carefulreading Readtheletters underlinetherulesforMolly 通读全文 掌握文章的大意 2 题目要求我们寻找有关Molly在家庭及在学校里的规则 表达规则的句子常为祈使句 或含有must及have的句子 3 读短文寻找这种类型的句子 根据句意确定是否是她的规则 4 最后 再读一遍课文 检查一下答案的正确性 阅读指导 DearDr Know Therearetoomanyrules At6 00a m mymomsays Getupnowandmakeyourbed Afterbreakfast mymomalwayssays Don tleavethedirtydishesinthekitchen Afterthat IruntoschoolbecauseIcan tbelate Atschool wehavemorerules don tbenoisy don teatinclass Checktheanswers MydadsaysIcan tplaybasketballafterschoolbecauseImustdomyhomework Icanplayonlyonweekends Afterdinner Ican trelaxeither ImustreadabookbeforeIcanwatchTV ButIhavetogotobedbefore10 00 Rules rules rules It sterrible WhatcanIdo Dr Know MollyBrown NewYork 1 Molly playbasketballonschooldays butshe playitonweekends 2 Molly doherhomeworkfirstwhenshegetshome 3 Molly readabookafterdinnerbeforeshe watchTV 2cReadthelettersagain Completethesentenceswithhaveto must canorcan t can t can must must can 4 Atschool Molly benoisyoreatinclass 5 Parentsandschoolsmakerulestohelpstudents Sostudents followtherules can t haveto 1 Whichrulesdoyouthinkarefair 2 Whichrulesdoyouthinkareunfair 3 IfyouwereDr Know whatwouldyousaytoMolly Discussion 1 DearDr KnowDr 为doctor 博士 医生 医师 一词的缩写形式 放于姓氏之前 表示对人的尊称 Dr 采用的是首尾缩写法 取首字母和词尾字母将单词进行缩写 Languagepoints 2 makethebed makeone sbed整理床铺e g Bobalwaysmakeshisbedhimself 鲍勃总是自己整理床铺 Canyoumakethebed 你会整理床铺吗 3 noisyadj 意为 吵闹的 e g Wecan tbenoisyinclass 我们不能在教室里大吵大闹 4 practicev 意为 练习 后面可跟名词 代词或动名词 e g ImustpracticeEnglisheverymorning 我每天早晨必须练习英语 Mr XupracticesdoingKongfueveryday 许先生每天练习功夫 5 Afterdinner Ican trelaxeither 晚饭后我也不能轻松 副词either表示 也 用于否定句句末 用法与表示肯定或陈述的副词too相似 可用逗号与语句的主题隔开 e g YoulikeEnglish Ilikeit too 你喜欢英语 我也喜欢 Myfathercan tspeakEnglish Mymothercan t speakit either 我爸不会讲英语 我妈也不会 6 before在 之前 after在 之后 它们的后面可以跟表示时间的点 也可以跟一个从句表示时间 e g Washyourhandsbeforedinner 饭前洗手 Doyourhomeworkafterschool 放学后做作业 Brushyourteethbeforeyougotobed 睡觉前刷一下牙 Mrs Wuusuallymakesdinnerforthefamilyfirstaftershegetshome 吴太太在到家之后通常先为家人做饭 7 bestrict withsb 对某人 严格的e g Ourmathteacherisverystrict 我们的数学老师很严格 Areyourparentsstrictwithyou 你的父母对你严格吗 8 Therearealotofthingsyoucando 有许多你可以做的事情 此句中alotofthingsyoucando是一个名词短语 句子youcando起着修饰 限定名词things的作用 英语中当句子限定修饰名词时要放在该名词之后 e g Therearealotofsongsyoucansing 有许多歌曲你可以唱 1 Therearetoomanyrules Ifeel 2 Theyusuallytakeawalk dinner 3 Don teatanything yougotobed 4 Youclothesare Letmehelptowashthem dirty terrible before after before after terrible strict relax dirty practices luck 选词填空 Exercises 5 Peter baseballfortwohourseveryday 6 I llhaveanEnglishtesttomorrow Good 7 Don tbe tothem They retooyoung 8 Youcan foranhourafterthegames practices luck strict relax 一 熟读两封英语信 二 用下列词汇造句 toomany2 makeone sbed3 belatefor4 after 5 before 6 haveto 7 bestrictwithsb Homework Don teatinclass SectionB23a selfcheck What stherule DomyhomeworkfirstwhenIgethome What stherule ImustreadabookbeforeIcanwatchTV What stherule Playbasketballonlyonweekends onweekends What stherule makedinner everyday Ihavetohelpmommakedinereveryday What stherule Ihavetopracticetheviolinforanhourafterdinner afterdinner foranhour What stherule Don tseefriendsonweekends seefriends onweekends DearDr Know youhelpme I mnothappybecausetherearetoomanyrulesathome Everymorning I getupatsixo clock Atschool I wearaschooluniform andI keepmyhairshort Afterschool I playwithmyfriendsorwatchTVbecauseI domyhomework I relaxonweekendseitherbecauseI learntoplaythepiano Ineverhavefun what Ido ZhaoPei 3aCompleteZhaoPei sletterstoDr Knowusinghaveto must can can t 1 明确must haveto can can t的用法 must强调主观上的需要 haveto强调客观上的需要 can可以 can t不可以 2 先通读全文 理解短文大意 理解每句话的意思 根据语境确定用哪一个情态动词 4 寻找句子中有标志性的单词 如看到or either等词 可知本句应是否定句 5 最后 再通读一遍短文 看有没有错误或不通顺的地方 DearDr Know youhelpme I mnothappybecausetherearetoomanyrulesathome Everymorning I getupatsixo clock Atschool I wearaschooluniform andI keepmyhairshort Afterschool I playwithmyfriendsorwatchTVbecauseI domyhomework I relaxonweekendseitherbecauseI learntoplaythepiano Ineverhavefun what Ido ZhaoPei haveto Can haveto must Checktheanswers must can t can t must can 3bCompletethechartwiththerulesinyourhomeandschool Checktherulesyouthinkareunfair Ican tgooutonschoolnights Imustdothehomeworkfirstafterschool Ican twatchTVbeforeIpracticethepiano Ihavetoweartheuniformatschool Ihavetokeepmyhairshort Ican tseefriendsonschooldays Imustgetupbefore6 30andpracticeEnglish Ican tbenoisyoreatinclass WritealettertoDr Know Tellhimaboutalltherulesandhowyoufeelaboutthem 1 先对3b中自己所写的在校及在家的规则进行整理 将在家里的规则及在学校里的规则分别放在一起 2 先将在家里的规则写成一段连贯的文字 再将在学校里的规则写成一段连贯文字 表明自己对这些规则的感受 3 注意开头可写 Canyouhelpme 来表明自己求助的目的 并注意写清自己求助的原因 按书信的写作格式 写好开头及结尾 并再将整个信件再通读一遍 DearDr Know LiYan Canyouhelpme I mnothappybecausethere retoomanyrulesinmylife Imustgetupbefore6 30andpracticeEnglisheverymorning Ican tgooutonschoolnights Ican tmeetfriendsonschooldays Imustdomyhomeworkfirstafterschool Ican twatchTVbeforeIpracticethepiano Ihavetoweartheschooluniformatschool Ihavetokeepmyhairshort Ican tbenoisyoreatinclass WhatcanIdo Onepossibleversion 1Fillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox arrivelatelistentobenoisyfollowtherulesbestrict MynameisTimmytheMouse Imustgetupearlyat6 30a m everymorning ThenIhavetogotothekitchentogetfoodforGrandpa Inever tothekitchenbecauseIhavetogettherebeforethecatgetsup MygrandpaalwaystellsmeIcan t I himbecauseIdon twantthecattogetme Mygrandpa withme butIthinkit sbestto listento isn tstrict benoisy arrivelate followtherules Supposeyouarethelittlemouse Retellyourstorytoyourpartners Myname sTimmytheMouse Imust getup 6 30 gotothekitchen arrivelate getup grandpa benoisy listento getme strictwith follow 2Usecan can t haveto mustanddon ttowriteabouttherulesatschool Writetwosentencesforeachrule arrivelate class 2 listen teacher Don tarrivelateforclass Wecan tarrivelateforclass Wemust havetolistentoourteachersatschool 3 benoisy library 4 speakEnglish Englishclass 5 eat dininghall Wemust canspeakEnglishintheEnglishclass Wecan tbenoisyinthelibrary Don tbenoisyinthelibrary Wemust caneatinthedininghall 1 wearuniforms atschool 2 cleanmyroom everySunday Wemustwearuniformsatschool ImustcleanmyroomeverySunday Makemoresentences 3 gotoamovie onschoolnights 4 leavedirtydishes afterdinner 5 drive before eighteen Ican tleavedirtydishesinthekitchenafterdinner Don tgotoamovieonschoolnights Youcan tdrivebeforeyou reeighteen 1 keep 名词 代词 形容词意为 保持处于 状态 e g Wemustkeepourclassroomcleaneveryday 我们必须每天保持教室干净 Howcanyoukeepthefruitfresh 你是怎样保持水果新鲜的 Languagepoints 2 learn学习 学会 1 learn 事物e g Ms WuhelpsmetolearnEnglishonweekends 吴老师周末帮我学习英语 2 learntodosth 学习做某事e g Let slearntoplaychessafterclass 让我们下课后学习下棋吧 1 我不开心因为有太多的规则 I mnot becausethere re rules 2 在学校里我们必须保持头发很短 We ourhair atschool 3 放学后 我不能看电视或打篮球 I watchTV playbasketball school after happy can tor toomany 填上正确的单词 补全句子 mustkeepshort Exercises 4 在星期六我也不能休息 因为我必须要学习钢琴 I onSaturday becauseI playthepiano 5 老师对我们很严格 Ourteachers us havetolearnto can trelax arestrictwith either 2 IfyouareDr Know WriteashortlettertoZhaoPei 1 RetellthestoryofTimmytheMousetoyourparentsathome Thankyou

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