七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section A 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section A 2课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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Unit4Don teatinclass SectionAPeriodTwo Objectives TolearntotalkaboutlibraryrulesTolearntoaskandanswerquestionsabouttherules Let splayagame Whoknowsthesesigns Don tsmoke Nosmoking Don tfight Don tlistentomusicintheclassroom intheclassroom Don truninthehallways Don teatintheclassroom intheclassroom Don ttakephotoshere Nophotos Pleaseturnright Youcanturnright Don ttakeyourschoolbagstothelibrary Noschoolbags inthelibrary Don tarrivelateforclass Don ttalkinthelibrary Notalking inthelibrary Don ttalkloudlyinpublic inpublic 在公共场所 Practice Canwe Yes wecan No wecan t eatinclasslistentomusicoutsidewearhatsinschoolfightinclassspeakloudlyinthelibrary Libraryrules1 Don ttalk 2 3 4 Don teat Writetherulesfortheschoollibrary 3a Don tlistentomusic Don ttakephotos Usethewordstomakequestionsabouttherules Thenwriteanswersaccordingtoyourschool 3b 1 Bequite Q Doesshehavetobequiteinthelibrary she haveto inthelibrary A Yes shedoes 2 Eat Q he haveto inthedininghall A Doeshehavetoeatinthedininghall No hedoesn t Hecanalsoeatoutside 3 Listentomusic Q we can inthehallways A 4 Wearahat Q we can intheclassroom A Canwelistentomusicinthehallways Canwewearahatintheclassroom No wecan t No wecan t Whattimedoestheschoolbegininthemorning Whendoyouhavetoarriveatschoolinthemorning Asstudents whatdoyouhavetodointheschool I auniformeveryday They wearauniformeveryday Yes Lookandsay Doyouhavetowearauniformeveryday haveto No havetowear Ido Idon t I dohomeworkeveryday haveto I onweekends havetocleanmybedroom Dowehavetowearauniform Yes wedo Pairwork Askandanswerquestionsabouttherulesatyourschool Wehaveto Wehavetoarriveatschoolontime Wehavetodohomeworkeveryday Wehavetocleantheclassroomeveryday Wehavetokeeptheclassroomclean Wehavetostudyhardatalllessons Whatdoyouhavetodoatschool Groupwork Doyouhaveto intheschool Yes wedo No wedon t wearschooluniformseverydaycleantheclassroomseverydaydomorningexerciseseverydaydohomeworkeverydayhaveclassesfromMondaytoSaturdaywearschoolbadge 校徽 everydayarriveatschoolbefore7 00amlisteningtoEnglisheveryday Wehaveto Wehavetoarriveatschoolontime Wehavetodohomeworkeveryday Wehavetocleantheclassroomeveryday Wehavetokeeptheclassroomclean Wehavetostudyhardatalllessons Whatelsedoyouhavetodoatschool Wehaveto Makeupfivecoolrulesforyourdreamschool Shareyourruleswiththeclass YourclassmatesvotefortheCoolestSchool 3c 1 Wecaneatinclass 2 Wedon thavetocometoschooleveryday 3 Languagepoints 情态动词can的用法1 表示能力 会 能 Canyouplaytheguitar 你会弹吉它吗 JudycanspeakalittleChinese 朱蒂会说一点中文 Icandanceandsing 我能唱歌又能跳舞 词语链接 2 表示允许 许可 可以 能 在这一课中新学的词义 Canthestudentsruninthehallways 学生们可以在走廊上跑吗 Wecaneatoutside 我们可以在外面吃东西 注意 和大部分情态动词一样 can在否定句中 直接在can后加上not 在疑问句中 把can放到主语前面 并且没有人称和数的变化 肯定祈使句Sitdown Comein Eatathome 否定祈使句Don tsitdown Don tcomein Don teatathome Grammar 祈使句是用来表示请求 命令 叮嘱 号召或者劝告等的句子 这类句子的主语常是第二人称you 也就是听话者 因而you常省去了 祈使句的开头是动词原形 如 Lookout 小心 Waithereforme 在这等我 Besuretocomehereontime 务必准时来到这里 Listentomusicoutside Don tlistentomusicoutside Doyourhomeworkatschool Don tdoyourhomeworkatschool Don tlookoutofthewindow 不要向窗外看 祈使句的否定形式多以donot 常缩写成don t 开头 再加上动词原形 祈使句表示请求 命令 劝说 号召 警告等 表示委婉的祈使语气 可在句首或句末加上please 若在句末加please 之前要用逗号隔开 祈使句有肯定祈使句与否定祈使句两种 祈使句的常见句型结构 Grammar 1 肯定祈使句的常见句型结构 Do型 动词原形 宾语 其他 如 Openthedoor please Be型 Be 表语 如 Beagoodboy Let型 Let 宾语 动词原形 其他 或 Let s 动词原形 其他 如 Letmehelpyou 又如 Let splaytennis 2 否定祈使句的常见句型结构 Do型和Be型的否定式 Don t 动词原形 be 其他 如 Don tforgetme 又如 Don tbelate Let型的否定式 Don t let 宾语 动词原形 其他 或 Let s not 动词原形 其他 如 Don tlethimgoback 又如 Let snotgoswimming 警示语 No 名词 动词 ing形式 如 Notalking Canweeatintheclassroom No wecan t butwecaneatinthedininghall Canwewearahatinclass Yes wecan No wecan t Doeshehavetowearauniformatschool Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Whatdoyouhavetodo Wehavetobequietinthelibrary 课时重点回顾 Review 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Don t listen tomusicinthelibrary 2 Dowehaveto clean theroomeveryday 3 Youcan t wear sunglassesintheclassroom 4 Please arrive atschoolontime 准时 5 Johnisoftenlatefor class class listen clean wear arrive 将下面的句子改为祈使句 每空一词 1 Youcancomein please 2 Icanhelpyou me you 3 Youcan teatinclass inclass 4 Youcan tbelateforschool lateforschool 5 Youcan ttakephotoshere photoshere Comein Lethelp Don teat Don tbe No late don t forschool arrive2 music listento intheclassroom don t3 eat can t intheclassroom we Formsentences Don tarrivelateforschool Don tlistentomusicintheclassroom Wecan teatintheclassroom Homework Writedowntensentencesaboutwhatyoucanorcan tdoinyourhouse Wecan teatinbed Wecan tfight Preview TopreviewthenewwordsandexpressionsWhatrulesdoyouhaveinyourhouse Thankyou

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