七年级英语下册 Moudle 12 Unit 3 Language in use课件 (新版)外研版.ppt

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Module12Westernmusic Unit3 Languageinuse 1 Tolearnalternativequestionswith or 2 Tolearntoexclamationswith What a an Objectives 语法讲解建议采用归纳法 如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句 或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句 引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律 HaveALk IsthisbyStraussorMozart It sbyStrauss DoyouliketraditionalWesternmusicorpopmusic Well Ilikeboth 观察后我们发现上面两个问句中 提问者分别给出了两个可供对方选择的答案 这类在问题中提供两个或两个以上可选答案的问句叫 选择疑问句 在口语中 选择疑问句的语调应是第一个选择项读升调 第二个选择项读降调 Moreexamples Isitbythefatherortheson 这是父亲写的还是儿子写的 Wouldyoulikecoffee teaorsoda 你想喝咖啡 茶还是苏打水 ShouldIcalloremailyou 我应该给你打电话还是发电子邮件 Didyoucomeherebybusorbycar 你是坐公交车还是开车过来的 WhichdoesLinglinglike traditionalmusicorpopmusic 玲玲喜欢传统音乐还是流行音乐 WhowroteTheBlueDonube MozartorStrauss 谁写的 蓝色多瑙河 莫扎特还是施特劳斯 观察上面的句子我们可以发现 选择疑问句中or所连接的可以是不同的内容 如两个名词 thefatherortheson 两个动词 calloremail 两个介词短语 bybusorbycar 专有名词 MozartorStrauss 等 注意 or所连接的内容一定是并列的 如果or的前面是名词 其后也应该是名词 如果是动词 则其后也必须是动词 不能前面是名词 后面却接一个动词 Writequestions 例 you like pop traditionalmusic Doyoulikepoportraditionalmusic be Strauss German Austrian IsStraussGermanorAustrian 2 be this pop rock Isthispoporrock 3 they play traditionalmusic modernmusic Dotheyplaytraditionalmusicormodernmusic 4 he play piano violin Doesheplaypianoorviolin 5 where can we hear rockmusic in NewYork London Wherecanwehearrockmusic inNewYorkorinLondon 在第一单元的对话中 Daming在听到 蓝色多瑙河 后赞叹 Betty也说 她还赞美维也纳漂亮 HaveALk It ssobeautiful Ilovehismusic Whatabeautifulcity 通过观察 我们发现这三个句子都是 感叹句 仔细观察这三句话 It ssobeautiful Ilovehismusic Whatabeautifulcity 我们发现这些句子大致分为两类 当我们想表达一种较为强烈的感情 如喜悦 赞叹 惊异 愤怒 厌恶等时 可以用感叹句 第一类 It ssobeautiful Ilovehismusic That smyfavouritesong 这类感叹句在句式上与陈述句没有任何区别 只是将句号变成了感叹号 语气变得更强烈而已 这一类句子在书面语中我们用感叹号表达感叹的语气 在口语中则是通过说话的语气来表达强烈的情感 Moreexamples Happybirthday Tom Iamsoangry Icecreamisthebestdessert Ouch thathurts I msoexcited That swonderful 第二类 Whatabeautifulcity Whatalovelyday Whatahorriblethingtodo 这一类句子专门表达感叹意味 这种句式常用what作为句子的开头 其基本结构为 What 强调或感叹的部分 句子的主语和谓语动词 句子的主谓部分常常可以省略 Moreexamples Whatabeautifulflower itis Whatalovelydog Whatabigfish Whatnicepeople theyare Whatniceweather Whatbeautifulmusic 思考 什么时候用Whata 什么时候用What 当what后面修饰的名词是可数名词单数时 what后面有不定冠词a 如前三个例句 当what后面修饰的名词是不可数名词或可数名词复数时 what后面不加a 如后三个例句 WriteexclamationswithWhat a 例 Thisisbeautifulmusic Whatbeautifulmusicthisis Viennaisabeautifuloldcity WhatabeautifuloldcityViennais 2 Itisasuccessfulconcert Whatasuccessfulconcertitis 3 Theyareplayingnoisydrums Whatnoisydrumstheyareplaying 4 Itwasawonderfulparty Whatawonderfulpartyitwas 5 Mozartisafamouscomposer WhatafamouscomposerMozartis Putthewordsintothecorrectcolumn drum fan musician pianopop rock traditional violin pop rocktraditional drum pianoviolin fan musician Completetheconversationwiththecorrectformofthewordsfromthebox come give hearlearn love write Lingling Thisisbeautifulmusic Whowroteit Betty Betty Beethovenwroteit Hewasagreatmusician I hismusic love Lingling Metoo DidheliveatthesametimeasMozart Betty Yes hewasbornin1770andbeganto musicatanearlyage He hisfirstpianoconcertwhenhewasonlyeight Lingling Whendidhestartto music write gave learn Betty Veryearly Hisfirstwork outbeforetheageof12 Lingling WasBeethovenfamousatthattime Betty Yes Buthebegantoloosehishearing InthelasttenyearsofBeethoven slife he nothing Lingling That ssad Betty Yes buthestillplayedthepiano Hediedwhenhewas56 gave heard Moduletask TalkingaboutChinesemusic Workinpairs TalkaboutoneortwotypesofChinesemusic beautiful fast livelymodern sad slow ChooseoneortwotypesofChinesemusicanddescribethem Usethewordsfromthebox Saywhichtypesofmusicyoulike Giveyourreasons Moduletask 课堂小测验 Individualactivity 点击图标查看word链接 I 把下列句子改写成感叹句 1 Itisquiteanicepresent nicepresent itis 2 Theyaregoodstudents studentstheyare 3 It ssunnytoday sunnydayitistoday 4 Thechildrenarelovely children Whata Whatgood Whata Whatlovely 5 MrWangisaverybusyman manMrWangis 6 Theyliveahappylifetoday lifetheylive 7 Itisacoldday coldday 8 Theseflowersarebeautiful Whatabusy Whatahappy Whata Whatbeautifulflowers 1 Ilikeplaying violinbutmysisterlikestoplay chess A the theB the 2 Beethovenwasagreat fromGermany A singerB composer3 Mymotherasksmetomakemyroom everyday A cleanB cleanly II 单项选择 4 Ihaveapenfriend Betty A callB called5 DoyoulikeCDs NaYing A withB by6 My brotheristwoyears thanme A elder olderB older elder7 you Iamgoingtotheparty A Both andB Notonly butalso 8 What beautifulbaby Youareright A aB the9 She sneverplayedthepiano A isshe B hasshe 10 XianXinghaididn twritetraditionalmusic didhe Yes A hedidB hedidn t III 请根据不同的情景写句子 你想知道Ben和Mike今天谁没到学校 该问 Who 2 售货员让顾客在白色和黑色的物品中选喜欢的 该说 Which isnotatschooltoday BenorMike onedoyoulike thewhiteoneortheblackone 3 MissLee问Jim在教室还是在操场 怎么问呢 Is 4 你问Amy现在是在画画还是在读书 该问 Is 5 你想问今天是星期一还是星期二 怎么问呢 Is Jimintheclassroomorintheplayground Amydrawingpicturesorreading itMondayorTuesdaytoday IV 请把下列中文翻译成英语 你在几年级 三年级还是四年级 Whichgradeareyouin Grade3orGrade4 2 你的玩具车是新的还是旧的 Isyourtoycarneworold 3 你的父母现在在超市还是在家 Whereareyourparents athomeorinthesupermarket 4 你说中文还是说英语 AreyouspeakChineseorEnglish Homework Towritefiveexclamationswith What a Towritefivequestionswith or inthem


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