江苏版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Wishyouwerehere课件牛津译林版必修2 .ppt

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江苏版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Wishyouwerehere课件牛津译林版必修2 .ppt_第1页
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江苏版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Wishyouwerehere课件牛津译林版必修2 .ppt_第2页
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江苏版2019届高考英语一轮复习第一部分基醇点聚焦Unit2Wishyouwerehere课件牛津译林版必修2 .ppt_第3页
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第一部分必修2Unit2 第一部分必修2Unit2 第一部分必修2Unit2 第一部分必修2Unit2 第一部分必修2Unit2 第一部分必修2Unit2 沙漠 抛弃 舍弃 汹涌的 粗糙的 大概的 总共 空气 大气层 目的地 出版 发表 冒险 冒险经历 不同寻常的 后来 然后 漫游 游荡 徘徊 漂泊 advance supply tourism schedule view beauty spot harmony bury reflect reflection arrange arrangement defence defend tiring tire tired tiredness scare scary scared explore exploration explorer announce announcement unfortable fortable fort officially official surrounding surround surroundings protection protect protective scary scared surroundings surrounded arranged arrangements explorers explore exploration defence defend bebusy in doingsth inthedark incase betiredof inadvance eventhough upclose makesure intotal bescaredof lookforwardto intheopenair wakeup insilence towerover ataloss behometo inharmonywith inadvance lookingforwardto incase inthedark behometo inharmonywith is scaredof intotal itmaybeyearsbefore whateverwecantohelpyou hasbeensenttospace wasjustabouttoleavewhen tomeet arrangements hasbeenarranged Witheverythingarrangedwell advanced to bookatableinadvance bookatableaheadof time schedule providesb withsth providesth forsb offersb sth offersth tosb supplied to supplied with paying tosleep wastooscaredtostay Thechildwassoscaredthathedarednotstayinthedark roomalone Soscaredwasthechildthathedarednotstayinthedark roomalone isscheduled on scheduled Asscheduled Accordingtotheschedule n 观点 见解 n 视野 n 风景 vt 观看 standonthetopof StandingonthetopofMountTai weareabletohaveagood viewofthebeautifulsceneryofthewholecity buried buriedhimselfin wasburiedin Buryinghimselfin Buriedin staring on where spotted wasannounced announcement announcedthewinnerofthepetitionto on upon arereflected reflection incaseof innocase In thatcase incaseitrains Innocaseshouldanybodybe inwhichcase allowed makesureofaseat amsurethatsmokingisharmfultoourhealth whichever whoever whatever Whatever Nomatterwhattheresultis Iwasabouttogiveupwhen extraordinary wander reflect sunrise scared harmony published tourism defence schedule wasabouttoask when outofharmonywithnature wouldhaveabetterchance beforewemakethefinaldecision whatevertheycouldfind hasbeenbrokeninto placesofinterest toseeorexplore areinterestedin arehometovariousanimals toexperiencethesun sandandsea makediscoveries intheopenair getcloseto

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