九年级英语上册 Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Period 1 Words1课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt

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九年级英语上册 Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Period 1 Words1课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Period 1 Words1课件 (新版)牛津深圳版.ppt_第3页
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UNIT7TheAdventuresofTomSawyer Unit7 Vocabulary TheAdventuresofTomSawyer A Wordsreview adventurenovelfrogcongratulationssteamboatsteamwriter n 冒险n 长篇小说n 青蛙n 祝贺n 汽船n 蒸汽n 作家 taskyardboardsurveyprogressrestpitysilencewhilecareful n 任务 工作n 码 长度单位 n 木板v 查看n 进展n 休息时间n 遗憾 可惜n 沉默n 一段时间adj 小心 humorousfencecelebratedleadplotlazypretenddealcoat adj 滑稽有趣的n 栅栏 篱笆adj 著名的 文明的n 铅n 故事情节adj 懒惰的V 假装 佯装n 交易n 涂料层 havearestthinkofcomealongwhatapitygoondoinginsilence afterawhileturnsthoverthicksbintodoing Readtheexplanationandspeakouttheworditexplains A Wordsreview guessinggames anunusual excitingandpossiblyactivitysuchasajourneyorexperience ortheexcitementproducedbysuchanactivity adventure n 冒险 冒险经历 funny ormakingyoulaugh humorous adj 滑稽有趣的 apieceofworktobedone especiallyonedoneregularly unwillingly orwithdifficulty task n 任务 工作 anexaminationofopinions behaviour etc madebyaskingpeoplequestions v 查看 审视 survey movementtoanimprovedormoredevelopedstate ortoaforwardposition progress n 进展 withoutmakinganoiseorsound n 沉默 缄默 silence businessagreement deal n 交易 1 congratulations1 n 表示祝贺时通常用复数 2 v congratulate祝贺congratuatesb on uponsth 为某事向某人祝贺 Congratulations B KeyWords Igotthefirstprizeinthematch 2 humorousadj 滑稽有趣的 有幽默感的humourn 幽默Heseemssoreasonable soft spokenandgently 他看上去那么通情达理 有着温和的声调还有适度的幽默Ibelievein courage thinking 我相信幽默 勇气 思考 humorous humour 3 silence silentSilencealsomeansnotspeaking 安静还表示不说话 Butsometimessilenceisbest 翻译 Theroomhadgone 整个房间都安静了 Thenitreallywas 随后就是真正的寂静 1 silencen 沉默 2 silentadj 沉默的 寂静的 静止的 silent silent 4 progressn 进步Theprogressisworthyofcongratulating 进步值得祝贺一些进步 很多进步 pregress是不可数名词 muchprogress someprogress 5 while Hewouldcomebackinawhile 他一会儿之后会回来 Ilearnedtodrivewhileiwasintheuniversity 我在大学期间学习了驾驶 AngelalikessportswhileIlikereading Angela喜欢运动而我喜欢阅读 1 n 一段时间 一会儿 2 连词 在 期间 3 连词 然而 6 carefuladj 小心 谨慎Thearticledeservescarefulstudy 这篇文章值得仔细研究 Idon tcarewhatyoucare 翻译 writinginthetestisn timpossible hesays care n 关心v 关心 carefully adj 仔细地 Carefully 7 leadSomemedicinealsocontainlead 一些进口的草药也含有铅Appleregaintheleadinthephonemarket 翻译 Thewomanledthemtotheoffice Heisgoodat others 他擅长于领导别人 1 n 铅 领导 榜样 2 V 领导led led leading C 同义词组替换 haveabreakappearkeepdoingwithoutsoundafteramomentmakeajokeonsb havearestcomealonggoondoinginsilenceafterawhiletricksb 1 congratulate n 2 write 人 3 humor adj 4 lead 过去分词 5 celebrate adj 6 careful adv 单词大变身 writer humorous led celebrated carefully congratulation D 7 celebrated 同义 8 careful 反义 9 sympathy n 10 lazy 反意词 11 novel 复数 careless sympath hard working novels famous 单词大变身 whilepretendlazypassbysilence 5June FridayThismorning Iwaswalkingdownthestairsattheundergroundstation Isawayonggirlsitontheground She tobepoorwhenthey Istoodandwatchedforashort Mostpeopledidnotevenlookather Ifeltsadtoseehersittingtherelikethat soIgaveher 5 Shewasreallypleased Iguessthatshewasa girl Iwenttotalktoher butshewasin Whatapity Adiary pretended passedby while lazy silence E practice ThetriptoSouthAfricawaslikean GonewiththeWindisoneofthemostfamous intheworld Policecameto thecauseofthefire Wemustfinishour intimebyallmeans Hehasahabitofmaking remarks Whentheprofessorwastalkingabouttheaircrash everyonetherewassadand Completethesentencesbelowwiththewordsfromthebox Changetheirformsifnecessary insilence adventure humorous novels survey task adventurehumorousinsilencenovelsurveytask F Exerciseinthetext ThankYou


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