中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第8课时 八上 Units 9-10习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第8课时 八上 Units 9-10习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第8课时 八上 Units 9-10习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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中考英语总复习 第一轮 教材复习(考点精讲精练)第8课时 八上 Units 9-10习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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英语 第8课时八年级 上 Units9 10 人教版 一 根据句意及汉语提示 填入恰当的单词 1 Heopenedhis 钱包 andtookoutsomemoney 2 BringMs Steentotheparty 没有 tellinghersothatshecanbesurprised 3 Myschoolis5 英里 frommyhome Iusuallyridemybikethere 4 Hethinksthefirststepistofindsomeoneyou 信任 totalkto 5 Studentsneedsomedifferent 经历 6 Shegottwo 金的 medalsintheLondonOlympicGames 7 WhatwillMark 组织 fortheparty 8 Couldyou 溜冰 whenyouweresevenyearsold 9 Myuncle 观光 Canadawithhisgirlfriendatthebeginningofthisyear 10 Howmanycountriesaretherein 亚洲 wallet without miles trust experiences gold organize skate toured Asia 二 用所给单词的适当形式填空 11 Howaboutyour prepare forthesportsmeeting EverythingisOK 12 Thanksforyour invite IwillgowithyouifI mnotbusy 13 Goingtothiskindofpartyisagoodway make friends 14 Wewatchedthe open ofthe12thNationalGames Itwasgreat 15 Sheaskedhimtoleave buthe refuse preparations invitation tomake opening refused 三 根据汉语完成句子 16 后天雨就会停的 Therainwillstoptheday 17 到街上逛逛怎么样 Whataboutinthestreet 18 我期待明天能见到你 I mtoseeingyoutomorrow 19 他们提供给她一份工作 但是她拒绝了 Theyofferedherajobbutsheit 20 所发生的一切 他们密不示人 Theywhathappenedto aftertomorrow hangingout lookingforward turned down kept themselves 即时演练 单项选择 1 Juliedidn tleaveheroffice thepolicearrived 2015 重庆 A howeverB wheneverC whileD until2 Don tgoout therainstops Otherwise you llgetwet 2015 盐城 A afterB sinceC whenD until3 Excuseme mayIcomein Notyet Pleasewaitonyourchair yournameiscalled 2015 呼和浩特 A andB untilC afterD since D D B 4 Theleft behindkids 留守儿童 can tseetheirparents theparentscamebackfromwork 2014 昆明 A butB untilC ofD if5 Willyougoshoppingwithme Jane 2014 广元 Yes butIwon tgo Ifinishmyhomework A whenB untilC after6 Hey man Youcan tcrossthestreetnow Youhavetowait thetrafficturnsgreen Oh sorryandthankyou 2015 丽水 A whenB afterC untilD while B B C 题组训练 单项选择 1 Inourdailylife wemustlearnto ourselveswellatanytime It sasimportantasstudying 2015 山西 A dealwithB worryaboutC lookafter2 Whenyouareswimming yourears Youcanuseearplugs 耳塞 tostopwatergettingintoyourears 2014 临沂 A takeafterB takepartinC takeoffD takecareof3 Lucydidn tcometoschoolyesterdaybecauseshehadto hersickmotherathome 2014 广元 A lookafterB lookoverC lookup C D A 4 Youdon thavetoworryaboutme I moldenoughto myself 2014 南宁 A lookafterB lookforC lookupD lookat5 Canyouhelpmeto mydogwhenIleaveforHongKong 2014 泸州 A lookafterB lookforC lookatD lookthrough6 Helenisgoingtoworkinanoldpeople shometohelp theoldpeople 2015 菏泽 A lookforwardtoB lookafterC lookthrough A A B 按要求完成句子 1 Doyouhavegoodserviceinyouroldpeople shome Yes Theoldpeople 在这儿比在家里照料得好得多 2014 襄阳 2 Michaelwilltakecareofourdogwhenweareawayonholidaynextweek 改为同义句 2014 乐山 Michaelwillourdogwhenweareawayonholidaynextweek aretakenbettercareofherethanathome lookafter 1 lookafter意为 照顾 照料 相当于takecareof lookaftersb well相当于takegoodcareofsb 意为 好好照顾某人 2 look构成的常用短语 lookat看lookfor寻找lookaround环视lookoutof 向 外看lookup查看 字典 lookout当心lookover仔细检查 单项选择 1 YunnanisbeautifulandI m visitingitagain 2015 嘉兴 A keepingclearofB sufferingfromC lookingforwardtoD runningawayfrom2 I m thetripwhichwecangowheneverwewanttogo 2015 东营 You lltakeme andI lltakethemoney A takingpartinB takingcareofC lookingbackatD lookingforwardto3 HaveyouseenthefilmComingHomedirectedbyZhangYimou 2014 潍坊 Notyet I m seeingit It ssaidthefilmisgreat A lookingdownonB lookingoutofC lookinguptoD lookingforwardto C D D 4 Paullooksforwardto hispenpalassoonaspossible 2014 梅州 A meetsB meetC meetingD met5 TheWorldCupiscoming Iwon t anygame I mlookingforwardto everymatchofit too 2014 鄂州 A miss towatchB miss watchingC tomiss watchD tomiss watched6 I mlookingforwardto myparentssoon Whataboutyou Metoo 2014 广安 A seeingB seeC saw C B A 根据汉语完成句子 每空词数不限 1 学生们都盼望过一个轻松的假期 lookforwardto 2014 滨州 Studentsarelookingforwardtohavingarelaxingholiday 2 我们正盼着过周末呢 2014 苏州 Wearelookingforwardtotheweekends 3 大家正盼望着暑假呢 2014 北京 Wethesummerholiday arelookingforwardto 1 lookforwardto意为 盼望 期待 to是介词 其后接名词或动词 ing形式 2 类似的常见动词短语还有 beusedtodoingsth 习惯于做某事payattentiontodoingsth 注意做某事sticktodoingsth 坚持做某事devoteoneselftodoingsth 献身于做某事 1 Hehasn tgotanyhobbies youcallwatchingTVahobby 2015 苏州 A whileB unlessC asD if2 Claudia areyougoingtoMike sbirthdaypartyonSunday UnlessI 2015 益阳 A aminvitedB invitedC wasinviting3 Shallwegoforapicnicintheforestparktomorrow Yes itrainsheavily 2014 广东 A ifB unlessC untilD when B A B 4 HowisNancygettingonwithherlessons Shewon tcatchupwithothers shestudiesharder 2015 海南 A afterB unlessC assoonasD though5 Insummermilkwillquicklygobad itisputintoafridge 2014 杭州 A thoughB unlessC becauseD once B B 6 Iwon twatchbasketballmatches Jamesisplaying Hepaysmuchattentiontoteamwork 2014 连云港 A unlessB ifC althoughD since7 MayIgotoJinbaoParkwithyounextSunday No youcan t youhaveaticket Ihaveonlyoneticket 2015 潍坊 A ifB untilC unlessD assoonas A C 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 除非有医生的证明 否则你必须参加体育测试 2015 福州 You rerequiredtotakeintheP E testyouhaveadoctor snote 2 除非亲眼所见 否则你无法想象我们家乡的变化有多大 2014 盐城 Youcan timaginehowgreatlyourhometownhaschangedunlessyouseeityourself 3 在这个公园里 除非你有地图 否则很容易迷路 2014 扬州 Inthepark youcangetlosteasilyunlessyouhaveamap exams unless unless意为 除非 如果不 引导条件状语从句 相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式 即unless if not 主要用于下列情况 1 主句 肯定句 unless从句 如You llmissthebusunlessyouhurryup 你要不快点 否则就会错过班车 2 主句 否定句 unless从句 如Youwillnevergetanywhereunlessyouhavesetyourgoal 你如果不设定目标 你哪儿也去不了 题组训练 单项选择 1 Whyareyousotiredthesedays Well Ihave homeworktodo 2015 孝感 A toomuchB toomanyC muchtooD manytoo2 Didyousleepwelllastnight Oh no noiseoutsidethehotelalmostdrovememad 2015 宿迁 A ToomuchB MuchtooC ToomanyD Somany3 Thenewkindofcaris dear Idon thave money 2015 安顺 A toomuch muchtooB muchtoo toomuchC toomuch toomuchD muchtoo muchtoo A A B 4 Granny youlooksoweak What swrongwithyou Terrible Thefactorymade noise Itwas noisythatIcouldn tsleepwelllastnight A toomuch soB muchtoo soC toomuch tooD many much5 Themeatis delicious Yes butdon teat 2015 贵港 A toomuch toomanyB muchtoo toomuchC toomany muchtooD muchtoo toomany C B 根据汉语完成句子 每空一词 1 过度使用手机对身体有害 2013 白银 Usingmobilephonesisbadforyourhealth 2 妈妈每天都有太多的事情要做 2014 铁岭 Motherhasthingstodoeveryday toomuch toomany 题组训练 单项选择 1 IsJackinthenextroom Well it shardtosay ButIheardhim loudlywhenIpassedbyjustnow 2015 孝感 A speakB tospeakC spokenD speaking2 you JeremyShu HowLin Yes Theonce namelessyoungmanbecameabasketballherosuddenly 2015 日照 A Did hearB Do listentoC Have heardofD Have listenedto D C 3 We ourEnglishteachersincehemovedtoBeijing 2014 达州 A didn thearfromB haven theardfromC didn treceiveD haven treceived4 I Mr SmithsincehemovedtoShanghai A didn thearB don thearofC won thearfromD haven theardfrom5 Haveyouever ZhangLili Yes sheisthemostbeautifulwomanteacherinChina A heardofB heardfromC heardout B D A 用hearof hearfrom或hear的适当形式填空 1 Shelistenedcarefullybutnothing 2 I mwritingtomypenpalwhoIlastnight 3 Haveyouanynewsaboutyourbrother heard Heardfrom Heardof 一 单项选择 1 May12thisJack sbirthday He ustohisbirthdayparty A plansB invitesC makesD answers2 Whyareyousohappy I mypenfriendjustnow Hesentmeanicephoto A caredaboutB foundoutC heardfromD laughedat3 Mysisterlooksforwardto tothebeach A goingB goC goesD went B C A 4 Johndidn tstoplookingforajob hegotanofferfromaGermancompany Luckyhim It snoteasyforuniversitygraduatestogetagoodjobnow 2015 宜昌 A untilB sinceC asD if5 Edward who LiPing Noone Herparentsworkfarawayfromhome A looksforB looksatC looksafterD looksout6 Whydidyou hisinvitation BecauseIwasbusythosedays A turnupB turnoffC turndownD turnon A C C 7 Thanksfor metoyourhome Ihadagreatdayyesterday A askedB toaskC asksD asking8 CanyougoshoppingwithmethisFriday Sally IwillvisitmyunclewithmyparentsonFriday A Sure I dlovetoB Sorry Ican tC No Iwon tD Yes Ican9 Hi Jim Youlooksotired Well Ikept foranhourbecauseImissedmybus A walkB towalkC walkedD walking D B D 10 CanyoutellmehowtousetheiPhone6s A That srightB CertainlyC ThankyouD Ofcoursenot11 IfIdon tfinishthehousework mymother mewatchTV A letsB willletC don tletD won tlet12 Youcansolvetheproblemby yourteacherforhelp A asksB toaskC askingD ask B D C 13 Whenwillyougivemeacall I youwhenIgettotheairport A willcallB callC calledD calling14 I I thereontimeifItakeabus A think didn tgetB don tthink getC don tthink willgetD think don tget15 Doyouknowifthey swimmingwithustomorrow Ithinktheywillifthey free A go willbeB willgo areC go areD willgo willbe A C B 二 完形填空 DearLucy Thankyouforyourletterandyourinvitation IreallyhopeIcan 16 withyou ButIhavetosay 17 toyou I mtoo 18 nextweek OnMonday I dliketoseethedoctor Thereis 19 wrongwithmy 20 Ican tseepeopleorthingsalittlefar 21 meclearly MaybeIshould 22 apairofglasses OnTuesday Ihavefootballtraining Youknow I minthefootballteamofourschool We llhaveanEnglishtestonFridaymorning 23 onWednesdayandThursdayIhavetostayathomeandstudyhard OnFridayafternoon I mgoingtoa 24 MyfavoritestarMichaeliscoming Ilikehismusicverymuch Haveagoodtime Andpleasecallmeafteryoucome 25 fromthecamping Yours Lily 16 A gocampingB goshoppingC gotoHongKongD gototheUS 17 A helloB thanksC sorryD good bye 18 A sadB freeC quickD busy 19 A nothingB everythingC anythingD something 20 A handsB eyesC earsD feet 21 A fromB toC ofD with 22 A decideB wearC takeD try 23 A butB althoughC becauseD so 24 A supermarketB concertC bankD hospital 25 A downB upC backD in A C D D B A B D B C 三 阅读理解 2015 苏州 Lotsofkidshateschool anewstudyfound Usuallythiskindoffeelingdoesn tlastlong Butwhathappensifyoufeelthiswaytoomuch Schoolisafactoflifeandgettingagoodeducationcanhelpyoubuildthekindoffuturelifeyouwant Solet stalkaboutschoolandwhattodowhenyoudon tlikeit Ifyoudon tlikeschool thefirststepistofindoutwhy Youmightnotlikeschoolbecauseyoudon thaveenoughfriends ormaybeyoudon tgetalongwithyourteacher Sometimesit sabigproblemwithyourclassesandschoolwork Youmaybegettingfartherandfartherbehind anditmayseemlikeyou llnevercatchup Whenyouknowwhyyoudon tlikeschool youcanstarttakingstepstomakethingsbetter It sagoodideatotalktosomeoneaboutyourproblemswithschool Yourmom dad teacherorschoolcounselor 顾问 willbeabletohelpyou Anothergoodideaistowritedownyourfeelingsaboutschoolinanotebook It sagreatwaytoletoutemotions 情绪 Remember youdon thavetosharewhatyou vewrittenwithothers 26 Lotsofkids accordingtothewriter A likeschoolverymuchB aregoodatreadingandwritingC don tlikedoinghomeworkD havethethoughtofhatingschool27 Whatdoestheunderlinedword it referto 指的是 inthefirstparagraph A Agoodeducation B School C Futurelife D Friendship 28 Ifyoudon tlikeschool thefirststepisto A findoutwhyB gotoseeadoctorC askyourparentsforhelpD leaveschoolforashorttime D B A 29 Howmanyreasonswhyyoudon tlikeschoolaregivenbythewriter A Two B Three C Four D Five 30 Whenyoustarttakingstepstomakethingsbetter oneofthegoodideasisto A keepsilentaboutyourproblemsB sharewhatyou vewrittenwithothersC writedownyourfeelingaboutschoolD getalongwellwithyourclassmates B C 四 词汇运用 A 用括号里所给词的适当形式填空 31 Afterhishardwork he catch upwithhisclassmateslastyear 32 Haveyoureceivedhis invite totheparty 33 Youcan tmakeit with thehelpofyourparents 34 Maryisso care thatsheoftenmakestoomanymistakes 35 Youcanlearnlotsof experience fromthetour B 根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子 36 Wearebusy 准备 forthecomingexams 37 Whatdidyoudowithhisadvice I 接受 it 38 Please 信任 him Heisagoodboy 39 Shewastoo 吃惊的 tosayanywords 40 Youwon tsucceed 如果不 youkeepontrying caught invitation without careless experience preparing accepted trust surprised unless 五 从方框内选词并用其适当形式完成短文填空 有两个多余选项 2015 山西 sowewhoteachbrightdifferentheeyeshowheartcompleteunderstandFewpeopletodayeducatethechildrenaboutthevalueofempathy 同情 同感 Mostpeoplefeelsohard41 wtheirloveandcaretowardsothersandtoactuallyunderstandwhattheyaregoingthrough WhenIwasachild I42 togooutofmywaytomakesomeoneelsehappy Mymomwouldtellmetosayatleastonekindwordtosomeoneelseeveryday Iadmitthatitwasn tveryeasytodo Butassoonasyouseethelookofthanksinthatperson s43 youjustwanttodoasmuchasyoucan Ihadanexperiencewithayoungman44 peoplewerealwaysmakingfunof EverytimeIsawthathappening Iknewinmyheartthatitwaswrong IdecidedIwouldtrytobehisfriend Istartedwalkingwithhimandintroducinghimtopeoplearound45 Iwasmakinghimhappybyjustdoingthat AndIlovedthefactthatIwasreallymakinga46 inhislife tosho wastaught eyes who whom us difference Afterawhile Irealizedthathewasn tthekindofpersoneverybodythoughthewas Wearestillreallygoodfriendstoday Peoplehavealmost47 stoppedmakingfunofhim Butheisstillwhathewas Whathadchangedwastheattitudesofotherstowardshim FromthisexperienceI48 thatIshouldbemorelovingtowardsotherpeoplealready WhatIdidformyfriendwassoeasy andatthesametimeIhadalotoffun 49 Ihopethateveryonecouldsayakindwordtosomeoneelseatleastonceaday Icanpromiseitwillbethebestfeelingyoucaneverget Onekindwordcouldmakesomeone sday50 Whynotdoitfromnowon completely Haveunderstood so brighter 六 书面表达 2015 海南 由于父母的溺爱 现在许多孩子基本不做学习以外的事情 导致独立生活能力不强 请你根据下面表格中的内容 按要求用英语写一篇短文 谈谈作为中学生 我们应该如何培养自己的独立性 要求 1 语句通顺 意思连贯 语法正确 书写规范 2 必须包含表格中所有内容 并做适当发挥 3 词数70左右 短文的开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 Asmiddleschoolstudents it sveryimportantforustobeindependent Whatshouldwedotomakeusindependent First let sbeginwithourownthings It sourjobtocleanourownroomsandmakeourbeds Second helpwithhousework Wecanhelpcookorcleanthehouseinourfreetime Doinghouseworkteachesushowtolookafterourselves Third learnactively Weshouldlearnbyourselvesandfinishourhomeworkontime Finally thinkaboutthingsbyourselves Wesometimesneedtomakeplansordecisionsalone Don talwaysdependonothers Ithinkifwekeepondoingthese we llbecomemoreandmoreindependent


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