九年级 Units 3-4习题课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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英语 第15课时九年级Units3 4 人教版 重点词汇 1 restroom n 洗手间2 stamp n 邮票 印章3 beside prep 在旁边 在附近4 rush v n 仓促 急促5 suggest v 建议 提议6 pride n 自豪 骄傲7 east adj adv 东方 部 的 向东 东方8 convenient adj 便利的 方便的9 politely adv 礼貌地 客气地10 request n v 要求 请求11 correct adj 正确的 恰当的 12 polite adj 有礼貌的13 direct adj 直接的 直率的14 address n 住址 地址 通讯处15 course n 课程 学科16 humorous adj 幽默感的 滑稽有趣的17 silent adj 不说话的 沉默的18 helpful adj 有用的 有帮助的19 interview v n 采访 面试 面谈 访谈 20 dare v 敢于 胆敢21 private adj 私人的 秘密的22 require v 需要 要求23 speech n 讲话 发言24 public n adj 民众 公开的 公众的25 influence v n 影响26 seldom adv 不常 很少27 proud adj 自豪的28 absent adj 缺席 不在29 fail v 不及格 失败30 examination n 考试 审查31 exactly adv 确切地 精确地 词汇拓展 1 restroom 同义词 washroom2 normally 正常的 正规的 标准的 normal3 suggest 名词 建议 suggestion4 introduce 名词 介绍 introduction5 expensive 反义词 不昂贵的 inexpensive 同义词 昂贵的 dear6 crowded 反义词 不拥挤的 人少的 uncrowded 名词 人群 crowd7 politely 形容词 有礼貌的 polite 反义词 没有礼貌的 impolite8 correct 近义词 对的 right 副词 correctly9 direct 反义词 间接的 indirect 10 speak 名词 扬声器 speaker11 general 普遍地 generally12 silent 名词 沉默 silence13 help 有帮助的 helpful 没有帮助的 helpless14 interview 名词 采访者 interviewer15 Asian 名词 亚洲 Asia16 shy 名词 害羞 腼腆 shyness17 fail 名词 失败 failure 反义词 成功 succeed18 European 欧洲 Europe19 proud 名词 自豪 pride20 exactly 形容词 精确的 exact 重点短语 1 路过 经过passby2 什么 请再说一遍pardonme3 亲自 亲身inperson4 为 感到骄傲 感到自豪beproudof5 沿着 向东走goeastalong6 礼貌地提出请求makepoliterequests 7 为 感到自豪takepridein8 公开地inpublic9 仓促地inarush10 过去常常做某事usedtodosth 11 时常 有时fromtimetotime12 对付 应对dealwith 重点句型 1 tellmehowtogettothepostoffice 请您告诉我怎样到达邮局好吗 2 WaterCityRestaurantinWaterWorld 我提议 去 水上世界的水城饭店 3 Canyoutellme agoodplacetoeat 你能告诉我哪里有个吃饭的好地方吗 4 Paul reallyquiet 保罗以前确实内向 Couldyouplease Isuggest wherethere s usedtobe 5 Youusedtobeshort you 你以前很矮 是吗 6 She liketests 她过去讨厌考试 7 he wearglasses 他过去戴眼镜吗 he he 是的 他戴眼镜 不 他不戴眼镜 didn t didn tuseto Did useto Yes did No didn t 一 根据句意和汉语提示写单词完成句子 1 Thereisasportscenter 在 旁边 mynewhouse 2 Nowwiththemoderntransportation it svery 方便 totraveltoanotherplace 3 It s 不礼貌的 topointtosomebodywithyourfoot 4 It sso 安静的 thatwecanhearthesoundoftheclock 5 Sheisthe 骄傲 ofourschool 6 Whois 缺席的 today Lilyisn theretoday Shewasill 7 Ifyoudon tknowhowtousethemachine I llshowyouthe 介绍 ofit 8 Iusedtogobackthereoften butnowI 极少 gobackthere 9 You dbetternottellyour 私人的 informationtothestrangers 10 In 总的 youshouldworkharderfromnowon beside convenient impolite quiet pride absent introduction seldom private personal general 二 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 11 Canyougiveussome suggest onhowtolearnEnglishwell 12 Oldpeopleshouldbetalkedto polite 13 Whocanshowmethewaytoworkouttheproblem exact 14 Afterschool heusedtogobackhome direct tohelphisparents 15 Weare pride oftheseyoungmenfortheirbraveaction 16 Dictionariesarevery help tousinlearninglanguages 17 Whatdoesthe speak say 18 ChinaandIndiaareboth Asia countries 19 With who areyougoingtoItalyforavisit 20 Thanksalotforyourwonderful introduce suggestions politely exactly directly proud helpful speaker Asian whom introduction 1 Doyouknowwhenthebookstoreclosestoday FromUnit3 SectionA 你知道书店今天什么时候关门吗 宾语从句 题组训练 单项选择 1 Canyoutellme Hishomeisquitefarfromtheoffice Ithink 2015 孝感 A whereheworksB whyheboughtthecarC whenhegotupD howhelikeshisjob B 2 Doyouknow Foramonth 2015 天津 A howlongwillshebeawayB howlongshewillbeawayC howoftenwillshegothereD howoftenshewillgothere3 Showmethemap please Iwonder Look it shere intheeastofChina nearTaiwanProvince 2015 梅州 A whereisDiaoyuIslandB whereDiaoyuIslandisC whatisDiaoyuIslandlikeD whenDiaoyuIslandis B B 4 DidyouhaveagoodtimeinJining 2015 济宁 Comeandhavealook Myphotoswillshowyou A howwasthetripB whydidwegothereC howwewentthereD whatthetripwaslike5 Excuseme couldyoutellme Infiveminutes 2015 苏州 A howsoonwillthefilmbeginB howsoonthefilmwillbeginC howlongthefilmhasbeenonD howlonghasthefilmbeenon D B 宾语从句必须是陈述句语序 宾语从句中的时态一般与主句中的时态保持一致 如果宾语从句表述的是客观真理 自然现象时 不管主句的谓语动词是什么时态 宾语从句的谓语动词一律使用一般现在时 2 Itseemsarockbandplaysthereeveryevening From Unit3 SectionA 似乎每天晚上都有一支摇滚乐队在那里表演 seem的用法 题组训练 单项选择 1 Lucyseems today A happyingB quietlyC angryD angrily2 Heseems tired A tofeelB feelC feelingD tofeeling C A 3 mybrotherlovesthismovieverymuch A HeseemsB ItseemsthatC HeseemstoD Itseemsto 改写同义句 每空一词 1 Heseemedtohavesomegoodnewstotellyou hehadsomegoodnewstotellyou 2 Bobseemstobesadthesedays Bob thesedays B Itseemedthat seemssad seem的用法 1 主语 seem tobe 表语 表语多为名词或形容词 以说明主语的特征或状态 2 主语 seem 不定式 此句型中 seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语 3 Itseems that从句 其中it是形式主语 that引导主语从句 3 Excuseme couldyoupleasetellmewherethenearestbankis From Unit3 SectionA 打扰了 您能告诉我最近的银行在哪儿吗 有关问路的常用句型 题组训练 单项选择 1 Canyoutellme Sure HelivesonCenterStreet 2015 襄阳 A wheredoesheliveB wherehelivesC whyhelivesthereD whatdoeshedo2 Excuseme couldyoupleasetellme Sure It sabouttenminutes walk 2014 长沙 A howlongittakestogotothezooB howfaritisfromheretothezooC howfarisitfromheretothezoo B B 3 Excuseme Sir isitfromheretothenearestshoppingmall Well onlyaboutfiveminutes walk 2014 湖州 A HowoftenB HowlongC HowfarD Howsoon4 Excuseme couldyoutellme Goalongthisstreetuntilyouseesomebuildingswithgoldenroofs 2014 烟台 A howIcangotoTianningTemple 天宁寺 B howoftenyougotoTianningTempleC howsoonyouwillgotoTianningTempleD howmanytimesyouhavebeentoTianningTemple C A 根据汉语完成句子 1 你能告诉我怎样到银行吗 Couldyoupleasetellme gettothebank 2 你知道最近的图书馆离这多远 Doyouknowhowfar libraryisfromhere 3 你能告诉我们厕所在哪吗 Couldyoupleasetellme therestroom howIcan thenearest where is 1 在向他人问路时 一般先说Excuseme 劳驾 请问 既可以引起对方的注意 又显得比较客气 2 问路的常用句型 Excuseme can could youtellmewherethebookstoreis howIcangettothebookstore howtogettothebookstore thewaytothebookstore whereIcangetabook Whichisthebest nearestwaytogetthere Isthistheonlywaytogetthere Wouldyoupleasetellmeifthereisabanknearhere Isthezoofarfromhere 4 Wheredoyouneedtomakepoliterequests From Unit3 SectionB 在哪些地方你需要礼貌地提出请求呢 polite和不定式 题组训练 单项选择 1 Mr Smithtoldhisson thefootballmatchbecauseoftheexam 2015 呼和浩特 A nottowatchB tonotwatchC notwatchingD doesn twatch2 Myparentsdidn tallowme totheparty 2015 天津 A goB togoC goesD went A B 3 Whenyouleave pleaseturnoffthelights energy 2015 泰安 A saveB tosaveC savingD saved4 Myteachersoftenencourageme morefriendsbutIfinditdifficult Yourteachers ideaisright Themorefriendsyoumake youwillbe 2014 达州 A tomake themorehappyB tomake happierC making thehappierD tomake thehappier B D 5 Weadviseparents theirchildrenathomealoneinordertokeepthemawayfromdanger 2015 广东 A nottoleaveB notleaveC leaveD toleave6 Whenyoumovesomewherenew thefirstthingforyouistofindaplace 2015 凉山 A toliveB livinginC tolivein A C 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出空缺处单词的正确形式 1 It svery tosay Thankyou whensomeonehelpsyou 2015 广州 2 It s polite tostareatanyoneorcallloudlyinpublic 2015 临沂 3 Talkingloudlyinalibrary amuseum oramovietheateris 不礼貌的 2014 黄冈 4 Whentheguestenteredthehall Mr Whitestoodupandgreetedhim polite 2014 淮安 polite impolite impolite politely 1 动词不定式作定语时 通常位于被修饰的名词或代词之后 与被修饰的词语是逻辑上的动宾关系 2 若做定语的不定式是不及物动词 或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点 工具等 则不定式后面必须加相应的介词 构成的短语动词相当于及物动词 3 polite是形容词 意为 礼貌的 客气的 是英语中使用频率较高的形容词之一 在句中可用作定语或表语 4 polite的反义词为impolite 意为 不礼貌的 副词形式为politely 在句中用作状语 5 Asasmallchild heseldomgavehisparentsanyproblems andtheywereproudofhim From Unit4 SectionB 作为一个小孩子 他很少给父母带来麻烦 父母为他感到骄傲 proud与pride 题组训练 单项选择 1 Mum Ididbestinourgroupdiscussiontoday Welldone I you 2014 山西 A ammadatB ampatientwithC amproudof C 2 Myauntisvery herdaughterwhoisastudentatBeijingUniversity A takesprideinB prideinC proudofD proudat3 Lilywonfirstprizeinyesterday sdancingcompetition Really Thenhermothermustbe her 2014 襄阳 A madatB worriedaboutC interestedinD proudof C D 4 MoreandmorepeoplecometovisitMountHuangshan That strue Ithasbecomethe ofAnhui 2015 安徽 A prideB effortC praiseD courage5 LiNaisgoodattennis Sheismyfavoriteplayer Yes EveryoneinChinaisproud her 2014 广安 A ofB forC with A A 根据汉语完成句子 1 中国越来越富强了 我们为祖国骄傲 NowChinaisricherandricher weare ourcountry 2 我们以张晓光 一名来自辽宁的宇航员而自豪 2014 丹东 We ZhangXiaoguang anastronautfromLiaoning 3 今天我以学校为荣 明天学校以我为傲 2014 白银 TodayI m ofmyschoolandtomorrowmyschoolwilltake inmysuccess 4 他父亲对他的事情感到自豪 2014 烟台 Hisfather great inwhathehasdone proudof areproudof takepridein proud pride takes pride 1 proud是形容词 意为 自豪的 骄傲的 常用于短语beproudof 意为 为 骄傲 感到自豪 2 proud的名词形式为pride 常用于短语takepridein 意为 为 感到骄傲 也常用于短语betheprideof 意为 是 的骄傲 6 information news message 题组训练 单项选择 1 Where sJack He slefta sayingthathewillbebackinaminute 2014 遵义 A massageB newsC information2 aboutthesportsmeetingmakeusexcited 2015 安顺 A NewsB InformationC MessagesD Advice3 TherearemillionsofwebsitesontheInternetandthere alotofuseful onthewebsites 2014 苏州 A are informationsB are informationC is informationD is informations A C C 选词填空 1 Ihavea foryoufrommyteacher 2 Thereismuchnew inthisbook 3 Theywerelisteningtothe overtheradio 4 Willyoutakethis toyourbrother message information news message 6 Pardonme Excuseme Sorry 即时演练 单项选择 1 MynewiPhonewasstolenwhenItookabusyesterday 2014 黔西南 A I msorrytohearthatB It sdoesn tmatterC Don tbesillyC I dloveto2 MayIspeaktoTom 2014 内江 butI mafraidyouhavethewrongnumber A Yes pleaseB HoldonC ThisisTomD Sorry A D 3 HowcanIgetthere Sorry Iwanttoknowthewaytogetthere A PardonB SorryC ExcuseD Yes4 IhavelookedformylovelydogeverywherebutIstillcan tfindit 2014 重庆 A GreatB GoodideaC Idon tthinksoD I msorrytohearthat5 I mverysorryIamlate Toocrowdedinthestreet Betterlatethannever 2014 潍坊 A It stoobad B Betternot C Takeiteasy D Itdoesn tmatter A D D 备考跟踪训练 一 单项选择 1 Thesupermarketis thebankandthebookstore A amongB acrossC betweenD from2 I msorryto you butcouldyougivemeahand A offendB orderC troubleD believe3 Ifyoubehave otherswillthinkyouare A polite politeB polite politelyC politely politeD politely politely C C C 4 MissLiseemsveryhappy That sbecauseallofTom sanswersare A wrongB correctC impossibleD unpleasant5 Idon tthinkitisgoodforyoungpeopleto toomuchtime online A spend chattingB take chattingC spend tochatD cost tochat6 I vebeenoldenoughtotakecareofmyself I llnolonger myfather A keeponB holdonC putonD dependon B A D 7 Excuseme Couldyoutellmethewaytothepostoffice Iwanttobuysome Sure Followme please I llgotheretoo A stampsB booksC foodD flowers8 Itsounds touse couldyou than canyou A politeB politelyC morepoliteD morepolitely9 TheextremelycoldweatherinAmerica alotofpeopletodie A causedB madeC broughtD stopped A C A 10 Jacksawthem footballwhenhepassedbytheplaygroundyesterday A playedB playingC toplayD play11 Ican ttellwhenthehousewasbuilt butitmustbeveryold A exactlyB differentlyC quicklyD simply12 It fifteenyearssinceIcametothisschool A wasB hasbeenC willbeD be B A B 13 they realittleexpensive I lltakethem A Eventhough butB Eventhough C If butD Because 14 Howwastheweathertheretoday Sunny butcloudy A intimeB ontimeC allthetimeD fromtimetotime15 Areyouafraidof athome Linda No I vegrownup A aloneB beingaloneC lonelyD beinglonely B D B 二 完形填空 2015 资阳 Awomanwaswaitingforherflight 航班 atanairport Sheboughtabagofcookies foundaplaceto 16 andtookouther 17 Shestartedtoreadand 18 noticedthataman sittingbesideher tookacookiefromher 19 Shejust 20 nottoseethis Sosheatethecookiesquicklyandatthesametimewatchedhowtheshameless 21 wasstealinghercookies Shethoughttoherself IfIwasn tsucha n 22 person Iwouldhithimintheeye Whenonlyonecookiewas 23 shelookedwithinterestand 24 whathewoulddo Hesmiled tookthe 25 cookieandbrokeitinhalf Shethought Thisguyissoimpolite hedidn tevenshowany 26 Afterherflightwascalled thewoman 27 herbaggage 行李 andheadedtothegate Shetookherseatinthe 28 andstartedtolookforherbook whichwasalmostcomplete Asshereachedherbaggage shegasped 喘气 with 29 astherewasanunopenedbagofcookies Aterriblethoughtcrossedhermind Ifmycookiebagishere theotheronewashisandhejusttriedto 30 Sherealizedthatshewastheimpoliteone butitwastoolatetosaysorrytohim 16 A standB sitC lieD walk 17 A bookB phoneC ticketD wallet 18 A proudlyB hardlyC reallyD suddenly 19 A boxB handC bagD seat 20 A triedB preferredC hopedD meant 21 A pilotB workerC thiefD waiter 22 A rightB niceC specialD old 23 A leftB eatenC boughtD stolen 24 A plannedB askedC foundD wondered B A D C A C B A D 25 A bigB firstC smallD last 26 A interestB thanksC courageD pleasure 27 A postedB openedC collectedD forgot 28 A hallB airportC planeD car 29 A surpriseB happinessC sadnessD pain 30 A saveB takeC sellD share D B C C A D 三 阅读理解 2015 襄阳 Somepeoplehaveaverypoorsenseofdirection Unluckily Iamoneofthem IhavevisitedaplacemanytimesbutImaystillgetlosttherethenexttime WhenIwasalittlegirl Ineverdaredtoaskstrangerstheway AndsoIusedtowalkaroundincirclesandhopethatbychanceIwouldgettotheplaceIwasgoingto Now Iamnolongertooshytoaskpeoplefordirections butIoftenreceivehelplessorevenwronginformation SoItrytoavoidgivingpeoplewrongdirections Ifanyoneeverasksmethewaysomewhere Iwouldsay Sorry Iamastrangerhere OnceonmywaytoworkIwasstoppedbyaman HeaskedmeifIcouldtellhimthewaytotheFriendshipBuilding Igavehimmyusualreply ButjustasIwalkedononlyafewsteps Irealizedthathehadaskedthewaytomyofficebuilding However Ihadnotimetoturnbackandlookforhim IwasrushingtomeetwithsomeoneatmyofficeandIdidn twanttokeephimwaiting WhenIjustgottomyoffice thesecretary 秘书 showedinthemanwhohadaskedmefordirections ImaginehowembarrassedIwasandhowsurprisedhewaswhenwesaweachotheratthefirstsight 31 Thewriteralwaysrefusestogivepeopledirectionsbecause A sheisastrangertothecityB shedoesn tknowthepeopleC shehasnotimetohelpothersD she safraidofgivingwrongdirection32 Amanstoppedthewriteronthewayto A sellhersomethingB askherthetimeC makefriendswithherD askforthedirection33 TheFriendshipBuildingistheplacewherethewriter A livesB studiesC worksD teaches D D C 34 Theword embarrassed intheparagraphmeans A 尴尬B 困惑C 激动D 拮据35 WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage A Thewriteristooshytogiveothersdirections B Thewriterhasaverypoorsenseofdirection C Thewriternevergotlostwhenshewasyoung D Themanwasquitenervouswhenhesawthewriter A B 四 词汇运用 A 根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子 36 Livinginthecityisvery 方便的 butthecostishigh 37 Don ttellstrangersaboutyour 私人的 informationonline 38 Maryisafraidofgivinga 讲话 inpublic 39 Toprotecttheenvironment she 极少 drivestowork 40 In 总的 heisahard workingboy convenient private personal speech seldom general B 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 41 Couldyoupleasegivemesome suggest onhowtolearnEnglishwell 42 Theoldshouldbespokento polite 43 EnglandandFranceareboth Europe countries 44 Canyoutellme exact whathashappened 45 Theparentsarevery pride oftheircleverson suggestions politely European exactly proud 五 任务型阅读 Englishhassomeapologeticterms 表示歉意的用语 Itseemsthattheymeanthesamething Theyalmostdo However what sthedifferencebetween Excuseme I msorry Pardon and What PardonAmericansdon treallyuse pardon Ifyoudo theywillprobablyjokethatyou retryingtosoundpretentious 炫耀的 orjokethatyou reBritish I msorryWeoftenuse I msorry forpastevents That stosay itisgenerallyusedtoapologizeforsomethingyouhavealreadydone Forexample ifyousteponsomeone sfootonacrowdedbus youwouldsay I msorry or sorry ExcusemeThisisgenerallyatermtoaskpermission 允许 forsomething Forexample you rewalkingthroughacrowdedspaceandsomeoneisinyourway Youwouldsay excuseme toaskhimtomoveoutofyourway What Americansusuallyuseittoasksomeonetorepeathimself Ifyouwanttobepoliter youcouldsay I msorry whatwasthat or Excuseme whatdidyousay oranyothersuchthing MostAmericanswilljustsay What though Inourdailylife wecanalsousethesetermsbymixingthemup Youcould forexample asksomeonetomovebysaying Sorry wouldyoumindmoving It sanextra politewaytomakeyourrequest 根据短文内容 回答下列问题 46 Whosay pardon moreoften AmericansortheBritish TheBritish 47 Whichtermisusedforfutureeventsaccordingtothepassage Excuseme isusedforfutureevents 48 WhendoAmericansusuallysay What Whentheywantsomeonetorepeathimself 49 Imagineasituationtosay I msorry Forexample whenIwascleaningtheclassroom Idroppedmyclassmate sbookonthefloorbyaccident Iwouldsay I msorry tohim 答案不唯一 50 Whatisthepassagemainlyabout Thedifferencesbetweensomeapologeticterms

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