中考英语冲刺复习 语法 非谓语动词课件.ppt

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考点精讲精练 非谓语动词 综合测练 中考链接 考点精讲精练 非谓语动词是指在句中起名词 形容词或副词作用的动词形式 而不是作谓语的动词形式 非谓语动词形式分为动词不定式 动词 ing形式和分词 现在分词和过去分词 初中阶段重点掌握动词不定式的基本用法 1 肯定形式 to 动词原形否定形式 not never to 动词原形Theteachertoldmetocomehereontimetomorrow 肯定 老师告诉我明天要按时到这里 Theteachertoldmenot never tocomehereontimetomorrow 否定 老师告诉我明天不用按时到这里 2 用法 初中阶段要求学生掌握动词不定式作宾语 宾语补足语和目的状语 作宾语A 作动词的宾语 Suddenlyitbegantorain torain作began的宾语 突然天开始下雨 Ihopetoseethefamousscientist tosee作hope的宾语 我希望看到这位著名的科学家 经常 动词 动词不定式 有 B 和疑问词who what when where how which等连用作tell ask know show等动词的宾语 如 Idon tknowwhattodo 我不知道做什么 Sheshowedushowtodoit 她向我展示怎样去做那东西 C 用it作形式宾语 将真正的宾语置后 如 Wefinditpossibletoeat10applesatonetime 我发现一次吃10个苹果是有可能的 作宾语补足语MyfatheraskedMarytobuysomesaltback Mary在句中作宾语 tobuy补充说明Mary要做的事 我爸爸叫玛丽去买些盐回来 Mr LitoldusnottoplaycomputergamesintheNetbar us在句中作宾语 nottoplay补充说明us不要做的事 李老师告诉我们不要在网吧玩电脑游戏 类似的用法有 作目的状语Hewenttheretoseehisgrandpa tosee作目的状语 他去那里看他的爷爷 1 Pleasedon tforgettheroomwhileIamawayinBeijing A cleanB tocleanC cleanedD cleaning 2 Bendecidedforatripwithhisclassmates A togoB goingC goD goes 3 Hi Tom CanyoutellmewhenforLondon Yes tomorrowmorning A leavingB leavesC toleaveD areyouleaving B A C 考点1专练 4 Ican tdecide Youmeanthepurplesweaterortheblueone A howtogothereB whotogowithC wheretovisitD whichtochoose 5 Couldyouaskhimmethisafternoon A callingB callC tocallD called 6 Don texpectmesuchasillything A doingB doC todoD did D C C 7 Myteachertoldmelateagain A notbeB nottobeC don tbeD don ttobe 8 Hewasseentheroomlastnight A enteredB enteringC toenterD enter 9 Theteacherspokelouderthanbeforeallofushearhimclearly A makeB tomakeC madeD makes 10 Wedoeverythingwecouldushealthy A keepB keptC keepingD tokeep B C B D 1 动词不定式作主语 也可用it作形式主语 将真正的主语置后 TolearnEnglishisveryimportant ItisveryimportanttolearnEnglish 学英语很重要 2 省略to的动词不定式使役动词和感官动词后带宾语 再接动词不定式作宾补时 若为主动语态则省略to 若为被动语态则要补to 这种用法在被动语态的语法中已详细介绍 现将他们归纳成表格如下 Isawaboygoacrosstheroadjustnow 我看见有个男孩刚才过了马路 Look Canyouseetheboygoingacrosstheroad 看 你能看见那个男孩正在过马路吗 3 不带to的常用句型 Would could youpleasedosth 请问你能做某事吗 Would Could youpleasepassmeaglassofwater Would could youpleasenotdosth 请问你能不要做某事吗 Would Could youpleasenotarrivelatenexttime 4 后接动词须用动词 ing形式的单词 短语和句型 1 Ittookhimalongtimethepicture A tofinishtodrawB tofinishdrawingC finishingdrawingD finishingtodraw 2 moreabouttomorrow sweather call121 OK Iwill Thankyou A KnowB KnowingC ToknowD Known 3 It sdark Let sfaster orwecan tgethomebefore8pm A towalkB walkC walkingD walks B C B 考点2专练 4 Inordertowinthefirstplaceinthecontest hepracticedtheEnglishsong butfounditdifficultthelyrics A tosing torememberB tosing rememberingC singing torememberD singing remembering 5 Wouldyoumindsoccerballhere Sorry We llgoandplayontheplayground A playingB notplayingC nottoplayD played C B 6 Whynotyourteacherforhelpwhenyoucan tfinishitbyyourself A ask writeB toask writingC ask writingD asking write 7 Iprefertotomusicaloneratherthansongswithyoutoday A listen singingB listen singC listening singingD listening sing C B 1 Tomorrowismyson sbirthday Iwantanewshirtforhim A buyB tobuyC buyingD nottobuy 2 Thebabyiscryingharderandharder Couldyoumakeher A tostopcryingB stoptocryC stopcryingD tostoptocry 3 Ithinkitimportantthestudyskills A toknowB knowC knowingD nottoknow B C A 综合测练 4 Themusicistooloud Wouldyoumind A toturnitupB turningitdownC turningitupD toturnitdown 5 Iwouldratherathomethanfootball It stoohotoutside A stay playingB stay playC tostay toplayD tostay play 6 Tinyoftenpracticetheviolinafterschool A playingB playC toplayD played B B A 7 Themenuhassomanygoodthings Ican tdecide A whattoeatB howtoeatC wheretoeatD whentoeat 8 Whydidyoubuyaradiolikethis Englishwell A LearnB LearningC TolearnD Belearning 9 Heenjoysthechildrenoutforapicnic A takeB takingC totakeD takes A C B 10 Parentsshouldallowteenagerstheirownclothes A chooseB choosingC tochooseD bechosen 11 Heisusedtothefoodintheschoolhall A eatsB eatingC eatD ate 12 Sheinvitedhergoodfriendsdinneryesterdayafternoon A tohaveB havingC hadD have C B A 13 Thepoliceaskedthechildrenfootballinthestreet A nottoplayB playingC toplayD plays 14 Don tbelateagain orIwillcallyourparents Sorry Iwon t Iwilltryupearlytomorrow A getB getsC gettingD toget 15 Ican tsendane mail Pleaseshowmeit A howtodoB whattodoC todoD whentodo A D A 16 Theydecidedonthefieldtripbecauseoftheheavyrain A togoB nogoingC goingD nottogo 17 Myparentsoftenencouragemehard A studyB studiesC studyingD tostudy 18 Ittookmehalfanhourmyhomeworkyesterday A todoB doC didD doing D D A 19 Thezookeepermadeanicecagethedangeroustiger A KeepB keptC keepingD tokeep 20 Lucyisshy Shewouldnotinviteherclassmatesdancingwithher A practiceB topracticeC practicingD practices 21 Howkindyouare Youalwaysdowhatyoucanothers A helpB helpingC helpsD tohelp D B D 22Ourteachersalwaysasksusquestionsingroup A discussB todiscussC discussingD discusses 23Colorcanchangeoutmoodsandmakeushappyorsad A FeelB tofeelC feltD feeling B A 24 Thewomangaveawayallofhermoneytocharitiesthepoor A tohelpB helpingC helpD nottohelp 25 Becauseourlifeisbecomingbetterandbetter wecanaffordanewcarnow A buyB tobuyC boughtD buying A B 1 Tom smotheraskedhimsomewashingafterdinner 2009广东 A todoB doesC doD did 2 WecanuseQQtochatwitheachotherontheInternet Really Willyoupleaseshowmeit 2010广东 A howtouseB whattouseC howcanIuseD whatcanIuse B A 中考链接 3 TrytosingmoreEnglishsongs andyouwillfinditinterestingaforeignlanguage 2011广东 A learningB learnsC learnD tolearn 4 IttookmetwoweeksreadingthenovelswrittenbyGuoJingming 2012广东 A FinishB tofinishC finishesD finishing 5 Ididn thearyoucomeinjustnow That sgood Wetriedanynoise foryouweresleeping 2013广东 A notmakeB nottomakeC tomakeD making D C B 6 Inorderforthemeeting mysisterforcedherselftogetupearlythismorning 2014广东 A nottobelateB notbeinglateC tobelateD beinglate 7 Weadviseparentstheirchildrenathomealoneinordertokeepthemawayfromdanger 2015广东 A notleaveB nottoleaveC leaveD toleave A B 谢谢

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