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优秀英语教学设计Where did you go on vacation?I. Analysis of the teaching material: The topic of Unit 10 is talking about the past events. The target languages are: Where did you go? What did you do? Did you ? How was your vacation? How were? There are three sections in Unit10. They are Section A, Section B and Self check. Section A is asking about what students did last Saturday and how their vacations are. Section B is a passage of Bobs travel diary. It provides a comprehensive review in Self check. And now I am going to talk about how I give Section A to my students. II. Analysis of the students: So far the students have learned BookI, they have mastered a few English words and useful expressions, but not many. They have much interest in learning English, but their ability is quite poor, so during this period, I think getting the students to speak, listen, get the students to complete the teachers task and do teamwork are still the main tasks of English teaching.III. The teaching period aims and demands:A. Teaching aims and demands:Vocabulary: New York City, camp, summer camp, museum, guide, central, didnt=did not, exam, really, rainy, were, fantastic, unfriendly, awful Useful expressions: Where did you go on vacation? We went to New York City. Did you go to Central Park? Yes, I did. How was the weather? It was humid.B. Main points: 1. Talk about the past events. 2. Talk about holiday activities. 3. Acquire the knowledge of the Simple Past Tense and some past tense statements.C. Difficult points: The past tense verbs and their pronunciations.D. Ability aims: By learning Unit10 Section A, the students are asked to master the target languages of Section A, get the students to know when they talk about the past activities, they must use the Simple Past Tense. The students can also talk about their own past activities freely. E. Moral aims: 1. By asking “Did you go to? What do you think of? Is it beautiful? Do you love it? Get the students to love the beautiful scenery in China, and love their own country. Help the students to get the spirit of do teamwork, let them know they must work together if they want to finish the teachers work successfully.F. Teaching methods: 情景教学法, 任务型教学法和小组合作法。适时插入竞争机制, 激发学生学习英语的热情。G: Teaching periods: H: Teaching aids: 多媒体, 录音机。VI. The teaching procedure:StepI. Warming-up Produce the songs about some places of interest, such as the Grand Jiuzhai the Yellow Mountain, the West Lake and so on. (优美的歌曲能给师生提供一个轻松愉快的课堂氛围, 为课堂教学中师生能够默契配合创造条件, 同时这些如同仙境的风景地区让学生感受到祖国的美丽、可爱。)StepII. Presentation:When it produces the songs of the Grand Jiuzhai, the teacher asks: “What is the song about? Can you guess?” Ss: Jiuzhai Gou. T: Yes, the Grand Jiuzhai. It is a place of interest. Now there are some pictures of places of interest, too. Guess what they are.(show the students some pictures of beautiful places, including the pictures of New York City, Shanghai Museum, the Yellow Mountain and the beaches, teach them the new words “New York City, summer camp, the beach, the museums” at the same time.(通过学生喜爱的歌曲和熟悉的画面, 引出本节课的部分生词, 为学生展开后面的话题扫除生词障碍。)T: I went some place last summer vacation. Guess where I went. You can ask like this: “Did you go to?”S1: Did you go to the Yellow Mountain?T: No, I didnt.S2: Did you go to the West Lake?T: No, I didnt. S3: Did you go to the Grand Jiuzhai?T: Yes, you are right. You are so clever. I went there with all the teachers in our school. It was very beautiful. The water there was fantastic. The weather was quite cool in summer. The people were very friendly. But later, it rained, it was rainy. How was my vacation, do you know? I want to tell you my vacation was really exciting, but the bus trip was boring. Then get the students to read new words: vacation, friendly, rainy, fantastic, boring. Let the students try to guess what they mean.(歌曲学生爱听, 优美风景学生爱看, 猜谜学生更有浓厚的兴趣, 通过这些学生喜闻乐见的形式,不知不觉地引出了本课话题, 过渡自然。)StepIII. Ask and answer:Get the students to ask and answer in pairs like this:A: Where did you go on vacation?B: I went toon vacation.A: How was your vacation?B: was pretty good / exciting / relaxing / boring / awful / beautiful.A: How were the mountains / water / lakes / beachesthere?B: They were beautiful / fantastic / wonderfulA: How was the weather there?B: It was rainy / sunny / cloudy / snowy / A: How were the people there?B: They were kind / friendly / unfriendlyGet the students two minutes to get ready for it, get them to ask and answer in pairs. (采用常见的pair work, 培养学生说的能力, 并在说英语的过程中感受过去时态的用法, 熟悉本课要求掌握的几个形容词。)StepIV. Play the guessing game. Before playing this game, give a piece of paper to each student, and ask them to write down which places he or she went to on vacation. After writing down the answers, get them to hand in their paper.T: Now I know all places you went. I know xxx went to some place on vacation. Guess where she went. You can ask like this: “Did he / she go to?” The boys and the girls have a game. If your answer is right, I will give you a star. Lets see which team has more stars.(串插竞赛机制,鼓励学生小组团结合作, 活跃课堂氛围, 激发学生学英语的兴趣, 让学生感受成功的喜悦。)StepV. Grammar focus:First write some present tense and past tense statements on the blackboard like this:I often stay at home. I stayed at home yesterday.He visits the museum. He visited the Science Museum last week.They go to summer camp. Jim went to summer camp.Tell the students that when we talk about the past events, we must use the past tense, then underline the words “stayed, visited, went”. We must use the past tense verbs. Tell the students the regular “ed” past tense verbs, eg: visitvisited rainrained likeliked hope-hoped play-played staystayed carrycarried hurryhurried(让学生根据这些单词总结动词过去式的规则变化:1. 一般情况下动词后面ed 2. 以不发音的e 结尾的, 过去式加d 3. 以y 结尾的, y前面是元音字母, 直接加ed, y 前面是辅音字母, 去y变ied。)The irregular past tense verbs: is / amwas arewere gowent dodid havehad eatate findfound makemade feelfelt. Get the students to pay attention to their pronunciation. 清辅音后面加ed / d 发/t/, 浊辅音或元音后面加ed / d / ied 发/d/, 在t /d 后面发 /id/. Let the students to read some past tense verbs.(通过一些简单例句和单词让学生自己去总结、归纳, 培养了学生辨别、理解和分析的能力。)StepVI. Teamwork.In this part, the teacher will give each group (in groups of four) a task, get them to finish the task with each others help. Get the students in groups of four to talk about where they each went on vacation and how their trips were, after talking about it, ask one of them to write down a passage, then let him to read it for us , at the same time ask another one to draw the picture on the blackboard. Give each group four minutes to get ready for it. (运用小组内合作学习法,通过讨论培养了学生探究问题和自主解决问题的能力,培养了学生的团队精神。同时通过画画增强了学生完成这部分任务的趣味性, 调动了学生学英语的积极性。)Step VII. Show their geography knowledge.The people liked traveling and they travelled to many places. We call them travelers. There were two great travelers. Who were they? Maybe the students know them. They were a Chinese traveler called Xu Xiake and an Italian traveler Marco polo. They travelled to many places. Ask the students: “Where did Xu Xiake travel and when did he go there? Where did Marco polo travel and when did Marco polo go there? What do you think of these places? Did you go there, too?” The teacher may ask the students to talk about these questions in groups of four. Then ask one of them to say it. (徐霞客和马可波罗两位大旅行家学生们都非常熟悉,而且也很感兴趣。这个话题的提出, 必能激发学生参与的热情。)StepVIII. Listening and writing:1b, 2a, 2b, get the students to listen to the tape and write down the answers.(培养听的能力)StepIX. Writing:3a on Page 61, fill in the blanks, then get the students to read these sentences.StepX. Assessment:After having the class, get the students to say what they did best in class and what they need to do better in next classes. StepXI. Homework:Write a short passage about where you went and how was your vacation.(同过学生自我评价来肯定学生在课堂中所取得的成绩,让学生获得成就感。 同时也让学生知道分数并不是衡量他们学英语好坏的唯一标准, 学英语更应注重形成性评价。)在设计这课教学活动时,我主要注意到了以下几点:(1)活动的目的性和可操作性;(2)活动中以学生的真实生活和兴趣为焦点话题,内容形象生动,学生易理解掌握;(3)通过活动让学生习得英语语言知识、更重要的是发展学生的语言技能;(4)分组活动时尽量创造机会,促使学生主动获取、处理和使用信息,尝试用英语与他人交流,提高用英语解决实际问题的能力;(5)鼓励学生小组团结合作。(6)穿插竞争机制, 活跃课堂氛围。总之在设计每一课时, 教师必须尊重学生个性发展,面向全体学生的基础上,由浅入深,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教学内容。展开以教师为主导以学生为主体的师生双边活动。注重教学的直观性和趣味性,加大课堂密度。培养学生辨别、理解、分析、运用语言的能力。

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