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冀教版八年级上英语期中考试卷一A). 按括号内的要求给出单词的正确形式1 .thirteen(序数词) 2. remember(反义词) 3. write(过去式) 4. box(复数) 5. inside(反义词) 6 .make(现在分词) 7. pass(第三人称单数) 8. gift(反义词) 9 .your(名词性物主) 10.post(反义词) B)英汉短语互译1 作报告 6.National Day 2 父亲节 7. on ones way to 3 半小时 8.in ten more years 4 吹灭 9.make a sentence with 5.热情拥抱 10.givesome good adviceC)根据句意及提示的首字母,写出各词的正确形式11What do you think of your p strengths?12. I have n to do at the moment.13. This gives me c to speak English.14.All these words are s wrong.15. Danny is a m of dinosaurs family.16. All of the stufents are showing their h to the class.17.Small is the o of big.18.Her new dress is in f 19. When he heard the news,he was very s 20.The last month of the year is D 二. 根据括号中的汉语完成句子。1. That book is very (有意思的)。 2. Each of the students (展示)us a painting yesterday3. Let us (庆祝)our National Day first.4 .Mum is cooking in the (厨房)。 5. You must go (沿着)the stree. 6 .Is is (real) nice of you to do that. 7. I am very (interest) in Lu Xun,s works. 8. Usually the king”s clothes were (make) of silk and goid. 9. Im so happy to see there are three ( piano) in the hall. 10. Qi Baishi was the greatest (paint) in our county.三. 选择最佳答案。( )1. Thank you me with my physics! A.you help B.for helping C.helping D.help ( ) 2.The American person lives in a tall building the White House. A.call B, calls C.called D.name ( ) 3The best way English is to use it A.learn B.to learn C.learned D.learns ( ) 4 She usually heips me my math.A.in B. on C.at D.with ( ) 5 It is Sunday today.There an evening party tonight. A.will B.has C.is D.will be. ( )6 I have to stop writing now. Please me soon.A.write to B.writes C.writing D.wrote( )7 When I opened the door ,I saw him with a girl.A.taling B.talks C.was talking Dtalked( )8,Jim is much at Chinese this year than last year, A.good B.better C.best D.well( )9. We hope to go to the movies next month.A.sometimes B.sometime C,some time D.some times ( )10.The meeting will start 2 days. A.before B.on C.at D.in ( )11.His mother taught him when he was young.A.write B.wrote C,to write D,writes( )12.She is one of the tallest in my grade, A,girl B.girls C.a girl D.the girls ( )13.The girl a red dress is Miss Smith. A,wearing B,is wearing C.is putting on D.is in ( )14.Lei Li ,I am not full. Could I have cake, A,ones B,one more C.more one D.another one( )15.What a nice shirt! Do you belive that it is paper. A.made in B.make of C.made from D.made of ( )16.You must a park if you want to go there. A.past B.pass C.go pass D.walk ( )17.It is a little dangerous to the heavy traffic.A.cross B.across C.acrossed D.go cross ( )18. What is the time ?It is twentyfive three.A.before B.after C.passed D.go past ( )19.The news made him for a long time.( )20.The shopping center is 3 kilometres from here. A.far B.away C.far away D.long ( )21.Please turn right at the third .A.crossing B.cross C.across D.crossed ( )22.Children sometimes get if they arent careful. A.lose B.loses C.lost D.losed( )23.Please pass me three paper.A.pieces B.piece of C./ D.pieces of ( )24.I met my old friend on my way .A.to home B.home C,homes D.go home ( )25.Can you tell me the biggest bookstore. A.where is B.how can I get to C.the way to D.how to go ( )26. There a football match tomorrow. A.is B. will be C. will have D. are( )27.Sorry, Idont know A. to talk what B. to what about C. what to say D. what to talk( )28. I dont want this hat. Its small. Please give me A. one B. another C. other D. other one( )29. My mother often makes me housework at home.A. do B. to do C. doing D. does( )30. Kat came back from school earlier yesterday evening.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( )31. Can you tell me the meeting begins.A.what B. if C. when D. where( )32.-Have you seen him today? -Yes, I him this morning. A. have seen B. see C. will see D. saw( )33. Monday is my day of a week. A. busy B. busiest C. busier D. the busiest( )34. Its nice foe a walk a spring evening. A.going, in B. going, on C. to go ,in D. to go, on( )34. Id like to begin introducing myself. A. by B. on C. in D. at( )35.Tom a student of No.1 Middle School. A. maybe B. may be C. may have D. may is( )36. of the flowers beautiful. A. Every one ,is B. Everyone ,are C. Every one ,are D. Everyone,is( )37.We listen ,but read . A. loudly,quiet B. loud, quietly C. quietly,loud D. quietly,loudly( )38.I did wrong. I wont do that A. no more B. not more C. any more D. some more( )39. The boy is not careful in class. He is talking with others playing with the toys. A. neither,nor B. both, and C. either or D. not only,not( )40. Dont smoke in the reading room, ?A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you( )41. Herry be at home because he phoned me from Beijing just now.A. mustnt B. isnt able to C. may D. cant( )42. He cut the birthday cake seven pieces.A. down B. in C. into D. of( )43.Dalian is a in Liaoning Prvince.A. town B. city C. village D. country( )44. I her to work hard and try for the exam. A. encouraged B. invited C. needed D. hoped三。下面的每个句子中有一个错误,把错的地方底下划横线并将正确的填在空格处 1Usually we have four class in the morning and three in the afternoon. .2.She has been to China for ten years. .3.Your classroom is much bigger than our. .4.I often buy some vegetables on my way to home. . 5.Hurry up !Class will start before two minutes. .四.将下面的句子翻译成英文。1.除了李蕾大家全都在教室里。 is in the classroom LiLei. 2.当我听到噪音的时候我停止了写字。 When I heard the noise ,I . 3.当你离开房间时,不要忘记关灯。 When you leave the room, dont forget to the lights.4.过春节时,中国人喜欢团聚在一起。 On Spring Festival,Chinese people like to .5.请称我为布朗太太,因为我结婚了。 Please me Mrs.Brown because I am .6.我们每日早早起床。我们不想上学迟到。 We get up early every day .We dont want to for shool.7.李蕾个子很高,他看起来像他父亲。Li Lei is tall,He his father.8.今年这种款式在中国很时尚。This style is this year in china .9.在新地方生活并不容易。 is not easy live in a new neighbourhood.10.沿着建设大街一直走,你就能到那儿。 Walk Jianshe Stree,youll get there.五,按要求转换句型。1.Can you tell me how to get to the museum(转换为同义句) Can you tell me the the museum. 2.She is good at playing computer games.(转换为复数形式) good at playing computer games.3.They are ready to have a meeting.(转换为反意疑问句)They are ready to have a meeting. ? 4.My mother does housework on Mondays.(变为一般疑问句) You mother housework on Mondays?5.They eat mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Day.(就划线部分提问) do they eat mooncakes? 6.His father is going to work by train.( 就划线部分提问) Is his father going to work.六。完型填空。There is one language used in all countries in the world .Men,and chikdren 1 it very often.It is everybodys language ,It is2 to understand ,though you cant 3 it .It is sign language.When you wave to a friend in the street, you are using 4 .When you 5 your hand in class ,you are saying ,pleaseask me .I think Iknow the 6 .When a policeman wants to 7 cars or buses ,He raises his hand .He is using sign language.Churchills famous“V ”8 victory was also sign language .Sign languageis useful in 9 places of noise. Even when you are 10 with your friends, you can have a talk under water.( ) 1.A.speak B,talk C,play D,use( 2Auseful B.hard C.easy D,difficut ( )3, A.hear B.listen C,feel D.say ( )4.A.sign language B.your voice C.money D.a way( )5.A.hurt B.put away C.put up D.clean ( )6.A.question B.anwser C,movie D.class ( )7.A.repair B.stop C.drive D.find ( )8.A.for B。with C。about D。of( )9。A.far B。near C。quiet D。noisy ( )10。A.sleeping B。talking C。walking D。swimming 七,Writing(书面表达) 你喜欢你所生活的地区吗?告诉大家你 喜欢或不喜欢那些方面?你有什么建议或希望?请以My Neighdourhood为题,用你所学的英语写一篇短文。要求;语句通顺,文理清晰,60词左右。 。


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