七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(第1课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(第1课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(第1课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(第1课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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SectionA第1课时 1a 1c Unit9Whatdoeshelooklike Trytousethewordstodescribethegirl straighttallheightthinheavymedium Matchthewordswiththepeopleinthepicture Youcanusesomelettersmorethanonce 1a 1 shorthair 2 curlyhair 3 longhair 4 straighthair 5 tall 6 short 7 mediumheight 8 thin 9 heavy 10 mediumbuild e b a fa h f g ch ad g Whatdoesshelooklike Shehasthestraighthairanditisblack Sheisofmediumheight Sheisverythin Listenandfillintheblanksinthepictureabove CanyoufindAmy sfriend A Isthatyourfriend B No itisn t A Whatdoeshelooklike Ishetallorshort B Well he sreally Andhehas Ithink isAmy sfriend tall curlyhair h 1b Oneofthepeoplein1aisyourfriend Describeyourfriend Yourpartnerwillfindhim her 1c Whatdoesyourfriendlooklike She sofmediumheight andshehaslongstraighthair Isthatshe Yes you reright Whatdoesyourfriendlooklike He sshort Hehasshortstraighthair Isthathe Yes you reright Whatdoesyourfriendlooklike He sofmediumheight Hehascurlyhair Isthathe Yes you reright 1 Whatdoesshelooklike 该句结构为 What do does 主语 looklike 是用于询问某人外貌的特殊疑问句 意为 某人长得怎么样 回答时可用 主语 be动词 形容词 或 主语 have has 形容词 名词 如 Whatdoesthegirllooklike 那个女孩长的怎么样 She stallandthin Shehaslongblackhair 她又高又瘦 她留着长长的黑发 Languagepoints 注 1 该句型可与 what be动词 主语 like 互换 如 Whatdoesshelooklike whatisshelike 2 looklike与belike的区别 looklike 看起来像 侧重外观上像 belike 像 侧重 内在品质和品德 Languagepoints 2 句子 Isheshortortall 这是一个选择型疑问句 其句型结构为 be动词 名词 or 名词 与前一名词是对等成分 选择性疑问句不能用Yes或No来回答 必须选择选项进行回答 如 Isthebabyboyorgirl 这个宝宝是男孩还是女孩 Itisagirl 她是女孩 Languagepoints 3 描述性形容词 1 tall short 指人 动物 树 楼房的高矮 high low 指山峰 物价 地势 物体的高矮 2 long short 指事物的长短 Languagepoints 3 fat thin fat的委婉说法是heavy 重的 thin还有 薄 的意思 其反义词是thick 厚的 4 heavy light 指人或物的轻重 5 curly straight 用来形容发型 卷或直 Languagepoints 1 LiLei shortand straighthair A is isB is hasC has hasD is have 2 What yoursister sheistall A is looklikeB likeC does lookD does looklike 3 Isyourfriendtall It stall A andshortB orshortC butshortD withshort B D B 小结训练 选词完成句子 1 Ihaveanewimage NowIwear Herhairisverystraight Itisnot Heisnotshortortall He s 4 Sheisnotthinorheavy Shehasa 5 Herhairisnotblackorbrown Itis blonde 亚麻色的 mediumheightcurlymediumbuildglasses glasses curly mediumheight mediumbuild blonde 小结训练 Homework 完成当堂测评作业 先生不应该专教书 他的责任是教人做人 学生不应该专读书 他的责任是学习人生之道 陶行知

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