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学好英语让服务更上一层楼五星级酒店外语培训We believe that English will bring you to a totally new world我们相信英语将带您到一个全新的世界课程安排 Part 1 酒店基本礼貌用语 Part 2 前台服务 Part 3 餐饮服务 Part 4 客房服务 Part 5 日常知识 经典语句Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 1、 礼貌地与客人打招呼及称呼客人,表示你 对他们的热情欢迎: 早上好,小姐/先生。 Good morning, madam/sir. 下午好,小姐/先生。 Good afternoon, madam/sir.晚上好,小姐/先生。 Good evening, madam/sir. 客人喜欢听你称呼他的姓氏,因此尽可能常用,如:“王先生,陈小姐,李太太”等。 “很高兴再次见到您(欢迎再次光临), 王先生。“Nice to see/ meet you again, Mr. Wang.”或与客人互相寒暄: “您今天好吗?” “How are you ( today)?”返 回Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 很好,谢谢您?Im very well, /Im fine, too. Thank you. Useful Words and Expressions: 1) Sir (先生) 2) Madam (女士、夫人)3) Miss(小姐) 4) Ms.(女士、小姐)5) the lady with you(和您一起的女士)6) Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!7) Glad / Nice to 8) How do you do? /How are you ?Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 2、What can I do for 主动向客人提供帮助: 我可以帮您吗?May I help you? you? 尽量为客人多做一点: 还有什么需要我帮您吗?Is there anything else I can do for you ? Useful Words and Expressions:1) May /Can I ?2) If you need my help , just call me please.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 3 、记住一些能讨人喜欢的言词: 谢谢。Thank you. 别客气。 You are welcome. 对不起。 Im sorry. 没关系。Thats all right. 请。Please. Useful Words and Expressions:1) welcome 2) Thats all right.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 4 、打扰客人之前,要提示客人: 打扰了Excuse me 这个情形可能包括诸如:打断客人谈话,为客人上菜时,进客房之前,请客人让路,你在服务时中途退场等。 5、 向客人呈递某物时: 这是您的Here is / are your(key, newspaper, boiled water, breakfast,lunch ,supper)Here you are.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 6、 要客人等待时,要先有交代: 请稍等一会儿。Just a moment, please. Wait a minute, please. 我一会儿就来。I will be with you in a moment. 再返回客人身边时,对久等的客人说抱歉: 对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting .Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 7 、听不明白客人说话时,不要臆想,你可以: 请再说一遍好吗? I am sorry, I dont understand. Could you show me?I beg your pardon.8 、当客人因行动笨拙而显露尴尬时, 安慰客人说: 请慢慢来,别着急。Please take your time, theres no hurry. 9、 向客人作自我介绍: 我叫 。如果有什么需要我帮忙,请 告诉我。 My name is . Please let me knowif theres anything I can do for you.Can I help you?Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 10 、与客人友好地告别,让 客人对你和酒店留下深刻印象: 再见。Goodbye. 祝您今天过得愉快。Have a nice day. 祝您在这居住愉快。Wish you happy here. 对要离店客人报以祝愿: 希望很快又见到您。 Hope to see you again soon. 祝一路顺风。Have a nice trip.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 11、 在三响之内迅速接听电话: 拿起电话时: 早上好/ 下午好/ 晚上好,(这 是)_(部门/ 部份名称)。我是,我可以帮您吗?Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good evening, This is (Name of your department/ outlet). speaking. May I help you? 挂电话前: 多谢您的来电。 Thank you for calling.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 12、 礼貌地回应客人的请求或询问: 当你能满足客人要求时,要马上采取行动: 好的,小姐/先生,我马上拿给您。Certainly, madam/sir. I will get it right away. 是的,小姐/先生,我马上帮您处理。Yes, madam/sir. I will take care of it at once. 当你对客人的询问不肯定时: 对不起,我不太确定。如果您能等一会,我 马上去查找。Sorry, I am not sure. If you wait a minute, Ill tryto find out. 当你不能满足客人要求时: 我恐怕这违反酒店的规定。Im afraid it is against hotel regulation. 对不起,我们不允许这样做。Im sorry, we are not allowed to do this.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 对不起,恐怕我们没有(客人要的东西)。I m sorry, I m afraid we donthave(things guests want).” 这时向客人作其它介绍或建议是非常重要的。 我可以建议(你联系地下 层的银行)吗? May I suggest(you contact the bank in the basement)?Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语13、 当你请求客人做某事时: 您可以(在这里签名)吗?Could you (sign here)? 您介意(稍后再来电话)吗? Would you mind (calling back later)? 我可以知道(您的姓名)吗? May I (have your name)?14 、为客人指示方向: 请跟我来。Follow me please. 请一直往前走。Please go straight ahead. 请向右转/左转。Please turn right / left. 它在 楼上。It is on the floor.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 15、 处理投诉,错误时: 谢谢您告诉我们,小姐/先生。我会向经理报告这件事, 请接受我们的道歉。Thank you for telling us, madam / sir, Ill inform my managerabout it.Please accept our apology. 我非常抱歉,小姐/先生,是我们出差错了,我马上改正 过来。/ 我马上去查这件事。Im terribly sorry, madam / sir. There could have been somemistakes. Ill have it corrected at once. / Ill look into thematter at once.Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语 欢迎和问候语:(Welcoming & Greeting) 1) Good morning(afternoon, evening),sir(madam).早上(下午、晚上) 好,先生(夫人) 。 2) How do you do!您好!(初次见面)How do you do ? 您好!Glad to meet you . 很高兴见到您。 3) Were glad to see you again.很高兴见到你。 4) Welcome to our hotel(restaurant,). 欢迎您到我们宾馆(餐厅) 来。Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语欢迎和问候语:(Welcoming & Greeting) 5) Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel .愿您在我们酒店过得愉快。 6) I hope you will enjoy your stay with us . 希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。 (客人刚入店时) I hope you are enjoying your stay with us .希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人在饭店逗留期间) I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us .希望您在我们宾馆过得愉快。(客人离店时) 7) Have a good time !祝您过得愉快!Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语电话用语: 8) Fudu Hotel, Front Desk. Can I help you ?富都大酒店,前厅。您找谁? 9) Sorry , Ive dialed the wrong number. 对不起,我拨错号了。10) May I speak to your General Manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗?Speaking. 我就是。11) Sorry. He is not in at the moment . 对不起,他现在不在。 Would you like to leave a message ? 您要留口信吗?12) Pardon ? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗? I beg your pardon ? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗?Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语祝贺语(Expressing good wishes): 13)Congratulations! 祝贺您!14) Happy birthday! 生日快乐!15) Happy New Year! 新年快乐!16) Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!17) Have a nice holiday! 节日快乐!18) Wish you every success! 祝您成功!Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语致谢及对致谢的回答 (Expressing thanks and answers to thanks) 19) Thank you (very much). 谢谢您(非常感谢) 。20) Thank you for your advice(information,help). 感谢您的忠告(信息、帮助) 。21) Its very kind of you . 谢谢,您真客气。22) You are welcome. 不用谢。23) Not at all (Dont mention it ). 不用谢。24) Its my pleasure / With pleasure ./ My pleasure .很高兴为您 服务。Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语致歉语(Apologizing) 27) Excuse me . 不好意思,打扰一下!(打扰客人时) 28) Im sorry . 很抱歉。 29) Im awfully sorry. 真是很抱歉! 30) Im sorry . Its my fault . 对不起,那是我的过错。 31) Sorry to have kept you waiting . 对不起,让您久等了。 32) Sorry to interrupt you . 对不起,打扰您了。 33) Im sorry about this. 对此表示歉意。 34) I apologize for this. 我为此道歉。 35) Thats all right . 没关系。 36) It doesnt matter. 没关系。 37) Its nothing. 这没什么。Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语征询语(Asking & inquiring): 38) Can(May ) I help you ? Yes ,please . 我能帮您什么吗?好的。39) What can I do for you ? 我能为您干点什么吗? 40) Is there anything else I can do for you ? 有什么我能为您效劳的?41) Just a moment , please . 请稍等一下。 42) May I have your signature here, sir? 请您在这里签名。 43) May I take your order now? 可以点菜了吗? 44) Would you to have a cup of tea? 您来一杯茶吗?Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语指路用语(Directing): 45) Let me show you. 我给您带路吧。/ 我指给您看。 46) Go straight ahead. 直走。 47) It will be on your right hand side. You cant miss it. 就在您的右手边。您会看到的。 48) Its on the second(third) floor. 在二(三) 楼49) Excuse me. Where is the washroom?(restroom , elevator) 对不起,请问盥洗室(电梯) 在哪儿? This way ,please. 请这边走。 50) Turn left/right at the first exist. 在第一个出口往左(右) 转。51) Go down to the lobby. 往下走到大堂。 52) Please take the lift to the 3rd floor. 请乘电梯到三楼。Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语提醒用语(Arousing attention): 53) Mind(Watch) your step. 请走好。54) Please be careful. 请当心。55) Please dont leave anything behind. 请别遗忘您的东西.56) Dont worry,madam. Well see to it. 夫人,请别担心。我们会跟进这件事情的。57) Please take it easy , madam. 夫人,请慢慢来。58) Please dont smoke here. 请不要在这里抽烟。Part 1酒店基础礼貌服务用语告别语(Saying good-bye): 59) Goodbye. (and have a nice day) 再见!祝您愉快!60) See you later. 等会见。61) Good night. 晚安。62) See you tomorrow. 明天见。63) Goodbye and thank you for coming. 再见,谢谢您的光临。64) Goodbye and hope to see you again. 再见,希望再见到您。65) Have a nice trip! 一路平安!66) Wish you a pleasant journey! Good luck! 祝您旅途愉快!返 回Part 2 The Front Office前台服务 Unit 1 Room Reservations 预订客房 Unit 2 Reception 迎宾接待 Unit 3 Check-in 入住宾馆 Unit 4 To Deliver Luggage 提送行礼 Unit 5 Complaining of Service 投诉服务 Unit 6 Check-out 结账离店返 回Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 预订客房Sentences必背金句 For which dates?/ When for? 预订什么时间的? Which kind of room would you like? 你想要什么要的房间? We have a twin at 580 yuan(RMB) and another at 380 yuan (RMB), Which would you prefer? 我们有一间人民币580元和一间380元的双人间,您想订哪一间? Im sorry, sir. We are fully booked on that day. 对不起,先生。我们那天的 房间已经订满。 We dont have any vacancies for that day. 那天我们没有空房了。 Is it possible for you to change your reservation date? 您可不可以订别的 时间的? May I have your name/ your phone number/ your passport number? 我可 以知道您的名字、电话号码、护照号码吗? Id like to confirm your reservation. 我要确认一下您的预订。Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 预订客房 Dialogue A: Room Reservations. What can I do for you? B: Yes . Id like to cancel a reservation , for the travel schedule hasbeen changed. A: Thats OK. Could you tell me in whose name the reservation made? B: James. A: And the date of the reservation? B: From June 10th for 3 days. A: Excuse me, but is the reservation for yourself or for another party? B: Its for my brother. A:Well, may I have your name and phone number , please? B: Yes, its Hellen Green, and my number is 229-4298 A: Thank you, madam. I will cancel the reservation for June 10the for 3days. We look forward to another chance to serve you. B: Thank you all the same. A:Its my pleasure.Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 迎宾接待 Sentences必背金句 Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎来我们酒店。 Follow me please. 请跟我来。 Hope your enjoy your stay. 希望您住宿愉快! Good afternoon, madam and sir. Did you have a nice trip? 太太,先生 下午好!旅途愉快吗? I hope you will enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们酒店过得愉快!Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 迎宾接待 Dialogue 1A: Good morning. Welcome to Fudu Hotel. 早上好!欢迎来富都饭店。B: Good morning.早上好!A: How many pieces of baggage do you have? 您有多少件行李?B: Just there four. 就这四件。A: This way, please. 这边请。Dialogue 2A: Good afternoon. Welcome to Fudu Hotel. 早上好!欢迎来富都饭店。B: Thanks. Good afternoon. 下午好,谢谢!A: Im the doorman, sir. Let me help you with your baggage. 我是门童, 先生,让我来帮您提行李。B: Its so kind of you. 你真是太好了。A: The reception desk is straight ahead. After you. Please. 接待处就在前面,请您先走。Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 入住宾馆Sentences必背金句 Have you made a reservation, sir? 先生,您预订了吗? Let me see if theres a room available. 我查一下是否有空房。 Will you please fill in the registration form? 请您填一下这个登记表可以吗? Heres the key to Room 908 and your room card. Please keepthem. 这是908房间的钥匙和您的房卡。请您收好。 May I reconfirm your departure date? 我能再确认一下你们离店的日期吗?Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 入住宾馆 Dialogue 1A: Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir? 下午好,先生。我能为您做些什么?B: Good afternoon .Id like to check in.下午好,我想要办理住宿登记。A: Do you have a reservation? 您是否预订了房间?B: Yes, I do . My name is Betty Gables. 是的,我的名字是贝蒂 盖伯斯。 A: Thank you, Miss Gables. Let me check the computer谢谢您,盖伯斯小姐,我来查一下电脑。B: Sure. 好的。A: You re staying for three days, correct? 您要住3天,对吗?B: Thats right. 没错。Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 入住宾馆 Dialogue 2A: Good afternoon. Welcome to the Shangri-la Hotel. May I help you?午安,欢迎光临香格里拉大酒店。能为您效劳吗?B: Yes, Id like to check-in, please. 我要登记住宿。 A: Certainly, sir. May I have your name, please? 好的,请问大名?B: Yes, its Robert Zimmerman. 我叫劳勃特西摩门。 A: Do you have a reservation with us, sir? 先生,您有没有预约? B: Yes, for tonight. 有的,预约今晚。A: Just a moment, please. Ill check our reservation recordThank you for waiting, sir. Your reservation is for a single room for three nights. Could you fill out the registrations card, please? 请稍后,我查一下预约 记录。让您就等了,您预约了3个晚上的单人房。请填写这张登记卡好吗?B: Sure. (fill out card). 好的。(填写卡片)Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 入住宾馆 A: May I reconfirm your departure date? 请再确认您要哪一天离开好吗?B: Yes, I should be leaving on the 5th. 好的,我会在5号离开。A: How would you like to make payment? 您要如何付款?B: By American Express Card. 用美国运通信用卡。 A: May I take a print of the card, please? Thank you sir. Your room is #543 on the 5th Floor. Just a moment, please. A bell man will show you to your room. I hope you will enjoy your stay. 让我刷一下您的信用卡,好吗 ?谢谢您,先生。您的房间是五楼的543号。请稍后,服务员会带您过去,希望您住得愉快!返 回Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 提送行李必背金句 Sentences How many pieces of baggage do you have? 您有几见行李? Watch your step, please. 请小心走。 May I put your bags here? 我可以把行李放在这儿吗? Is this your baggage? 这是您的行李吗? Is this all you have? 这是您所有的东西吗? Ill get the baggage up to your room. 我会把行李送到您的房间去的。Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 投诉服务 dialogue 1A: Excuse me.对不起。B: Yes, Mr. Hendrickson. Can I help you?您好,亨德里克森先生。要我帮您吗?A: Yes. Id like to complain. This bill is wrong. Ive been overcharged. It says I sent two faxes from your business centre, but Ive never even been know where it is!是的,我要投诉,这个账单不对,多收我钱了。帐单上说我在商务中心发了两份传真,可我根本就没去过那儿,我甚至不知 道它在什么地方?B: I see, Mr. Hendrickson, So youve been charged for faxes you didnt send?明白了,亨德里克森先生,您是说您没有发过传真,我们却向您收 钱了?A: Yes, thats right. Im on holiday here. Why would I want to send faxes?是 的,没错。我是来这儿度假的,为什么要发传真呢?Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 投诉服务B: Mm, yes, I understand. Can you just wait one moment while I checkwith the business centre? 嗯,好的,我知道了。请您稍等一会,我来问 问商务中心,好吗?A: Ok. 好的。B: Could I have your passport, please, Mr. Hendrickson? 我看一下您的护 照,好吗,亨德利克森先生?A: Yeah, here you are. 给你。B: Thank you sirHello, Business Centre? Ive been speaking to(fade). 谢谢您,先生.喂,商务中心吗?.我刚才在.(渐弱)A: Well, sir, Im terribly sorry, but it appears weve made a mistake. The business centre confused you with a Mr H-e-n-d-e-r-s-o-n who is staying in the hotel at the moment. I must apologize for theinconvenience, Mr Hendrickson. 噢,先生,非常抱歉。看来是我们搞错了。商务中心把您和一个叫亨德森的先生混淆了,那位先生也住我们酒 店。很抱歉给您带来了不方便。B: Thats all right. Everyone makes mistakes. 没有关系,每个人都会犯错 误。Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 结账离店 Sentences必背金句 I want to check out now. 我现在想退房。 I need my bill, please. 请给我账单。 I have to pay my bill now. 我得把账给结了。 Well add it to your bill. 我们会加到你的账单上。Part 2 The Front Office 前台服务/ 结账离店 dialogue 1A: Can I help you, sir? 我能为您服务吗,先生?B: Yes, Im checking out. 是的我要退房了。A: Can I have your key and room number, please? 请将您的房间号码告诉 我,并将钥匙交给我。B: Room 1419. Heres my key. 1419号房,这是钥匙。A: Heres your bill, sir. Could you please check it? 这是您的账单,请您核对一下。B: Its all right. Please charge it to my credit card. (After a while)没错,请 您在我的信用卡上划账号吗?(过了一会)A: Here you are, sir. Youre all set. I hope you enjoyed your stay and that next time youre in town you will stay with us again. 给您,先生,一切 都办好了,希望您在这儿一切顺利,希望下次您来时还住我们这儿。B: I will. Thanks very much , and goodbye. 我会的,谢谢您。再见。返 回Part 3 The Food & Beverage Service餐饮服务 Unit 1 Table Reservation 预订桌位 Unit 2 Greeting and Seating 招呼入座 Unit 3 Taking Orders 点菜 Unit 4 Order Serving 上菜 Unit 5 Service During Taking a Meal 席间服务 Unit 6 Beverage Service 酒水服务 Unit 7 Dealing with Complaints 处理投诉 Unit 8 Paying the Bill 结账买单返 回


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