七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A(Grammar Focus-3d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit9Whatdosehelooklike SectionAGrammarFocus 3d 1 KeyPointsTalkaboutone slookandfeaturesbyusingthesentencespattern Whatdoeshe shelooklike 2 Sentences 1 Whatdotheylooklike Theyareofmediumbuild 2 Andheisreallyhandsome 3 Whatdoesyourfavoriteactororactresslooklike 3 WordsandExpressions 1 handsome actor actress person 2 looklike 看起来 长得 ofmediumbuild 中等身材 ofmediumheight 中等身高 GrammarFocus 1 询问人的长相 What do does S looklike What be S like S be adj S have has adj n looklike belike Whatdoeshelooklike Whatishelike Heistallandstrong Hehasshorthair 他长得什么样 他又高又壮 一头短发 2 头发S has have 漂亮 长短 形状 颜色 hair Shehasbeautifullongstraightblackhair 她有一头漂亮的又长又直的黑头发 3 Sentencesrelatedtoone sappearancesNeverjudgeapersonbyhislooks Neverjudgeabookbyitscover 不要以貌取人 Beautyisintheeyesofbeholder 情人眼里出西施Beautyisbutskin deep However beautyisinsidedeeper 美丽只是外表 红颜易变 真正的美源自内在 Beautyismorethanskin deep 美丽不只限于外表 3a Writethesewordsinthecorrectbox 3b Checkthecorrectwordstocompletetheconversation does is has Is isn t is have has is 3c Writeanswerstothesequestionsaboutdifferentpeople Thentellyourpartneraboutthem Heisofmiddlebuildbutalittleshort Hehasstraightshorthairandwearsglasses Sheisofmediumheight Sheisalittlethinandtall Shehascurlylongblackhair 3d Describesomeoneintheclass Askyourclassmatestoguesswhoyouaredescribing Thispersonisofmediumbuild hasbrownshorthairandroundface Er letmesee 1 Areyougoingtothemovietonight begoingto将要 计划 准备 表示近期 眼下就要发生的事情 一般指已经计划好的事情 而且是主语本身主动要做的事情 Heisgoingtowritealettertonight 他今晚准备写封信 2 Hehasbrownhairandwearglasses 1 hairu n 头发意为c n 毛皮Shehasgreyhair 她有一头灰白的头发 Thecathaswhitehairs 这只猫浑身白毛 2 wearvi 穿着 戴着 通常用来指穿衣服 鞋袜 戴手套 眼镜 帽子等 Wear后跟的名词不同 译成汉语意思也不同 Heoftenwearsawhiteshirtinsummer 夏天他常穿白衬衣 3 glassesn 眼镜无单数形式 表达 一副眼镜 可用apairofglasses glassu n 玻璃c n 玻璃杯Jacklikeswearingglasses 杰克喜欢戴眼镜 Theseglassesaremadeofglass 这些杯子是由玻璃做成的 3 Andheisreallyhandsome 而且他的确帅气 handsomeadj 帅 帅气 多用于描述男性 prettyadj 漂亮的 靓丽的 多用于描述女性 adv 相当 颇n 漂亮的人或物 MemorizeandrecitethesentencespatterninGrammarFocus Exceedandexcel striveforperfection

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