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开场:杨:Good morning , ladies and gentlmen .郑:Good morning , my teachers and friends. 老师们,同学们,大家好杨:Im David , Im in Class 4,Grade 5.郑:Im Anna , Im in Class 5, Grade 4.杨:Learn English .Speak English. Enjoy English. Love English. We all like English.郑:我们听英语,听出不一样的快乐,我们说英语,说出多彩校园生活,。我们演英语,演出属于我们自己的STILE.郑:Welco me to our English Festival .杨:Welcome to Zhong Shanlu School 郑:First, lets get to know the guests. 杨:首先,让我们一起认识今天到场的嘉宾。他们是:1. 中山路小学校长致辞 (10 mins)郑: Lets welcome Pricipal Mr Chen.杨:有请陈校长致辞。2. 欧文英语校长致辞(10 mins)郑:Thank you, Mr. Chen.杨: Lets welcome the principal Ms. Xu, from Owen Englsih.郑:有请欧文英语俆校长致辞。3. 签字仪式杨:the Sighing ceremony.郑:签字仪式4. 外籍老师代表致辞 (5 mins) 装扮成圣诞老人,发糖杨:Look,whos coming?郑:Santa Clause is coming. 5. 学生代表致辞(5 mins) 杨: How happy we are to have such a foreign English teacher class in our school!郑:在学校就可以有高质的外籍老师英语课,我们是多么高兴啊!Lets welcome William from Class 5, Grade 4.杨: 有请来自四年级五班的张茂桥同学发言。6. 中山路小学学生节目表演四年级:On, in under. Apple song. (歌曲表演唱)郑:David,do yo like singing English songs?杨: Yes, yes.郑:Lets enjoy the English songs from Grade 4. On, in under. Apple song.杨: 请欣赏四年级歌曲表演。On, in under. Apple song.三年级:A story telling (3 mins) 王佳琦郑:I like the story, The Three pigs. Do you like it?杨: Yes, yes.郑:Lets enjoy a story telling the three pigs.杨: 请欣赏三年级的英语讲故事。三只小猪。7. 外籍教师与学生互动游戏 Bingo有关衣服和颜色(十分钟左右)郑:Hello, Ben.Ben:六年级:I saw the wind (诗歌朗诵) 郑:I saw the wind. 杨: Nor you or I.郑:but when the leaves are falling.杨: I know the wind is passing by.郑:请欣赏六年级诗歌朗诵:I saw the wind.一年级二年级:: whats your name? Head, shoulders, knees and toes.(歌曲表演唱) How are you? ABC song. (歌曲表演唱)郑:English songs and chants help us learn English. 杨: Lets welcome the little children from Grade 1 and 2. they will sing for us.郑:有请一二年级的弟弟妹妹们带来的歌曲表演唱whats your name? Head, shoulders, knees and toes. How are you? ABC song. Ending :郑:我们读英语,读遍世界的每个角落杨:我们唱英语,唱出身边真善美的歌。郑: 同学们,让我们喊出我们的口号I believe , I can do .Thank you , my teachers . Thank you , my friends .Merry Christmas and happy new year.


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