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bother to do something He didnt bother to answer the question.bother doing somethingbother about/with He didnt bother with a reply.indicate (to sb.) sth/that 显示,展现ensure + sth ensure + that (后面直接跟陈述语气,不跟should be) 错误:ensure sb. to do sth. (prep2-227)Appear:系动词 =seem动词 appear to do/ that(虚拟)enshrine in或be enshrined in (enshrine通常用被动语态) “铭记,珍藏,供奉“inhabit vt 居住于. somewhere be inhabited by e.g: The woods are inhabited by many wild animalsallege “断言,宣称”be alleged to do 错误 be alleged as doingclaim to doclaim thatadvise sb to do sthadvise that错误搭配sb be adviced by sb to do/thatsb advice sb that.permit sb to do sth错误搭配:permit sb doingpermit thatsb be permitted sthaid sb/sthaid in doing/for sth (vi.)aid in/to doing sth (n.) use to do错误 use doingforce sb to do sth错误 force sb doing sth force sb thatforbid sthforbid sb to do sthforbid sb doing sth错误 forbid thatpersuade sb to do sth错误persuade that.believe thatbelieve sth to be错误believe sth that (believe不可加双宾)pronounce “断言,宣布”pronounce sb sthpronounce sth/sb adj: The victim was pronounced dead on arrival.(用法同consider)prevent/prohibit/stop/keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事allow that承认allow for考虑到, 允许allow sb. to do sth.允许;allow sth. to be done错误 allow + sb. + 动作性名词 allow + 动作性名词 *注意allow表示允许时,不可加从句design的固定搭配design sth to do sth be designed for sb/sth be designed as sthbe designed with sth错误 design dong sth prohibit固定搭配:(prep221)prohibit sthprohibit from doingprohibit sb from doing错误搭配prohibit that;prohibit sb from sth; prohibit sth. to be done announce sth to sb 或者 announce to sb sth (相当于宾语后置)announce a decision/intention/plan (在这个时候如果plan等后面接to do不会产生to do做状语修饰announce的歧义) *:The government has announced plans to create 10,000 new jobs.announce (that)announce somebody/yourself 通报.的到达;通知.已准备好(注意这个短语有专门意思)错误用法:announce to do/be sth.enable sb. to do sth. 错误搭配:enable sth. to be done by sb后面不接被动语态的动词或动词短语:lead; cause; enable; become; receive; visit; Lack; enter; cost; possess; resemble; last; like; enjoy; notice; watch; look at; listen to; pay attention to; suit; fit; contain; so as to do; be able to do; be likely to doconceive的固定搭配 “设想,构想”(cannot) conceive of (doing) sthconceive of sth/sb as sth (to be)conceive that (不用虚拟语气) conceive what/why/how etc conceive sth. (such as idea)conclude的固定搭配:(1) conclude by doing sth./ conclude with sth.:以结束,借此后面接的是结束的方式、行为 e.g. Each chapter concludes with a short summary.(2) conclude to :达成而结束The negotiations do not conclude to the United States governments satisfaction, *:conclude可以做及物动词也可以做不及物动词presume的固定搭配,表示假设:presume thatI presume well be there by six oclock.presume somebody/something to be somebody/something (被动即sth. presumed to be)From the way he talked, I presumed him to be your presumed to do somethingThe temple is presumed to date from the first century BC.Except的固定搭配:1. except for (except prep.): 用于非同类事物,它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事。 例如: The room was very cold and, except for Jack, entirely empty. 2. except (vt.):指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分,强调的是除去。 例如:He gets up early every day except Sunday. 。 有时except与except for可以换用,例如: Except for(=except) John, the whole class passed the test. 全班同学除约翰外,全都通过了考试。 *:1.2.在GMAT中不适用,GMAT中并不讲究except与except for的区别,故删去。 3. except that表达的语意与except近似,只是后面要跟从句。 4. except to/against 反对 e.g. except to a statement 反对一项声明5. but:常可与 except互换,强调不在其中。 例: Everyone attended the meeting but Mary.大家都出席了这次会议,但玛丽不在其列。 6. besides:强调除此之外,还包括。 例: She can speak French and Japanese besides English.7. apart from:其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides. 例: Apart from the coat, the hat doesnt suit me.除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。8.excepting 只适合用在not, only, always, or without后.Ex. Everyone helped, not excepting JohnWe must all obey the law, not without excepting the king.(except只有做介词时,后才能加加介词,excepting for绝对错)Require的固定搭配:1.Require sb./sth. to do sth. (不定式可用被动形式) Require sb. doing错误 2.Require (of sb.) that + 原v 需要某人做某事 (要求,命令) 3.require sth of sb. that + 虚拟语气省略should + do/be 某物对某人做某事来说是必须的 sth. be required sb. to do reuqire of sb. that (sth 的部分由于过长,比如是个that从句,则句子倒装)Ex. Because of the enormous research and development expenditures required of firms to survive in the electronics industry, an industry marked by rapid innovation and volatile demand, such firms tend to be very large. 4.require doing (require主动表被动含义):如A require making known to B. A需要被B知道 *:错误表达: Require of sb. to do Require sb. that (require 若和that搭配,则跟sb.之间要有of) Require sb. doing错误limit的固定搭配:n. : limit on sth.; Theres a limit on the time you have to take the test.limit to do sth. Theres a limit to what we can do to help.limit for sb./sth. The time limit for making claims is three months.vt.: limit sb. to sth.; limit sth. (to sth.); be limited to sthintend的固定搭配: (prep2-227)intend的动作发出者必须是生物。 verb.intend sb/sth to do sth. I didnt intend her to see the painting until it was finished. intend to do/doing sth. (后面跟to do和ing都可以) intend tha be intended to do sth.:被用来做某事 be intended for somebody/something:表示书、电影、药品等专为而设计或制造。 noun. with intent to do sth 注意intent前没有the He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robbery. intent of doing intent on/upon (doing) sth: She was intent on pursuing a career in business. intent on/upon 专注于 Intent upon her work, she didnt notice the cold. intention of doing sth. GMAT中通常不用intention to do sth.而只用intention of doing sth. Expect的固定搭配:prep1-183意为“预料”时:sth. be expected to do/be;指望,期望it is expected that 预期 (与上着一个意思,但是没有上者简洁)(prep 1-107)expect to do sth.expect sb./sth. to do sth.expect thatexpect sth.意为“想要“时:expect sth. from sb.expect sb. to do sth.错误用法:sth. be expected for sth. to do(也就是说for sth.不能加)sth. be expected that 错 (T-4-Q31)it is expected for stb. to do累赘,不如直接用sth. be expected to do/beexpect sb. that 错Date的固定搭配date. to N years ago 可追溯sth到.几年,强调发生的时间点 ex. The teeth and jawbones found in Tanzania by Dr. Mary Leakey and dating to 3.75 million years ago are the oldest reliably dated human N years old 年代判定、鉴别/ 年份有.年之久,强调发生到现在经过的时间有多长ex. Fossils of the arm of a sloth, found in Puerto Rico in 1991, have been dated at 34 million years old, making the sloth the earliest known mammal on the Greater Antilles back(to)( have its origin) ex. The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand from (to reckon from some point in time) ex. The concept of the grand jury dates from the twelfth century.(感觉二者意思上区别不大)sth be credit with/to错误sth be credit as/for sb credit sth with/to sth e.g. Picasso, credited African art with having had a strong influence on his sb with sth 归功于without doing错误 without ones doingcontrastwith.see/view/regard sth as (错误 view sth like/to be)be responsible for (doing) sthbe responsible to sb错误be responsible to do sth be necessary to do错误 be necessary for/ in doinginvest money in sth 错误 invest money into sth distinguish A from Bdistinguish between A and Brange range ofTend to do sth 倾向于做某事Tend to sb/sth 照顾reach for sth. 伸手抓某物;reach of sb. 在某人能触及到的范围内estimate at+ 价格等数量词estimate to be + 其他 it is estimated to be 30 years old.act as 形容具有某种功能 the breakwater act as a bufferact like 像某种行为 he act like a foolpay some money for sth 买东西pay some money for ding sth 因做了sth 赔偿多少钱evidence of sth sth的证据evidence for sth 支持sth的证据have a responsibility to do have/take responsibility for (doing) sthbe in control ofkeep/have/bring sth under controlget/take/presume/lose control ofthe power to dothe power of + sth错误 the power of + doing sth the risk of sth/doing sth错误 the risk to do sththe need (for sb) to do错误the need thatthe importance of sththe importance that.the possibility of doingthe possibility that错误the possibility to dobe in danger of doing sth错误be in danger to sth have a danger of/that举例的错误搭配as an instance for instance/examplesuch as to do (such as 后只加 n./doing)like to dorescue sb from sthbe marked by sth 以为特点,特征be native to 原产于expend sth. in/on (doing) sth. 花费,消耗A preceded by B意思为B先进,然后A进marge A with Bthe rivalry between A and BA as varied as B B用来解释,举例A (A,B平行) + n.(短语) 注意不能加从句an authority on sthIt may well be that 很可能A as a means to B A是B的一种方式 加v-ing作宾语的verbacknowledge, avoid, admit, enjoy, escape, suggest, assure, advocate, forbid, permit, favor, resist, recommend, risk, involve, deny, include, proposegive up, credit to, aim at, contribute to, object to, in contrast to, be supposed to, be opposed to, amount to, lead to, be exposed/ committed/ limited/devoted to, be/become/accustomed/used toaid sb in doing, accuse sb of doing加to do作宾语的verbafford, agree, appear/seem, arrange, choose, claim, come(逐渐), elect, endeavor, expect, fail, promise, refuse, seek, select, threaten, venture, offer, prefer, use加 to do作宾补的verb v. sth/sb todoadvise, allow, compel, cause, enable, invite, inspire, convice, expect, lead, require, use ,orderredunancy word list:lag behind, by xx% (less)from . (down/up) torise (higher)then . (subsequently)now . (currently)(to someone,) Paris is someones homeenable someone to (be able to)continue, and (have already done)(up) untilper capita consumption . (per person)each year . (annually)(consistently) . doing sth.also . (as well)the more ., the more ., become (increaseingly)there is (continuous) sth occurringsomeone is doing sth (continuously)(so) in order tothen (later)then (subsequently)sufficient (enough)前面应被后面替换小结: which that, that which, the thing that= what not any = no not ever = never which is that=that the thing that/that which=what (引导主从)the only thing that=all (the only thing that has to be done all one has to do) at the time after=after while being=as (as表过程,随着) A is what is the B 中what is可以省略, A is the B wanting to do=to do what the effects=the effects otherpeople/things=others that of his own=his own (前者双重所有格) something of whom=whose sth. but instead=but (windmaple: but后面接名词是不能有instead的,因为but是介词;但是如果but后面接动词就变成了连词,中间加副词instead没问题。例老prep SC1 73:Evolutionary psychology holds that the human mind is not a blank slate but instead comprises specialized mental mechanisms that were developed to solve specific problems human ancestors faced millions of years ago.) with the exception of = except up until=until (until已经包括了up的含义。 until: conj.(=up to the time when)到.时为止; prep.(介词)Up to the time of;Before (a specified time):用在否定句) with none of = without but still=but different from that which=different than (不同于different from(用different from正确) His way of living is different than ours.他的生活方式跟我们的不同。 You look different than before.你看上去跟从前不同了. date at which = when in the event that = ifplan on doingas be the case withnot so much(that)as(that) 与其说。不如说。(比较结构) as muchas


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