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比较级句型表示最高级的含义英语中用比较级句型可以表示最高级的含义,较为常见的有下列几种形式:1、直接使用比较级How beautiful she sings! Ive never heard a better voice.= She has the best voice Ive ever heard.她唱得多好啊!这是我听到的最美的歌喉。I have never read a more interesting novel.= It is the most interesting novel Ive ever read.这是我读过的最有趣的小说。2、比较级 + than + the other + 复数名词/ the rest of + 复数名词/ + any of the other + 复数名词/ + any other + 单数名词(比较双方属于同一类别或同一范围内。即表示“同一范围内的一者比其他的更.”)。/ + any + 单数名词(比较双方不属于同一类别或同一范围内。即表示“不同范围内的一者比其他任何一者都更.”)。She goes to school earlier than the other girls.她比其他女孩早上学。He works harder than any other student.她学习最用功。China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia.中国是亚洲最大的国家Shanghai is larger than any city in Africa 。3、比较级 + than + anything/ anyone elseGeorge did more work than anyone else.乔治干活最多。Tom cared more for money than for anything else汤姆最喜欢钱。4、在比较句型中使用 no, nobody, nothing 等词。I like nothing better than swimming.我最喜欢游泳。Nobody can do the work better than he did.这项工作他做得最出色。No other building is as grand as the new hotel.新建的宾馆是当地最豪华的。5. 在使用这一结构时须要注意:使用这一结构来表达同一范畴中最高级含义时,切记不可出现自身比较错误。如下面的翻译句子:中国是所有亚洲国家中最大的一个。如果译为:China is larger than all the countries in Asia. ()China is larger than any country in Asia. ()应译为:China is larger than any other country in Asia.China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia.China is larger than the others in Asia.China is larger than any of the others in Asia. 形容词比较级表示最高级含义的几个例子1.-Youcouldnthavechosenanygiftbetterforme.-Imgladyoulikeitsomuch.译文:-“你给我选择的礼物是最好的。”-“我非常高兴你如此喜欢它。”2.-YaoMinghasbegunhisnewseasoninNBA.-Yes,hecouldnthavewishedforabetterstarttothenewNBAyear.Hescored19pointsin20minutesintheopeninggame.译文:-“姚明已经开始了他NBA的新赛季。”-“是的,新的NBA之年,他已经有了最好的开端。开局20分钟就进了19个球。”3.-Doyouthinkourbasketballplayersplayedverywellyesterday?-Theycouldnthavedonebetter.译文:-“你认为我们的篮球队员昨天打得好吗?”-“他们打得棒极了。”4.-Howbeautifulshesings!-Ihaveneverheardabettervoice.译文:-“她的歌唱的多么动听呀!”-“我从来都没听过这么好的歌。”5.Wehaveneverhadabetterday.(=Thisisthebestdaythatwevehad.)译文:“这是我们最好的日子。”请练习翻译下列句子:1.-Howdoyoufindthesoupinmyrestaurant?-Ihaveneverhadsuchdelicioussoupbefore.2.-Bob,youcantsmokeanymore.Itwilldamageyourhealth.-Iknow,Iwillstopsmoking.Believeme.3.-SusanhasaverylowopinionofTom.-Itcantbeanyworsethanhisofher.4.Look,howdepressedheis!Hesnevergotaworseresultinhislife.5.-Ifourcaptainwouldlistenmore,hewouldunderstandusbetter.-Icannotagreemore.Hejustexpectsustolisten.6.-Theweatherisntgoodenoughforanouting,isit?-No,notintheleast.Wecouldnothaveaworsedayatthistimeofyear.7.Thereisnoexperienceyoucanhavethatismoreexcitingthanskatingonrealice.参考答案:1.-“你觉得我们餐馆的这道汤怎么样?”-“这是我喝过的最美味的汤。”2.-“鲍勃,你抽烟太多了。它对你身体有害。”-“我知道,请相信我。我会忌的。”3.-“苏萨对汤姆的评价不高。”-“汤姆对苏萨的评价也极差。”4.瞧,他是多么的沮丧呀!这是他有生以来最倒霉的事。5.-希望我们的船长能多听听我们的想法,那么他就会更了解我们。-我完全不同意你的看法,他只是要我们听他的。6.-今天外出天气不够好,是吗?-是的,一点也不好。每年的这个时候天气最糟糕。7.可能没有比你在真正的冰上滑冰更能令你兴奋的了。(在真正的冰上滑冰最令人感到兴奋。学以致用:1.- Is Tokyo the largest city in Japan?- Yes, its larger than in Japan .A. any city B. any other city C. any cities D. all the cities .2. China is larger than _ in Asia and also larger than _ in Europe.A. any country; any country B. any country; any other countryC. any other country; any country D. any other country; any other country3.Mike gets to school earlier than any other student in his class.= Mike gets to school earlierthan students in his class.= Mike gets to school earlier than students in his class.= Mike gets to school in his class.4.Mr Smith ,our English teacher , is older than student in our class.A. any other B. the other C. any D. any of theKey:1.B. 2.C 3.any of the other / the other / earliest 4 .


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