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龙文教育一对一个性化辅导教案学生 学校年级9次数第 10 次科目英 语教师王老师日期时段课题Unit 6教学重点1. 听说训练2. 单词、短语及句型讲解教学难点知识点的运用教学目标掌握本节课所学内容 教学步骤及教学内容一、教学衔接: 1、检查学生的作业,及时指点; 2、通过沟通了解学生的思想动态和了解学生的本周学校的学习内容。二、内容讲解: 1 balanced形容词,意为:平稳的,平衡的。 balance 作名词,意为:平衡;作动词,意为:均衡;权衡;使平衡2 (cant) tear oneself away from对.难以释手,勉强离开,舍不得离开。eg:I found it hard to tear myself from my new friends.3 a bit of:意为:一点;后接不可数名词,相当于a little。 eg:There is a bit of/a little food left.4 a bit意为:稍微,有点;做程度副词,修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级等,相当于a little。 eg: Will you please turn down the radio a bit/a little?5 a large amount of + 不可数名词,表示:大量的. eg: A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.三、课堂总结与反思: 带领学生对本次课授课内容进行回顾、总结四、作业布置:学生回家后巩固练习管理人员签字: 日期: 年 月 日作业布置1、学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差 备注:2、本次课后作业: Homework的内容主任点评 家长签字: 日期: 年 月 日龙文教育一对一个性化讲义学生姓名: 年级: 9 第 10 次 上课日期: 2017 年 月 日 上课时段: 点课题名称: Unit 6 1、 错题回顾( ) 8.Both the teachers and the students are working hard in order to finish our joy ahead of time. A. at first B. in advance C. in time( ) 3. Could you lend me _ books?. A. three another B. three more C. more three( ) 8. -I believe I can do _ next time. -_.A. better; Good luck B. best; Good luck C. better; Well done( ) 11. Its hard work, the man enjoys it _.A. althoughB. yetC. though( ) 17. They look as _ they know each other.A. althoughB. sinceC. though11. They did _ (bad), so they lost the game. 18. I can _ (hard) believe my eyes. Shes so beautiful. 2、 内容讲解短语均衡饮食 订餐,点菜 油炸食品 软饮料(不含酒精) 体格检查 减肥 一点儿(后接不可数名词) 许多大量 通常,大体上 给自己买某物 对不健康,无意于的健康 Getting ready部分1. Read a conversation about a balanced diet. a balanced diet均衡饮食 balanced形容词,意为:平稳的,平衡的 balance 作名词,意为:平衡;作动词,意为:均衡;权衡;使平衡 The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam. The dancer can balance on one toe. Thechildcouldnt onhisnewbicycle.孩子骑车时不能保持平衡。 Youhavetobalancetheadvantagesoflivinginabigcityagainstthe disadvantages. Please try to byeatingmorefruitandlessfat. 多吃些水果,少摄入些脂肪,使饮食均衡合理.2.Learn to express preferences. preference此处用作可数名词,意为:偏爱,喜好 A polar bear has a preference for cold weather. (偏爱) I willgivepreferencetodesignerswhohave relevant experience.(优先选择,此时用作不可数) prefer动词,意为:更喜欢,宁愿 prefer A to B. 相对于B更喜欢A prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事 Which one do you prefer, milk or coffee? I prefer (sing) to (dance).Reading部分1. How does that sound to you? 相当于what do you think of that?,询问对方对某事的看法。2. Ive decided to stay away from fried food and soft drinks. 1)decide to do sth. He has decided to go abroad.The children decided (clean) their school yard before Halloween. 2)stay away from 离开,不接近My mom advised me to stay away from those naughty boys.The doctor told him to fat food.医生叫他不要吃高脂肪食物。 【拓展】(cant) tear oneself away from对.难以释手,勉强离开,舍不得离开 I found it hard to tear myself from my new friends. The novelis soinstructivethatIcan hardlytearmyselfawayfromit. Can you fromtheTVtonight?你舍得不看今晚的电视吗?3. The doctor said that I needed to lose a bit of weight by avoiding fat,oil and suagr. 1)lose weight 减肥,相当于take off weight. 2)a bit of 意为:一点儿,后接不可数名词。 He knows a bit of French. Tom has a bit of money. 辨析:a bit of与a bit a bit of意为:一点;后接不可数名词,相当于a littleThere is a bit of/a little food left.a bit意为:稍微,有点;做程度副词,修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级等,相当于a littleWill you please turn down the radio a bit/a little?Shes a bit/a little afraid of the teacher?The patient feels a bit/a little better today. I dont mind . 我一点都不介意。 The next timeyouneed toyourself,pick upa book. 下次当你需要一点自我放松的时间时,你可以选本书来读。 He needs to work in training.他需要在训练中表现得更加努力一些。4. He also stated that its necessary for me to have a more balanced diet. state此处用作及物动词,意为:说明,陈述 He stated his case before a judge.5.A balanced diet means having different kinds of healthy food every day. 1)mean doing sth. 意为:意味着做某事,其主要通常是表示事物的词。 Missing this train means waiting for another hour. Ifhelefthis wife,itwouldmean (leave)hischildrentoo. 【拓展】 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 I meant to give you this book today,but I forgot. 2)different kinds of 不同种类的 Theyplanteddifferentkindsofflowersintheirgarden.6. Research shows that each day you should have plenty of fruit,vegetables and grain products such as noodles and bread. plenty of 意为:大量的,许多的,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。 There is plenty of rain here. Experts have plenty of suggestions. There (be) plenty of fish in the sea.7. And, in general you should have fewer dairy products and eggs,and less meat. 1)in general 意为:通常,大体上In general, I agree with you. How do you think aboutthisingeneral?Peoplejustliketobearoundenthusiasticpeopleingeneral. 2)区分fewer和less.8. Then I treated myself to some ice cream for a snack.treat oneself to sth. 给自己买某东西 She treated herself to a new dress.【拓展】treat oneself/sb. to sth. 还可意为:招待自己/某人吃某物 Ill treat you to lunch. Ifyoutreatme a cupofcoffee,I (buy) youdinner.9. We have a large amount of time to get there.a large amount of + 不可数名词,表示:大量的.A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.10. David paid for Jim because Jim was out of money. 1)pay此处用作不及物动词,意为:支付 pay for sb.替某人付款 pay for sth.付款买某物 How much did you pay for these s? Let me pay for you. 【拓展】pay 还可用作及物动词, pay (sb.)+钱+for sth. 给(某人)钱买某物 You havent paid the doctor yet. I paid the shopkeeper 10 dollars for the book. It wasfoolishness moneyforsuch adress. 为了这样一件衣服花这么多钱,真是笨到家了。 相关短语: pay back 报复,偿还 pay off 还清 I swear to payback everything I owed you. Some day Ill pay you back for this! It would take him the rest of his life topay offthat loan. 2)(be) out of意为:缺乏,没有 We are out of food. The book is out of print.这书绝版了。 To ask $5000forasmallhouselikethatis . 那麽小的一幢房子索价五千美元是没有道理的。Weallhavedreamsthatseem . 我们都有一个看起来似乎无法实现的梦想。11. Our eyes and ears are filled with advertisements for new food products. be filled with意为:充满,装满 ;相当于be full of. The bottle is filled with water. The classroom is full of students.Hereyes filled ofjoy.她眼里饱含着幸福的泪水。12.We should be careful when we are choosing our food. be careful of/with sth. be careful (not) to do sth. 当心不要做某事/小心谨慎做某事 Be careful of your health. You must be careful not to lose the key. Weshould becareful themistakesofthe past.我们应当小心避免重复过去的错误。 Youcantbe them. 你对他们再谨慎也不过分。 辨析:be careful,take care与look outbe careful是一般的警告或劝告用语,可用于各种情况Youd better be careful with your handwriting.take care语气不那么强,多用于对可能出现的不测作出预先的提醒或警告Its the first time for you to travel alone.You must take care.look out语气最强,用于某种紧急的情况或可能出现危险的场合Look out! Youll hit the car.3、 课堂练习一、根据汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1. Customers can now o_ food online. 2. Try to get the best p_ at me the lowest price. 3. Have you taken my _(三明治)away? 4. What type of food is rich in_(脂肪)? 5. I like eating bread with _(糖)in it. 6. We will do anything _(必要的) to stop them. 7. I t_ myself to a big dinner in a restaurant nearby. 8. In fact, a bad eating habit is u_ for you. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I play soccer instead of_(play)computer games.2. Things have gone from_ to _(bad).3. They are made from various_(kind)of things.4. We believe that he _ (go) to school tomorrow.5. I think it impossible_(master)a foreign language without much memory work.6. The bottle is _ (fill) with water.7. I would like _ (eat) a hamburger and some cakes.8. Ive decide _ (stay) away from fried food and soft drinks.三、找出划线部分同义近义词1, Please write a food review to give us some suggestions after you taste it. ( )A, menu B, reason C, comment 2, Water and air are necessary in our daily life and we cant lack them. ( )A, needed B, expensive C, important 3, Having plenty of vegetables everyday is good for your health. ( )A, a little B, enough C, a large amount of 4, I felt terrible after hearing the bad news ( ) A, happy B, excited C, frightened 5, You should try to avoid eating unhealthy food because it is bad for your health ( )A, agree B, remain C, keep away from 4、 课堂小结 同学 2017年 11 月 日 课后作业 授课教师: 王老师 时间: 分钟 满分: 分 得分: 分Where there is a will,there is a way!单项选择1. Do you know _ buy the book Harry Potter? The book is _ popular that you can buy it at any bookshop. A. where can I; soB. where can I; such C. where I can; so D. where I can; such2. My teacher told me _. A. it was never too late to learnB. if it is never too late to learn C. that it is never too late to learnD. that is it never too late to learn3. How do you learn English well? _ listening to English songs. A. ByB. WithC. In D. On4. I _ in Guangzhou since I was born. A. livedB. am livingC. have livedD. will live5. I become healthier and healthier because my diet is _. A. balanceB. balancingC. balancedD. to balance6. If you want to keep healthy, you should have _ fruit every day. A. manyB. a number ofC. plenty ofD. a few7. We have _ eggs in the fridge. Please get some from the supermarket. A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few8. The music sounds _. Could you turn it off ? A. wonderfulB. wonderfullyC. terribleD. terribly9. In order to keep healthy, we decide to _ away from fast food. A. preventB. stayC. stopD. run10. Doing exercise can help you lose a bit of _. A. heightB. widthC. weightD. length语法选择We dont have electrical accidents very often But when they happen, you should know _1_ to do. Even if you cant help _2_ at the time, you can still tell the adults and others around how_3_ you. So it is very important for everyone to learn _4_about them. Sometimes electrical accidents can lead to fires. Electrical fires are different_5_ other fires. Water conducts electricity. So _6_ water on an electrical fire can only make the fire. Here is_7_: 1. Never use water on an electrical fire; 2. Turn _8_the power in the house; 3. If the fire is not a large one, tell an adult _9_it out in a safe way. If the fire is very large, leave the house and take everyone with you; 4. Call 119 and tell _10_ police about the electrical fire. At last, leave the fire address and your name. 1. A. that B. how C. when D. what 2. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself 3. A. save B. to save C. saving D. to saving4. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing5. A. at B. of C. from D. with 6. A. throwing B. to throwing C. threw D. throw 7. A. what you should remember B. what should you remember C. you should remember what D. should you remember what 8. A. on B. out C. off D. down 9. A. put B. putting C. to put D. puts 10. A. a B. an C. the D. /选择恰当的词组完成下列句子。如有必要,须改变词组形式。每个词组仅用一次。balanced diet dairy product stay away from fried food soft drink medical examination lose weight plenty of in general treat oneself to1. Too much_ may cause different illness. It can also make you very fat.2. Every day , we need to have some _,like milk and yogurt. 3. A _ is quite important to our health. It means you need to take in different kind of food. 4. It is not a good idea to have _before dinner. 5. Doctors advise us to have a _ at least once a year. 6. I think youd better _the grass. 7._, children today are healthier than in the past, and receive a better education. 8. Im going to _a new pair of shoes. 9. Ken, you look much bigger now, I suppose you need to_. 10. We need to drink _water every day.

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