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BEC中级词组归纳 Unit 1 a Teamwork专有名词: Poland 波兰 Wroclaw 弗罗茨瓦夫(波兰西南部城市) Warsaw 华沙(波兰首都) Czech 捷克 词组:to allocate roles 分配角色make a contribution 做出贡献take on responsibility 承担责任team staff 团队成员bring in experts 引进专家bring in a consultant 引进一名顾问put on discos 表演迪斯科work on managerial skills 致力于管理技能wait for decisions 等待决定come up with an idea 想出办法set up the aims 设定目标work towards a common objective 朝着共同的目标努力 share information 共享信息 different points of view 不同的观点 under pressure 有压力teamwork n . 团队合作 toiletries n . 化妆品厂,清洁、化妆用品公司 major brands 主导品牌 sales department 销售部门 company culture 公司文化(也作enterprise culture) expatriate n . 旅居海外的,移居国外的 management consultant 管理顾问 managerial skills 管理技能creative thinking 创新思维team-building 团队建设effective management style 有效的管理方式 food and accommodation 食宿 a survival course 生存技巧培训课 (生存课程)profile n . 简介、小传、概况 board games 董事会竞赛游戏、管理层竞赛游戏 simulation n . 模拟训练 marketing mania 营销激情go for profit 追求利润 behind schedule 进度落后与计划、迟于预定时间 stick to the schedule 严格按计划进行co-operative 齐心协力的 have communication problems 交流有困难 attach importance to team building 重视团队建设 develop team work 开拓团队协作 an effective team 精锐的团队 a high-performance team 高效的团队 exchange of views 交流看法 emphasize team spirit 强调团队精神 share the same values 具有相同的价值观 collective efforts 共同努力 work in a team 团队合作 co-operate with each other 相互合作 share ideas 交流想法 help each other with homework 做作业时相互帮助 test each other on texts covered 对已学的课文相互检测 e-mail each other 互相发电子邮件 learn from other peoples strong points 学人所长 find out what problems you have 找出自身的缺点Unit 1 b Communication 专有名词: Ericsson 全名为 Ericsson Telecommunications,(瑞典)爱立信电讯公司 Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都) Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都) Scandinavian 斯堪的纳维亚 (北欧地区,包括挪威、瑞典、丹麦、冰岛等国家) Copenhagen 哥本哈根(丹麦首都) Danish Telecommunications Trade Fair 丹麦电子通讯交易会 词组: cater for 迎合value for money 物超所值business affairs 公司事务launch a new product(product launching) 发布新产品international communication 国际交流official language 官方,正式语言make a complaint 抱怨,投诉change an arrangement 更改安排give feedback 意见反馈,给与反馈ask for permission 请求许可confirm arrangements 确认安排,约会language skills 语言技能 exceed vt . 超越、超过 over-estimate vt . 过高地估计manageable adj . 便于管理的 understate vt . 打着折扣地说、轻描淡写地说 culture-specific 某一文化所特有的 work environment 工作环境 business field (the business world) 商界seminar n . 研讨会、讨论会management n . (企业、机关的)管理人员、经理部 follow-up evaluation 后续评估supplier n . 供应商 department training budget 部门培训预算deadline n . 最终期限 voice mail 语音信息 answering machine 录音电话(英国英语用answer phone) half-year sales report 半年度销售报告 complimentary ticket 免费赠送的票native speaker 操本族语的人 time schedule 时间安排表snail-mail 传统的信件(因其投递速度慢而以“蜗牛”snail喻之) time-consuming 费时 save time/trouble 省时间,不麻烦 raise the efficiency in your work 提高工作效率 in written form 以书面的形式 refer to it any time you like 你随时可拿来参考 the fast speed makes it difficult to follow 语速太快跟不上 local accent 地方口音 idiomatic language 俗语 fail to understand the slang expressions 不能理解俚语 differences in cultural background create barriers in communication 文化背景差异造成交际障碍 cannot appreciate English culture-specific humour 难以欣赏英语文化中特有的幽默 Self-study and exam practice 词组: personnel manager 人事经理 recruitment method 招聘方法 have everything to do with 与关系密切 curriculum vitae 个人简历、履历(常略为CV) body language 体势语言 human factor 人为因素 aggressive adj . 咄咄逼人的、好斗的 interview n . vt . 面试 chief executive 总裁、总经理 confirm vt . 确认 indicate vt . 显示、表明 wares n . 货物、商品 professional n . 专业人员 insurance company 保险公司Unit 2 a Entertaining a client 专有名词: Covent Garden 科文特加登(英国伦敦一广场名,曾为伦敦主要水果、花卉和蔬菜市场) Rio (Rio de Janeiro的简略形式)里约热内卢(巴西港口城市) 词组: customer satisfaction form 顾客满意情况问卷表 complete the form 填写表格 questionnaire n . 调查表、问卷 criteria n . 标准(为criterion的复数形式) atmosphere n . 氛围、情调 attentiveness n . 殷勤、周到 value for money 物有所值程度 objective n . 目标、目的 enhance vt . 提高、增加 mezzanine n . (尤指介于一层与二层之间的)中层楼 reasonable prices 合理的价格 interior design 室内装修 group dining 团体用餐 group menu 团体餐菜单 catering requirement 餐饮要求 tour groups 旅游团 birthday party 生日聚会 corporate events 公司社交活动 wine tasting 品酒会 company presentations 公司业务报告会 business trip 公务旅行 vegetarian n . 素食者 salad n . 色拉 steak n . 牛排 Unit 2 b Corporate hospitality 专有名词: Milan 米兰(意大利北部城市) West End 伦敦西区(伦敦的娱乐中心,也以高档商店、剧院著名) 词组:business entertainment 商务接待set up (build) the business relationship 建立贸易关系a fact finding mission 实地考察sight seeing 观光旅游key(valuable) customer 重要客户VIP(very important person)finalise details 确定(合同)细节golden rules 黄金法则personal consultant 私人顾问place an order 订购trade fair 贸易洽谈(会)corporate hospitality 商务接待、企业社交 tip n . 技巧、窍门、忠告 to be in need of 需要 business objectives 商务目标 social setting 社交场合 training consultants 培训咨询(员、公司) corporate events 商务活动、企业社交活动 a social event 社交活动 accommodation n. 住处、膳宿 poor timing 时间选择不当、不合适宜 sales figures 销售数字 the recipe for success 成功秘诀 establish/build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系 fashion sportswear 运动时装 teenage adj . 少年的、十几岁的(从13岁到19岁的) production methods 生产方式 Head Office (公司等的)总部 Design team 设计小组 Marketing and Sales Directors 营销和销售部门的主管 in due course 经过一段时间、到适当的时候 a fact-finding mission enables the businessmen to understand the company 实地考察能使商人们了解公司 inviter him to a round of golf 邀请他去打一场高尔夫求 be fit his social status 适合他的社会身份 facilitate one-to-one conversation 有利于一对一的交流 take it as a chance to strengthen business ties 把此作为加强业务关系的机会 have the right atmosphere to talk about the business 有适当的谈论商务的环境 can concentrate on the work without distraction 可以不受干扰地把注意力集中在工作上 a chance to know the other person better 有进一步了解对方的机会 build a good business relationship 建立良好的商务关系 establish rapport with clients 与客户建立联系 enhance mutual understanding 增进相互理解 a more colourful life 更为丰富多彩的生活 work and play are one 工作与休息融为一体 difficulty of swapping rules forget your role 角色交换的困难 forget you role 忘记自己的角色 too preoccupied with your work 对工作过于专心 Self-study and exam practice 专有名词; ICI (英国)帝国化学工业公司、卜内门化学工业公司,为Imperial Chemical Industries的缩略形式。 词组: continental breakfast 欧式早餐 end-of-year party 年终聚会 job advertisement 招工广告 marketing secretary 营销部秘书 PA (personal assistant) 私人助理,常缩略为P. A . administrative support 行政管理上的支持 secretarial skills 文密技能 up-to-date information technology 最新的信息技术 communications skills 沟通能力,交际能力 science marketing assistant 科技营销助理 an internal recruitment policy 内部招工政策 assistant museum manager 博物馆助理经理 international management consultant 跨国管理顾问 bilingual applicants 具有双语能力的申请者 official working hours 正式的工作时间 long-term employment 长期雇用 production manager 生产经理 work overtime 加班 secretarial and administrative staff 文秘及行政人员 settle the disputer 解决纠纷 unforeseen circumstances 难以预料的情况 meet agreed delivery dates 按约定的日期准时送货 place your order with 向定货 outlet n . 代销店,专卖店 legal advisers 法律顾问 established customers 长期合作的客户,老顾客 give . priority 优先考虑处理某事 a backlog of orders 积压的定单Unit 3 a Ordering goods 专有名词: Otto 奥托邮购公司(德国最大的邮购公司) Hamburg 汉堡(德国西北部一城市) 词组: place an order 发出订单,订货 cancel an order 取消订单 confirm an order 确认订单 the supplier 供应商 mail order company 邮购公司 headquarters (head office) (公司)总部 catalogue (list) 商品目录 summer collection 夏季时装展览会 summer catalogue 夏季时装商品目录 recommendation n . 推荐信、建议 item n . 产品、货物 in standard length 标准长度的 article n . 商品、项目 measurements charts 尺寸图 knitted skirts 针织裙子 vendor n . 销售商 quantity n . 数量 standardize vt . 使符合标准,使标准化 asap (as soon as possible) 尽快 reliable suppliers 可靠的供应商 possess basic qualities of honesty, integrity, accountability, and dependability 具有诚实、正直、责任心以及可靠性等基本品德 provide good quality merchandise 提供品质优良的商品 goods of consistent quality 质量稳定的商品 have flexibility towards new/additional requirement 对新的/额外的需求要有灵活性 courtesy and co-operation are also important 礼貌和合作也很重要 can provide a quality product o service 能够提供高质量的产品或服务 timely delivery 及时送货 operate on just-in-time delivery policy 依照准时送货的方针运营 attractive price 有吸引力的价格 competitive price 有竞争力的价格 Unit 3 b Cash flow 专有名词: Atlanta 亚特兰大(美国佐治亚州首府) 词组: cash flow 现金流量,现金流向,现金流动 cash flow gap 现金流量差额(现金流入与流出之差) case study 案例分析sales price 销售价格over trading 过度贸易 final payment 最后付款 bar chart 柱形图 total sales price 总售价 down payment 订金 bill vt . 要求支付的费用 remainder n . 剩余物 computer network 电脑网络系统 early settlement discount 提前付款折扣 labour cost 劳动力成本 credit terms 信用期限,信用条件 outstanding balance 剩余金额,余额 order books 订货簿,订货本 a shortage of cash ( a cash shortage) 现金短缺 turnover n . 营业额 average monthly turnover 平均月营业额 financing costs 筹措成本 cash on delivery 货到即付款 margin/profit 利润 penalty n . 处罚,罚款 inventory stock 库存,存货 all the money which is coming into the company 流入公司的所有资金 cash inflow from operation include 公司营运中流入的资金包括 income from sales 销售收入 receipts from debtors 债务人偿还的债务收入 receipts from minor revenues such as rent revenue 小额收益如租金收入 all the money which is going out the company 流出公司的所有资金 cash outflow from operations include 公司营运中流出的资金包括 cash purchases 现金交易 payments to creditors 债务人偿还的债务支出 payment of expenses 公司费用开支 wages for employees 雇员工资 sharp / intense competition 激烈的竞争 inability to brand themselves 没有能力树立自己的品牌 lack of capital 缺乏资金 unsound business plan 不成熟的商业计划 unable to do market research 没有能力做市场调查 poor management skills 不当的管理技能 inherited family company where the present owner doesnt have the necessary expertise 家族继承的企业,而且目前的管理人员缺乏必要的专业技能 inability to get sufficient capital to expand 没有能力获得足够的资金来扩展业务 improve business performance through cash flow planning 通过资金流量计划改善公司业绩 bill as soon as work has been done or order fulfilled 工作完成后或按订单发货后马上要求对方付款 bill promptly so that you can have the cash available to cover the payments due 及时要求对方付款你就有现金来支付自己需要支出的费用 adding penalty charges for late payment urges clients to pay promptly 对拖延付款的增收罚款促使客户及时付款 reduce the amount / time of credit given to customers 减少向客户提供赊账数量、缩短信用周期 increase sales (particularly those involving cash payments) helps to solve the capital problem 提高销售量(特别是含有现金支付的销售量)有利于解决资金问题 monitor the payment performances of customers 监控顾客的付款表现 weed out those slow pays / no pays 淘汰那些拖延付款或不付款的顾客 become more selective when granting credit is good for the businesss cash flow, too 提供赊账时对客户进行更严格的甄别对公司的现金流量也有好处 trimming your inventory is also a good way to avoid cash-flow problem 减少库存也是避免现金流量问题的好办法 Self-study and exam practice 词组: delivery date 送货日期 quality of workmanship 做工质量,制作工艺的质量 retail price 零售价 order details 订货的详细情况 a stressful week 紧张、疲劳的一周 a cash discount of 2% 2%的现金折扣 pay cash on delivery 货到付款 cash forecast 对现金情况的预测 finished product 成品 hold music (使来电者不挂断电话的)等候乐曲,等候音乐,也作on-hold music on-hold caller 因电话线路忙而被告知等候的来电者 on-hold marketing 利用候话时间营销 potential customer 潜在客户 hard sell 强行推销,硬性推销 flat management structure 扁平化的管理结构 organizational culture 组织结构文化、公司文化、企业文化(也作company culture, enterprise culture或corporate culture)


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