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Unit 7Shopping短语归纳:need you to carry all the bags 需要你来拎所有的包 shoe shop 鞋店clothes shop服装店 sports shop 体育用品商店flower shop 花店 gift shop 礼品店toy shop 玩具店 talk about presents谈论礼物 ask sb for help 向某人求助 I am not sure. 我不确定 be interested in 对感兴趣like collecting stamp喜欢集邮 want some football cards想要一些足球卡片Just a minute./ wait for a short time请稍等 Take/Have a look. 看一下different kinds of hair clips不同种类的发夹 match her pink coat配他的粉红外套some other nice things一些其他好东西 not far away from my school离我学校不远enough snacks足够多的零食 the children in poor areas贫困地区的孩子们learn a lot from books从书中学到很多 it is a long way很长一段路 most of the children大多数孩子 walk a long way to school走很长一段路到校use our pocket money to buy them these things用我们的零花钱买这些东西try them on试穿他们 fit very well 很合适 foods from different areas 来自不同地区的食物用法集萃:buy sth for sb =buy sb sth 给某人买某物 plan to do sth 计划做某事 典句背诵:The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun. 这个购物中心是见朋友和玩的开心的好地方。How do you use your pocket money? 你怎样使用你的零花钱? Heres your change. 这是你的找零。How much are they? / How much do they cost? 他们多少钱?Can I see another pair?我可以看一下另一双吗?She is not interested in music. 她对音乐不感兴趣。Thats a good idea. 好主意。语法:用some 和any表示数量我们可以用some和any这样不定数或不定量的词来修饰名词。some和any表示“一些”既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词。如:There are some books on the desk. 桌上有一些书。I want some juice. 我想来点果汁。There are not any oranges in the shop. 商店里没有柑橘了。Do you have any good news ?你有什么好消息吗?some常用于肯定句中,any常用于否定句或疑问句中。如:He has some interesting computer games. 他有一些有趣的电脑游戏。He does not have any interesting computer games. 他没有有趣的电脑游戏。Does he have any interesting computer games ?他有有趣的电脑游戏吗?注意:在疑问句中,我们在提出建议或请求时常用some,表示希望得到对方的肯定答复。如:Can you pass some sugar to me ?你能递些糖给我吗?Would you like some drink ?你想喝点饮料吗?there be结构我们常常会用there be结构来表达“某地有某物或某人”如:There is a computer in the reading room. 阅览室里有一台电脑。There are a lot of people in the park at the weekend. 周末公园里有很多人。There is not any meat in the fridge. 冰箱里没有肉了。Are there any girl students in the classroom ?教室里有女生吗?there be结构中,动词be的形式与后面的名词一致。后面的名词如果是可数名词单数或不可数名词,动词be用is;后面的名词如果是可数名词复数,动词be用are.注意:当there be 后面有两个或两个以上名词时,动词be要与离它最近的名词一致。如:There is a girl and two boys under the tree. 树下有一个女孩和两个男孩。There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩和一个女孩。there be结构的否定句式是在动词be后加not;一般疑问句式是把动词be调到句首,应答时可以说:Yes, there is/are 或No , there is /are not.注意区分there be和have的用法。There be结构表示“存在”,而have表示“拥有”。如:There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有幅画。I have some pictures.我有一些画。

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