
上传人:max****ui 文档编号:6629472 上传时间:2020-03-01 格式:PPT 页数:44 大小:2.31MB
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启发思考 Whatfoodisit It sabowlofeggnoodles Whatfoodisit It sbread Whatfoodisit Whatfoodisit They recabbages Whatfoodisit It sahamburger Whatfoodisit It smutton It sabowlofeggnoodles It sbread They recabbages It sahamburger It smutton Whatfoodisit LearnNewWords 自主探究 noodlen 面条 muttonn 羊肉 beefn 牛肉 chickenn 鸡肉 potaton 土豆 cabbagen 卷心菜 洋白菜 tomatoesn 西红杮 carrotsn 胡萝卜 noodlemuttonbeefchickenpotatocabbagetomatoescarrots Whatkindoffoodwouldyoulike Whatkindoffoodwouldyoulike I dlikenoddlesandmutton Whatkindoffoodwouldshelike She dlikechickenandbeef Whatkindoffoodwouldhelike He dlikecabbagesandpotatoes Whatkindoffoodwouldtheylike They dlikecarrotsandtomatoes Shopgame 开店游戏 协作交流 Welldone Youaresowonderful Listening Matchthewordswiththefoods 1a 1 mutton 2 beef 3 noodles 4 chicken 5 cabbage 6 potatoes 7 tomatoes 8 carrots g d e a f b c h Listenandcheckthenoodlesthatthepersonorders 1b Special1 Special2 Special3 Listenandcheckthenamesofthefoodsyourhear 2a 1 noodles2 beef3 mutton4 chicken5 tomatoes6 cabbage7 potatoes8 vegetables 2b Listenagain Completethesentences Boy 1 I dlikea bowlofnoodles 2 I dlike and noodles please Girl 1 I dlikea bowl 2 I dlike and noodles please chicken potato large medium beef cabbage tomato 2c Groupwork Askandanswerquestionswithyourpartner Usetheinformationin2a Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikebeefnoodles please I dlikealargebowlofnoodles Whatsizewouldyoulike Andwhatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikechicken potatoandcabbagenoodles I dlikeamediumbowl Whatsizewouldyoulike Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikebeefandpotatonoodles I dlikeasmallbowl Whatsizewouldyoulike Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikemuttonandcabbagenoodles 2d Role playtheconversation Goodafternoon MayItakeyourorder Yes Arethereanyvegetablesinthebeefsoup Yes Therearesometomatoes OK We dlikeonebowlofbeefsoup Sure Whatsizewouldyoulike Large please We dalsolikegongbaochickenandsomemapotofuwithrice OK Onelargebowlofbeefsoup onegongbaochicken andonemapotofuwithrice Yes that sright 总结提高 1 你想要什么面条 2 请给我来牛肉面 3 你想要什么碗的 I dlikebeefnoodles please Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike Whatsizewouldyoulike 阅读GrammarFocus部分 完成下列句子 4 请给我来中碗的 5 你想来一个大碗吗 6 好的 I dlikeamediumbowl please Wouldyoulikealargebowl Yes please wouldlike句型一 wouldlike意为 想要某物 常用句式结构 1 你想要点什么 What you 我想要一杯茶 acupoftea I dlike wouldlike 拓展 Wouldyouliketodosth 你愿意做某事吗 用来有礼貌地向对方提出建议或邀请的句型 答语常为 Yes I dliketo Sorry Ihaveto 你愿意和我们一起去划船吗 you to boatingwithus Wouldlikego 2 Wouldyoulike 你想要 吗 其答语为 Yes please OK No thanks 你想要一些牛奶吗 you somemilk 是的 谢谢 不 谢谢 Yes No pleasethanks Wouldlike 3a Completetheconversationbelow A Whatkindofnoodlesdoyouhave B Oh amediumbowl please C OK I dlikethemuttonnoodlesthen D I dlikesomenoodles please E Whatsizesdoyouhave F Arethereanyvegetablesinthemuttonnoodles MayIhaveyourorder 2 Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike 3 Wehavebeef chicken mutton cabbage potato tomato 4 Yes therearesomecarrots 5 Sure Whatsizewouldyoulike 6 Wehavelarge mediumandsmallbowls d a f c e b 3b Writequestionsandanswersusingthewordsinbrackets 1 Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike kind chicken beef tomatoes 2 size medium 3 any cabbage beefnoodles no I dlikethechicken beefnoodleswithtomatoes Whatsizewouldyoulike I dlikeamediumbowlofnoodles Arethereanycabbagesinthebeefnoodles No therearen tanycabbages Homework 1 RecitetheGrammarFocus 2 Writeoutthekindofnoodlesyou dlikeandthesizebowlyou dlike


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