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宾语从句的使用 主讲人 闫玉安 一 什么是宾语从句 1 Iknowhisfather 2 Iknowhisfatherworksonafarm hisfather 宾语 hisfatherworksonafarm 宾语从句 句子做宾语叫做宾语从句 二 1 后面可接宾语从句的动词有 think hope say tell know see hear mean ask和find等 2 后面可接宾语从句的形容词有 sure glad happy pleased afraid和sorry等 think hope say tell know see hear mean ask和find等 sure glad happy pleased afraid和sorry等 三 宾语从句的种类 根据充当宾语从句的句子的种类 可将宾语从句分为三类 1 由连词that引导的宾语从句 当宾语从句是陈述句时 由连词that引导 that在句中不做任何成分 口语中常省略 e g 1 Iwillleaveamessageonthedesk Jimsays 变为复合句 Jimsaysleaveamessageonthedesk thathewill that 2 由连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句 当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时 有连接代词或连接副词 即原先的特殊疑问词 来引导 连接代词和连接副词在句中不可省略 而且之后的句子改为陈述语序 e g Whendoesthetrainleave Hewantstoknow 变为复合句 Hewantstoknowthetrain when leaves when 3 由whether或if引导的宾语从句 当宾语从句是一般疑问句时 由whether或if来引导 二者在句中不可省略 而且之后的句子改为陈述语序 e g Isthereabookonthedesk Lilyasks 变为复合句 Lilyasksabookonthedesk whether if there is whether if 三 宾语从句的种类 根据充当宾语从句的句子的种类 可将宾语从句分为三类 1 由连词that引导的宾语从句 当宾语从句是陈述句时 由连词that引导 that在句中不做任何成分 口语中常省略 e g 1 Iwillleaveamessageonthedesk Jimsays 变为复合句 Jimsaysleaveamessageonthedesk thathewill that said Would 2 由连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句 当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时 有连接代词或连接副词 即原先的特殊疑问词 来引导 连接代词和连接副词在句中不可省略 而且之后的句子改为陈述语序 e g Whendoesthetrainleave Hewantstoknow 变为复合句 Hewantstoknowthetrain when leaves when wanted left 3 由whether或if引导的宾语从句 当宾语从句是一般疑问句时 由whether或if来引导 二者在句中不可省略 而且之后的句子改为陈述语序 e g Isthereabookonthedesk Lilyasks 变为复合句 Lilyasksabookonthedesk whether if there is whether if was asked 时态 四 宾语从句的四要素 人称 Iamtired 2 IwanttospeaktoTom 3 IwillcomebacknextMonday Whatdoeshesay Hesays heistired hewantstospeaktoTom hewillcomebacknextMonday didhesay said wastired wantedtospeaktoTom wouldcomebacknextMonday 1 Whereispapermade 2 Whoisthemanoverthere 3 WherehaveJimandKategone Whatdoesheask Heasks wherepaperismade did asked wasmade whereJimandKatehavegone whothemanoverthereis was had CanItryiton 2 HaveyoueverbeentoLondon 3 DoesLucylikemusic Whatdoeshewanttoknow Hewantstoknow if whetherhecantryiton did wantedtoknow couldtryiton if whetheryouhavebeentoLondon if whetherLucylikesmusic had liked 1 Theteachersaidthatmillionsofotherstars evenbiggerandbrighterthanthesun A isB areC wasD were 2 Myfathertoldmethatthemoon roundtheearth A goB wentC hadgoneD goes 1 当从句表示的是一个真理或永久性的事实时从句可用现在时态 不受主句的限制 B D 五 宾语从句的特殊用法 1 Shedidn tsay ornotshewouldcome 2 thisistrueornot I mnotsure 3 Shecan tdecide togotoJapan4 I minterestedin he llgoout 1 后面紧跟ornot时 只能用whether whether whether whether whether 2 whether引导的宾语从句可移到主句之前 if则不能 3 与动词不定式连用时只能用whether 4 做介词的宾语时用whether 而不用if if whether 2 Somedifferencesbetweenifandwhether ornot Whetherthisistrueornot togo in Idon tthinkhecanfinishthework IguessshetaughtherselfJapanese 3 当陈述部分的主句是Ithink believe等结构时 反意句的主谓语一般要与陈述部分宾语从句的谓语保持一致 并要注意否定的转移 can he didn t she Hesaidthatthey tovisitthefarmyesterday A goB wentC hasgoneD hadgone 4 若宾语从句中有具体的过去时间 无论主句时态如何 从句应用一般过去时态 B don t yesterday hecanfinishthework shetaughtherselfJapanese said Couldyoutellmeifhe hishomework A finishesB finishedC hasfinishedD hadfinished C 5 如主句为Would couldyoutell 它表示的不是过去时态 而是表示一种委婉的语气 从句时态应视情况而定 合并句子 What swrongwithyou Thedoctorasked Thedoctorasked withyou what was wrong 6 特殊疑问词在句子中作主语时 变为宾语从句时 语序不变 What 主语 1 DoyouknowifTom topickappleswithmetomorrow Ithinkhewillifhe free A comes isB comes willbeC willcome isD willcome willbe 2 Doyouknow backtomorrow Sorry Idon tknow Whenhe back I lltellyou A whenhecome comeB whenhecomes comeC whenhewillcome comesD whenwillhecome willcome 7 注意区别if引导的条件状语从句和宾语从句以及when引导的时间状语从句和宾语从句 C C DoyouknowifTom topickappleswithmetomorrow ifhe free backtomorrow Whenhe back 宾语从句 条件状语从句 宾语从句 时间状语从句 Exx choosetherightanswer 1 Pleasetellme hewasborn A whenB whyC whoD which 2 Ifound hardformetokeepupwithothers A itB thatC itsD Iwas 3 Doyouknow A whatMr GreenisworryingB whatisMr GreenworryingC whyMr GreenlookssoworriedD whydoesMr Greenlooksoworried 4 Idon tthinkBillhasfinishedhismathshomework A don tIB doIC hasheD hasn the A C C A 5 Heaskedme A whomdidTomtravelwithB whoTomtravelledC whomTomtravelledwithD Tomtravelledwithwhom 6 Theteachersaidthatlight muchfasterthansound A travelB traveledC travelsD traveling 7 IwanttoknowifyourdaughterwillgotoAnn sparty Ifyourdaughter A will soissheB does sowillmineC does sowillmyD will sodoesmine C C B Ifyourdaughtergoes minewillgo too 8 Ifyou himtomorrow pleaseaskhimifhe toworkonthefarmwithus A see goesB willsee goesC willsee willgoD see willgo 9 Bettergoandaskwhenshe wemustseeheroffwhenshe A leaves leftB leaves isleavingC isleaving leavesD left wasleaving D C 条件状语从句 宾语从句 宾语从句 时间状语从句 现在进行表一般将来 1 Idon tknow wecanliveontheislandwithoutanyfood A whereBwhatChowDthat2 Couldyoutellme AWhereisthepart BWho sonduty CWhosebookisthis DWhataretheydoing 3Theteachertoldusthattheearth aroundthesun AmovedBmovesCmoveDmoving B B C C C 4 Couldyoutellme AifhewouldcometomorrowBwillhecometomorrowCwhetherhewillcometomorrowDIfhecomestomorrow5 Ididn tknowthatMr Smith yet AHasreturnedBhasreturnedChadreturnedDreturned 练习题 一 Howdoeshegetonwithhisnewclassmates Couldyoutellme 改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Couldyoutellmehow onwithhisnewclassmates Whatishedoingthere Motherdidn tknow 改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Motherdidn tknowwhat doingthere Couldyoutellme theyaretalkingabout A whereB whenC whyD what hegets hewas D Excuseme Couldyoutellmewhere A isthetoiletB thetoiletisC wasthetoiletD thetoiletwas 二 1 What shisname Iaskedhim 改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Iaskedhimwhat 2 Whydidn thelookhappy Couldyoutellme 改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Couldyoutellmewhy lookhappy B hisnamewas hedidn t 3 Doeshestillliveinthatstreet Idon tknow 改为含有宾语从句的复合句 Idon tknow hestill inthatstreet 4 Hesaid therewasgoingtobeameetingthatevening A whatB ifC thatD how5 Idon tknow upsoearlylastSunday A whydidhegetB whyhegetsC whydoeshegetD whyhegot iflives C D 6 Themoonmovesroundtheearth Mysistertoldme 同上 Mysistertoldme themoon roundtheearth thatmoves Theradiosaysit cloudytomorrow be Theheadmasterhopeseverything well go Tomsaysthatthey play basketballatsixo clockyesterdayevening Ihearthey return italready Hesaidthatthey membersofthePartysince1948 be Heaskedwhatthey ateightlastnight do Theteachertoldhisclassthatlight fasterthansound travel Ithinkyou abouttherelayracenow talk Ididn tknowwhomtheletters from be willbe goes wereplaying hasreturned hadbeen travels aretalking were weredoing 10 Ididn tknowwhattimehe theletter write 11 MissWangtoldmethattheearth move roundtheearth 12 Couldyoutellmewho awaythebookalready take 13 LingFengtoldmehe toseveraltimes be 14 Ourteachertoldusinclassthesun intheeast rise 15 Canyoutellmewhatthey yesterday do wrote moves hastaken hadbeen rises did 1 Tomsaid Icansleeplateeveryday 2 Mrs Greensaid Mysonwillgoshopping 3 Tinasaid sheisgoingtodance 4 Lucysays I mexcitedaboutgoingonvacation 5 IammadatMarcia shesaid 1 Mothersaid Canyouhelpme 2 Jackasked Isthatherpen 3 Lindaaskedme Willyougoshoppingwithme 4 Areyougoingtoplaysoccer 1 Heaskedme Wheredoyoulive 2 Shesaid WhatcanIdoforyou 3 Fathersaid Howistheweather 4 Whenwillyougo SheaskedTom 1 Mothersaid Don twatchtoomuchTV Mother me watchtoomuchTV 2 Teachersaid Openthedoor Teacher me openthedoor 1 Hethinks That sagoodidea 2 Shesays IwillgotoSanya 3 Lucysaid I mmakingthebed 4 Theboyaskedhismother DoeswaterfreezeatOoC 5 HetoldJim Hehashadbreakfast 1 Shesaidtome DoyouoftenhelpJim 2 Meimeiaskedme Doyouhaveanidea 3 Heoftenasksme Canyougivemeahand 4 Ourteacheraskedme Lily hasyourmotherbeentoChina 5 Lindaasks Tom DoesyourfatherworkinAmerica 1 WeiHuaasked Jim whowillyouhelp 2 LiLeiasked Tom whereareyougoing 3 LucyaskedKate What syourname 4 Theteacheraskedus Wherewillyougo 5 Iwantedtoknow Howlongaretheygoingtobeaway 6 IaskedTom Whowillyouhelp 7 LiLeiaskedTom Wheredoyoucomefrom 8 TheyoftenaskJim What syourname 9 Couldyoutellme WhenwillLucycomeback 10 HowoldisWeiHua I mnotsure 1 Canyougivemeahand HeaskedLiLei 2 Couldyoutellme Howlongwillthemeetinglast 3 Heasked Jim wheredoyoulive 4 SheaskedTom Doyouoftendoyourhomeworkathome 5 Don tworryaboutme HesaidtoLinda He Linda worryabout 6 Jimasks Howcanwegettothestation 7 HowmuchdoesitcosttoflytoHangzhou I mnotsure 8 Couldyoutellme Whattimedoestheplaneleave 9 Ourteacheraskedme Lily hasyourmotherbeentoChina 10 Ourteacheraskedme Lily hasyourmotherbeentoChina 将下列句子合并为一句 1 Wheredotheystopontheway Iasked 2 Whatwillyouspeakatthemeeting Couldyoutellme 3 Dotheyliketomakefriendswithus Heasked 4 Iamdoingmyhomework Hesaid 5 Iwillcomeback Tomsaid 6 Ishedoinghishomework Jimasked Iaskedwheretheystoppedontheway Couldyoutellmewhatyouwillspeakatthemeeting Heaskediftheylikedtomakefriendswiththem Hesaidthathewasdoinghishomework Tomsaidthathewouldcomeback Jimaskedifhewasdoinghishomework 7 Whenwillhecomeback Tomasked 8 HowcanIgettothestation Couldyoutellme 9 Whyisthetrainlate Wouldyoutellme 10 WhereisTom Theyasked Tomaskedwhenhewouldcomeback CouldyoutellmehowIcangettothestation Wouldyoutellmewhythetrainislate TheyaskedwhereTomwas 宾语从句 句型 主句 连词 宾语从句 连词 thatwhether ifwhichwhowhom WhenWhereHowwhy 1 Heknew that heshouldstudyhard 例句 由连词that引导的宾语从句 that在口语中常省略 主句 连词 宾语从句 时态与语序的变化 陈述句变为宾语从句时 可用that连接 语序不变 一般疑问句变宾语从句时 用whether if连接 改为陈述语序 特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时 保留原来的疑问词 语序改为陈述语序 Hesays MyEnglishteacherisMissLi Mothersays Iwillbebacksoon BeckytoldKate HanMeihelpsmewithmyChinese Ihope itwillbesunnytomorrow Pollysaid Iamilltoday HesaysthathisEnglishteacherisMissLi Mothersaysthatshewillbebacksoon BeckytoldKatethatHanMeihelpedherwithherChinese Ihopethatitwillbesunnytomorrow Pollysaidthatit shewasilltoday 陈述句 1 IsTomfromtheUSA Theteacherwantstoknow 2 Iseveryonehere Theteacherasked 3 Didhefinishhishomework Sheasked 4 HashebeentoChina Lucyasked ifTomisfromtheUSA whethereveryonewashere ifhefinishedhishomework ifhehadbeentoChina 一般疑问句 1 Whereareyoufrom Idon tknow 2 Howoldisyourgrandma Iasked 3 Whenwilltheplanearrive Hetoldme 4 Whyishelateagain Theteacherasked whereyouarefrom howoldyourgrandmawas whentheplanewouldarrive whyhewaslateagain 特殊疑问句 注意 在转换的时候一定要注意人称 时态的一致 Hesays Ihatesnakes Shesays Iwasnotatschoolyesterday Theysaid Ihatesnakes Hesaid Ihaveknownhimformanyyears Hesaysthathehatessnakes Theysaidthattheyhatedsnakes Shesaysthatshewasnotatschoolyesterday Tomsaidthathehadknownhimformanyyears 将下列句子改为宾语从句 1 Lucywillcomesoon Lilysays 2 Jimisgoingtherenextweek Tomtoldme 3 Theearthisround Mothertoldme 4 Wherecanwego Theyasksme 5 HowcanIgothere Shewantedtoknow 6 CanTomspeakChinese HeasksJim 7 DoesLiLeirunfast Couldyoutellme 8 AmIrightornot Shewantedtoknow THANKYOU BYE

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