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KET口语基本问题1、 whats your name? - My name is Zhang Sien.2、 Whats your surname(姓)? My surname is Zhang.- How do you spell it?/Can you spell it? Its Z- H-A-N-G3、 Where do you come from? I come from Shanghai.Where are you from? I am from Shanghai.学校和学习4、 问:Giving information about places of studies.- I am in YuTong primary school in pudong district. I am in grade 3, class 4.5、 Do you like school?(你喜欢学校吗) - - I like school very much.- - I like my classmates and my teachers verymuch.6、 Why do you like school?(你为什么喜欢学校)- - Because I can learn a lot of knowledges(知识)there.7、 When do you go to school? (你什么时候上学)- - I go to school at 8 oclock from Monday to Friday, every morning.8、 What do you study?(学校学点什么) - I study many subjects, such as English, math, Chinese, computer classes and so on.9、 Of all the subjects, which one do you like best?(所有科目里面最喜欢哪科)- I like English best, because Im think English is very important. And I think it is easier.(我最喜欢英语,因为我觉得英语很重要,而且我觉得它容易点)10、 What do you usually do during the break(课间休息) in school?- I usually play with my classmates during the break and sometimes we often draw pictures together(有时候我们常常在一起画画).11、 What do you usually do after school?- I usually do my homework(做作业)and sometimes I go shopping(购物) with my family.12、 What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend/next holiday?- I am going to go swimming tomorrow/next weeken、d/next holidaybecause I like it very much.13、 What do you want to be in the future? Why?- I want to be a doctor in the future. Because doctors can help sick people.运动、爱好14、 Whats your favorite sport? When did you play it last time?(过去式,上次运动是什么时候)- My favorite sport is swimming. Because it can make me relaxed(让我放松)and keep me healthy(让我保持健康).- And the last time I swam was last Sunday. (上次游泳是上周日)15、 How often do you do that?(问频率,多久一次)-I usually go swimming once a week.(一周一次)16、 what can you learn from your hobby?(从爱好中,学到了什么)-From going swimming, I know that practice is very important(练习很重要). And swimming makes me stronger.17、 what do you do at weekends?(周末干什么)- well,(想不起来的话可以用well、let me think缓冲,切忌支支吾吾),- It all depends,(视情况而定),but I usually do my homework first and then go swimming.18、 How much time do you spend on your hobby?(在爱好上花了多少时间)-I will spend two hours on my hobby every week. Because practice is very important. (练习很重要)19、 Did you do any sport yesterday?(回答时注意用动词的过去式)- no, I didnt. Because I should do my homework first.(我必须先做作业)20、 Where did you go last week?(上周去哪里啦)- Last Sunday, I went to a park to junmp rope(去了公园跳绳). It was interesting.旅游21、 Did you go on holiday last holiday?- Yes, I did.22、 Where did you go? And how did you go there?- I went to suzhou. I went there by train.23、 How long did it take? And what do you think of it?(你觉得怎么样)- It took 3 days. I think Suzhou is a beautiful city.(我觉得苏州是个美丽的城市)24、 Have you ever been to other countries?(去过别的国家吗)- No, I havent家庭25、 How many people are there in your family?- There are four people in my family. They are my father,my father, my little sister(小妹) and me.26、 what do your parents do? Where do they work?- My father is a teacher, he works in a school. My mother is an engineer and she works in a big company.27、 whats your parents hobbies?- My father likes making coffee(我爸爱做咖啡) and my mother likes planting flowers.(我妈喜欢种花)食物28、 How many meals do you have everyday?(一天吃几顿饭)- I have three meals everyday(每天). They are breakfast, lunch and dinner.29、 What do you usually have for a meal?-I usually have an egg, milk and bread for breakfast. (早饭吃蛋、牛奶、面包)Some meat and vegetable and rice for lunch.(午饭吃肉、菜、饭) For dinner I will eat porridge and fruits.(晚饭吃粥和水果)30、 Why do you like it?(为什么吃某个食物)- Because its good for my health.(因为它有益健康)31、 How often do you eat it?(多久吃一次这个食物)- I often eat it everyday(每天)/ once a week(一周一次).32、 How often do you go out for dinner?(eat out 出去外面吃)-I often eat out once a week(一周一次).33、 What kind of food do you think can be called healthy food?(什么食物是健康的)- Such as vegetables and fruits(蔬菜和水果)can be called healthy food. Because its good for my health.(因为它有益健康)动物34、 Whats your favorite animals?(最喜欢什么动物)- My favorite animal is panda. Because its very cute35、 Where will you go to see animals?- I usually see the animals in the zoo(在动物园见到).购物36、 Where do you like shopping?(喜欢在哪里购物)-I like shopping in Wanda square(万达广场), because its near my home.(离我家近)37、 Did you go shopping last weekend?- No.I didnt. Because I have no time.(因为我没时间)38、 Do you like bargaining (讨价还价)when you go shopping?- No, I dont like it. Because I think its ashamed.(难为情的)39、 Who do you usually go shopping with?(和谁一起去逛街)- I usually go shopping with my mother(我经常去逛街和我妈一起).40、 Do you like on-line shopping?(你喜欢网上买东西吗)-Yes, I like it. Because its cheaper(更便宜) and its convenient(方便) for us.打招呼进去的时候注意礼貌:May I come in?Good afternoon. - Good afternoon.Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.Glad to meet you. - Glad to meet you, too.Hello. -Hello听不清的时候说:Sorry, I beg your pardon?希望对方再说一遍问题:Would you please to say it again?客套话How are you doing? /How are you? -Im doing fine. / Im fine. 很好。-Im doing great. / Im great. 好极了。-Im doing pretty good. / Im pretty good. 太棒了。自我介绍My name is Zhang Sien 我叫My Chinese name is Zhang Sien 我中文名叫My English name is Sofia 我英文名叫My surname is / My family name is 我姓My given name is Sien 我的名字是sienI am 9 years old.考官核对基本情况:T: Good afternoon, Sir / madam, how are you doing?(下午好)S:- Im very well. Good.(我很好)T: Whats your Chinese name?(问名字)S: -My Chinese name is Zhang Sien.T: Zhang Sien, thats good. What is your surname?(问姓)S: -My surname is Zhang. And Sien is my given name.T: Do you have an English name?(你有英文名吗)S:-Yes, My English name is Sofia.Please introduce yourself to me,thanks.(请自我介绍一下)- My name is Zhang Sien, I was born(出生)in Shanghai. I am in Yutong primary school(育童小学). I am in grade 3, class 4. We have many kinds of classed, such as math, Chinese, English and computer classes. I like English most. It is really cool to speak nice English.As for my hobbies(爱好), I like swimming most. I often swim once a week. Also, I like reading very much. I am interested in any kinds of science knowledge. My dream is to be an doctor. Because I like help others.问姓名:Whats your name? - My name is Zhang Sien.How do you spell that? - I spell it as Z-h-a-n-g S-i-e-n问姓:Whats your surname? (Can you tell me yoursurname?) - My surname is Zhang.Whats your family name? - My family name is Zhang.How to spell it? Its Z-h-a-n-g.问名:Whats your given name? - My given name is Sien.How to spell it? - Its Z-h-a-n-g.问来自哪里:Where do you come from? - I come from Shanghai.问住哪里:Where do you live? - I live in Pudong district, Shanghai .Part2Where/go?Where does it go? /Where will it go? (特殊疑问句)Long journey? Is it a long journey?(一般疑问句)问名字(name):Whats the name of?Can you tell me the name of?Example(举个例子) : Whats the name of the castle?Whats the name of the museum?问地址(adress):Where is? Whats the address of? Where is it? - 回答用:in或者at问价钱(price):How much is the ticket?Whats the price of the ticket?How much are the books?How much is the cake?How much should I pay?问停车(car park?):(遇到名词,一定要先问有没有)Is there a car park?(有停车场吗)Where is the car park?(停车场在哪里)问营业或者关门的时间(time):When does it open/close/start?(什么时候开门/关门)What time does it open? When is it open?(什么时候开门营业)What time does it close? When is it closed?(什么时候结束营业)回答:日期、星期用on,具体时刻用at时间段,从几点到几点用From to,如It opens from 10am to 6pm.问能做什么(do):What can I do there? Can I there?Example(举个例子): sing,Can I sing there?问卖什么(sell):Does it sell? What does it sell?Example(举个例子): sell/travelling books,Does it sell travelling books?注意:1. 第三人称单数别忘2. 连词要会用 well比如答案找不到的时候,先说wait a minute,let me see,well有比如对方回答了你的答案,你应该说个 It sounds great!3. 注意发音;exhibition/activity/address/cost/adult4. 走的时候注意礼貌:Good bye.


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