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Unit 1 Differences Between CulturesThinking AheadStudents are asked to discuss the following questions in groups. The reference answers for the questions are offered below:1. How do you think about the word “culture”?Culture is a word for peoples “way of life”, meaning the way they do things. 文化是一个词对人们的“生活方式”,这意味着他们做事情的方式。A group of people has a separate culture when that group sets itself apart from others through its actions.一群人有一个单独的文化当集团通过其行动使自己有别于他人。 Cultures are what make countries unique. Each country has different cultural activities and cultural rituals. Culture is more than just material goods, that is things the culture uses and produces. Culture is also the beliefs and values of the people in that culture. Culture also includes the way people think about and understand the world and their own lives.文化使国家独一无二的。每个国家有不同的文化活动和文化仪式。文化不仅仅是物质,是东西文化的使用和产生。文化也是人民的信仰和价值观的文化。文化还包括人们思考和理解世界的方式和自己的生活。2. Why should we study cross-cultural communication?Cross-cultural communication refers to the study of successful communications across different cultures. It concerns the understanding of tradition and modernization, consistency and change. As we understand some of the ongoing national characteristics of a people, we can examine how this culture is seen from the outside, how it interacts with other cultures and how it is changing.研究成功的跨文化交际是指不同文化之间的通信。这问题的理解传统和现代化、一致性和改变。我们理解一些正在进行的民族特色的人,我们可以检查这个文化是如何从外面看到,如何与其他文化,以及它是如何变化的The increase in international business and in foreign investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross-cultural communication.国际贸易和海外投资的增加产生了需要的外语知识和技能的高管们的跨文化交际。The challenge is that even with all the good will in the world, miscommunication is likely to happen, especially when there are significant cultural differences between communicators. Miscommunication may lead to conflict, or aggravate conflict that already exists. So it is very important that we should study cross-cultural communication.面临的挑战是,即使世界上所有的善意,误解可能会发生,特别是当传播者之间存在着显著的文化差异。误解可能会导致冲突,或加剧冲突已经存在。所以它是非常重要的,我们应该学习跨文化交际。(From http:/www.tzsy.cn/english/news/culture/200805/13-86570.html)Part I Video TimeIn this part, students will have 2 tasks to accomplish.Task 1In task 1, students will watch a video clip from Gua Sha and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, students are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the video.TranscriptMrs.Xu: How come it doesnt look like the courtroom on TV?为什么它看起来并不像电视上法庭?Judge: Because it isnt a courtroom, Mrs. Xu. Does either of the counselor have problem with my holding hearings in chambers? To tell you the truth, because I cant stand that awful echo in the courtroom, you know, winds in the gallery. 法官:因为它不是一个法庭,徐太太。咨询师对于我在内廷举行听证会有问题吗?说句实话,因为我无法忍受的是可怕的回声在法庭上,你也知道,风在画廊。(People were chuckling.)Lawyer Quinlin: No problem, your honor. John Quinlin, attorney for the defense.律师昆林:没问题,你的荣誉。约翰昆兰,律师辩护。Judge Horowizs: Why that Ive never seen you around before, Mr. Quinlin? 法官霍洛维茨:为什么,我从来没有见过你,昆林先生?Lawyer Quinlin: Ive never had the honor, your honor. Er, I deal mostly with the intellectual property rights cases.律师昆林:我从来没有过的荣誉,你的荣誉。呃,我处理大多与知识产权案件。Judge: Apples and oranges(风马牛不相及), Mr Quinlin; The two areas of law have virtually nothing to do with each other.法官:苹果和桔子(风马牛不相及),昆兰先生;法律的这两个区域几乎与彼此无关。Lawyer Quinlin: Well, yes, of course. So I told my client. But he insisted on my representing him. Also Id like to have the record show that my client only had two days notice of this hearing; also for me only 24 hours preparation time.律师昆林:嗯,是的,当然。所以我告诉我的客户。但他坚持要我代表他。此外,我想有记录显示,我的当事人只有本次听证会的两天通知;还对我来说只有24小时的准备时间。Judge: I think we are putting the cart before the horse(本末倒置), your counselor. This hearing is for the purpose of determining whether there is sufficient evidence to advance court proceedings, so take off your lawyer caps. And before we get caught to these formalities, lets just talk about the matter. Will the Child Welfare Agency care to start? 法官:我认为,我们把本末倒置(本末倒置),你的顾问。这次听证会的目的是确定是否有足够的证据来推进法院诉讼的目的,所以脱掉你的律师帽。我们抓到这些手续之前,让我们只是谈论此事。从儿童福利机构看护开始?Lawyer Davis: Yes, your honor. We are prepared to proceed in any way you save it. Three days ago, we received a telephone call from the social worker on duty at St. Matthew hospital informing us of a possible case of child abuse discovered as a result of medical examination by Doctor Michael Longman. Upon administrating treatment in the ER to Denis Xu, Doctor Longman had reason to suspect that Denis had been the subject of physical abuse. 律师戴维斯:是的,你的荣誉。我们准备继续以任何方式将其保存。三天前,我们收到了来自社会工作者值班圣马太医院的电话,马太福音医院告知我们可能虐待儿童的发现结果由体检医生迈克尔朗文提供。一旦在ER丹尼斯徐行政的治疗,医生朗文有理由怀疑,丹尼斯一直身体虐待的对象。Judge: Ive read the report, Ms. Avery. Very thorough as usual. 法官:我读过报告,艾弗里女士。非常透彻和往常一样。Lawyer Davis: As you can see, the medical report indisputably proves that Denis Xu has been a subject of deliberate, long-term neglect and abuse.律师戴维斯:正如你所看到的,在体检报告无可争议地证明了丹尼斯许已经深思熟虑,长期忽视和虐待。Lawyer Quinlin: Objection! No foundation, just conjecture and speculation! 律师昆林:反对!没有基础,只是猜想和猜测!Judge: This is a hearing, not a trial, Mr. Quinlin, but you make a fine point.法官:这是一个听证会,不是试用,昆林先生,但你成为一个好一点。Lawyer Davis: In order to supplement the medical report, you will know that we provided additional evidence. (Lawyer Davis opened a suitcase.)律师戴维斯:为了补充医疗报告,你就会知道,我们提供了更多的证据。(律师戴维斯开了一个手提箱。)Lawyer Quinlin: Your honor, we havent received any copies of evidence or report related to this case.律师昆林:你的荣誉,我们还没有收到的证据或报告涉及本案件的任何副本。Margaret Avery (murmuring): I thought you provided them with copies.玛格丽特埃弗里(淙淙):我还以为你为他们提供副本。Lawyer Davis: En. Sorry, your honor, no recite.律师戴维斯:恩。对不起,你的荣誉,没有背诵。Margaret Avery: I dont know how this could have happened.玛格丽特艾弗里:我不知道这到底是怎么发生的。Lawyer Davis: Your honor, the CWA was currently carrying a full investigation of this case and has located a considerable number of witnesses, all of whom are prepared to testify regarding Mr. Datong Xus violent nature, and the neglect and abuse he has inflicted on his young son Denis.律师戴维斯:你的荣誉,作协目前正在执行这一案件进行充分调查,并已找到了相当数量的证人,他们都在准备作证关于大同徐先生的暴力性质的,忽视和虐待他造成的他的小儿子丹尼斯。Lawyer Quinlin: And I can produce a hundred witnesses to testify that he is a good husband and father who rather die than see his family harmed. I count myself chief among those witnesses.律师昆兰:我可以生产一百个证人作证说,他是一个好丈夫和父亲宁死不看他的家人受到伤害。我自己是首席证人。Margaret Avery: As my colleague has just stated, we are in the midst of a full investigation, but we will not be calling any witnesses: we feel there is no need.玛格丽特埃弗里:正如我的同事刚才所说,我们正处在全面调查之中,但我们不会被调用任何证人:我们觉得没有必要。Datong Xu: She really doesnt have any witnesses.大同徐:她真的没有任何证人。Lawyer Quinlin: Or she thinks she doesnt need any. 律师昆林:或者她认为她不需要任何.Margaret Avery: Your honor, I have incontrovertible evidence that I feel we will quickly settle this matter in the courts mind. 玛格丽特埃弗里:你的荣誉,我有无可辩驳的证据,我觉得我们会很快解决这个问题,在法院的头脑。(玛格丽特艾利和律师昆林无论走到判断。)(Margaret Avery and Lawyer Quinlin both walked to the judge.)Lawyer Quinlin: Your honor, perhaps I dont understand family law, but I do understand Datong Xu. These accusations are ludicrous laughable.律师昆林:你的荣誉,也许我不明白家庭法,但我确实理解许大同。这些指责是荒唐可笑可笑。Margaret Avery: Perhaps you dont understand your friend as well as you think you do.(Margaret Avery presented pictures to the judge.) 玛格丽特埃弗里:也许你不明白你的朋友,以及你认为你做的。(玛格丽特埃弗里呈现图片的判断。)Margaret Avery: According to the doctors report, the condition and coloration of the bruise were inflicted two days prior to Denis head injury. We believe these photographs are sufficient evidence to demonstrate that Denis Xu lives in a dangerous home environment, and should remain under the protection of the state.玛格丽特埃弗里:根据医生的报告,挫伤的状况和颜色都造成前两天丹尼斯头部受伤。我们相信,这些照片是足够的证据证明,丹尼斯徐生活在一个危险的家居环境,应该继续在国家的保护。Judge (sternly): Please return to your seat.法官(正色):请回到你的座位。Lawyer Quinlin: (to Datong Xu) How could you do this to your son? Is this something you forgot to fill me in on? Did you think they will never notice your sons back like a piece of roast beef?律师昆林:(大同许),你怎么能这样对你的儿子吗?这是不是你忘了告诉我吗?你觉得他们会不会注意到你儿子的背部就像是一块烤牛肉?Datong Xu: That is Gua Sha, a traditional Chinese medical treatment. Denis had stomach ache that day, and Gua Sha is simply a cure, a a home remedy, you call it. I had this done on me in this time when I was a kid.大同徐:这是刮痧,中国传统的医学治疗。丹尼斯肚子疼,那一天,刮痧是一个简单的治疗,一.一个家庭的补救措施,你怎么称呼它。我也做过这事,我在这个时候,我还是个孩子。Lawyer Quinlin: If this is what you call some kind of treatment that he does see what you considered as child abuse!律师昆林:如果这就是你所谓的某种治疗,他确实看到你认为什么是虐待儿童!Judge: If you two want to chit chat, we can all go home. Does the defense have something more to add?法官:如果你们两个想闲聊,我们都可以回家了。难道防守有更多的东西要补充的吗?Lawyer Quinlin: No.Datong Xu: Yes I do! I think you dont understand. You know, Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medical treatment used for nearly all kinds of illnesses. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine had recognized that there are seven Jing and eight Mai(七经八脉). Er, for example, it is like small streams that run in to rivers and in turns fall into a sea. A persons body has an invisible but very complex system of vessel network, just like the computer network. And also the human Qi from Dantian finally goes to Dantian. It is the same principle!大同徐:是的,我有!我想,你不明白。要知道,刮痧是用于几乎所有种类的疾病的中国传统医学治疗。千百年来,中国医药已经认识到,有七景八迈(七经八脉)。呃,比如,它就像运行在河流和轮流落入海小溪流。一个人的身体有血管网的一种无形的但非常复杂的系统,就像计算机网络。而且还从丹田人齐终于进入丹田。它的原理是一样!Judge: Your kind, what is he saying? 法官:你的善良,他在说什么?Datong Xu: Its the kind of(interrupted by the judge)大同徐:这是那种.(法官打断)Judge: We dont understand what you say. Perhaps I should put it in another way. What does it say on every Missouri license plate?法官:我们不明白你说什么。也许我应该把它以另一种方式。它说什么了每个密苏里州车牌?Datong Xu: Show-me state(用证据说话).大同许:见真章状态(用证据说话)Judge: Precisely. Can you get an authoritative medical expert to back your testimony in plain English that an old country judge can understand?法官:正是。你可以得到一个权威的医学专家来支持你的见证用简单的英语,一个古老的国家的法官能理解吗?Datong Xu: Yes, I can try.大同徐:是的,我可以试试。Judge: Did you do this Gua Sha to your son yourself?法官:你这样做刮痧你儿子自己吗?(停顿)(A pause)Judge: Mr. Xu?法官:徐先生?Datong Xu: Yes, I did it myself.大同徐:是的,我自己做的。Mrs. Xu: No! It wasnt him.徐太太:不!这是不是他。(大同许开始说中国话。)(Datong Xu started to speak Chinese.)Judge: I warn you: this hearing must be conducted in a language we all can understand. Did you have something to add at this discussion?法官:我警告你:这次听证会必须在大家都能够理解的语言进行。你有什么要补充的,在这个讨论?Mrs. Xu: No, your honor.徐夫人:不,你的荣誉。Judge: Let me ask you one more time for the sake of clarity. Did you do this Gua Sha to your son?法官:让我问你为清楚起见一次。你这样做刮痧你的儿子吗?Datong Xu: Yes, I did.大同徐:是的,我做了Judge: Then until I was shown otherwise, I have no choice but to conclude that Denis Xu lives in an unsafe home environment, and should be kept under the supervision of the Child Welfare Agency tending a full trial on the charges.法官:那么,直到我被证明,否则,我别无选择,只能得出这样的结论丹尼斯许住在不安全的家庭环境,并应保持儿童福利处的监督下,抚育对收费进行全面审讯。Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Watching for DetailsStudents are asked to watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the questions.1) D2) C3) BExercise 2 Watching for Specific InformationStudents are asked to watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with the missing information.Lawyer Davis: Yes, your honor. We are prepared to 1) proceed in any way you save it. Three days ago, we received a telephone call from the social worker on duty at St. Matthew hospital 2) informing us of a possible case of child abuse discovered 3) as a result of medical examination by Doctor Michael Longman. Upon 4) administrating treatment in the ER to Denis Xu, Doctor Longman had reason to suspect that Denis had been the subject of physical 5) abuse.Datong Xu: Yes I do! I think you dont understand. You know, Gua Sha is a 6) traditional Chinese medical treatment used for nearly all kinds of 7) illnesses. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine had recognized that there are seven Jing and eight Mai. Er, for example, it is like small 8) streams that run into rivers and in turns fall into a sea. A persons body has an 9) invisible but very complex system of 10) vessel network, just like the computer network. And also the human Qi(气)from Dantian(丹田)finally goes to Dantian. The same principle!Task 2In task 2, students will watch a video clip about the art of paper-cutting and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, students are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural note related to the video.TranscriptThe Art of Paper-cuttingWhat I have done is only a rough idea of what Im going to cut out. Then Im going to cut it out with my scissors.我所做的就是我要切出的只是一个大概的了解。然后我会削减它用我的剪刀。(Folk paper-cutting is a Chinese art form.民间剪纸是中国的艺术形式, Its just like traditional Chinese painting, oil painting or calligraphy. 它就像中国画,油画和书法。Whats wonderful about paper-cutting is that it isnt just limited to people in the countrysideeveryone from all different communities do it too.)什么是美妙的有关剪纸的是,它并不仅仅局限于人们在农村,每个人来自不同的社区都可以做。)(Just like she mentioned, Liu Ren tries her best to promote the art in China and also the world.) (就像她所说,刘韧试图浑身解数,推动艺术在中国也是世界。)I like doing freehand paper-cutting. Ideally you shouldnt draw a design on the paper and then cut it out. 我喜欢做徒手剪纸。理想情况下你不应该画一个设计在纸上然后停止。The best part about paper-cutting is you, the paper and scissors working together. 最好的部分关于剪纸,纸和剪刀一起工作。In 1993, I was invited to exhibit Chinese paper-cutting to other countries. 1993年,我被邀请来展示中国剪纸到其他国家。I hope to build more recognition for Chinese folk paper-cutting.我希望为中国民间剪纸建造更多的认可。 In order to pass on this art form, I teach people who really love the art of Chinese paper-cutting, and I dont charge them any tuition. 为了传递这种艺术形式,我教真的很喜欢中国剪纸的艺术的人,我不收取任何学费。Last year, I had an American student who was studying Chinese culture at a UK university. 去年,我有一个美国学生在英国大学学习中国文化。He came to China to write his thesis. I gave him some lessons on Chinese paper-cutting. 他来中国写他的论文。我给他一些课程对中国剪纸After he went back to continue his studies, he entered a logo design competition in his university. 回来后他继续他的研究,他在大学进入了一个标志设计大赛。He created a logo by doing a paper-cutting and he won the top prize! 他创造了一个标志通过剪纸,他获得了最高奖!The young student was so excited and he told me that his college friends all wanted to learn more about Chinese paper-cutting and even about me.年轻的学生很兴奋,他告诉我,他的大学朋友都想了解更多关于中国的剪纸,甚至对我。 The art form is warmly welcomed in the UK. My dream is to set up one or two paper-cutting museums in other countries.热烈欢迎英国的艺术形式。我的梦想是建立一个或两个剪纸博物馆在其他国家When I was young, I made butterflies in different art forms. I think everyone is born with artistic talent.我年轻的时候,我做了不同的艺术形式的蝴蝶。我想每个人与生俱来的艺术天赋。Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Watching for DetailsStudents are asked to watch the video clip and answer the following questions.1) Whats wonderful about paper-cutting?Paper-cutting isnt just limited to people in the countryside and everyone from all different communities does it too.剪纸不仅仅局限于农村的人,每个人都从不同的社区。2) What does Liu Ren try her best to do? She tries hard to promote the paper-cutting art in China and also the world.3) What does Liu Ren do to pass on the art of paper-cutting? In order to pass on this art form, she teaches people who really love the art of Chinese paper-cutting, and she doesnt charge them any tuition.4) Where does Liu Rens student come from?America. 5) What is Liu Rens dream? Her dream is to set up one or two paper-cutting museums in other countries.Exercise 2 Watching for Specific InformationStudents are asked to watch the video clip again and fill in the blanks with the missing information.I like doing 1) freehand paper-cutting. Ideally you shouldnt draw a design on the paper and then cut it out. The best part about paper-cutting is you, the paper and 2) scissors working together. In 1993, I was invited to 3) exhibit Chinese paper-cutting to other countries. I hope to build more 4) recognition for Chinese folk paper-cutting. In order to pass on this art form, I teach people who really love the art of Chinese paper-cutting, and I dont 5) charge them any tuition. Last year, I had an American student who was studying Chinese 6) culture at a UK university. He came to China to write his 7) thesis. I gave him some lessons on Chinese paper-cutting. After he went back to continue his studies, he entered a logo design 8) competition in his university. He created a logo by doing a paper-cutting and he won the top prize! The young student was so excited and he told me that his college friends all wanted to learn more about Chinese paper-cutting and even about me. The art form is warmly welcomed in the UK. My dream is to set up one or two paper-cutting museums in other countries. When I was young, I made 9) butterflies in different art forms. I think everyone is born with 10) artistic talent.Part II Listening Activities In this part, you will have 3 listening tasks to accomplish.Task 1In task 1, students will listen to a passage about national symbols and then do the exercises as required. Before listening, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the passage.TranscriptNational SymbolsWhen many people in the west think of China, the animal that they think of is the dragon.当许多人在西方认为中国,他们想到的是龙的动物。 For them, the dragon is an aggressive monster that breathes fire. 对他们来说,龙是吐火积极的怪物。Many popular legends tell of how dragons killed brave knights and ate beautiful maidens.许多流行的传说讲述如何杀死龙勇敢的骑士,吃了美丽的姑娘。For Chinese people however, the dragon is not an evil monster. 对于中国人来说不过,龙不是一个邪恶的怪物。Its a cultural and spiritual symbol for prosperity and good luck. 这是一种文化和精神的象征繁荣和好运。The dragons main task is to create harmony and bring rain.龙的主要任务是创造和谐,带来降雨。 Dragons are celebrated in art and architecture, and of course the dragon dance is a very popular ritual. 龙庆祝用艺术和建筑,当然还有舞龙是一个非常受欢迎的仪式。Millions of Chinese have the word “long”, meaning dragon, as part of their names.数以百万计的中国人名字里有“龙”,意思是龙,因为他们的名字的一部分.China isnt the only country to have the dragon as its symbol.中国不是唯一的国家有龙为标志。 Wales, one of the four countries in the UK, has a red dragon proudly displayed on its flag. 威尔士,四国英国之一,拥有红龙自豪地展示其旗帜。The only other country in the world with a dragon on its flag is Bhutan, the tiny country between China and India.世界上唯一其他的国家,在其国旗的龙是不丹,中国和印度之间的小国。Almost all countries in the world have an animal symbol to represent their country, and it is particularly obvious during sports. 几乎所有的国家在世界上有一种动物的符号来代表自己的国家,这是尤其明显在运动。The English see lions as brave, proud animals and the England football team have three lions on the front of their football shirts.英国人看狮子一样勇敢,骄傲的动物和英格兰足球队对他们的足球衫的前面三狮军团。Australia is famous for kangaroos, of course. 澳大利亚当然是著名的袋鼠。The national rugby team is more commonly known as the Wallabies, a kind of small kangaroo. 国橄榄球队通常被称为鼠,一种小袋鼠。Similarly, the South African team are known as the Springboks, a type of African antelope, and the New Zealanders, whether playing sports or not, are commonly known as Kiwis. A kiwi is a native New Zealand bird that cant fly.同样,南非队被称为跳羚,一种类型的非洲羚羊,新西兰人,无论是在运动与否,通常被称为新西兰人。奇异果是新西兰本土的鸟不能飞。All countries are proud of their symbols, which they feel reflect national characteristics or the beauty and variety of their natural environments. 所有国家都自豪他们的标志,他们觉得体现民族特色和自然的环境之美。Recently, a Shanghai professor claimed that using the dragon as a national symbol could make western countries have a negative view of China.近日,上海某教授称,用龙作为一个国家的象征可能使西方国家对中国的负面看法。 But in an internet survey 90% of Chinese people wanted to keep the dragon, and as we are all familiar with that Chinese symbol, people in th


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